Simon Cordell’s

The Enfield Councils History FOI

Dated: 06/02/2019




Start of Stage 1












Housing Benefit reference:










PROTECT: Private and Confidential

Please Benefits reply to:

Mr S Cordell.

109 Burncroft Avenue



London Borough of Enfield PO Box 63 Civic Centre Silver Street Enfield, EN1 3XW


Phone: 020 8379 1000

Benefit Ref: 1623514

Date: 2 February 2017

Dear Mr Cordell

Housing Benefit reference: 1623514

Thank you for your recent request.

Please find attached all documents held by London Borough of Enfield in connection with your Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support.

I have also enclosed all notification letters sent to you showing entitlement and breaks in any periods of your claim

I hope this is the information you require but should you require any further information please contact me at the address shown on this letter.

Yours sincerely

Mr P Newton

Benefit Assessment Officer

James Rolfe

Director of Finance, Resources and Customer Services Enfield Council Civic Centre, Silver Street Enfield EN1 3XY




Phone: 020 8379 1000


(T) If you need this document in another language or format call Customer Services on 020 8379 1000, or email


If your circumstances change, you must tell us in writing immediately. Email is acceptable. If the change means you get more benefit, you must tell us about it within one month. If you do not, the increase will start from the date you tell us of the change. If the change means you get jess benefit, it will start from the date of the change. If we pay you too much benefit because you did not tell us about a change, or you told us afterwards, you must pay the money back.

Enfield Council is leading the way in using technology. This is to help meet your changing needs and make Council services and benefits even more accessible.

Applying for and managing benefits you are entitled to can now be done easily and quickly on-line at a time that suits you, by registering for an Enfield Connected account. Enfield Connected will also help you access more council services in one place, speed up your payments and save you time.

Visit to set up an Enfield Connected account so you can:

• Make a housing benefit claim

• Check your entitlement and payment history

• Tell us about a change of circumstance, by editing your account profile

• Check and apply for other benefits including Government benefits

• And more ....


Enfield Council is improving its on-line services so you can access more Council services in one place, speed up your Payments and save you time.

If you do not have access to the internet, or would like help to set up an account, visit Edmonton Green Library, Enfield Town Library, Palmers Green Library, Ordnance Unity Centre Library or the Civic Centre for support and guidance from our Digital Champions.

Please note that any information will be processed in line with the Council's Privacy Notice which is available at



Housing and Council Tax Benefit


CICS Account and case numbers / Details of income from/






4: Blank Form Page

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“Council Tax Details”










Housing and Council Tax Benefit










Details of income from 26.12.06 to 26.3.07


No Date / Na




9: Blank Form Page

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Tulip Floating Support Services Enfield

Fax: Nine Day Team / Benefits!










Tulip Floating Support Services Enfield

“Support Start / Referral”









My name is Shola Ibrahim, and I am the support worker for the above who was referred to our service by the Estate Officer as someone who may benefit from ongoing support regarding maintenance of his tenancy. I have attached a copy of a signed letter of consent allowing you to discuss with me Mr Cordell’s benefit details. Mr



Details of income from 26.12.06 to 26.3.07





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Change of Address / Enfield Council





X 6

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“Council Tax Details”










Details of income from 26.12.06 to 26.3.07





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Tulip Floating Support Services Enfield

“Mother / Helping my Son!”











“Council Tax Details”










Housing and Council Tax Benefit


CICS Account and case numbers / Details of income from/





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Housing and Council Tax Benefit





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Revenue Information Helpline call back service








Thank you for calling the Revenue Information Helpline on 28/08/07 and leaving a message for us to call you back.


Tulip Floating Support Services Enfield








Re: Simon Cordell - JH 653811D

My name is Shola Ibrahim, and I am a Floating Support Worker with the above organisation. I have been supporting this gentleman for the last year.



A claim form for Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit







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Housing Tenancy Agreement










The Department of Social Security the Benefits Agency Housing Department Housing Benefits Section








This letter is to inform you that Tulip Floating Support Service - Enfield is currently advocating on my behalf, with respect to welfare benefits/housing benefits.




“Council Tax Details”










Housing and Council Tax Benefit

BCON/Nine Day Team


CICS Account and case numbers / Details of income from/





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Tulip Floating Support Services Enfield










Tulip Floating Support Services Enfield








Consent Form



CICS Account and case numbers / Details of income from/



74: “Not Filled in”

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Barclays Bank Statement










DWP Department for Work and Pensions








Details of the payment made by the attached Cheque are shown below.


Her Majesty's Prison Service







0B/07/2008 16:33 02088031967

Her Majesty's Prison Service

Form and of Custody Licence (ECL)

Establishment: HMP WOODHILL

Tel:01906 722000

Licence for adult prisoners serving lees than12 months Prison Number: WF6739

Surname: CORDELL

Forenames: SIMON PAUL


PNCID/CRO NOi97/99378V


01/07/2008 to: 16//07/2008

1.You are to BE released from prison on: SGL Release Address:109 BURNCROFT AVENUEENFIELD LONDON EN3 7DG2.You may be recalled to prison at any tints if you breach any of the conditions of phis licence.3.If you remain fat large after an order recalling you has been made you will be liable for arrest.4.You must have this form with you throughout your period of ECL and must produce ii if requested to do so by a police officer, or a probation officer.5.You must not change the address to which you have been released without permission from the Governor/Controller of your releasing prison.6.Should you need help or advice during the period you are on ECL, you may contact the prison from which you were released. The contact details are below



Tel NO: 01908 |22000



The Department of Social Security the Benefits Agency Housing Department Housing Benefits Section








This letter is to inform you that Tulip Floating Supp art Service - Enfield/ Haringey is currently authorising on my behalf with respect to \ welfare benefits/housing benefits.




(End of Stage1)

Start of Stage 2




Housing and Council Tax Benefit

BCON/Nine Day Team


CICS Account and case numbers / Details of income from/




1: Housing and Council Tax Benefit.


2: Filled in”

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Thank you for your benefit application.


Housing and Council Tax Benefit









We asked you to provide further information to support your Benefit claim. We have not received the information.


Housing and Council Tax Benefit








We asked you to provide further information to support your Benefit claim. We have not received the information.


Housing and Council Tax Benefit












To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter as you have asked me for some information for my clam for housing benefit and council Tax.

From the 05/06/08 to the 18/07/08 I was sent to prison by Hertford Court they give me 12 weeks but I got early release from prison for being good, so was released on the 18/07/08 at this time I re applied for income support and housing benefit and council tax. At that time my mum was helping me live until my benefit was sorted and I started to get it again as I did not have any money to live on.

When I was in prison, I never needed money to live as they supplied all I needed when I was there.

It was only after my release 1 needed help from my mum until my benefit was sorted out,

Right now, you are paying no benefit for me and because I cannot pay all my rent it has gone up to over £1000, I owe so they are taking me to court to take my home away from me.

I have sent letters into you explaining this to you already along with a form you asked me to fill in but have had no reply from you as of yet. Would it please be possible to sort this matter out as fast as possible so I won’t lose my flat and also would it be possible for you to send me some sort of letter that I can show the housing that things are being dealt with.



Benefits Change of Circumstance Team






Si Note: Only page 2-page one missing!


Housing and Council Tax Benefit

BCON/Nine Day Team


CICS Account and case numbers / Details of income from/









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Enfield homes

Dear Mr S Cordell Rent Arrears - Possession Order







Enfield homes

Mr S Cordell

109 Burncroft Avenue




Please reply to: Mrs J Reader Income Team

The Edmonton Centre. 36-44

South Mall London, N9 OTN

Email: Janet.

Tel: 020 8375 8064

Telephone: 020 8375 8018

Telephone: 020 8375 8010

Date 22nd September 2008

Dear Mr S Cordell

Rent Arrears - Possession Order

Account Number: 497630

Following the Court Order made on 20th November 2007, I am writing to inform you that twenty-one days from the date of this letter, I intend to apply for an order to fix the date upon which you will be required to give up possession of your property.

The arrears at the date of the Postponed Possession Order were £124.43. The current arrears are £1081.90. This makes a shortfall of £1081.90. You have therefore failed to comply with the terms of the Order. This is shown in the enclosed rent statement.

I urge you to take this letter seriously, and contact me in writing, within ten working days of the date of this letter, either agreeing to the arrears, or disputing the stated arrears incurred since the Order was granted.

If you dispute the arrears, you must provide us with details of payments and credits made.

If you agree to the arrears, you must explain why payments have not been made since the Order was granted.

You have the right to apply to Court for a further postponement of the date for possession, or to ‘stay’ or suspend the enforcement of the Order.

Yours sincerely Mrs J Reader Income Officer

quality homes excellent services successful communities

Stewart Holton

Interim Chief Executive, Enfield Homes

The Edmonton Centre, 36-44 South Mall, Edmonton Green, London N9 0TN

Company registration: 05789112 ®

0800 40 80 160 - 020 8375 8016

Textphone 020 8375 8011

VAT registered: 928 3822 03

RNID: Type Talk




Property reference:









Any other relevant information:

We have just been informed that sole resident was in jail between the period 5/6/08 to 18/7/08.



The Department of Social Security the Benefits Agency Housing Department Housing Benefits Section









HMP Woodhill

Tattenhoe Street

Milton Keynes 596











Dear Sir / Madam

Council Tax reduction of bill through discount and/or benefit Persons in Detention

Re: Mr Simon Cordell DOB: 26/1/81 Prison number: WF6739 I have received a claim for the above-named person to be disregarded for the purpose of Council Tax discount and benefit. I have been advised that they are currently being detained or are serving a sentence in your establishment. Please complete the details below and return this letter in the prepaid envelope provided.

Yours faithfully

Mrs Y Brown

Council Tax Team.


1. I certify that the claimant named above *is / is not* currently detained in this establishment (and eligible to be disregarded) for the purpose of the Local Government Finance Act 1992.

2. Is the above named serving a sentence for non-payment of a fine, Community Charge or Council Tax?

*YES / NO*

3. Please confirm date detention began: / /

4. Please confirm earliest release date: / /

Signature: __________________________

Full name: __________________________

Status: _____________________________

Prison stamp:

* Delete as applicable

Account number: 55508596

Re: Mr Simon Cordell DOB: 26/1/81 Prison number: WF6739

Please write in black ink.



Housing and Council Tax Benefit

BCON/Nine Day Team


CICS Account and case numbers / Details of income from/







26: “Not Filled in”

27: “Not Filled in”

28: “Not Filled in”

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HMP Woodhill

Tattenhoe Street

Milton Keynes 596







31 “Take a Look At / Names”




Dear Sir / Madam

Council Tax reduction of bill through discount and/or benefit Persons in Detention

Re: Mr Simon Cordell DOB: 26/1/81 Prison number: WF6739

I have received a claim for the above-named person to be disregarded for the purpose of Council Tax discount and benefit.

I have been advised that they are currently being detained or are serving a sentence in your establishment.

Please complete the details below and return this letter in the prepaid envelope provided.

Yours faithfully

Mrs Y Brown

Council Tax Team



Tulip Floating Support Services Enfield








Confirmation of receipt of documents


Tulip Floating Support Services Enfield









Re: Simon Cordell - JH653811D

I am the Floating Support Worker for the above-named client.

I have attached a copy of a signed Consent Letter allowing you to discuss Mr Cordell's benefits detail.



BCON/Nine Day Team


CICS Account and case numbers / Details of income from/




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The Department of Social Security the Benefits Agency Housing Department Housing Benefits Section










Revs Bens Division

Revenue Information








Mr Simon Cordell


Enfield Middlesex


Council Tax: 55508596

Housing ref: 1623514

NI Ref: JH653811D


To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter after a letter I got dated 18/07/2013 about my housing benefit and council tax being suspended from the 08/07/2013 due to you getting information as to me being in prison.

I was remanded to prison for I day and was released on the 28/06/2013.

I did call your offices on the 16/07/2013 to ask if my benefits for housing and council tax was still being paid due to me just finding out my D WP payments had been stopped. I was told on this date they were still being paid and the lady my mum spoke to on the phone told her that due to me having some issue I could get council tax reduction due to mental impairment and that the Lady would send out the paperwork.

I have put an appeal into the DWP about my claim being stopped and I am waiting to hear from them.

Since I got released from prison after one day on the 28/06/2013 I have had nothing to live on I have not got any food or gas or electric at my address for the last few days as it has now run out and I have no way to live until the DWP looks at my appeal.

I called the DWP today 24/07/2013 to see if there is any update on my claim and have been told as of to date there is no update. But they should have something in the next few days, I told them I have no way to live but they cannot speed anything up. They got my letter on the 19/07/2013 but it has yet to be scanned into their system.

I am therefore asking if my housing benefit and council tax can be put back into place so there are no missing payments within my claim.

Mr Simon Cordell



Enfield Council

claim for;

Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support


























62: Mothers Date of Birth













Welfare Benefit Interview








Handwriting Typed Info



Letter of Authorisation for Mother to address my maters











Enfield Homes Claims Ref!















73 We have looked again at our decision

74: Appeal Page


76: Info

77: Info

78: Info





Mr Simon Cordell

109 Burncroft Avenue Enfield Middlesex EN3 7JQ

We have looked again at our decision

You made an appeal against a decision about not being entitled to Income Support upon release from prison, issued to you on 09-Aug-2013.

We have looked again at the facts and evidence used to make our decision. As a result, we have changed that decision and have decided you retained your entitlement to Income Support following your release from prison but have no entitlement for the two

days you were in prison.

What happens now

Your appeal will not be sent to an independent tribunal as the decision has been changed in your favour.

As explained in our previous letter, if you still think the decision is wrong you have the right to appeal. You should normally appeal within one month of the date of that letter.

The Income Support payment section will be in touch to advise what happens next.

Yours sincerely,

S Anderson


Appeal Page



I am pleased to tell you we can pay Employment and Support Allowance from 10 August 2013

You will get £71.70 a week.

We have used the tax years ending 5 April 2011 and 5 April 2012 to assess your claim.

We will credit you with National Insurance contributions while claiming Employment and Support Allowance.

To continue to receive Employment and Support Allowance you may need to attend a Work Focus Interview with a Personal Advisor. You will be notified of this separately If you are required to attend.

To continue to receive Employment and Support Allowance you may need to attend a Work Capability Assessment. You must provide medical certificates until a Work Capability Assessment Is carried out

You are required to Immediately report any change in your circumstances to us, or the circumstances of your partner If you have one.

The attached sheet shows how we worked out your money. If you want more information, please get in touch with us. Our phone number and address are at the top of this letter.

This assessment is based on how much the law says you need to live cfl. You have not paid, or been credited with, enough National Insurance Contributions for them to be used in this assessment.


The money will be paid every two weeks for as long as you are still entitled to Employment and Support Allowance.

Bank/Building society: BARCLAYS BANK PLC










Barclays Bank Statement












Welfare Benefit Interview












RE: Housing Benefit/Council Tax Support Team:










From: Lorraine Cordell <>

To: <>

Date: 12/02/2015


Subject: RE: Housing Benefit/Council Tax Support Team: 1623514 Attachments:

(1) (16 B)

To whom it my Concern:


I am writing this email about the re the below email and also the attached file.

I have been on incapacity/income support for many years now on the highest rate due to illness.

In April 2013 council tax changed their rules and a 19.5% needed to be paid unless exempt from this change.

As you will be aware the DWP has been in the process of changing everyone that was getting the old benefit incapacity benefit to the new benefit ESA, this should have all been completed by now, but due to things going wrong there is still people on incapacity that have not been moved over yet to the new Benefit ESA.

I am one of these people, but once they move me over, I will be in the support group of ESAs.

I have called the DWP many times and they cannot give me a timeline of the changeover.

Under the new rules I would be exempt from the 19.5% council tax, it is not my fault the DWP are not working fast enough to move people over the new benefits.

I would like to know the full policy for this and has this been taken into account when working out the new policies.

Surely if my benefits are still under the old policy, I should still be exempt.


Simon Cordell


— Original Message —

From: []

Sent: 12 February 2015 10:44


Subject: Council Tax Account <55508596> Protect - Private and Confidential

Dear Mr Cordell

Council Tax Account: 55508596

Property address: 109 BURNCROFT Avenue, Enfield, EN3 7JQ

Thank you for your email sent 10th February 2015.

As requested, the Housing Benefit/Council Tax Support Team have reviewed your Council Tax Support and have confirmed that your claim has been assessed correctly.

This means that you are liable to pay the 19.5% shortfall based on your financial/personal circumstances.

For further information on how your Housing Benefit & Council Tax Support has been worked out please contact them direct on 0208-379-3798, quoting the claim

reference number: 1623514.

Please Note: The outstanding council tax for the above address has been passed to Equita Enforcement Agency and I must advise you to contact them immediately regarding payment.

Yours sincerely

Mr Dunwell Council Tax Officer

For Council Tax Discounts and Exemptions, Setting up a Direct Debit, Reporting Changes, go to or visit the My Enfield page to register for an Account, giving you access to information and services 24 hours per day. Or pay online Customer Council Tax tel: (+44) 020 8379 1000.

Local Council Tax Consultation for 2015/16 is now open to 28/11/2014. The


proposals and questionnaire can be viewed via this link

Enfield Council is committed to serving the whole borough fairly, delivering excellent services and building strong communities. Opinions expressed in this email are those of the individual and not necessarily those of the London Borough of Enfield. This email and any attachments or files transmitted with it are strictly confidential and intended solely for the named addressee. It may contain privileged and confidential information and if you are not the intended recipient and receive it in error you must not copy, distribute or use the communication in any other way. All traffic handled by the Government Connect Secure Extranet may be subject to recording/and or monitoring in accordance with relevant legislation.

This email has been scanned for viruses, but we cannot guarantee that it will be free of viruses or malware. The recipient should perform their own virus checks.



Exempt from 19.5% Council tax liability.










Wed 04/03/2015 10:52

Dear Mr Cordell

I refer to your enquiry regarding your request to be exempt from 19.5% Council tax liability.

According to our records, you are currently not in receipt of the required welfare benefit that would entitle you to full Council Tax Support.

Whilst I appreciate your comments regarding the delay in changing your benefit status, until I receive information from the Department of Work and Pensions that you are in receipt of the correct benefit that will give you full Council Tax exemption, I am unable to change my records and the 19.5% Council Tax liability remains payable.

I suggest that if you are still experiencing difficulty in paying this, that you apply on-line for a Council Tax hardship payment at

Colin Bullworthy

Benefits Operations Manager

Finance, Resources and Customer Services

Enfield Council

Silver Street



Tel: 020 8379 4924

Email: colin.




(End of Stage 2)

Start of Stage 3




RE: Housing Benefit/Council



Claim Date; 01/08/2008


Claim Start Date; 13/08/2008


Claim Receipt Date; 04/08/2008


Claim End Date; 26/07/2013


Effective Date; 26/07/2013



Page Number(s)





1: Award Details

Benefit Change Type: Claim Termination



Housing Benefit Notification













RE: Housing Benefit/Council



Start Date; 26/07/2013


End Date; 28/07/2013



Claim Start Date: 09/09/2007


Claim End Date; 09/08/2013


Claim Receipt Date; Not Received


Effective Date; 09/08/2013



Claim Date; 09/08/2013


Claim Status; Inactive


Claim Start Date; 09/08/2013


Claim End Date; 04/08/2013


Claim Receipt Date; 09/08/2013


Effective Date; Not Received



Claim Date; 16/10/2013


Claim Status; Inactive


Claim Start Date; 10/08/2013


Claim End Date; 19/11/2013


Claim Receipt Date; 16/10/2013


Effective Date; 19/11/2013


Claim End Reason; Fail to Return Self Cert



Claim Date; 20/11/2013


Claim Status; Active


Claim Start Date; 20/11/2013


Claim End Date; Not Received


Claim Receipt Date; 16/11/2013


Effective Date; 20/11/2013












Page 1 of 1

Award Details                        

Benefit Change Type: Claim Termination                 

Name: SIMON PAUL CORDELL               

Nino: JH65381ID      

D-O-B: 26 Jan 1981


Benefit Type: Employment and Support Allowance 

Received Date:          

Claim Date: 16 Oct 2013

Claim Status: Inactive

Claim Start Date: 10 Aug 2013

Claim End Date: 19 Nov 2013

Claim Receipt Date: 16 Oct 2013

Effective Date: 19 Nov 2013

Claim End Reason: Fail to return Self Cert   



Award Start Date: No Award

Award Sanctioned Desc:

Award End Date:

Joint Claim Indicator:

Excess Income Over Req Amount:

NI Credit Eligibility Indicator

Award Amount:

Up rating Indicator:   

Award End Reason:                           




Page 1 of 1

Award Details                        

Benefit Change Type: New Claim                 

Name: SIMON PAUL CORDELL               

Nino: JH65381ID

D-O-B: 26 Jan 1981


Benefit Type: Income Support

Received Date:

Claim Date: 20 Nov 2013

Claim Status: Active

Claim Start Date: 20 Nov 2013

Claim End Date: Not Received

Claim Receipt Date: 16 Nov 2013

Effective Date: 20 Nov 2013

Claim End Reason:



Award Start Date: 20 Nov 2013

Award Sanctioned Desc: Not sanctioned

Award End Date: 25 Nov 2013

Joint Claim Indicator:

Single Claim:

Excess Income Over Req Amount: 0.00

NI Credit Eligibility Indicator: Not Creditable

Award Amount: 88.03

Uprating Indicator: Not uprating                               

Award End Reason                            

Award Start Date: 26 Nov 2013

Award Sanctioned Desc: Not sanctioned

Award End Date: Not Received

Joint Claim Indicator:

Single Claim:

Excess Income Over Req Amount: 0.00

NI Credit Eligibility Indicator: Not Creditable

Award Amount: 102.70

Uprating Indicator: Not uprating

Award End Reason: Award Not Stopped                 




Page 1 of 1

Award Details                        

Benefit Change Type: New Claim                 

Name: PAUL CORDELL                 

Nino: JH65381ID

D-O-B: 26 Jan 1981


Benefit Type: Income Support

Received Date:          

Claim Date: 09 Aug 2013

Claim Status: Inactive

Claim Start Date: 09 Aug 2013

Claim End Date: 09 Aug 2013

Claim Receipt Date: 09 Aug 2013

Effective Date: Not Received

Claim End Reason: Customer Required to be Available for Work



Award Start Date: No Award

Award Sanctioned Desc:

Award End Date:

Joint Claim Indicator 

Excess Income Over Req Amount:

NI Credit Eligibility Indicator:

Award Amount:

Uprating Indicator:    

Award End Reason:                           




Page 1 of 1

Award Details            

Benefit Change Type: Claim Termination                 

Name: SIMON PAUL CORDELL               

Nino: JH65381ID

D-O-B: 26 Jan 1981


Benefit Type: Employment and Support Allowance

Received Date:          

Claim Date: 16 Oct 2013

Claim Status: Inactive

Claim Start Date: 10 Aug 2013

Claim End Date: 19 Nov 2013

Claim Receipt Date: 16 Oct 2013

Effective Date: 19 Nov 2013

Claim End Reason: Fail to return Self Cert   



Award Start Date: No Award

Award Sanctioned Desc.:      

Award End Date:

Joint Claim Indicator:

Excess Income Over Req Amount:

NI Credit Eligibility Indicator:          

Award Amount:

Up rating Indicator:   

Award End Reason:                           




Page 1 of 1

Award Details                        

Benefit Change Type: New Claim                 

Name: SIMON PAUL CORDELL               

Nino: JH65381ID

D-O-B: 26 Jan 1981


Benefit Type: Income Support

Received Date

Claim Date: 20 Nov 2013

Claim Status: Active

Claim Start Date: 20 Nov 2013

Claim End Date: Not Received

Claim Receipt Date: 16 Nov 2013

Effective Date: 20 Nov 2013

Claim End Reason:



Award Start Date: 20 Nov 2013

Award Sanctioned Desc: Not sanctioned

Award End Date: 25 Nov 2013

Joint Claim Indicator: Single Claim

Excess Income Over Req Amount: 0.00

NI Credit Eligibility Indicator: Not Creditable

Award Amount: 88.03

Uprating Indicator: Not uprating       

Award End Reason                            

Award Start Date: 26 Nov 2013

Award Sanctioned Desc: Not sanctioned

Award End Date: Not Received

Joint Claim Indicator: Single Claim

Excess Income Over Req Amount: 0.00

NI Credit Eligibility Indicator: Not Creditable

Award Amount: 102.70

Uprating Indicator: Not uprating

Award End Reason: Award Not Stopped                 





Housing Benefit Notification














Housing Benefit Notification












Housing Benefit Notification












Mr S Cordell

109 Burncroft Avenue



Claim Reference: 1623514 NI Reference: JH653811D

Rent Reference: 497630 Council Tax Account:55508596


Dear Mr Cordell

Housing Benefit Notification

I have changed your Housing Benefit from 01/04/2013 to take account of new year benefit levels from April. I have decided that your benefit is now as follows:

£86.84 per week from 01/04/2013

How You Will Be Paid

Your benefit will be paid by directly crediting your rent account.

Notification of Council Tax Support

I have worked out your council tax support from 01/04/2013 to take account of new year benefit levels from April. I have decided that your benefit is now as follows:

£12.64 per week from 01/04/2013 How You Will Be Paid

£658.99 council tax support has been paid to your council tax account. The total amount of council tax support for 2013/14 is £658.99.

You will soon receive a Council Tax bill dated 14/03/13 that will tell you how much council tax you will now have to pay. On the back of the bill is a summary of how we have calculated your Council Tax.

Other Information

Appeal details for Housing Benefit, information on the Council Tax Support scheme and other information are included with this letter.

About Council Tax Support

In previous years the Government has funded a national Council Tax Benefit Scheme which may have meant you did not pay Council Tax. The Government is abolishing the national Council Tax Benefit Scheme from 1 April 2013.

In its place, councils have been asked to set up local support schemes for council tax but

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the Government has given less funding than it currently costs. In Enfield, the shortfall in funding is over £4m a year.

Despite this funding shortfall, Enfield Council has agreed a new local Council Tax Support Scheme based on the previous national benefit scheme with some amendments. Details of the new scheme are available on our website,

Your Council Tax Support award has been based on this new scheme.

How Council Tax Support is worked out

Council Tax Support is worked out using the information supplied in your previous Council Tax Benefit claim and the amount of Council Tax expected for the property you live in.

We start with looking at if you are eligible for any discounts, such as single person discount. We then turn your remaining amount of council tax into a weekly amount.

Pensioners, war widows of working age, and those receiving war disability payments will continue to be eligible for Council Tax Support for up to 100% of the Council Tax that you have to pay. For the remaining working age claims (aged up to 65) you can receive a maximum benefit of up to 80.5% of council tax due.

Claimants receiving the following benefits will automatically give you the full award less any deductions for non-dependents (other adults living with you):

-               Income Support,

-               Guaranteed Credit

-               Income based job seekers allowance

-               Income related employment and support allowance

This means that if you are working age and not in a protected group, you will get 80.5% of your council tax as a benefit. If you are a pensioner or protected, you will get 100%.

For all other claims we look at your total income, any savings that you have and deduct from that a recommended allowance that you need to live on depending on your circumstances and family make-up.

For every £1 that your total income is over the recommended allowance we deduct 20p from the weekly maximum amount of Council Tax Support you can receive. The amount left is the Council Tax Support we give you each week.

All weekly amounts are then worked out for the year and paid to your Council Tax Account. You will receive a bill setting out what contribution, if any, you are expected to pay towards Council Tax. See the back of the Council Tax bill which for information on how we can calculate your contribution.

Your sincerely

Enfield Benefits Service

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Claim reference: 1623514

Nl reference: JH653811D

How Your Housing Benefit Has Been Worked Out

From 01/04/2013 your Housing Benefit will be £86.84 each week.

The rent you are charged each week is £92.49.

Housing Benefit cannot pay for some service charges that are included in your rent. The rent you pay has to be reduced by the amount of these service charges. These amounts are shown below:

Actual amount for Ineligible Water    £5.65

Total deductions for services           £5.65

The amount of rent after deducting these charges is called your maximum eligible rent. Your rent of £92.49 must be reduced by £5.65, to £86.84 each week. This is your maximum eligible rent.

The maximum Housing Benefit you can get is £86.84 each week. This figure is used when working out 'your total weekly Housing Benefit'.

Your Total Weekly Housing Benefit

As you are receiving Income Support, I can pay the maximum Housing Benefit of £86.84 each week.

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Notification of Suspension of Benefit Suspension of Housing Benefit












Mr S Cordell A5698CY

HMP Wormwood Scrubs PO Box 757 Du Cane Road London W12 0AE


Dear Mr Cordell

109 Burncroft Avenue Enfield EN3 7JQ

Notification of Suspension of Benefit Suspension of Housing Benefit

The law allows me to suspend your Housing Benefit payments in certain circumstances. I am writing to tell you that I have suspended payments from 08/07/2013 because we have been informed you are in prison.

Please confirm if you are on remand or have been sentenced.

If you have been sentenced, please confirm the date you were sentenced.

Please reply within one calendar month of the date of this letter or we will cancel your benefit.

Any delay may mean that you lose some benefit.

If you are awarded any benefit it will start from the Monday following the date, I receive the form. If you want me to consider awarding you benefit back to the date you made your original claim, you must tell me when you want the claim to start from, and the reasons why you failed to give me the information I asked for with your previous application.

Claim Reference: 1623514

Nl Reference: JH653811D

Rent Reference: 497630

Council Tax Account:55508596

Suspension of Council Tax Support

The law allows me to suspend council tax support payments in certain circumstances. I am writing to tell you that I have suspended your council tax support payments from 04/07/2013 because we have been advised you are in prison.

Applying for Further Help

If you wish to re-apply for further help to pay your rent based on your new circumstances, you can apply online at:, within one month of the date of this letter. Any delay may mean that you lose some benefit.

Changes in your circumstances

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If your circumstances change, you must tell us about them immediately. For example:

-               You start working or you earn more or less money

-               Your benefits/tax credits change or are stopped

-               You move home

-               Your rent changes

-               You go to stay with friends, family or go into hospital for more than 2 weeks

-               You become a student or stop being a student

-               Anyone comes to live with you, or someone moves out

-               Your savings change

-               Your child leaves school or other education

-               You have a baby

-               Someone dies

-               Any other change which may affect your entitlement to benefit

-               Someone else in your home has any of these changes

If you don't tell us about a change, we may fine you or take legal action and you will have to pay back any money that you were not entitled to.

You can report a change in circumstance on our website at or by calling 020 8379 1000,

Alternatively, you can write to us telling us what has changed, when and if there has been a delay in telling us, why. You will also need to send evidence to support your claim. Further information is also available on our website

Right of Appeal for Housing Benefit

If you do not agree with the Housing Benefit decision, you must challenge it within one month of the date of this letter.

You can:

-               Ask us to explain our decision (by phoning 020 8379 1000)

-               Write and ask us to reconsider

-               Write to us and ask for our decision to be looked at by the Independent Tribunal run by the Tribunal Service.

Your letter must be written in English, be signed by you and contain your name and address, the benefit you are appealing against and the grounds for your appeal. Please include any evidence that supports your appeal. Appeals about the income used in your Pension Credit Award will be forwarded to the Pension Credit Service as we are legally bound to use the figures, they give us.

If you disagree with a Local Council Tax Support Scheme decision

If you do not agree with the Council Tax Support Scheme decision, you do not have a formal right to appeal. However, you can still:

Ask us to explain our decision (by phoning 020 8379 1000)

Write and ask us to reconsider

If you are still unhappy you can write to us to make a formal complaint

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Your letter must be written in English, be received within one month of the date of this letter, be signed by you and give your name, address, grounds for reconsideration and any evidence.

Pension Service Enquiries

If you need to contact the Pension Centre about your Pension Credits, you can either phone them on 0845 606 0265 or write to them at The Pension Centre, PO Box 4, Gateshead, NE92 1BQ

Further information about benefits and an explanation of key terms is available on our website

How to contact us

New online service.

Most frequently asked for information and online forms all in one place. or

There are free internet facilities in local council libraries and at our major reception areas.

Email -

Telephone - 020 8379 1000

To get to the right information even faster you can use Hot Keys to take you straight there.

Post - Revenues and Benefits Division, PO Box 63, Civic Centre, Enfield, EN1 3XW In person Our reception areas can be very busy, and you may have to wait to see an advisor. If you are making a new claim, you can make an appointment to see a benefit advisor by calling 020 8379 1000.

Drop-in services are available at the following locations Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm:

John Wilkes House, 79 High Street, Ponders End, Enfield, EN3 4EN Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XW

Edmonton Centre, 36-44 South Mall, Edmonton, N9 OTN (Simple enquiries and forms only) Pension Service Enquiries

If you need to contact the Pension Centre about your Pension Credits, you can either phone them on 0845 606 0265 or write to them at The Pension Centre, PO Box 4, Gateshead, NE92 1BQ

Further information about benefits and an explanation of key terms is available on our website

Yours sincerely

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Rashida Hajaj Benefits Assessor



Cancellation of Housing Benefit











Mr S Cordell A5698CY

HMP Wormwood Scrubbs PO Box 757

Claim Reference: 1623514

Nl Reference: JH653811D

Rent Reference: 497630

Council Tax Account:55508596

Du Cane Road London W12 0AE

14/08/2013 Dear Mr Cordell

109 Burncroft Avenue Enfield EN3 7JQ Cancellation of Housing Benefit

Your claim has been cancelled from 08/07/2013 because there has been a change in a state

benefit you receive.

Cancellation of Council Tax Support

Your claim has been cancelled from 08/07/2013 because there has been a change in a state benefit you receive.

Applying for further help

If you wish to re-apply for help to pay your rent or council tax based on your new circumstances, you can apply online at: Any delay may mean that you lose some benefit.

Changes in your circumstances

If your circumstances change, you must tell us about them immediately. For example:

-               You start working or you earn more or less money

-               Your benefits/tax credits change or are stopped

-               You move home

-               Your rent changes

-               You go to stay with friends, family or go into hospital for more than 2 weeks

-               You become a student or stop being a student

-               Anyone comes to live with you, or someone moves out

-               Your savings change

-               Your child leaves school or other education

-               You have a baby

-               Someone dies

-               Any other change which may affect your entitlement to benefit

-               Someone else in your home has any of these changes

If you don't tell us about a change, we may fine you or take legal action and you will have to pay back any money that you were not entitled to.

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You can report a change in circumstance on our website at or by calling 020 8379 1000.

Alternatively, you can write to us telling us what has changed, when and if there has been a delay in telling us, why. You will also need to send evidence to support your claim. Further information is also available on our website

If you disagree with a Local Council Tax Support Scheme decision

If you do not agree with the Council Tax Support Scheme decision, you do not have a formal right to appeal. However, you can still:

Ask us to explain our decision (by phoning 020 8379 1000)

Write and ask us to reconsider

If you are still unhappy you can write to us to make a formal complaint

Your letter must be written in English, be received within one month of the date of this letter, be signed by you and give your name, address, grounds for reconsideration and any evidence.

How to contact us

New online service.

Most frequently asked for information and online forms all in one place.

There are free internet facilities in local council libraries and at our major reception areas. Email -  Telephone - 020 8379 1000

To get to the right information even faster you can use Hot Keys to take you straight there.

Post - Revenues and Benefits Division, PO Box 63, Civic Centre, Enfield, EN1 3XW in person Our reception areas can be very busy, and you may have to wait to see an advisor. If you are making a new claim, you can make an appointment to see a benefit advisor by calling 020 8379 1000.

Drop-in services are available at the following locations Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm:

John Wilkes House, 79 High Street, Ponders End, Enfield, EN3 4EN Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XW

Edmonton Centre, 36-44 South Mall, Edmonton, N9 OTN (Simple enquiries and forms only) Pension Service Enquiries

If you need to contact the Pension Centre about your Pension Credits, you can either

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phone them on 0845 606 0265 or write to them at The Pension Centre, PO Box 4, Gateshead, NE92 1BQ

Further information about benefits and an explanation of key terms is available on our website

Yours sincerely

Linda Rappe Benefit Assessor

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Award of Benefit













Claim Reference: 1623514

Nl Reference: JH653811D

Rent Reference: 497630

Council Tax Account:55508596

01/11/2013 Dear Mr Cordell

109 Burncroft Avenue Enfield EN3 7JQ

Award of Benefit

Mr S Cordell A5698CY

HMP Wormwood Scrubbs PO Box 757 Du Cane Road London W12 0AE

Housing Benefit Notification

Thank you for your claim for Housing Benefit. I have re-instated your claim because we have looked at your claim again. I have decided that your benefit is as follows:

£86.84 per week from 08/07/2013 to 11/08/2013 £86.84 per week from 12/08/2013 How You Will Be Paid

Your benefit will be paid by directly crediting your rent account.

Your benefit payment of £1,649.96 for 08/07/2013to 17/11/2013 will be paid on 11/11/2013. Notification of Council Tax Support

Thank you for your claim for council tax support. I have decided that your benefit is as follows: £12.64 per week from 08/07/2013 to 11/08/2013 £12.64 per week from 12/08/2013 How You Will Be Paid

£482.05 council tax support has been paid to your council tax account. The total amount of council tax support for 2013/14 is £658.98.

You will soon receive a Council Tax bill that will tell you how much council tax you will now have to pay.

Right of Appeal for Housing Benefit

If you do not agree with the Housing Benefit decision, you must challenge it within one month of the date of this letter.

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You can:

-               Ask us to explain our decision (by phoning 020 8379 1000)

-               Write and ask us to reconsider

-               Write to us and ask for our decision to be looked at by the Independent Tribunal run by the Tribunal Service.

Your letter must be written in English, be received within one month of the date of this letter, be signed by you and give your name, address, grounds for reconsideration and any evidence.

If you disagree with a Local Council Tax Support Scheme decision

If you do not agree with the Council Tax Support Scheme decision, you do not have a formal right to appeal. However, you can still:

Ask us to explain our decision (by phoning 020 8379 1000)

Write and ask us to reconsider

If you are still unhappy you can write to us to make a formal complaint

Your letter must be written in English, be received within one month of the date of this letter, be signed by you and give your name, address, grounds for reconsideration and any evidence.

Changes in your circumstances

If your circumstances change, you must tell us about them immediately. For example:

-               You start working or you earn more or less money

-               Your benefits/tax credits change or are stopped

-               You move home

-               Your rent changes

-               You go to stay with friends, family or go into hospital for more than 2 weeks

-               You become a student or stop being a student

-               Anyone comes to live with you, or someone moves out

-               Your savings change

-               Your child leaves school or other education

-               You have a baby

-               Someone dies

-               Any other change which may affect your entitlement to benefit

-               Someone else in your home has any of these changes

If you don't tell us about a change, we may fine you or take legal action and you will have to pay back any money that you were not entitled to.

You can report a change in circumstance on our website at or by calling 020 8379 1000.

Alternatively, you can write to us telling us what has changed, when and if there has been a delay in telling us, why. You will also need to send evidence to support your claim. Further information is also available on our website

How to contact us

New online service.

Most frequently asked for information and online forms all in one place. or

There are free internet facilities in local council libraries and at our major reception areas.

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Email - Telephone - 020 8379 1000

To get to the right information even faster you can use Hot Keys to take you straight there.

Post - Revenues and Benefits Division, PO Box 63, Civic Centre, Enfield, EN1 3XW

In person Our reception areas can be very busy, and you may have to wait to see an advisor. If you are making a new claim, you can make an appointment to see a benefit advisor by calling 020 8379 1000.

Drop-in services are available at the following locations Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm:

John Wilkes House, 79 High Street, Ponders End, Enfield, EN3 4EN Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XW

Edmonton Centre, 36-44 South Mall, Edmonton, N9 0TN (Simple enquiries and forms only) Pension Service Enquiries

If you need to contact the Pension Centre about your Pension Credits, you can either phone them on 0845 606 0265 or write to them at The Pension Centre, PO Box 4, Gateshead, NE92 1BQ

Further information about benefits and an explanation of key terms is available on our website

Yours sincerely

Benefits Assessment Team

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How Your Housing Benefit Has Been Worked Out for the period

From 08/07/2013 to 11/08/2013 your Housing Benefit will be £86.84 each week.

Claim reference: 1623514

The rent you are charged each week is £92.49.

Housing Benefit cannot pay for some service charges that are included in your rent. The rent you pay has to be reduced by the amount of these service charges. These amounts are shown below:

Actual amount for Ineligible Water    £5.65

Total deductions for services           £5.65

The amount of rent after deducting these charges is called your maximum eligible rent. Your rent of £92.49 must be reduced by £5.65, to £86.84 each week. This is your maximum eligible rent.

The maximum Housing Benefit you can get is £86.84 each week. This figure is used when working out 'your total weekly Housing Benefit'.

The amount of Housing Benefit has been worked out by comparing the money you have coming in each week, to an amount the Government has decided is the minimum that someone in your circumstances needs to cover basic living expenses.

Your Total Weekly Income

The amount of money you have coming in each week has been worked out as follows:

Total weekly income £0.00

Your Total Savings

If you have savings and capital over £6,000.00, an amount of £1.00 must be added to your weekly income for each additional £250.00, or part of £250.00 you have.

You have told me that you have no savings or capital, so I have added nothing to your weekly income. If you get savings credit in your pension credit, your savings have already been taken into account by the Pension Service and will not be shown on this letter.

Your Applicable Amount

Your applicable amount is made up of the following allowances and premiums:

Single claimant 25 or over

Total applicable amount

Your Total Weekly Housing Benefit

As your total weekly income of £0.00 is the same as or less than your 'applicable amount' of £71.70,1 can pay you your maximum Housing Benefit of £86.84 each week.

You may be entitled to Income Support or Jobseeker's Allowance. You should contact the Jobcentre Plus on 0800 055 6688 for more information.



Claim reference: 1623514

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How Your Housing Benefit Has Been Worked Out for the period

From 12/08/2013 your Housing Benefit will be £86.84 each week.

Nl reference: JH653811D

Your maximum housing benefit is £86.84. This amount has not changed since 08/07/2013. Please look at that period for full details of how your maximum benefit has been worked out.

Your Total Weekly Housing Benefit

Since you are receiving Employment and Support Allowance (income related), you are entitled to the maximum Housing Benefit of £86.84 each week.

How Your Council Tax Support Has Been Worked Out

Based on your circumstances I have decided to assess your claim using the Working Age scheme.

From 08/07/2013 to 11/08/2013, your council tax support is £12.64 each week.

The maximum council tax support you could get

Your council tax liability for the year is £818.62 which for this period is £15.70 each week.

The maximum council tax support you could get is therefore £15.70 each week. This figure is used when working out 'your total weekly council tax support'.

Your Total Weekly Income

The amount of money you have coming in each week has been worked out as follows:

Total Weekly Income £0.00

Your Total Savings

The Working Age scheme sets the amounts added to your weekly income if you have savings. If you have savings and capital over £6,000.00, an amount of £1.00 must be added to your weekly income for each additional £250.00, or part of £250.00 you have.

You have told me that you have no savings or capital, so I have added nothing to your weekly income. If you get savings credit in your pension credit, your savings have already been taken into account by the Pension Service and will not be shown on this letter.

Your applicable amount

Your applicable amount is made up of the following allowances and premiums:

Single claimant 25 or over      £71.70

Total Applicable Amount       £71.70

Your Total Weekly Council Tax Support

As your total weekly income of £0.00 is the same as or less than your 'applicable amount' of £71.70,1 can pay you your maximum council tax support of £15.70 each week.

A reduction of the maximum council tax support of £15.70 that you could get each week must be reduced by £3.06, to £12.64.

How Your Council Tax Support Has Been Worked Out

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Based on your circumstances I have decided to assess your claim using the Working Age scheme.

From 12/08/2013, your council tax support is £12.64 each week.

The maximum council tax support you could get

Your council tax liability for the year is £818.62 which for this period is £15.70 each week.

The maximum council tax support you could get is therefore £15.70 each week. This figure is used when working out 'your total weekly council tax support'.

Your Total Weekly Council Tax Support

A reduction of the maximum council tax support of £15.70 that you could get each week must be reduced by £3.06, to £12.64.

As you are receiving income related employment and support allowance, you are entitled to the maximum council tax support of £12.64 each week.

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No Change in Benefit Housing Benefit Notification














Mr S Cordell

109 Burncroft Avenue



Claim Reference: 1623514

NI Reference: JH653811D

Rent Reference: 497630

Council Tax Account:55508596


Dear Mr Cordell

109 Burncroft Avenue Enfield EN3 7JQ No Change in Benefit Housing Benefit Notification

I have worked out your Housing Benefit again because you have been awarded a state benefit. However, this has not changed your benefit, which remains as follows:

£86.84 per week from 25/11/2013 Notification of Council Tax Support

I have worked out your council tax support again because you have been awarded a state benefit. However, this has not changed your benefit, which remains as follows:

£12.64 per week from 25/11/2013 How You Will Be Paid

Your council tax support award for 2013/14 has not changed. The total amount of council tax support for that year is £658.98.

Right of Appeal for Housing Benefit

If you do not agree with the Housing Benefit decision, you must challenge it within one month of the date of this letter.

You can:

-               Ask us to explain our decision (by phoning 020 8379 1000)

-               Write and ask us to reconsider

-               Write to us and ask for our decision to be looked at by the Independent Tribunal run by the Tribunal Service.

Your letter must be written in English, be received within one month of the date of this letter, be signed by you and give your name, address, grounds for reconsideration and any evidence.

If you disagree with a Local Council Tax Support Scheme decision

If you do not agree with the Council Tax Support Scheme decision, you do not have a formal right to appeal. However, you can still:

Ask us to explain our decision (by phoning 020 8379 1000)

Write and ask us to reconsider

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If you are still unhappy you can write to us to make a formal complaint

Your letter must be written in English, be received within one month of the date of this letter, be signed by you and give your name, address, grounds for reconsideration and any evidence.

Changes in your circumstances

If your circumstances change, you must tell us about them immediately. For example:

-               You start working or you earn more or less money

-               Your benefits/tax credits change or are stopped

-               You move home

-               Your rent changes

-               You go to stay with friends, family or go into hospital for more than 2 weeks

-               You become a student or stop being a student

-               Anyone comes to live with you, or someone moves out

-               Your savings change

-               Your child leaves school or other education

-               You have a baby

-               Someone dies

-               Any other change which may affect your entitlement to benefit

-               Someone else in your home has any of these changes

If you don't tell us about a change, we may fine you or take legal action and you will have to pay back any money that you were not entitled to.

You can report a change in circumstance on our website or by calling 020 8379 1000.

Alternatively, you can write to us telling us what has changed, when and if there has been a delay in telling us, why. You will also need to send evidence to support your claim. Further information is also available on our website

How to contact us New online service.

Most frequently asked for information and online forms all in one place.

There are free internet facilities in local council libraries and at our major reception areas.

Email -

Telephone - 020 8379 1000

To get to the right information even faster you can use Hot Keys to take you straight there.

Post - Revenues and Benefits Division, PO Box 63, Civic Centre, Enfield, EN1 3XW

In person Our reception areas can be very busy, and you may have to wait to see an advisor. If you are making a new claim, you can make an appointment to see a benefit advisor by calling 020 8379 3798

Drop in services are available at the following locations Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm:

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John Wilkes House, 79 High Street, Ponders End, Enfield, EN3 4EN Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XW

Edmonton Centre, 36-44 South Mall, Edmonton, N9 OTN (Simple enquiries and forms only) Pension Service Enquiries

If you need to contact the Pension Centre about your Pension Credits, you can either phone them on 0845 606 0265 or write to them at The Pension Centre, PO Box 4, Gateshead, NE92 1BQ

Further information about benefits and an explanation of key terms is available on our website

Yours sincerely

Mark Pruis

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Claim reference: 1623514

Nl reference: JH653811D

How Your Housing Benefit Has Been Worked Out for the period

From 25/11/2013 your Housing Benefit will be £86.84 each week.

The rent you are charged each week is £92.49.

Housing Benefit cannot pay for some service charges that are included in your rent. The rent you pay has to be reduced by the amount of these service charges. These amounts are shown below:

Actual amount for Ineligible Water    £5.65

Total deductions for services           £5.65

The amount of rent after deducting these charges is called your maximum eligible rent. Your rent of £92.49 must be reduced by £5.65, to £86.84 each week. This is your maximum eligible rent.

The maximum Housing Benefit you can get is £86.84 each week. This figure is used when working out 'your total weekly Housing Benefit'.

Your Total Weekly Housing Benefit

As you are receiving Income Support, I can pay the maximum Housing Benefit of £86.84 each week.

How Your Council Tax Support Has Been Worked Out

Based on your circumstances I have decided to assess your claim using the Working Age scheme.

From 25/11/2013, your council tax support is £12.64 each week.

The maximum council tax support you could get

Your council tax liability for the year is £818.62 which for this period is £15.70 each week.

The maximum council tax support you could get is therefore £15.70 each week. This figure is used when working out 'your total weekly council tax support'.

Your Total Weekly Council Tax Support

A reduction of the maximum council tax support of £15.70 that you could get each week must be reduced by £3.06, to £12.64.

As you are receiving income support, I can pay you your maximum council tax support of £12.64 each week.

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Housing Benefit Notification











Mr S Cordell

109 Burncroft Avenue



Claim Reference: 1623514 Nl Reference: JH653811D

Rent Reference: 497630 Council Tax Account:55508596


Dear Mr Cordell

Housing Benefit Notification

I have changed your Housing Benefit from 07/04/2014 to take account of new year benefit levels from April. I have decided that your benefit is now as follows:

£90.65 per week from 07/04/2014 How You Will Be Paid

Your benefit will be paid by directly crediting your rent account.

Council Tax Support Notification

I have worked out your council tax support from 01/04/2014 to take account of new council tax and benefit levels from April. I have decided that your benefit is now as follows:

£12.60 per week from 01/04/2014 How You Will Be Paid

£657.11 council tax support has been paid to your council tax account. The total amount of council tax support for 2014/15 is £657.11.

You will receive a council tax bill dated 14th March 2014that will tell you how much council tax you will now have to pay. On the back of the bill is a summary of how we have calculated your council tax.

Right of Appeal for Housing Benefit

If you do not agree with the Housing Benefit decision, you must challenge it within one month of the date of this letter.

You can:

-               Ask us to explain our decision (by phoning 020 8379 1000)

-               Write and ask us to reconsider

-               Write to us and ask for our decision to be looked at by the Independent Tribunal run by the Tribunal Service.

Your letter must be written in English, be received within one month of the date of this letter, be signed by you and give your name, address, grounds for reconsideration and any evidence.

If you disagree with a Local Council Tax Support Scheme decision

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If you do not agree with the Council Tax Support Scheme decision, you do not have a formal right to appeal. However, you can still:

Ask us to explain our decision (by phoning 020 8379 1000)

Write and ask us to reconsider

If you are still unhappy you can write to us to make a formal complaint

Your letter must be written in English, be received within one month of the date of this letter, be signed by you and give your name, address, grounds for reconsideration and any evidence.

Changes in your circumstances

If your circumstances change, you must tell us about them immediately. For example:

-               You start working or you earn more or less money

-               Your benefits/tax credits change or are stopped

-               You move home

-               Your rent changes

-               You go to stay with friends, family or go into hospital for more than 2 weeks

-               You become a student or stop being a student

-               Anyone comes to live with you, or someone moves out

-               Your savings change

-               Your child leaves school or other education

-               You have a baby

-               Someone dies

-               Any other change which may affect your entitlement to benefit

-               Someone else in your home has any of these changes

If you don’t tell us about a change, we may fine you or take legal action and you will have to pay back any money that you were not entitled to.

You can report a change in circumstance on our website at or by calling 020 8379 1000.

Alternatively, you can write to us telling us what has changed, when and if there has been a delay in telling us, why. You will also need to send evidence to support your claim. Further information is also available on our website

How to contact us


Most frequently asked for information and online forms all in one place.


There are free internet facilities in local council libraries and at our major reception areas.

Email -

Telephone - 020 8379 1000 (8am-6pm)

Post - Revenues and Benefits Division, PO Box 63, Civic Centre, Enfield, EN1 3XW In person

John Wilkes House, 79 High Street, Ponders End, Enfield EN3 4EN (9am-4pm)

Drop in documents any time between opening hours or see an advisor by booking an

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appointment on 0208 379 6023 lines open between 08:30 -16:30

Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XW         (9am-4pm)

Drop in documents any time between opening hours or see an advisor by booking an appointment on 0208 379 6023 lines open between 08:30 -16:30

Edmonton Centre, ground floor, 36-44 South Mall, Edmonton, N9 0TN (8:30am-5pm)

Drop in documents only at this office

For further details on how to contact us please visit Pension Service Enquiries

If you need to contact the Pension Centre about your Pension Credits, you can either phone them on 0845 606 0265 or write to them at The Pension Centre, PO Box 4, Gateshead, NE92 1BQ

Further information about benefits and an explanation of key terms is available on our website

Yours sincerely

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Claim reference: 1623514

Nl reference: JH653811D

How Your Housing Benefit Has Been Worked Out for the period

From 07/04/2014 your Housing Benefit will be £90.65 each week.

The rent you are charged each week is £96.66.

Housing Benefit cannot pay for some service charges that are included in your rent. The rent you pay has to be reduced by the amount of these service charges. These amounts are shown below:

Actual amount for Ineligible Water    £6.01

Total deductions for services           £6.01

The amount of rent after deducting these charges is called your maximum eligible rent. Your rent of £96.66 must be reduced by £6.01, to £90.65 each week. This is your maximum eligible rent.

The maximum Housing Benefit you can get is £90.65 each week. This figure is used when working out 'your total weekly Housing Benefit'.

Your Total Weekly Housing Benefit

As you are receiving Income Support, I can pay the maximum Housing Benefit of £90.65 each week.

How Your Council Tax Support Has Been Worked Out

Based on your circumstances I have decided to assess your claim using the Working Age scheme.

From 01/04/2014, your council tax support is £12.60 each week.

The maximum council tax support you could get

Your council tax liability for the year is £816.28 which for this period is £15.65 each week.

The maximum council tax support you could get is therefore £15.65 each week. This figure is used when working out 'your total weekly council tax support'.

Your Total Weekly Council Tax Support

A reduction of the maximum council tax support of £15.65 that you could get each week must be reduced by £3.05, to £12.60.

As you are receiving income support, I can pay you your maximum council tax support of £12.60 each week.

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Housing Benefit Notification














Mr S Cordell

109 Burncroft Avenue



Claim Reference: 1623514

Nl Reference: JH653811D

Rent Reference: 497630

Council Tax Account:55508596


Dear Mr Cordell

Housing Benefit Notification

I have changed your Housing Benefit from 06/04/2015 to take account of new year benefit levels from April. I have decided that your benefit is now as follows:

£93.08 per week from 06/04/2015 How You Will Be Paid

Your benefit will be paid by directly crediting your rent account.

Council Tax Support Notification

I have worked out your council tax support from 01/04/2015 to take account of new council tax and benefit levels from April. I have decided that your benefit is now as follows:

£12.53 per week from 01/04/2015

How You Will Be Paid

£655.22 council tax support has been paid to your council tax account. The total amount of council tax support for 2015/16 is £655.22.

You will receive a council tax bill dated 13th March 2015 that will tell you how much council tax you will now have to pay. On the back of the bill is a summary of how we have calculated your council tax.

Right of Appeal for Housing Benefit

If you do not agree with the Housing Benefit decision, you must challenge it within one month of the date of this letter.

You can:

-               Write and ask us to reconsider

-               Write to us and ask for our decision to be looked at by the Independent Tribunal run by the Tribunal Service.

Your letter must be written in English, be received within one month of the date of this letter, be signed by you and give your name, address, grounds for reconsideration and any evidence.

If you disagree with a Local Council Tax Support Scheme decision

If you do not agree with the Council Tax Support Scheme decision, you do not have a formal

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right to appeal. However, you can still:

Write and ask us to reconsider

If you are still unhappy you can write to us to make a formal complaint

Your letter must be written in English, be received within one month of the date of this letter, be signed by you and give your name, address, grounds for reconsideration and any evidence.

Changes in your circumstances

If your circumstances change, you must tell us about them immediately. For example:

-               You start working or you earn more or less money

-               Your benefits/tax credits change or are stopped

-               You move home

-               Your rent changes

-               You go to stay with friends, family or go into hospital for more than 2 weeks

-               You become a student or stop being a student

-               Anyone comes to live with you, or someone moves out

-               Your savings change

-               Your child leaves school or other education

-               You have a baby

-               Someone dies

-               Any other change which may affect your entitlement to benefit

-               Someone else in your home has any of these changes

If you don't tell us about a change, we may fine you or take legal action and you will have to pay back any money that you were not entitled to.

You can report a change in circumstance on our website at online

Alternatively, you can write or email us telling us what has changed, when and if there has been a delay in telling us, why. You will also need to send evidence to support your claim. Further information is also available on

How to contact us

My Enfield Account

Make the most of Enfield's online self-service secure portals.

Sign up for My Enfield - Residents for access to your Council Tax accounts, Housing Benefit and Council Tax support claims.

Sign up for My Enfield - Landlords to access your tenants Housing Benefit payment schedules if you are paid directly

From your accounts you can view balances, next payments, payments made, benefit awards personal details, payment schedules, inform us of changes, apply for discounts and much more.

To register:

Online - Benefits homepage visit Online forms visit

Email -

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There are free internet facilities in local council libraries and at our major reception areas. Post - Revenues and Benefits, PO Box 63, Civic Centre, Enfield, EN1 3XW Telephone - 020 8379 1000 (8am-6pm).

For further details on how to contact us please visit

Providing Evidence? - Please note we can now accept all supporting documents electronically by email to If you have a benefit reference number insert it into the subject box in pointed brackets: <xxxxxxxxx>

Identification such as passports, driving licences etc. must still be provided in person at one of our offices or sent in via the post.

Please note that your information will be processed in line with the Councils privacy notice which is available at

Yours sincerely

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Claim reference: 1623514

Nl reference: JH653811D

How Your Housing Benefit Has Been Worked Out for the period

From 06/04/2015 your Housing Benefit will be £93.08 each week.

The rent you are charged each week is £99.19.

Housing Benefit cannot pay for some service charges that are included in your rent. The rent you pay has to be reduced by the amount of these service charges. These amounts are shown below:

Actual amount for Ineligible Water    £6.11

Total deductions for services           £6.11

The amount of rent after deducting these charges is called your maximum eligible rent. Your rent of £99.19 must be reduced by £6.11, to £93.08 each week. This is your maximum eligible rent.

The maximum Housing Benefit you can get is £93.08 each week. This figure is used when working out 'your total weekly Housing Benefit'.

Your Total Weekly Housing Benefit

As you are receiving Income Support, I can pay the maximum Housing Benefit of £93.08 each week.

How Your Council Tax Support Has Been Worked Out

Based on your circumstances I have decided to assess your claim using the Working Age scheme.

From 01/04/2015, your council tax support is £12.53 each week.

The maximum council tax support you could get

Your council tax liability for the year is £813.94 which for this period is £15.57 each week.

The maximum council tax support you could get is therefore £15.57 each week. This figure is used when working out 'your total weekly council tax support'.

Your Total Weekly Council Tax Support

A reduction of the maximum council tax support of £15.57 that you could get each week must be reduced by £3.04, to £12.53.

As you are receiving income support, I can pay you your maximum council tax support of £12.53 each week.

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No Change in Benefit Housing Benefit Notification













Mr S Cordell

109 Burncroft Avenue



Claim Reference: 1623514 Nl Reference: JH653811D Rent Reference: 497630

Council Tax Account:55508596

17/03/2015 Dear Mr Cordell No Change in Benefit Housing Benefit Notification

I have worked out your Housing Benefit again because. However, this has not changed your benefit, which remains as follows:

£93.08 per week from 06/04/2015 Council Tax Benefit Notification

I have worked out your Council Tax Benefit again because your claim has been recalculated for the new financial year. However, this has not changed your benefit, which remains as follows:

£15.74 per week from 01/04/2012 to 31/03/2013 Council Tax Support Notification

I have worked out your council tax support again because your claim has been recalculated for the new financial year. However, this has not changed your benefit, which remains as follows:

£12.53 per week from 01/04/2015 Right of Appeal for Housing Benefit

If you do not agree with the Housing Benefit decision, you must challenge it within one month of the date of this letter.

You can:

-               Write and ask us to reconsider

-               Write to us and ask for our decision to be looked at by the Independent Tribunal run by the Tribunal Service.

Your letter must be written in English, be received within one month of the date of this letter, be signed by you and give your name, address, grounds for reconsideration and any evidence.

If you disagree with a Local Council Tax Support Scheme decision

If you do not agree with the Council Tax Support Scheme decision, you do not have a formal right to appeal. However, you can still:

Write and ask us to reconsider

If you are still unhappy you can write to us to make a formal complaint

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Your letter must be written in English, be received within one month of the date of this letter, be signed by you and give your name, address, grounds for reconsideration and any evidence.

Changes in your circumstances

If your circumstances change, you must tell us about them immediately. For example:

-               You start working or you earn more or less money

-               Your benefits/tax credits change or are stopped

-               You move home

-               Your rent changes

-               You go to stay with friends, family or go into hospital for more than 2 weeks

-               You become a student or stop being a student

-               Anyone comes to live with you, or someone moves out

-               Your savings change

-               Your child leaves school or other education

-               You have a baby

-               Someone dies

-               Any other change which may affect your entitlement to benefit

-               Someone else in your home has any of these changes

If you don't tell us about a change, we may fine you or take legal action and you will have to pay back any money that you were not entitled to.

You can report a change in circumstance on our website at

Alternatively, you can write or email us telling us what has changed, when and if there has been a delay in telling us, why. You will also need to send evidence to support your claim. Further information is also available on our website

How to contact us

My Enfield Account

Make the most of Enfield's online self-service secure portals.

Sign up for My Enfield - Residents for access to your Council Tax accounts, Housing Benefit and Council Tax support claims.

Sign up for My Enfield - Landlords to access your tenants Housing Benefit payment schedules if you are paid directly

From your accounts you can view balances, next payments, payments made, benefit awards personal details, payment schedules, inform us of changes, apply for discounts and much more

To register:

Online - Benefits homepage visit

Online forms visit

Email -

There are free internet facilities in local council libraries and at our major reception areas.

Post - Revenues and Benefits, PO Box 63, Civic Centre, Enfield, EN1 3XW

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Telephone - 020 8379 1000 (8am-6pm)

For further details on how to contact us please visit

Providing Evidence? - Please note we can now accept all supporting documents electronically by email to If you have a benefit reference number insert it into the subject box in pointed brackets: <xxxxxxx>

Identification such as passports, driving licences etc. must still be provided in person at, one of our offices or sent in via the post.

Please note that your information will be processed in line with the Council's privacy notice which is available at

Yours sincerely

Rebecca Rush C tax Officer

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Claim reference: 1623514

Nl reference: JH653811D

How Your Housing Benefit Has Been Worked Out for the period

From 06/04/2015 your Housing Benefit will be £93.08 each week.

The rent you are charged each week is £99.19.

Housing Benefit cannot pay for some service charges that are included in your rent. The rent you pay has to be reduced by the amount of these service charges. These amounts are shown below:

Actual amount for Ineligible Water    £6.11

Total deductions for services           £6.11

The amount of rent after deducting these charges is called your maximum eligible rent. Your rent of £99.19 must be reduced by £6.11, to £93.08 each week. This is your maximum eligible rent.

The maximum Housing Benefit you can get is £93.08 each week. This figure is used when working out 'your total weekly Housing Benefit'.

Your Total Weekly Housing Benefit

As you are receiving Income Support, I can pay the maximum Housing Benefit of £93.08 each week.

Claim reference: 1623514 Nl reference: JH653811D

How Your Council Tax Benefit Has Been Worked Out

From 01/04/2012 to 31/03/2013, your Council Tax Benefit is £15.74 each week.

Your Council Tax liability for the year is £820.78 which for this period is £15.74 each week.

The maximum Council Tax Benefit you can get is £15.74 each week. This figure is used when working out 'your total weekly Council Tax Benefit'.

Your Total Weekly Council Tax Benefit

As you are receiving Income Support, I can pay the maximum Council Tax Benefit of £15.74 each week.

How Your Council Tax Support Has Been Worked Out

Based on your circumstances I have decided to assess your claim using the Working Age scheme.

From 01/04/2015, your council tax support is £12.53 each week.

The maximum council tax support you could get

Your council tax liability for the year is £813.94 which for this period is £15.57 each week.

The maximum council tax support you could get is therefore £15.57 each week. This figure is used when working out 'your total weekly council tax support'.

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Your Total Weekly Council Tax Support

A reduction of the maximum council tax support of £15.57 that you could get each week must be reduced by £3.04, to £12.53.

As you are receiving income support, I can pay you your maximum council tax support of £12.53 each week.

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Housing Benefit Notification














Mr S Cordell

109 Burncroft Avenue



Claim Reference: 1623514 NI Reference: JH653811D

Rent Reference: 497630 Council Tax Account:55508596


Dear Mr Cordell

Housing Benefit Notification

I have changed your Housing Benefit from 04/04/2016 to take account of new year benefit levels from April. I have decided that your benefit is now as follows:

£93.19 per week from 04/04/2016 how You Will Be Paid

Your benefit will be paid by directly crediting your rent account.

Council Tax Support Notification

I have worked out your council tax support from 01/04/2016 to take account of new council tax and benefit levels from April. I have decided that your benefit is now as follows:

£11.92 per week from 01/04/2016

How You Will Be Paid

£621.32 council tax support has been credited to your council tax account. The total amount of council tax support for 2016/17 is £621.32.

You will receive a council tax bill that will tell you how much council tax you will now have to pay. On the back of the bill is a summary of how we have calculated your council tax.

Right of Appeal for Housing Benefit

If you do not agree with the Housing Benefit decision, you must challenge it within one month of the date of this letter.

You can:

-               Write and ask us to reconsider

-               Write to us and ask for our decision to be looked at by the Independent Tribunal run by the Tribunal Service.

Your letter must be written in English, be received within one month of the date of this letter, be signed by you and give your name, address, grounds for reconsideration and any evidence.

If you disagree with a Local Council Tax Support Scheme decision

If you do not agree with the Council Tax Support Scheme decision, you do not have a formal right to appeal. However, you can still:

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Write and ask us to reconsider

If you are still unhappy you can write to us to make a formal complaint

Your letter must be written in English, be received within one month of the date of this letter, be signed by you and give your name, address, grounds for reconsideration and any evidence.

Changes in your circumstances

If your circumstances change, you must tell us about them immediately. For example:

-               You start working or you earn more or less money

-               Your benefits/tax credits change or are stopped

-               You move home

-               Your rent changes

-               You go to stay with friends, family or go into hospital for more than 2 weeks

-               You become a student or stop being a student

-               Anyone comes to live with you or someone moves out

-               Your savings change

-               Your child leaves school or other education

-               You have a baby

-               Someone dies

-               Any other change which may affect your entitlement to benefit

-               Someone else in your home has any of these changes

If you don't tell us about a change, we may fine you or take legal action and you will have to pay back any money that you were not entitled to.

You can report a change of circumstance using your Enfield Connected account.

Visit to set up an Enfield Connected account which will enable you to:

-               Check your payment and entitlement history

-               Inform us of a change in circumstance by editing your account profile*

-               Check and apply for benefits including Government benefits*

-               If you are a landlord this will give you access to your tenants Housing Benefit payments schedules if you are paid directly

-               And More...

will be available from 6 April 2016.

Enfield Council is improving its on-line services to enable you to access more Council services in one place, speed up your payments and save you time. Sign up today for an Enfield Connected account at

If you do not have access to the internet, or would like help to set up an account, our Digital Champions are available at your local library to help you.

Providing Evidence? - Please note we can now accept all supporting documents electronically by email to If you have a benefit reference number insert it into the subject box in pointed brackets: <xxxxxxx>

Identification such as passports, driving licences etc. must still be provided in person at one of our offices or sent in via the post.

Please note that your information will be processed in line with the Council's privacy notice which is available at

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Yours sincerely


Claim reference: 1623514

Nl reference: JH653811D

How Your Housing Benefit Has Been Worked Out for the period

From 04/04/2016 your Housing Benefit will be £93.19 each week.

The rent you are charged each week is £99.49.

Housing Benefit cannot pay for some service charges that are included in your rent. The rent you pay has to be reduced by the amount of these service charges. These amounts are shown below:

Actual amount for Ineligible Water    £6.30

Total deductions for services           £6.30

The amount of rent after deducting these charges is called your maximum eligible rent. Your rent of £99.49 must be reduced by £6.30, to £93.19 each week. This is your maximum eligible rent.

The maximum Housing Benefit you can get is £93.19 each week. This figure is used when working out 'your total weekly Housing Benefit'.

Your Total Weekly Housing Benefit

As you are receiving Income Support, I can pay the maximum Housing Benefit of £93.19 each week.

How Your Council Tax Support Has Been Worked Out

Based on your circumstances I have decided to assess your claim using the Working Age scheme.

From 01/04/2016, your council tax support is £11.92 each week.

The maximum council tax support you could get

Your council tax liability for the year is £828.43 which for this period is £15.89 each week.

The maximum council tax support you could get is therefore £15.89 each week. This figure is used when working out 'your total weekly council tax support'.

Your Total Weekly Council Tax Support

A reduction of the maximum council tax support of £15.89 that you could get each week must be reduced by £3.97, to £11.92.

As you are receiving income support, I can pay you your maximum council tax support of £11.92 each week.

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(End of Stage 3)

Start of Stage 4




Updated formal complaint received by email 08 12.16 passed to complaints and access to information team








09-DEC-2016 S FLETCHER - TINF -Current

Updated formal complaint received by email 08 12.16 passed to complaints and access to information team 09-DEC-2016 S FLETCHER-TERM - Current

Action should have been classified as TINF not TERM - unable to amend 09-DEC-2016 S FLETCHER -TINF -Current

Updated formal complaint and letter authorising tenants mother Lorraine Cordell to speak to us in relation to tenancy received by email 05 12 16 - Passed to complaints and access to information team. Action type classified in previous note as TERM - OTHER TCY SHOULD BE TERMINATED AFTER EVICTION in error - should have been TINF - TENANCY INFO but unable to amend

09-DEC-2016 SFLETCHER-TERM - Current

Updated formal complaint and letter authorising tenants mother Lorraine Cordell to speak to us in relation to tenancy received by email 05 12 16 - Passed to complaints and access to information team

09-DEC-2016 SFLETCHER-TINF - Current

Formal complaint, subject access request, and letter authorising tenants mother Lorraine Cordell to speak to us in relation to tenancy received by email 24 11 16 - Passed to complaints and an access to information team.

29-NOV-2016 SFLETCHER-TINF - Current

Call received from tenant on 22 11.16 re CCTV camera removal letter and transfer options. Tenant was agitated throughout the conversation and when he passed the phone to his mother to speak to me. he said aggressively ’I'm gonna do her over* and Tm gonna take her job just for fun' in reference to me. File note on iclipse

18-NOV-2016 SFLETCHER-TINF -Current

Letter sent to tenant requesting removal of camera from communal/fire door (ground floor)

04-JUL-2016 OMCLEOD - RINF - Current


09-MAY-2016 PSIMPSON - DPAI - Current

Notification seen: to increase DP due to annual increase of C/r + £3.75 off the arrears.




RE: Formal Complaint dated 24/11/2016:

To the Enfield Council











Mr Simon Cordell 109 Burncroft Ave Enfield Middlesex EN3 7JQ 24/11/2016

RE: Formal Complaint dated 24/11/2016:

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter on behalf on my son Simon Cordell of 109 Burncroft Ave, EN3 7JQ.

Over the past few years my son has been having some issues with his neighbours this started due to what the police wrote about him in the newspapers about an ASBO that was granted by the lower courts in the newspaper the truth was not printed in the newspapers or on the Met Police website, the judge did grant the ASBO order but not on the grounds the police case was for we are still trying to work on how this was done to this day, this was not related to his neighbours why the police took this action it was due to lies by the police, this case is still waiting an appeal hearing at the crown court which will be held Jan 2017.

It was after this was printed in the newspaper and on the met website my son started to have issues with neighbours banging all the time and the way they were treating him and talking about him and not letting him have any rest to sleep due to the banging all the time emails were sent to Enfield Council yet very little was done yet my son has video footage of it which the council has never wanted to see or4 take any reports, this has made his heath suffer, I feel this was due to what the police have been telling Enfield Council and Enfield Council just taking the word of the police without asking my son or myself to explain as since all this started Enfield Council has not wanted to help in any way, could this be due to the colour of my son’s skin as I am lost for words that Enfield Council has done nothing to help.

My son has been a tenant for many years now with no complaints about him until this all started above and things were put in the newspapers for all to see when my son had done nothing wrong and will prove this at his appeal in Jan 2017.

The police do not like my son and have not for the past 21 years and there is a lot of issues that Enfield Council is not aware of about the police and my son this is getting addressed with the IPCC and police complaints, and we are now sorting out legal action as to what this has done to our life's over the years this has been ongoing the legal action is taking time due to how long this has been ongoing with the police.

There is also a subject access request attached to this email which I am asking for everything Enfield Council hold information about in regard to my son, this will also include any police reports that the police have handed to Enfield Council. If this needs to be handed to the correct department to deal with this or there is a cost pleases advice via this email, I have also included a letter of authority from my son so I can act on his behalf.

I do already know there is data being held by Enfield Council that is not correct and I want to be able to get this correct under the data protection act.

On the 14/08/2016 my son had some friends round to his home they came there at around 13:30 hours, after they left the police showed up at his address to arrest him this was due to one of the neighbours


said my son had gone out in his garden at 17:10 hours looked up at her windows and made threats to kill, this person lives 3 gardens down from my son on the 2 floor at 105 Burncroft Ave EN3 7JQ, this is imposable as my son did not go out in his garden he was with his 4 friends and there baby in his home all day and videos were taken while they were at his flat, his friends have made statements to say this as they did not leave his flat until around 18:15 hours, not long before the police came to my son’s home. I Miss L Cordell even went around his flat as he needed some things. In fact, my son does not go out of his home, and this has been for some time now due to how he is being treated.

When he was arrested on the 14/08/2016 my son was held in the police station sectioned under the mental health act and could not be interviewed so was put on bail until the 04/10/2016 when he was due to go back to the police station to be interviewed.

On the 04/10/2016 my son was getting ready at his home for me to pick him up for the bail to return, when I got a phone call from my son to say the police was again at his flat to arrest him this was around 1 hour before he was due to be at the police station, I went to his flat and was told by the police they wanted to arrest him I told them he was getting ready to go to the police station for a bail to return, the police again arrested my son for criminal damage due to something his neighbour said who lives above him, but he had not been out of his home he was in fact in the bath when the police came to his home.

Both cases for the 14/08/2016 and the 04/10/2016 were dropped by the CPS this was done on the 15/11/2016 with no case to answer towards my son, yet my son was victimised and had false accusations put against his name and arrested.

My son is scared to go home due to what the neighbours are doing and saying and putting false allegations into the police, it seems they really don’t want him to live there and will do anything they can to get him out.

On the 16/11/2016 I tried to speak to my son’s housing officer Sarah Fletcher to see what could be done and update her to what was ongoing her phone was set to do not disturb so I asked for an email to be sent over for her to call me as a matter of emergency, no one returned a call back to me.

Since the 16/11/2016 I have been calling every day to speak to Sarah Fletcher her phone is always set to do not disturb and I have asked for emails to be sent every day for her to call me back as a matter of emergency, I even asked to speak to her manager or any person in there team but it seems all their phones are set to do not disturb so I asked for emails to be sent for a call back, no one called me back.

I was also told that the police had been in contact with the council and that Sarah Fletcher would talk to me about this when she called this was on the 21/11/2016 and I was told that Sarah Fletcher would 100% call me that day.

On the 22/11/2016 I went to my son’s home and there was a letter from Sarah Fletcher dated the 18/11/2016 which was to do with 1 CCTV camera my son has outside his front door, this CCTV camera does not impose on any person’s rights, it does not show any person’s front door who lives in the block or windows. In fact, on the 14/08/2016 when the police went to my son’s flat to arrest him when they noticed the CCTV camera, they ripped the wire out and since this time it has not worked this is also getting address with the police. In the letter Sarah Fletcher said the CCTV camera had to be removed by the 25/11/2016 or Enfield Council would remove the CCTV camera and costs would be charged to my son for any repairs which there is none. At seeing the letter, I was upset as it seemed Sarah Fletcher could take the time to write this letter but not call me when each email that was sent said it’s a matter of emergency, I speak to her.

I tried to call and again like each other time I call it takes an hour or over to be able to speak to anyone, due to being busy I had to cut off to leave my son’s flat and was going to call again later.

When I got home, I showed my son the letter from Sarah Fletcher he himself was upset for some reason as me that she could take time to write this letter but not call us back. So, he then called this time he did get to speak to Sarah Fletcher and yes, he was upset due to what has been going on and said many times he was upset that she had not called, and they spoke about the CCTV camera which my


son said he wants to appeal it having to be taken down. They also spoke about my son being moved out of his flat to a new place, Sarah Fletcher replied she cannot do anything to do that and the only way for him to move was by way of housing moves and he should sign up to that and nothing else can be done. My son did not explain fully as he was really upset. Sarah Fletcher also said that there had been complaints put in about my son but said it not the right time to address this and that would be addressed at a next time, so it seems that Enfield Council does address complaints from other people but not my son or on behalf of my son, as I am still waiting for replies to complaints that were put in 2014 and 2015 about my son’s neighbours.

After my son spoke to her he passed me the phone, I asked why she had not called me back and was told that it not my tenancy, which I replied there has already been sent a letter of authority sent to Enfield Council some time back I believe it was maybe between 2013 to 2015 this was sent there was more than one of them sent which I can prove as they were sent via emails which I still have, which gives me Miss Lorraine Cordell authority to deal and speak to anyone at Enfield Council on behalf of my son and it would be on their systems as it was emailed and I knew they had it. My son at this in the background also said I have authority to deal and speak to anyone at Enfield Council and it’s on their systems.

Due to my son speaking in the background I went to a next room to speak; my son came into the room and was going on about writing the letter of complaint about what had been going on and that she could end up losing her job if she did not deal with this correctly. It was at this Sarah Fletcher said she could no longer talk to me that my son had made threats towards her and told me to put it in writing what I wanted to say put the phone down.

I feel at this time Enfield Council is doing nothing to help my son they don’t even want to speak to me so I can explain fully what is going on. My son is under the early intervention team, and they are willing to help my son get moved as they themselves have seen what is going on. They would do this by way of writing a letter to Enfield council if asked to do so by Enfield Council.

-               I would like to speak to someone as this cannot be left like this and my son is suffering due to all of this. My contact number is 07807 333545.

-               I would like to find out if Enfield Council is willing to move my son due to the reasons in this letter and the help of the early intervention team.

-               I would also like full dates and times that my son’s neighbours have put any complaints in and what they have said he has done and on what date.

-               I would a full report of any police reports that have been given to Enfield Council by the police about my son.

-               I would like information as to how to appeal about removing my CCTV camera and be allowed not to remove it until this appeal has happened, as so far this is the only thing that has proven my son has done nothing wrong.


Miss Lorraine Cordell Mr Simon Cordell


Re: Simon Cordell

People that have been copied into these letters are below

Joan Ryan MP for Enfield

Joan Ryan MP for Enfield

Mr Rob Leak Chief Executive Enfield Council

Mr Ray James Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care

Ms Sally McTernan assistant Director Community Housing Services

Sarah Fletcher Sarah Housing Officer

Jackie Gubby Housing officer



Subject:          FW: Re: Simon Cordell Formal Complaint 24/11/2016









Sarah Fletcher

From: Lorraine Cordell <>

Sent: 24 November 2016 16:34;

Chief Executive

Ray James

Sally Mcternan

Sarah Fletcher

Jackie Gubby

Subject: FW: Re: Simon Cordell Formal Complaint 24/11/2016

Attachments: Simon_Cordell_authority_Letter-24-11 -2016.pdf.


Formal Complaint dated 24-11-2016.pdf

To Whom It May Concern:

I have had to resend this email due to the format of the attached files they are now in PDF formation and also to include authority for my mother miss Lorraine Cordell to speak to my local MP

Please see the formal complaint to Enfield council dated 24/11/2016 attached to this email due to the way Mr Simon Cordell is being treated.

I have had to resend this email due to the format of the attached files they are now in PDF formation and also to include authority for my mother miss Lorraine Cordell to speak to my local MP

People that have been copied into these letters are below in the hope something can be done to help.

Joan Ryan MP for Enfield

Joan Ryan MP for Enfield

Mr Rob Leak Chief Executive Enfield Council

Mr Ray James Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care

Ms Sally McTernan Assistant Director Community Housing Services

Sarah Fletcher Sarah Housing Officer

 Jackie Gubby Housing officer




Notice of 2016/2017 rent charges











Payment reference number 497630 Patch number N9

Mr S Cordell

109 Burncroft Avenue






Council Housing

Customer Services

The Edmonton Centre 36-44 South Mall

Edmonton Green, London N9 OTN

Sign up for an online Enfield Connected account to make your account -

Date: 1st March 2016

Notice of 2016/2017 rent charges

Dear Mr S Cordell

From 4th April 2016, your weekly net rent will be £87.38. In addition, the service charges for your property are:

Ground Maintenance  £1.44

Caretaking £3.38

Enhanced Cleaning Charge in £0.59

Landlord Communal Service Charge £0.40

Communal Areas

If you pay for water and sewerage services, you will continue to pay these on top of your rent and service charges.

If you get Housing Benefit, it will automatically be updated to take into account the new rent. If you are of working age and have at least one spare bedroom your Housing Benefit will be cut. This rule does not apply to people over pension age. If you are affected your HB will automatically be adjusted. More information about the rules can be found at

We will write to you again soon, in the form of a rent payment schedule. This will include:

all the individual charges and rebates that make up your new rent

any Housing Benefit allowance, and the actual amount you must pay.


Use and occupation

If you are still living at this address on 4th April 2016 and if either:

- you are not our tenant on that date; or

• we have ended your security of tenure because we have served you with a notice to quit:

then you must pay a weekly charge for your continued use and occupation of the property. If this applies to you, we will soon be sending you a letter showing the actual amount you must pay every week.

Garage Charges and Parking Bays

Below is the current rent and the new rent that will come into effect from 4th April 2016.

Current rent     new rent

Standard garage          £9.81   £10.00

Parking bay     £4.95   £5.00

If you are a council tenant or leaseholder, and you rent 1 or 2 garages, you do not have to pay VAT.

Private tenants who rent a garage from us, or any council tenant or leaseholder that rents more than 2 garages, must pay a Non-Council Tenant Premium (NCTP) on top of the rent, and add VAT of 20% onto both charges.

Current charge new charge

NCTP charge  £2.60   £2.66

You may also have to pay water rates to cover the cost of draining surface water from the area around the garage.

We will show details of the charges on your next letter, which we will be sending you soon.

Visit to set up an Enfield Connected account which will enable you to:

• Check your balance and payment history

. Inform us of a change of circumstance, by editing your account profile. And more....

Enfield Council is improving its on-line services to enable you to access more Council services in one place, speed up your payments and save you time. Sign up for an Enfield Connected account today at

If you do not have access to the internet, or would like help to set up an account, our Digital Champions are available at your local library to help you

The non-payment of rent is a breach of your tenancy conditions. If you are having difficulty paying your rent, Council Housing staff are available to give advice and help.

We are sending this letter in accordance with the requirements of your tenancy agreement, and the Housing Act 1985

Sections 24, 102 and 103.













Wolverhampton WV98 1LA

Third Party Deductions, Stratford Benefits Office Mail Handling Site A

Council Housing Income Team

36-44 South Mall, Edmonton London N9 OTN

0800 40 80 160

020 8375 8107

9 May 2016

Dear Sir/Madam,


You are currently making a deduction from JSA/IS/ESA to clear rent arrears and meet the service charges for water and/or fuel.

Name: Mr Simon Cordell

Address: 109 Burncroft Avenue, Enfield, Middlesex, EN3 7JQ National Insurance Number: JH635811D Housing Payment Reference Number: 497630

Tenant(s) Date of Birth 26/01/1981 Partners Name: N/A

A/P Creditors Reference Number: 0000018141 Mr Kevin Milton

I am writing to advise you that with effect from the 04 April 2016 there will be an increase in the heating and water charges paid with rent for the above.

-               The weekly amount to be deducted for service charge for fuel is: £00.00

-               The weekly amount to be deducted for water charges is: £6.30

The new weekly amount to be deducted for the water and heating charge is: £6.30 Plus repayment of rent arrears @ £3.75 Total deduction request is £10.05 The current arrears are £155.52

Yours faithfully

Patricia Simpson

Income Team

Council Housing

London Borough of Enfield



Re: CCTV camera on inner communal/fire door









Enfield Connected


Simon Cordell

109 Bumcroft Avenue




Dear Mr Cordell,

Re: CCTV camera on inner communal/fire door

Sarah Fletcher Neighbourhood Officer

The Edmonton Centre, 36-44 South Mall,

Edmonton London N9 OTN

0800 40 80 160

18lh November 2016

It has been brought to my attention that you have fitted a security camera onto the inner communal/fire door on the ground floor of our building.

This is in breach of tenancy conditions as it has been fitted without permission.

Please arrange for the camera to be removed by Friday 25th November 2016.

Failure to remove the camera by this date will result in the Council arranging for the removal of the camera and carrying out any necessary repairs to the structure of the building for which you will be charged, and we may take action against you for breach of your tenancy conditions.

Please contact me on or before 5.00pm on Friday 25th November 2016 to advise that the camera has been removed or we will proceed with the action as advised above.

Yours Sincerely,

Sarah Fletcher Enfield Council

Ian Davis Director Regeneration Environment Enfield Council

Civic Centre,

Phone: 020 8379 1000


Reed this document in another language or format call Customer Services on 020 83791000, or email



FW: Re: Simon Cordell Formal Complaint 24/11/2016










Sarah Fletcher

From: Lorraine Cordell

Sent: 24 November 2016 16:34


Chief Executive

Ray James.

Sally Mcternan

Sarah Fletcher

Jackie Gubby

Subject:          FW: Re: Simon Cordell Formal Complaint 24/11/2016

Attachments: Simon_CordelLauthority_Letter-24-11 -2016.pdf; Data-Protection-Enfield-

Council-24-11-2016.pdf; Formal Complaint dated 24-11-2016.pdf

To Whom It May Concern:

I have had to resend this email due to the format of the attached files they are now in PDF formation and also to include authority for my mother miss Lorraine Cordell to speak to my local MP

Please see the formal complaint to Enfield council dated 24/11/2016 attached to this email due to the way Mr Simon Cordell is being treated.

I have had to resend this email due to the format of the attached files they are now in PDF formation and also to include authority for my mother miss Lorraine Cordell to speak to my local MP

People that have been copied into these letters are below in the hope something can be done to help.

-               Joan Ryan MP for Enfield

-               Joan Ryan MP for Enfield

-               Mr Rob Leak Chief Executive Enfield Council

-               Mr Ray James Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care

-               Ms Sally McTernan Assistant Director Community Housing Services

-               Sarah Fletcher Sarah Housing Officer

-                Jackie Gubby Housing officer



RE: Letter of Authority for my mother Miss Lorraine Cordell dated 24/11/2016








Mr Simon Cordell 109

Burncroft Ave Enfield Middlesex EN3 7JQ 24/11/2016

RE: Letter of Authority for my mother Miss Lorraine Cordell dated 24/11/2016

To whom it may concern:

I am writing this letter to confirm I do give my mother Miss Lorraine Cordell my authority to speak to anyone at Enfield Council on any matters that relate to me and also obtain any information that is held about me by Enfield Council this authority will be granted for the whole of Enfield Council and all departments, Any letters that Enfield council send me can they also send to my mother Miss Lorraine Cordell. And can be done via Phone, Email, and Letter.

I also give my Mother Miss Lorraine Cordell authority to speak to my MP or any other person that is working with my local MP

Phone: 07807 3335454


Letter: 23 Byron Terrace, Edmonton, London N9 7DG

This Letter of Authority is to stay on Enfield Council system until such time I write a letter if I wish to have this access removed which I can do at any time.


Simon Cordell



Enfield Council all Departments where data is held about Mr Simon Cordell










Mr Simon Cordell

109 Burncroft Ave Enfield Middlesex EN3 7JQ 24/11/2016

• Enfield Council all Departments where data is held about Mr Simon Cordell

Dear Sir or Madam

Subject access request

Mr Simon Cordell 109 Burncroft Ave Enfield Middlesex EN3 7JQ

Please supply the information about me I am entitled to under the Data Protection Act 1998 relating to:

• All data that is held at Enfield Council all departments, on all systems and any files about me.

• All audio call files that Enfield Council when Mr Simon Cordell has called or my mother Miss Lorraine Cordell and spoke to anyone. This would include any times the police have called Enfield Council about Mr Simon Cordell.

• Any Reports of any complaints about Mr Simon Cordell made by any person this would include

neighbours, I do understand that due to data protection laws the name and address of the person would need redaction.

• All police reports submitted to Enfield Council all departments about Mr Simon Cordell.

-               All repair requests held.

-               Any data held about Mr Simon Cordell from Enfield Council ASB Response Team. This would include the reports for the ASBO application the police had with Enfield Council and any minutes held in any meeting about Mr Simon Cordell when the Met Police were applying for the ASBO application.


If you are withholding any information, I have asked for please make me aware of this and the reason as to why the data is being denied.

If you need any more information from me, or a fee, please let me know as soon as possible via email at If this subject Access request needs to go to The data protection Officer at Enfield Council can this be passed over to them.

It may be helpful for you to know that a request for information under the Data Protection Act 1998 should be responded to within 40 days.

If you do not normally deal with these requests, please pass this letter to your Data Protection Officer. If you need advice on dealing with this request, the Information Commissioner’s Office can assist you and can be contacted on 0303 123 1113 or at

Yours faithfully

Mr Simon Cordell



Subject: RE: CRM COM 1885 Simon Cordell Formal Complaint 24/11/2016 [SEC=OFFICIAL]








Sarah Fletcher

From: Lorraine Cordell <>

Sent: 05 December 2016 21:41

To: Daniel Ellis; Lemmy


Chief Executive

Ray James

Sally Mcternan

Sarah Fletcher

Jackie Gubby

Subject: RE: CRM COM 1885 Simon Cordell Formal Complaint 24/11/2016 [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Attachments: Reply-Letters-From-Council-02-12-12-2016-001.pdf;

Simon_Cordell_authority_Letter-24-11 -2016.pdf

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this email with an update to my Formal Complaint please see attached letter of new Formal Complaint to be added to the Formal Complaint dated 24/08/2016.

I have also attached and included the letter of Letter of Authority so that the ASB team have a copy as it seems that they never copied me in the letter they sent my son Mr Simon Cordell which is meant to have been done.


Lorraine Cordell




Re: Formal Complaint due to letter dated 29/11/2016 this Formal Complaint is to be added to the Formal Complaint dated 24/08/2016.













Mr Simon Cordell 109 Burncroft Ave Enfield Middlesex EN3 7JQ 24/11/2016

Re: Formal Complaint due to letter dated 29/11/2016 this Formal Complaint is to be added to the Formal Complaint dated 24/08/2016.

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi and any other person who is copied in this letter.

I am writing this letter on behalf of Mr Simon Cordell of 109 Burncroft Ave, EN3 7JQ regarding the letter you wrote dated the 29/11/2016 which was received on the 01/12/2016.

I am not sure if you are aware there is an ongoing formal complaint that is being addressed by Mr Daniel Ellis from Complaints & Access to Information Team which addresses some of the information you have included into your letter, but I will be covering points in this reply and also forwarding it to the people it needs to be addressed to.

The 1st point I will address is the meeting you have set up for Mr Simon Cordell on the 06/12/2016 at 14:00 hours at Enfield Civic Centre.

I do not believe that it is justified to hold this meeting before the formal complaint is dealt with as stated many points in your letter has been covered in my formal complaint dated 24/11/2016, also until I have the subject access request information dealt with and have a list of dates and times these so called complaints were meant to have taken place and the reports from police that have been sent to Enfield Council I do not think holding this meeting would be appropriate.

I have spoken to my solicitor in regards to this matter and on advice taken from him he has told me to give limited information until I have the subject access request, this is why my formal complaint did not have full information in it as my solicitor does believe we have a case to take legal action, and if any data is withheld as it was when I requested my last subject access request for all my information I will have to take this up with the ICO.

However, it does seem there is more injustice going on within the ASB unit and Enfield Council then I had proof of before you wrote your letter dated 29/11/2016. There has been complaints put into Enfield council since 2014 about Mr Simon Cordell’s neighbours and what they were doing to him, Enfield Council and ASB unit took the option and done nothing, not even replied to my complaints, took no reports, and did not even looked at the video footage Mr Simon Cordell has of the noise, the banging the intimidation my son has taken from his neighbours, and the way they are doing all they can to get Mr Simon Cordell to move, the way he has been treated by Enfield Council by way of Enfield Council doing nothing to help him. You have been told many times the effect this is having on Mr Simon Cordell’s heath yet still choose to do nothing.

Yet as soon as Enfield Council gets reports against Mr Simon Cordell you are willing to address these complaints. Once again I will say I feel this is due to reports the police have put in to Enfield Council about Mr Simon Cordell, Meetings that took place with the Met police and Enfield council in regards to Mr Simon Cordell which Mr Simon Cordell knew nothing about until after the fact, and the colour of Mr Simon Cordell skin, why Enfield council have done nothing to address any issue Mr Simon Cordell was having with his neighbours regarding what his neighbours was doing to him.



Mr Simon Cordell has had his own place since 1999 and was housed by Enfield Council in 109 Burncroft Ave, Enfield, Middlesex, EN3 7JQ I believe in 2006 due to a fire that happened in his flat before this address, in this time Mr Simon Cordell had no complaints put in about him until now 2016.

You have written in your letter multiple things to be addressed which Mr Simon Cordell was meant to have done.

-               “Include using threatening, abusive and insulting words and language, aggressively demanding money, intimidation and making threats towards your neighbours. It is also alleged that on 4th October 2016, you banged on your ceiling, and you later started to bang and kick at your neighbour’s door. It is alleged that you were very aggressive and was shouting through your neighbour’s door and that you then proceeded to drag his motorbike from where it was parked and started to smash it up”.

At this point I will only say the above is untrue, once I have the information including all dates, times and complaints in order from my subject access request it will be at this time I will address each point of concern above.

You have also stated:

-               “It is also alleged that your dogs are left by themselves all day and night barking and causing noise disturbances to your neighbours”.

Mr Simon Cordell has had one dog only at his flat, when Mr Simon Cordell was housed in 1999, he had a dog, no complaints were ever put in re Mr Simon Cordell dog being left by herself all day and night barking and causing noise disturbances to neighbours and being neglected.

When Mr Simon Cordell was moved into 109 Burncroft Ave, Enfield, Middlesex, EN3 7JQ I believe in 2006 he had the same dog, when she passed away in 2007 he got a new dog same bred and since 2006 there has been no complaints by neighbours of Mr Simon Cordell leaving her alone all day and night or her barking all night and all day and him not looking after her and neglecting her, and her causing noise disturbances to his neighbours. Mr Simon Cordell does not leave his dog all day and night she is always looked after, if Mr Simon Cordell is not going to be there overnight or for a long time during the day then the family look after the dog. So how someone can say she is left alone is beyond me.

Mr Simon Cordell’s dog is looked after very well she has never been left all day and all night alone, and I feel very angry any person could ever say Mr Simon Cordell has ever mistreated and neglected his dog he is an animal lover as all our family are and we would never mistreat or neglected any animal.

Once again it seems beyond belief Mr Simon Cordell has had his dog and no complaints has been put in by any neighbours about the way my son allegedly mistreats and neglects his dog since 2006, until now 2016.

It seems totally unbelievable my son could have his dog for so many years with not one complaint of mistreatment and neglect and now all of a sudden in 2016 my son mistreats and neglect his dog leaves her alone all day and night with the dog only now in 2016 causing noise disturbances to his neighbours. You can take that how it reads as I am so angry right now that any person could say the dog is mistreated and neglected, she is always cared for and loved and not left alone all day and night barking and making noise.

In fact, the dog that lives a few rows up barks more and makes more noise than Mr Simon Cordell dog does its always barking and making a noise so does this mean they are going to have action taken against them?

My son’s dog only as a rule bark when someone comes into the building to Mr Simon Cordell front door and this is only for a short time until the door is opened for them, there is also the fact Mr Simon Cordell does not have many people at his flat the main people are his family, so his dog hardly barks at all.



Mr Simon Cordell for the last 3 years does not even go out of his flat any longer due to what has been going on, he once in a while goes across to the shop but that is not often at all and only when the family cannot get what he needs as they are busy. If Mr Simon Cordell has to go out for a meeting, he always has someone with him it has become this way due to how he has been treated by the Met police.

You have also stated:

• “Your neighbours have also alleged that you have installed a CCTV in the communal area with the camera pointing towards the main entrance to the block thereby making them to feel very uncomfortable when entering and leaving the block. Your neighbours have alleged that this is an invasion of their privacy".

I have already put an appeal in my formal complaint dated the 24/11/2016 in regard to the CCTV and I am awaiting a reply as to what information I need and how I address the appeal. I will say that the CCTV is for security, but so far has protected me due to malicious information that has been passed to people, but it was not installed for that reason but has helped in this the main reason it was installed was due to security.

But since the 14/08/2016 when the police themselves damaged the CCTV camera due to what they were doing to Mr Simon Cordell, it has not worked. So, at this time there is no CCTV in operation in the communal area of the block the only CCTV that is operational at this time is the ones inside Mr Simon Cordell flat itself. When Mr Simon Cordell was on a phone call to Sarah Fletcher on the 22/11/2016 she did say if the CCTV camera was facing Mr Simon Cordell's front door there would be no problem with that this is at this time being acted on.

It also seems that this complaint has come in very late as if any neighbours felt that this was an invasion of their privacy why was this not acted on in 2013 when it was installed? Why has it taken them until 2016 to say they feel this is an invasion of their privacy?

In fact I feel it has protected Mr Simon Cordell's neighbours there has been crime in the area and many break ins within the housing estate where everyone lives, yet not one person has been effected in the block Mr Simon Cordell lives in by crime and I believe this is due to the CCTV being there, and if anything happened to any of the neighbours in the block the police could obtain a copy. The CCTV camera does not show any neighbours living in the block, front doors or windows. And only showed part of the ground floor communal area leading up to Mr Simon Cordell’s own front door.

It also makes us feel the only reason that the neighbours have now said about the CCTV is due to what they are trying to say about Mr Simon Cordell in these complaints, I feel that at this time the CCTV is the thing that protected Mr Simon Cordell against what the neighbours have alleged, why else would it have taken them over 3 years to say they now felt it was an invasion of their privacy?

As said in my formal complaint the police don’t like Mr Simon Cordell and this has been for many years when the police go to Mr Simon Cordell flat, he feels safer that the CCTV is there as it shows what the police are doing to Mr Simon Cordell so makes him feel safer, has the police put a report in about the CCTV camera also?

As stated these allegations are very serious and I would like them addressed as soon as possible but until I have the information I have asked for so know what dates and times these complaints were put in I feel that Enfield council is only taking one side to this and that is the neighbours, as since 2014 all my calls and emails and letter about my complaints re the neighbours Enfield Council has done nothing to help me or Mr Simon Cordell address this.

Mr Simon Cordell feels he has no option left to him but to move away from his home due to what has been ongoing for a long time with no one addressing it. He feels that is the only way he will feel safe again from what the neighbours are doing to him, yet Enfield Council have said they will do nothing about this to help him and while this is ongoing it is affecting his heath more and more.



Mr Daniel Ellis has said that my formal complaint should be addressed by the 14/12/2016 but is trying to compete this sooner, he has been told that no one within Enfield Council is addressing moving Mr Simon Cordell to a new address and this needs acting on as soon as possible as what is going on cannot be left with nothing being done as this is making Mr Simon Cordell’s life hell living in fear, and so far I believe no one within Enfield Council is addressing moving Mr Simon Cordell to a new place, this is unacceptable by any means for Enfield Council not to be addressing this issue, I have made many calls and not one person has called me back to gather information or give me an update if anything is being done about addressing a move for Mr Cordell, so from what I can see once again Enfield Council is not acting in an appropriate manner.

I also believe when I get the information from the subject access request which can take up to 40 days this will incur more issues and I believe there will be data that needs to be corrected which Enfield Council holds on Mr Simon Cordell, as under the data protection act data which is held has to be 100% accurate, I also believe it will help to clear up much information that you have included in your letter.

I have also asked that any letters sent to Mr Simon Cordell are also sent to Miss Lorraine Cordell this was included in my email with the attached letters dated 24/11/2016 this has not been done with your letter why?

I would be most grateful if you could reply to this letter also including myself Miss Lorraine Cordell this can be done via my email

or my address which is included in the letters dated 24/11/2016.


Miss Lorraine Cordell Mr Simon Cordell

People that have been copied into these letters are below

Joan Ryan: MP for Enfield

Mr Rob Leak: Chief Executive Enfield Council

Mr Ray James: Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care

Ms Sally McTernan: Assistant Director Community Housing Services

Sarah Fletcher Sarah: Housing Officer

Jackie Gubby: Housing officer

Lemmy Nwabuisi: ASB Team

Daniel Ellis: Complaints & Access to Information Officer




RE: Letter of Authority for my mother Miss Lorraine Cordell dated 24/11/2016









Mr Simon Cordell 109 Burncroft Ave Enfield Middlesex EN3 7JQ 24/11/2016

RE: Letter of Authority for my mother Miss Lorraine Cordell dated 24/11/2016

To whom it may concern:

I am writing this letter to confirm I do give my mother Miss Lorraine Cordell my authority to speak to anyone at Enfield Council on any matters that relate to me and also obtain any information that is held about me by Enfield Council this authority will be granted for the whole of Enfield Council and all departments, Any letters that Enfield council send me can they also send to my mother Miss Lorraine Cordell. And can be done via Phone, Email, and Letter.

I also give my Mother Miss Lorraine Cordell authority to speak to my MP or any other person that is working with my local MP

Phone: 07807 3335454


Letter: 23 Byron Terrace, Edmonton, London N9 7DG

This Letter of Authority is to stay on Enfield Council system until such time I write a letter if I wish to have this access removed which I can do at any time.


Simon Cordell


For your Information

If your tenancy has ended, for example on the enforcement of a possession order or if you are not the tenant due to being left in use and occupation, payments are accepted for use and occupation of the property.

Please note any payments made less than 5 working days before the date of the statement may not be included.

Explanation of codes

HB - Housing Benefit

B/F - Balance brought forward

Manual adjustment - amounts manually credited or charged to your account

Debit adjustments - your account has been adjusted and the adjustment has been backdated

Standard debit - Weekly rent

Enfield Connected

Sign up for an online Enfield Connected account today to Save Time and Do It Online.

Enfield Connected puts lots of Council services in one place making it easier for you to report issues, request information and pay for bills quickly, and at a time which suits you best.

As an Enfield Council tenant your Enfield Connected account will also allow you to:

-               Pay your Housing Rent

-               Check your balance and payment history

-               Use our benefits calculator to check your entitlement to benefits and apply for them online

-               And more...

You can use your Enfield Connected account from almost anywhere using your smartphone, tablet or laptop. If you do not have access to the internet or would like help to set up your account, most Enfield libraries offer free use of their computers and have staff on hand to help you sign up for an Enfield Connected account.

Sign up for your Enfield Connected account today at:



Statement of your Rent Account














Statement of your Rent Account

Please quote this payment reference number whenever you contact us »




Protect - Private and Confidential


109, Burncroft Avenue,




Sign up for an online Enfield Connected account to make your payments and manage your account -










42.17 Debit


Standard Debit HB



141.66 Debit


Weekly Rebate



48.47 Debit


Standard Debit HB



147.96 Debit


Weekly Rebate



54.77 Debit


Standard Debit HB



154.26 Debit


Weekly Rebate



61.07 Debit


Standard Debit HB



160.56 Debit


Weekly Rebate



67.37 Debit





42.93 Debit


Standard Debit HB



142.42 Debit


Weekly Rebate



49.23 Debit

Page 2

more information on reverse...


For your Information

If your tenancy has ended, for example on the enforcement of a possession order or if you are not the tenant due to being left in use and occupation, payments are accepted for use and occupation of the property.

Please note any payments made less than 5 working days before the date of the statement may not be included.

Explanation of codes

HB - Housing Benefit

B/F - Balance brought forward

Manual adjustment - amounts manually credited or charged to your account

Debit adjustments - your account has been adjusted and the adjustment has been backdated

Standard debit - Weekly rent

Enfield Connected

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-               Pay your Housing Rent

. Check your balance and payment history

-               Use our benefits calculator to check your entitlement to benefits and apply for them online. And more...

You can use your Enfield Connected account from almost anywhere using your smartphone, tablet or laptop. If you do not have access to the internet or would like help to set up your account, most Enfield libraries offer free use of their computers and have staff on hand to help you sign up for an Enfield Connected account.

Sign up for your Enfield Connected account today at:



RE: CRM COM 1885 Simon Cordell Formal Complaint 24/11/2016 [SEC=OFFICIAL]








Sarah Fletcher

From: Lorraine Cordell <>

Sent: 08 December 2016 10:12

To: Daniel Ellis

Lemmy Nwabuisi



Executive; Ray James

Sally Mcternan

Sarah Fletcher

Jackie Gubby

Attachments: RE: CRM COM 1885 Simon Cordell Formal Complaint 24/11/2016 [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Letter to Council-Dated-08-12-2016.pdf

To Whom It May Concern:

I am once again writing an email to all the above in the hope something will be able to be done please read attached letter.


Lorraine Cordell




Re: Formal Complaint 08/12/12/016











Mr Simon Cordell 109 Burncroft Ave Enfield Middlesex EN3 7JQ 24/11/2016

Re: Formal Complaint 08/12/12/016

To Whom It May Concern:

I am once again writing an email to all the above in the hope something will be able to be done.

I know Formal Complaints are ongoing regarding letters written on the 24/11/2016 and 05/12/2016 but I feel I have known option but to again write a new Formal Complaints dated 08/12/2016.

The last time we spoke to someone regarding moving my son was on the 22/11/2016 after calling with no call back from Sarah Fletcher, or her manager or anyone else in her team since 16/11/2016 sometimes calling up to 3 times a day. (All their lines are set to do not disturb) this has not changed, and I still am making calls to try and address this issue with no one calling me back.

My son is having a nightmare in his flat since he moved back there he does not leave his flat and has not since he returned there, once again the neighbours have started since he moved back in with the noise, the banging the intimidation, my son heath is suffering and this is not acceptable that nothing is being done he not being let alone to be able to sleep and being kept up all night and in the day due to what the neighbours are doing.

I do not see why no one is addressing this and I have not had one phone call to address this issue do not know what is going on and my son is left to suffer.

It should not matter that Formal Complaints are ongoing I should at least be able to talk to someone or get someone to call me back with an update as to if anything is going on to move my son.

When I get letters or calls or emails, I do not just do nothing I reply to the letters, but it seems Enfield Council is doing nothing to address the under-laying issue of what has been ongoing since 2014 with my son’s neighbours and what they are doing to him.

It does not seem to matter that my son’s heath is suffering due to this and has been for some time due to not being able to sleep. It seems that Enfield Council is happy that the neighbours are doing this to my son with nothing being done.

I would like someone to email me via with what is being done to help my son, I would like an update today as so far I think I have waited long enough to get an update as to what is being done to address this issue if anything at all.


Miss Lorraine Cordell Mr Simon Cordell



People that have been copied into these letters are below

Joan Ryan MP for Enfield

Mr Rob Leak Chief Executive Enfield Council

Mr Ray James Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care

Ms Sally McTernan Assistant Director Community Housing Services

Sarah Fletcher Sarah Housing Officer

Jackie Gubby Housing officer

Lemmy Nwabuisi: ASB Team

Daniel Ellis Complaints & Access to Information Officer



Please reply to: Geoffrey Mann

Geoffrey Mann Neighbourhood Manager















Please reply to: Geoffrey Mann

Ms Lorraine Cordell Sent via Email


My Ref: COM 1885

Your Ref:

Date: 22nd December 2016

Dear Ms Cordell,

Re: Mr Simon Cordell -109 Burncroft Avenue - COM 1885.

I write with reference to your letters of complaint dated 24th November 2016 copies of which were received via email on 24th November 2016, 5th December 2016 and 8th December 2016.

I will respond to the issues you raised as follows.

1. Anti-Social Behaviour Order

We are aware that the police applied for an Anti-Social Behaviour Order (ASBO) which was granted on 4th August 2015 against your son in relation to activities that cations away from Burncroft Avenue. We are aware that your son is appealing against the ASBO, and we are therefore unable to comment further.


We can confirm that a letter was sent to your son by Sarah Fletcher, Neighbourhood Officer on 18th November 2016 giving him until 25th November 2016 to remove the CCTV that he had installed on the internal communal door leading to flats 109 and 111 Burncroft Avenue and facing towards the main door of the block. We can also confirm that another letter was sent to him on 29th November 2016 by Lemmy Nwabuisi, Anti-Social Behaviour Officer in relation to complaints received from your son’s neighbours concerning the CCTV. This matter



Enfield Council

Civic Centre, Silver Street



Enfield EN13XY




concerns a breach of tenancy conditions and will be addressed separately from this complaint.

3. Allegations of Anti-Social Behaviour

You referred to alleged issues that your son was having with his neighbours; however, you' did not specify which neighbours and or provide a specific time frame when these complaints were made. We have checked our records since 4h August 2015 and found two records of telephone complaints received from your son. One on 20h August 2015 and again on 26h January 2016 which related to noise and the issues he was having with a neighbour. These concerns were dealt with at the time by relevant officers.

We note your comment that your son has been a tenant for many years and that there have been no complaints about him until the publication of the ASBO against him on 4th August 2015. However, our records show that since your son’s tenancy began on 14th August 2006, there has been at least one previous complaint against your son from another neighbour prior to the ASBO.

We are aware of the alleged incident that happened on 4th October 2016 as this was reported to us and this will be addressed separately as part of ongoing Anti-Social Behaviour investigations.

We note your comments regarding the police and must advise that you take up any issues with the Independent Police Complaints Commission. We also note your comment regarding an alleged incident on 14th August 2016. This was not reported to the Council and should be a matter for the police. We note your comment that your son is scared to go home due to the alleged issues with his neighbours.

Regarding the allegations of ASB against your son and the issues regarding his dog, we note your comment that you do not think it is justified to attend the meeting with Lemmy Nwabuisi prior to your formal complaint being addressed. We note your comment that you have been advised by a solicitor to wait for the SAR. We also note your comments


in relation to the letter sent by Lemmy Nwabuisi on 29th November 2016 regarding reports of anti-social behaviour made against your son by his neighbours and that you will address these once the SAR is received. Please note that these allegations are serious breaches of tenancy conditions and will be addressed separately as part of an ongoing investigation. We have attempted to meet with your son to discuss the allegations made against him and give him the opportunity to respond. It is important that these issues are addressed and another meeting will be arranged to facilitate this in due course.

-               Subject Access Request (SAR)

The SAR that you have submitted is being responded to separately in accordance with required timescales.

-               Communications

We are aware that you left messages for Sarah Fletcher on three occasions between 16 and 21 November 2016 and she was not available at these times. We confirm that she spoke directly with Mr Simon Cordell by telephone on 22nd November 2016.

-               Housing Options

As a single resident living in a one-bedroom property, the Council considers that your; son is suitably housed. We do not have sufficient evidence in relation to your son's allegations of anti-social behaviour against his neighbours to be able to refer him for a transfer on the housing register.

He can make an online application himself to be placed on the housing register by visiting the Council Housing pages of the Enfield Council website at His eligibility for transfer will then be assessed by the Housing Options team in accordance with Council policy and they will advise whether his application is accepted.

Alternative options to move are available to him through the mutual exchange scheme, where tenants are able to swap their home with another tenant, and the fresh start scheme, where tenants can be supported in moving to a private rented home. Further information can be found online using the URLs below:

30 start scheme.

If you wish to discuss this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Please note that I away from the office and will be returning on Tuesday 3rd January 2017.

Yours Sincerely

Geoffrey Mann Neighbourhood Manager

IMPORTANT - Enfield residents should register for an online Enfield Connected account. Enfield Connected puts many

Council services in one place, speeds up your payments and saves you time - to set up your account today go to





(End of Stage 4)

Start of Stage 5




Deborah Andrews / Enfield Council Case History







This is the day of the printout of the F OI that my mother and I requested of the Enfield Council.










This is the day of the printout of the FOI that my mother and I requested of the Enfield Council.



Threats and intimidation

Date reported: /09/2015

Home visit to Ms Deborah Andrews flat. Attendees Dawn Allen TMO and CPN Bola Quadri

Home visit to Ms Andrews advised that her neighbour at number 109 has for the past few months harassed, intimidated, stalked her and made a life a complete misery. He continuously plays loud music, bangs on her ceiling and door alleging that she is monitoring his movements in his flat. She feels petrified by his presence and as a result refused to leave her flat for fear bumping into him on her way out. ++++



Threats and intimidation

Date reported: /09/2015










This is the day of the printout of the F OI that my mother and I requested of the Enfield Council.



Threats and intimidation

Date reported: /09/2015









Threats and intimidation

Date reported: /09/2015



Threats and intimidation

Date reported: /09/2015



Threats and intimidation

Date reported: /09/2015










This is the day of the printout of the F OI that my mother and I requested of the Enfield Council.





Threats and intimidation

Date reported: /09/2015



Threats and intimidation

Date reported: /09/2015










This is the day of the printout of the F OI that my mother and I requested of the Enfield Council.





Threats and intimidation

Date reported: /09/2015



Threats and intimidation

Date reported: /09/2015



Threats and intimidation

Date reported: /09/2015



Threats and intimidation

Date reported: /09/2015



Threats and intimidation

Date reported: /09/2015



Threats and intimidation

Date reported: /09/2015



Threats and intimidation

Date reported: /09/2015












This is the day of the printout of the F OI that my mother and I requested of the Enfield Council.


















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Case16175 Deborah Andrews

GENERAL Active 180days, Phone call with Perpetrator

Involved Persons

CLIENT (VICTIM)Ms Deborah Andrews

Relationship to Cases; Client (Victim) in ASB Case 16175

Incidents in which Person is involved, Witness:

Current address: 113 Burncroft Avenue, Enfield, EN3 7JQ

Main phone: 02083500628

Gender Female

DOB: 29/07/1973

Age band: 35-44

Ethnic origin: White UK

Appearance: Female,42 yrs. old, White UK,

Involved Persons CLIENT

(ACCUSED)Mr Simon Cordell        

Relationship to Cases; Client (Accused) in ASB Case 16175

Incidents in which Person is involved Witness:

Current address: 109 Burncroft Avenue, Enfield, EN3 7JQ

Main phone: 020 8245 7454

Gender: Male

DOB: 26/01/1981

Age band: 25-34

Ethnic origin: White/Black Caribbean


Notes about this person:

Home visit to Ms Deborah Andrews flat. Attendees Dawn Allen TMO and CPN Bola Quadri Home visit to Ms Andrews advised that her neighbour at number 109 has for the past few months harassed, intimidated, stalked her and made a life a complete misery. He continuously plays loud music, bangs on her ceiling and door alleging that she is monitoring his movements in his flat. She feels petrified by his presence and as a result refused to leave her flat for fear bumping into him on her way out. She has missed a few appointments with her social worker as a result, she has now been subjected to making home appointments pending the time this matter is

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Appearance: Male,34 yrs. old, White/Black Caribbean,

Incidents Reported

23/09/2015: Threats and intimidation

Date reported: /09/2015

Threats and intimidation (General)

Home visit to Ms Deborah Andrews flat. Attendees Dawn Allen TMO and CPN Bola Quadri

Home visit to Ms Andrews advised that her neighbour at number 109 has for the past few months harassed, intimidated, stalked her and made a life a complete misery. He continuously plays loud music, bangs on her ceiling and door alleging that she is monitoring his movements in his flat. She feels petrified by his presence and as a result refused to leave her flat for fear bumping into him on her way out. She has missed a few appointments with her social worker as a result, she has now been subjected to making home appointments pending the time this matter is resolved.

She explained that they use to be acquaintances before the relationship went sour.

She believes the whole problem started when he claimed the decoration in his flat was damaged as a result of a leak coming from her flat. She confirmed that she had a leak from her overflow a few months ago which has since been repaired but, the damage alleged had occurred.

History 23/09/2015:

Sent: 23 September 2015 15:07

To: Carmel Naessens

Loretta Walsh

Cc: Charles Elkington

Dawn Allen

Subject: 113 Burncroft Avenue, Enfield, EN3 7JQ [SEC=PROTECT]

Importance: High

Classification: PROTECT New case VICTIM

Ms Deborah Andrews

113 Burncroft Avenue ENFIELD EN3 7JQ



Perpetrator Simone Cordell

109 Burncroft Avenue ENFIELD EN3 7JQ

Home visit to Ms Deborah Andrews flat. Attendees Dawn Allen TMO and CPN Bola Quadri

Home visit to Ms Andrews advised that her neighbour at number 109 has for the past few months harassed, intimidated, stalked her and made a life a complete misery. He continuously plays loud music, bangs on her ceiling and door alleging that she is monitoring his movements in his flat. She feels petrified by his presence and as a result refused to leave her flat for fear bumping into him on her way out. She has missed a few appointments with her social worker as a result, she has now been subjected to making home appointments pending the time this matter is resolved. She explained that they use to be acquaintances before the relationship went sour. She believes the whole problem started when he claimed the decoration in his flat was damaged as a result of a leak coming from her flat. She confirmed that she had a leak from her overflow a few months ago which has since been repaired but, the damage alleged had occurred. Ms Andrews also recalled an incident when the perp spat in her face. It's been one issue after the other she advised the recent event which took place a week ago. She was on her way out to attend her appointment with her CPN when he apprehended her and threatened to kill her. She was pretty shaken from the incident that instead of attending her appointment, returned home immediately. She advised that she contacted the police but, wasn't

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taken seriously as they assumed, she was drunk at the time of the call. She advised that she wasn't in the list drunk but, just the way she spoke due to her condition. She still wasn't taken seriously and had to abandon the call. She found this very frustrating and advised that it was not the first time this would happen to her. Her CPN also confirmed her statement and expressed her dissatisfaction at the way she was treated. Ms Andrews felt completely let down by the police and became frightful for her safety especially, as she knows the perpetrators has shells in his flat. I observed in her flat that her floors were very creaky, I was made aware by Dawn that most of the flats in the block are like that. Unfortunately, the creakiness exacerbates the noise level in the flats and cause more problems than usual. I advised that I would contact the police to make further enquiries. I will also contact MHT to enquire if Mr Cordell is known to them. At some point the perpetrator will need to be interviewed and a warning letter issued on him. I will contact the repairs team and try to arrange a surveyor to visit her flat and see what assistance can be offered I further advised that her case will be investigated, and an officer will get back to her to discuss further with her. Her CPN and TMO will be kept informed of updates.

Bola Quadri has already put in place a safeguard alert.

Thank you

Dolly Ogunseye

Anti-Social Behaviour Officer

Housing Anti-Social Behaviour Team





Ms Deborah Andrews

113 Burncroft Avenue ENFIELD EN3 7JQ



Perpetrator Simone Cordell

109 Burncroft Avenue ENFIELD EN3 7JQ

Home visit to Ms Deborah Andrews flat. Attendees Dawn Allen TMO and CPN Bola Quadri

Home visit to Ms Andrews advised that her neighbour at number 109 has for the past few months harassed, intimidated, stalked her a11c made a life a complete misery. He continuously plays loud music, bangs on her ceiling and door alleging that she is monitoring his movements in his flat. She feels petrified by his presence and as a result refused to leave her flat for fear bumping into him on her way out. She has missed a few appointments with her social worker as a result, she has now been subjected to making home appointments pending the time this matter is resolved. She explained that they use to be acquaintances before the relationship went sour. She believes the whole problem started when he claimed the decoration in his flat was damaged as a result of a leak coming from her flat. She confirmed that she had a leak from her overflow a few months ago which has since been repaired but, the damage alleged had occurred. Ms Andrews also recalled an incident when the perp spat in her face. Ifs been one issue after the other she advised the recent event which took place a week ago. She was on her way out to attend her appointment with her CPN when he apprehended her and threatened to kill her. She was pretty shaken from the incident that instead of

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attending her appointment, returned home immediately. She advised that she contacted the police but, wasn't taken seriously as they assumed, she was drunk at the time of the call. She advised that she wasn't in the list drunk but, just the way she spoke due to her condition. She still wasn't taken seriously and had to abandon the call. She found this very frustrating and advised that it was not the first time this would happen to her. Her CPN also confirmed her statement and expressed her dissatisfaction at the way she was treated. Ms Andrews felt completely let down by the police and became frightful for her safety especially, as she knows the perpetrators has shells in his flat. I observed in her flat that her floors were very creaky, I was made aware by Dawn that most of the flats in the block are like that. Unfortunately, the creakiness exacerbates the noise level in the flats and cause more problems than usual. I advised that I contact the police to make further enquiries. I will also contact MHT to enquire if Mr Cordell is known to them. At some point the perpetrator will need to be interviewed and a warning letter issued on him. I will contact the repairs team and try to arrange a surveyor to visit her flat and see what assistance can be offered I further advised that her case will be investigated, and an officer will get back to her to discuss further with her. Her CPN and TMO will be kept informed of updates Bola Quadri has already put in place a safeguard alert.


23/09/2015: Contact

Complainant    ,

Home visit to Ms Deborah Andrews flat. Attendees Dawn Allen TMO and CPN Bola Quadri

Home visit to Ms Andrews advised that her neighbour at number 109 has for the past few months harassed, intimidated, stalked her and made a life a complete misery. He continuously plays loud music, bangs on her ceiling and door alleging that she is monitoring his movements in his flat. She feels petrified by his presence and as a result refused to leave her flat for fear bumping into him on her way out. She has missed a few appointments with her social worker as a result, she has now been subjected to making home appointments pending the time this matter is resolved.


23/09/2015: Update Complainant

Follow on action from Contact Complainant


23/09/2015: Letter - sent



23/09/2015: Email - sent

Classification: PROTECT

Hi Mark,

On second thoughts, could you contact her on her landline instead and speak to her directly please? Her number is 02083500628

Thank you for your assistance

Dolly Ogunseye Anti-Social Behaviour Officer Housing Anti-Social Behaviour Team Tenancy Management Enfield Council Classification: PROTECT Good morning, Mark,

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Thank you for the information, yes, she suffers from mental health and his behaviour continues to exacerbate her condition. I will appreciate if you visit him sooner than later and also pop round to 113 to reassure her.

Thank you for all your assistance

Dolly Ogunseye Anti-Social Behaviour Officer Housing Anti-Social Behaviour Team Tenancy Management Enfield Council



Sent: 18 September 2015 17:23

To: Dolly Ogunseye

Subject: 113 Burncroft Avenue, Enfield, Middlesex, EN3 7JQ

Miss Debra Andrew [SEC=PROTECT]

Hi Dolly,

Nick and I attended 113 a while ago and spoke to the lady a while ago when she originally called Police. At the time she didn't want us to speak to her neighbour as things had got better. The lady handed us a letter about what had happened but none of it made any sense.

We believe she was suffering from mental health issues.

On another occasion we popped round to see her, and she wouldn't come and speak to us so instead she spoke through her letterbox to us. The male at 109 - Simon Cordell who is causing the problems is very well known to Police and is also very anti Police. I know some Officers went around and spoke to him and things seemed to get better. After that we have had no further calls from the lady at 113.

We will try and get around to see her when were back on duty on Monday.

Kind Regards

Classification: PROTECT

Good afternoon, Mark,

Could you kindly assist with this query please. Following reports of ASB by the above tenant, my colleague and I visited her this morning and were alarmed by the nature of her complaints. She has in the past few months being constantly harassed, intimidated, bullied, stalked and threatened to kill by her neighbour at 109.

As a result of his behaviour, she has become too scared to leave her flat for fear of what may happen to her. She is a vulnerable tenant who requires support from services. However, the unsettling behaviour exhibited by number 109, has hindered her from attending her appointments and exacerbated her condition. At the moment, she feels very disorientated / agitated and will like the harassment to stop.

She advised that she had reported this to the police a few times but, wasn't taken seriously.

I will appreciate if you could stop over at 113 to reassure her that the matter is being dealt with and also to stop by 109 and advise him that you are aware of what is going on and the repercussions should it continue.

Thank you for your support and assistance

Dolly Ogunseye Anti-Social Behaviour Officer Housing Anti-Social Behaviour Team Tenancy Management Enfield Council

Referral Details


Organisation making referral Housing Anti-Social Behaviour Response Team


23/092015: Agree an Action Plan with the Complainant


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23/09/2015: Provide Action Plan to Complainant

Follow on action from Agree an Action Plan with the History

23/09/2015: Contact Perpetrator

Follow on action from Agree an Action Plan with the


23/09/2015: Action Plan Reviewed

Follow on action from Agree an Action Plan with the






24/09/2015: Email- sent

RE SOVA Alert - D.A -1009639 Classification: PROTECT

Dear Susan,

Thank you for your email. Please note that as from Monday 28th September 2015, all high-level cases of anti-social behaviour will be transferred to the Council's Community Safety Unit.

In light of the above, Ms Andrews case has been identified as one of many cases involved in this process. You will shortly hear from an officer within the Community Safety Unit advising you of the name of the officer that will be dealing with Ms Andrews case.       .

Kind regards

Dolly Ogunseye Anti-Social Behaviour Officer Housing Anti-Social Behaviour Team Tenancy Management Enfield Council History

24/09/2015: Letter - sent



24/09/2015: Email- sent

Classification: PROTECT

Good morning, Debbie,

Glad you are doing well. Thank you for being ever so helpful. I know, “we are busy bees" I appreciate the detailed information you've provided It will assist us in deciding a way forward. Have a peaceful weakened Warm regard

Dolly Ogunseye Anti-Social Behaviour Officer Housing Anti-Social Behaviour Team Tenancy Management Enfield Council

Hi Dolly,

I'm well thanks, I see your department is busy as ever...

Re: SC, he is not open to MH services and doesn't have a MH worker.

Page 6 of 21




March 12- 1st contact with MH services following arrest after a bad trip of taking LSD & alcohol, mental state assessed remained in custody of police - no MH input

March 14 - 2nd contact, assessed by team psychiatrist, presented with anxiety & suicidal thoughts in context of social stressors due to pending court case leading to stress. Discharged form MH services, suicidal thoughts are longstanding from early childhood and present at times of high stress, not 'A typical' of other forms of suicide as relates to thoughts as opposed to wish to die, and usually found in context of those presenting with early childhood trauma as a way of expressing emotions.

Nov 14 - Mental Health Act assessment, not detained in hospital, discharged from mental health services. Presented highly volatile, angry & paranoid about motives of others, presented in context of social stressors due to on-going issues with police & court process - mother reported he has been targeted by police causing him stress??

He has a medical history of Crohn's disease which may impact on mood stability particularly if not compliant with treatment and monitoring of symptoms. All assessments completed by mental health services have found no evidence of serious mental illness, he appears to be a very angry young man who has had an extremely difficult and traumatic early childhood which is likely to explain his distrust of people in authority (e.g., police) and being angry at others and at the world....



Classification: PROTECT

Good afternoon, Debbie,

Hope you are doing well? could you kindly advise if the above tenant is known to your service and if he is, does he have a CPN and does he engage?

Thank you for your assistance

Mr Simon Cordell,109 Burncroft Avenue, Enfield, EN3 7JQ

DOB=26/01/1981 (34 yrs.)

Phone=020 8245 7454

Dolly Ogunseye Anti-Social Behaviour Officer Housing Anti-Social Behaviour Team Tenancy Management Enfield Council


01/10/2015: Email - sent

Classification: PROTECT

Good afternoon, Mark,

Just received some disturbing news about am incident that took place today. I was made aware that Simon Cordell attempted to strangle the tenant of 113 Burncroft Avenue. She managed to escape his grip but extremely shaken by the whole episode. She is petrified at the moment and refuses to leave her flat.

Would it be possible to contact / visit her today ASAP please?

Thank you

Dolly Ogunseye Anti-Social Behaviour Officer Housing Anti-Social Behaviour Team Tenancy Management Enfield Council


01/10/2015: Email - sent

Dear Bola,

Page 7 of 21




March 12- 1st contact with MH services following arrest after a bad trip of taking LSD & alcohol, mental state assessed remained in custody of police - no MH input

March 14 - 2nd contact, assessed by team psychiatrist, presented with anxiety & suicidal thoughts in context of social stressors due to pending court case leading to stress. Discharged form MH services, suicidal thoughts are longstanding from early childhood and present at times of high stress, not 'A typical' of other forms of suicide as relates to thoughts as opposed to wish to die, and usually found in context of those presenting with early childhood trauma as a way of expressing emotions.

Nov 14 - Mental Health Act assessment, not detained in hospital, discharged from mental health services. Presented highly volatile, angry & paranoid about motives of others, presented in context of social stressors due to on-going issues with police & court process - mother reported he has been targeted by police causing him stress??

He has a medical history of Crohn's disease which may impact on mood stability particularly if not compliant with treatment and monitoring of symptoms.

All assessments completed by mental health services have found no evidence of serious mental illness, he appears to be a very angry young man who has had an extremely difficult and traumatic early childhood which is likely to explain his

distrust of people in authority (e.g., police) and being angry at others and at the world....



Classification: PROTECT

Good afternoon, Debbie,

Hope you are doing well? could you kindly advise if the above tenant is known to your service and if he is, does he have a CPN and does he engage?

Thank you for your assistance

Mr Simon Cordell

109 Burncroft Avenue, Enfield, EN3 7JQ

DOB=26/01/1981 (34 yrs.)

Phone=020 8245 7454

Dolly Ogunseye Anti-Social Behaviour Officer Housing Anti-Social Behaviour Team Tenancy Management Enfield Council


01/10/2015: Email - sent

Classification: PROTECT

Good afternoon, Mark,

Just received some disturbing news about am incident that took place today. I was made aware that Simon Cordell attempted to strangle the tenant of 113 Burncroft Avenue. She managed to escape his grip but extremely shaken by the whole episode. She is petrified at the moment and refuses to leave her flat.

Would it be possible to contact / visit her today ASAP please?

Thank you

Dolly Ogunseye Anti-Social Behaviour Officer Housing Anti-Social Behaviour Team Tenancy Management Enfield Council


01/10/2015: Email - sent

Dear Bola,

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Care-coordinator / CPN / Nurse Prescriber Psychosis Service Line

Barnet, Enfield & Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust/58-60 Silver Street, Enfield EN1 3EP

Tel: 0208-3794142

Fax: 0208-3795094

Mob: 0208-7023296

Email: / Trust


Team Manager - George Benyure

Tel: 0208-3794142/


13/10/2015: Email-sent from:

Dolly Ogunseye

Sent: 13 October 2015 14:19

To: Louise Brown (nee Wainwright)

Subject: RE: HUB case 16175 Deborah Andrews [SEC=PROTECT]

Importance: High

Classification: PROTECT

Also forgot to mention that we are still in the process of locating a suitable TA for Ms Andrew pending the time her case is resolved

Dolly Ogunseye Anti-Social Behaviour Officer Housing Anti-Social Behaviour Team Tenancy Management Enfield Council

From: Dolly Ogunseye

Sent: 13 October 2015 14:14

To: Louise Brown (nee Wainwright)

Subject: RE: HUB case 16175 Deborah Andrews [SEC=PROTECT]

Importance: High

Classification: PROTECT

Good afternoon, Louise,

Sorry I missed your call; I was at a meeting at the time. Called and left a message on your voice mail.

Ms Andrews suffers from a history of mental health; she is currently being supported by Bola Quadri Care-coordinator / CPN / Nurse Prescriber Psychosis Service Line

Barnet, Enfield & Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust / 58-60 Silver Street, Enfield EN1 3EP

She made complains about her neighbour at number 109, harassing, verbally abusing her, intimidating, shouting threatening to kill her. The mean concern here is that the perpetrator in question also suffers from mental health and is known to be very aggressive, violet and anti-police. He has on a few occasions threatened to kill her and petrified the life out of her.

It was on this basis that a decision was made to move her out immediately.

Hope the above information is useful.

Thank you

Dolly Ogunseye Anti-Social Behaviour Officer Housing Anti-Social Behaviour Team Tenancy Management Enfield Council

Classification: PROTECT Dolly,

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Please can you contact me regarding this case as I would like an update and the full reasons as to her vulnerability and why we have put her up in the hotel?

Thanks, you

Louise Brown

Anti-Social Behaviour officer

Community Safety Unit

Regeneration & Environment Department

London Borough of Enfield

020 8379 4467





email from police



Sent: 18 January 2016 15:31

To: Louise Brown Subject: RE: Cordell [SEC=PROTECT]

Hi Louise,

Thanks for this - I'm pleased to hear you think Deborah is being properly supported and that she sounded better - she was in a right state when we spoke to her last.

Good news that it looks like she might be able to get help to move.

For the camera, we are very happy to come along for a visit. I've spoken to our Sgt and as we understand it the ideal course of action is to advise him to remove it in our presence, then if he refuses, I believe you can take it down and that should be fine so long as the camera itself is returned to Cordell. Let me know when your best days for it would be and I'll see when we can manage best.

Best wishes,


PC James Flesher 337YE | Dedicated Ward Officer for Enfield Highway | North Cluster NPT Team B | Enfield Borough OCU |

| Ward Mobile Number: 020 8721 2903

Follow @MPSEnfield for updates of what we're doing across the borough!

From: Louise Brown

[ mailto:]

Sent: 18 January 2016 11:03

To: Flesher James D - YE

Subject: RE: Cordell [SEC=PROTECT]

Classification: PROTECT

Hi James,

I spoke with Deborah Andrews this morning; the leak issue was sorted over the weekend this was from the flat above.

I do not know anything about Mr Cordell moving in two weeks' time, unless she is getting confused with his threat that he will get her in two weeks' time. Overall, I am concerned that Deborah is not managing and appears to be getting more confused the last few times I have spoken to her last week and today, she is also feeling that she needs further support by way of supported accommodation. I do agree with her as the level of support that St John of God provide is high and the dependency with other agencies is also constant and not something that housing or myself could provide long term.

Deborah was much calmer this morning and I reassured he that if she has any concerns to contact me.

With regard to the camera not he is not allowed it to be train on anything else other that his front door. Probably means I will need to visit him to get this sorted. I may request your assistance with this I don't really fancy

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seeing him on my own!! (sorry)

Kind regards Louise Brown

Anti-Social Behaviour officer

Community Safety Unit

Regeneration & Environment Department

London Borough of Enfield

020 8379 4467



Sent: 18 January 2016 08:35

To: Louise Brown

Subject: Cordell

Hi Louise,

I hope you are well.

Since 15/01/2016 we have had further calls from Debra Andrew relating to the issues she has been having with Simon Cordell.

Given the nature of the calls, we visited Debra yesterday for a reassurance visit. She said that there has been a leak in the building causing 'flooding' in both her flat and Cordell's flat, and Cordell has been making accusations relating to it. She said that she believes Cordell is leaving his flat in two weeks, which I hadn't heard, but said I would look into it - do you know if that's true by any chance?

Debra said that if Cordell does not leave, she wants to leave her flat and move somewhere else herself.

While at the address we also noticed that Cordell has now installed a CCTV camera which is placed at the top of the internal communal door leading to flats 109 and 111, facing towards the main door of the block. I am unsure as to whether he's allowed to do this and shall look into it, but just wanted to let you know!

Best wishes,


PC James Flesher 337YE | Dedicated Ward Officer for Enfield Highway | North Cluster NPT Team B | Enfield Borough OCU | |

Ward Mobile Number: 020 8721 2903

Follow @MPSEnfield for updates of what we're doing across the borough!







from customer services re simon Cordell

From: Laura Goodson

Sent: 26 January 2016 14:10

To: Louise Brown •

Cc: Jackie Gubby

Subject: Simon Cordell 0208 245 7454



Hi Louise, Jackie,

Mr Cordell called this afternoon requesting to speak with yourselves in regard to his case against his neighbour.

I am sure you know the details; however, he did say that his neighbour is making noise when he undresses. He did go on to mention an incident that resulted in both himself and his neighbour in an awkward position when he attempted to help her move her bed.

Mr Cordell is expecting a call back this afternoon.

Kind Regards

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176 Durant’s Road



Tel: 020 8804 7873

From: Louise Brown


Sent: 27 January 2016 12:34

To: Sarah Stumpo

Cc: Yvonne Stacey; bola quadri

Subject: RE: Debra Andrews [SEC=PROTECT]

Sensitivity: Confidential

Classification: PROTECT

Dear Sarah,

Thank you for your email and updated information. This incident yesterday J am assuming that this is a different incident from 15/1/16 where Mr Cordell approached Ms De Polla? Please can you confirm if this was reported to the police, and if this was not why? This is harassment and can be treated and reported as a criminal offence. Yes, this is a separate incident to 15.01.2016. The police were not called as a crime had not been committed and Barbara was able to walk away without Mr Cordell trying to prevent her or following her. In relation to Deborah please can you confirm if your concerns for her welfare are being reported back to the Mental health team prior to this email (I do appreciate that Bola has been on leave for a few weeks) Yvonne has copied Bola into the same communication as yourself and expressed concerns. Debbie has also contacted Bola. I am receiving if not daily calls from Deborah or every other day, with her explaining to me that she feels she is not coping at all, she is looking to me for reassurance. Deborah has expressed that she is not managing independent living and would like to go back into supported accommodation. Supported living is something Bola would need to arrange. Can you confirm that you have reported your concerns for Debbie’s welfare to the mental health team?

Please can you confirm if she has expressed this to staff at St John of God? Also, please can you confirm if you feel that Deborah is not coping at present. If so, has this been reported to the mental health team?

As you are aware, Debbie has said that she is not coping, and I understand that you are in the process of providing a report in order to facilitate Debbie to move. Can you confirm that this has been completed and if so, what the next step of the process is and how long this is likely to take?

Also given the current hours that currently allocated to Deborah if this is suitable in this situation for her need? If I recall this was expressed at a SOVA meeting that this should be extended as her needs are becoming greater? We are requested and funded to provide 6 hours support per week (3 hours twice a week for shopping). Bola is responsible for increasing the care package if Debbie is assessed as needing more support. With regard to the Safeguarding plan I do feel that a mental health strategy meeting needs to take place as issues beyond our control will also have a direct impact on the wellbeing of Deborah. I am raising this directly with George Benyure Bolas manger. My understanding was that Bola had already raised a safeguarding alert.



Louise Brown

Anti-Social Behaviour officer

Community Safety Unit

Regeneration & Environment Department

London Borough of Enfield

/v 020 8379 4467


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email report and response from St john of God.

From: Louise Brown

Sent: 27 January 2016 12:34

To: 'Sarah Stumpo'

Cc: Yvonne Stacey; “Y. BROWN?”

bola quadri

Subject: RE: Debra Andrews [SEC=PROTECT]

Sensitivity: Confidential

Classification: PROTECT

Dear Sarah,

Thank you for your email and updated information. This incident yesterday I am assuming that this is a different incident from 15/1/16 where Mr Cordell approached Ms De Polla? Please can you confirm if this was reported to the police, and if this was not why? This is harassment and can be treated and reported as a criminal offence.

In relation to Deborah please can you confirm if your concerns for her welfare are being reported back to the Mental health team prior to this email (I do appreciate that Bola has been on leave for a few weeks) I am receiving if not daily calls from Deborah or every other day, with her explaining to me that she feels she is not coping at all, she is looking to me for reassurance. Deborah has expressed that she is not managing independent living and would like to go back into supported accommodation.

Please can you confirm if she has expressed this to staff at St John of God? Also, please can you confirm if you feel that Deborah is not coping at present. If so, has this been reported to the mental health team?

Also given the current hours that currently allocated to Deborah if this is suitable in this situation for her need? If I recall this was expressed at a SOVA meeting that this should be extended as her needs are becoming greater?

With regard to the Safeguarding plan, I do feel that a mental health strategy meeting needs to take place as issues beyond our control will also have a direct impact on the wellbeing of Deborah. I am raising this directly with George Benyure Bolas manger.



Louise Brown

Anti-Social Behaviour officer

Community Safety Unit

Regeneration & Environment Department

London Borough of Enfield

/v 020 8379 4467


From: Sarah Stump


Sent: 27 January 2016 11:44

To: Louise Brown

Cc: Sarah Stumpo

Kate Kelly

Yvonne Stacey;

bola quadri

Subject: Debra Andrews Importance: High Sensitivity: Confidential This message has been sent on behalf of Yvonne Stacey.

Hi Louise

I am extremely concerned about Debbie Andrewes neighbour and the increased risk to the support workers and indeed Debbie, who, as you are aware is unable to leave her own home unescorted.

Yesterday it was reported to me that the neighbour approached Barbara de Polla as she entered the communal door, he was very aggressive and began shouting at her saying, you should not be coming here, she is an alcoholic, you shouldn't take her out anywhere etc." Barbara said that she did not want to talk about it and walked away from him, luckily, he did not follow her.

In relation to Debbie is safety, I strongly feel that it is only a matter of time before something serious or even fatal happens to her. As you are aware, the neighbour has a dog, which appears to be a Staffordshire bull terrier which

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he allows to roam free in the communal area which is highly intimidating and potentially very dangerous.

Please can you clarify the interim safeguarding protection plan and timescale as to when Debbie will be moved to a place of safety.

I have completed an internal incident form and unfortunately, if another incident occurs, I will have no other option but to temporarily withdraw our service, which will put Debbie in a situation where she is even more at risk.

I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.


NB: Please can you forward this message to your line manager.

Sarah Stumpo Service Manager Mental Health Team

Saint John of God Hospitaler Services 176 Durant's Road Enfield EN37DF

Tel: 020 8804 7873



communication between CSU & Bola Quadri CPN

From: Louise Brown

Sent: 01 February 2016 14:36

To: bola quadri; George Benyure (

Craig Susan

Subject: FW: Debra Andrews [SEC=PROTECT|

Sensitivity: Confidential

Classification: PROTECT

Dear George & Bola,

Thank you for your email, I have only copied you both as there is other information on Mr Cordell that urgently needs to be considered.

I received an email informing me that a mental health warrant had been granted for Mr Cordell. This will cause a greater issue especially if he is released back into the community. My fear is that this will indirectly cause further distress for Deborah. A plan needs to be put in place with full considerations.

Please can an urgent mental health strategy meeting be held regarding Deborah Andrews, given the above information and the urgent need for full consideration in this case due to the complex needs and issues with both clients, who are known to your services and tenants of Enfield Council.

Deborah is contacting me if not daily every other day these calls are coming through at all different days and times. She is informing me that she is not coping with everything and wants to go back into supported accommodation, she feels extremely frightened and vulnerable. I must confirm that its Deborah stating that she is not coping as I am not in a position to make these decisions. When I speak with Deborah asking if she is attending her appointments, she states that" it js a quick jab, in and out no one speaks with you.

With regards to the management transfer this is still being prepared and waiting to be heard by panel, I am waiting to hear the next available date for this. It was explained when I suggested this action may be a route forward that this is not a quick process, and all elements need to be considered. It is not necessary for Ms Andrews to currently go into emergency accommodation either. This case will be assisted by moving Ms Andrews; however, this may not resolve all of the concerns or the overall future welfare of Ms Andrews.

Transferring Ms Andrews into another independent accommodation without fully assessing her current needs and the full support required should be considered before this happens. As moving her may not solve all of Deborah Andrews concerns. She is only going out when SJOG are visiting, however they are only allocated 3 hours per week. More recommendations need to be put forward to provide a comprehensive package to support

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Re: Reports of Anti-Social Behaviour, Harassment, Intimidation and Threatening Behaviour















Mr Simon Cordell 109 Burncroft Avenue Enfield EN3 7JQ

Please reply to; Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

B Block North

Civic Centre



E-mail; My Ref.

Your Ref:

Date: 29 December 2016

Dear Mr Cordell,

Re: Reports of Anti-Social Behaviour, Harassment, Intimidation and Threatening Behaviour

I write with regards to reports of anti-social behaviour, intimidation, harassment and threatening behaviour made against you by your neighbours.

The reports include using threatening, abusive and insulting words and language, aggressively demanding money, intimidation and making threats towards your neighbours. It is also alleged that on 4th November 2016, you banged on your ceiling, and you later started to bang and kick at your neighbour’s door. It is alleged, that you were very aggressive and was shouting through your neighbour’s door and that you then proceeded to drag his motorbike from where it was parked and started to smash it up.

It is also alleged that your dogs are left by themselves all day and night barking and causing noise disturbances to your neighbours. Your neighbours have also alleged that you have installed a CCTV in the communal area with the camera pointing towards the main entrance to the block thereby making them to feel very uncomfortable when entering and leaving the block. Your neighbours have alleged that this is an invasion of their privacy.

If these allegations are true, they are in breach of the following terms and conditions of your T enancy Agreement:

Environment Enfield Council Civic Centre, Silver Street Enfield EN13XY






2.2.1 Anti-social behaviour, nuisance and noise disturbance.

We will consider all legal remedies available to us to deal with anti-social behaviour, domestic abuse, harassment, rate crime, nuisance, gang activity and other criminal activity where this is supported by sufficient evidence.

If we take legal action, we will ask the court to give us an order against you for the legal costs we have incurred.

Condition 10. You must not act in any way which causes, or is likely to cause, a nuisance or annoyance or is anti-social.

Condition 11. You must install any radio and/or video equipment or carry out any physical measures to respond to any nuisance or anti-social behaviour which you are suffering from without first consulting us.

2.2.3 Harassment and hate crime.

Condition 16. You must not harass or threaten to harass anyone because of their age, colour, culture, disability, ethnic origin, gender, gender reassignment, HIV status, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation or for any reason.

2.2.6 Other unacceptable behaviour

Condition 21. You must not abuse, harass, make offensive comments and/or malicious allegations, use or threaten to use violence against any of our officers or agents, or against a councillor. This applies at any time and in any place. We may report the matter to the police.

2.15 Pet(s) and animal(s)

Condition 76. You have the right to keep one pet, or animal such as a cat, a dog, small bird, fish, non-poisonous insect, spider, small snake or lizard, rabbit, hamster, guinea pig, mouse, gerbil or domestic rat as long as they do not cause damage to the property, or nuisance or annoyance to anyone in your locality.

Condition 81. If your pet(s) or animal(s) is/are causing a nuisance, annoyance or disturbance to others, or is/are being treated inappropriately or cruelly, we


will take action and give written notice asking you to remove it/them from your home.

It is very important that we meet with you to discuss these very serious allegations and give you the opportunity to respond to them. I have therefore arranged for. you to meet with me at the Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XY at 2pm on Tuesday, 6th December 2016 to discuss this matter. Please ask to see Mr Lemmy Nwabuisi from the ASB Team, Community Safety Unit at the reception when you get to the Civic Centre.

Yours Sincerely

Lemmy Nwabuisi ASB Team

IMPORTANT - Enfield residents should register for an online Enfield Connected account. Enfield Connected puts many Council services in one place, speeds up your payments and saves you time - to set up your account today go to




Re: Formal Complaint due to letter dated 29/11/2016 this Formal Complaint is to be added to the Formal Complaint dated 24/08/2016













Mr Simon Cordell 109 Burncroft Ave Enfield Middlesex EN3 7JQ 24/11/2016

Re: Formal Complaint due to letter dated 29/11/2016 this Formal Complaint is to be added to the Formal Complaint dated 24/08/2016.

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi and any other person who is copied in this letter.

I am writing this letter on behalf of Mr Simon Cordell of 109 Burncroft Ave, EN3 7JQ regarding the letter you wrote dated the 29/11/2016 which was received on the 01/12/2016.

I am not sure if you are aware there is an ongoing formal complaint that is being addressed by Mr Daniel Ellis from Complaints & Access to Information Team which addresses some of the information you have included into your letter, but I will be covering points in this reply and also forwarding it to the people it needs to be addressed to.

The 1st point I will address is the meeting you have set up for Mr Simon Cordell on the 06/12/2016 at 14:00 hours at Enfield Civic Centre.

I do not believe that it is justified to hold this meeting before the formal complaint is dealt with as stated many points in your letter has been covered in my formal complaint dated 24/11/2016, also until I have the subject access request information dealt with and have a list of dates and times these so called complaints were meant to have taken place and the reports from police that have been sent to Enfield Council I do not think holding this meeting would be appropriate.

I have spoken to my solicitor in regards to this matter and on advice taken from him he has told me to give limited information until I have the subject access request, this is why my formal complaint did not have full information in it as my solicitor does believe we have a case to take legal action, and if any data is withheld as it was when I requested my last subject access request for all my information I will have to take this up with the ICO.

However, it does seem there is more injustice going on within the ASB unit and Enfield Council then I had proof of before you wrote your letter dated 29/11/2016. There has been complaints put into Enfield council since 2014 about Mr Simon Cordell’s neighbours and what they were doing to him, Enfield Council and ASB unit took the option and done nothing, not even replied to my complaints, took no reports, and did not even looked at the video footage Mr Simon Cordell has of the noise, the banging the intimidation my son has taken from his neighbours, and the way they are doing all they can to get Mr Simon Cordell to move, the way he has been treated by Enfield Council by way of Enfield Council doing nothing to help him. You have been told many times the effect this is having on Mr Simon Cordell’s heath yet still choose to do nothing.

Yet as soon as Enfield Council gets reports against Mr Simon Cordell you are willing to address these complaints. Once again I will say I feel this is due to reports the police have put in to Enfield Council about Mr Simon Cordell, Meetings that took place with the Met police and Enfield council in regards to Mr Simon Cordell which Mr Simon Cordell knew nothing about until after the fact, and the colour of Mr Simon Cordell skin, why Enfield council have done nothing to address any issue Mr Simon Cordell was having with his neighbours regarding what his neighbours was doing to him.



Mr Simon Cordell has had his own place since 1999 and was housed by Enfield Council in 109 Burncroft Ave, Enfield, Middlesex, EN3 7JQ I believe in 2006 due to a fire that happened in his flat before this address, in this time Mr Simon Cordell had no complaints put in about him until now 2016.

You have written in your letter multiple things to be addressed which Mr Simon Cordell was meant to have done.

“Include using threatening, abusive and insulting words and language, aggressively demanding money, intimidation and making threats towards your neighbours. It is also alleged that on 4th October 2016, you banged on your ceiling, and you later started to bang and kick at your neighbour’s door. It is alleged that you were very aggressive and was shouting through your neighbour’s door and that you then proceeded to drag his motorbike from where it was parked and started to smash it up”.

At this point I will only say the above is untrue, once I have the information including all dates, times and complaints in order from my subject access request it will be at this time I will address each point of concern above.

You have also stated:

“It is also alleged that your dogs are left by themselves all day and night barking and causing noise disturbances to your neighbours”.

Mr Simon Cordell has had one dog only at his flat, when Mr Simon Cordell was housed in 1999, he had a dog, no complaints were ever put in re Mr Simon Cordell dog being left by herself all day and night barking and causing noise disturbances to neighbours and being neglected.

When Mr Simon Cordell was moved into 109 Burncroft Ave, Enfield, Middlesex, EN3 7JQ I believe in 2006 he had the same dog, when she passed away in 2007 he got a new dog same bred and since 2006 there has been no complaints by neighbours of Mr Simon Cordell leaving her alone all day and night or her barking all night and all day and him not looking after her and neglecting her, and her causing noise disturbances to his neighbours. Mr Simon Cordell does not leave his dog all day and night she is always looked after, if Mr Simon Cordell is not going to be there overnight or for a long time during the day then the family look after the dog. So how someone can say she is left alone is beyond me.

Mr Simon Cordell’s dog is looked after very well she has never been left all day and all night alone, and I feel very angry any person could ever say Mr Simon Cordell has ever mistreated and neglected his dog he is an animal lover as all our family are and we would never mistreat or neglected any animal.

Once again it seems beyond belief Mr Simon Cordell has had his dog and no complaints has been put in by any neighbours about the way my son allegedly mistreats and neglects his dog since 2006, until now 2016.

It seems totally unbelievable my son could have his dog for so many years with not one complaint of mistreatment and neglect and now all of a sudden in 2016 my son mistreats and neglect his dog leaves her alone all day and night with the dog only now in 2016 causing noise disturbances to his neighbours. You can take that how it reads as I am so angry right now that any person could say the dog is mistreated and neglected, she is always cared for and loved and not left alone all day and night barking and making noise.

In fact, the dog that lives a few rows up barks more and makes more noise than Mr Simon Cordell dog does its always barking and making a noise so does this mean they are going to have action taken against them? My son’s dog only as a rule bark when someone comes into the building to Mr Simon Cordell front door and this is only for a short time until the door is opened for them, there is also the fact Mr Simon Cordell does not have many people at his flat the main people are his family, so his dog hardly barks at all.



Mr Simon Cordell for the last 3 years does not even go out of his flat any longer due to what has been going on, he once in a while goes across to the shop but that is not often at all and only when the family cannot get what he needs as they are busy. If Mr Simon Cordell has to go out for a meeting, he always has someone with him it has become this way due to how he has been treated by the Met police.

You have also stated:

• “Your neighbours have also alleged that you have installed a CCTV in the communal area with the camera pointing towards the main entrance to the block thereby making them to feel very uncomfortable when entering and leaving the block. Your neighbours have alleged that this is an invasion of their privacy”.

I have already put an appeal in my formal complaint dated the 24/11/2016 in regard to the CCTV and I am awaiting a reply as to what information I need and how I address the appeal. I will say that the CCTV is for security, but so far has protected me due to malicious information that has been passed to people, but it was not installed for that reason but has helped in this the main reason it was installed was due to security.

But since the 14/08/2016 when the police themselves damaged the CCTV camera due to what they were doing to Mr Simon Cordell, it has not worked. So, at this time there is no CCTV in operation in the communal area of the block the only CCTV that is operational at this time is the ones inside Mr Simon Cordell flat itself. When Mr Simon Cordell was on a phone call to Sarah Fletcher on the 22/11/2016 she did say if the CCTV camera was facing Mr Simon Cordell’s front door there would be no problem with that this is at this time being acted on.

It also seems that this complaint has come in very late as if any neighbours felt that this was an invasion of their privacy why was this not acted on in 2013 when it was installed? Why has it taken them until 2016 to say they feel this is an invasion of their privacy?

In fact I feel it has protected Mr Simon Cordell’s neighbours there has been crime in the area and many break ins within the housing estate where everyone lives, yet not one person has been effected in the block Mr Simon Cordell lives in by crime and I believe this is due to the CCTV being there, and if anything happened to any of the neighbours in the block the police could obtain a copy. The CCTV camera does not show any neighbours living in the block, front doors or windows. And only showed part of the ground floor communal area leading up to Mr Simon Cordell’s own front door.

It also makes us feel the only reason that the neighbours have now said about the CCTV is due to what they are trying to say about Mr Simon Cordell in these complaints, I feel that at this time the CCTV is the thing that protected Mr Simon Cordell against what the neighbours have alleged, why else would it have taken them over 3 years to say they now felt it was an invasion of their privacy?

As said in my formal complaint the police don’t like Mr Simon Cordell and this has been for many years when the police go to Mr Simon Cordell flat, he feels safer that the CCTV is there as it shows what the police are doing to Mr Simon Cordell so makes him feel safer, has the police put a report in about the CCTV camera also?

As stated these allegations are very serious and I would like them addressed as soon as possible but until I have the information I have asked for so know what dates and times these complaints were put in I feel that Enfield council is only taking one side to this and that is the neighbours, as since 2014 all my calls and emails and letter about my complaints re the neighbours Enfield Council has done nothing to help me or Mr Simon Cordell address this.

Mr Simon Cordell feels he has no option left to him but to move away from his home due to what has been ongoing for a long time with no one addressing it. He feels that is the only way he will feel safe again from what the neighbours are doing to him, yet Enfield Council have said they will do nothing about this to help him and while this is ongoing it is affecting his heath more and more.



Mr Daniel Ellis has said that my formal complaint should be addressed by the 14/12/2016 but is trying to compete this sooner, he has been told that no one within Enfield Council is addressing moving Mr Simon Cordell to a new address and this needs acting on as soon as possible as what is going on cannot be left with nothing being done as this is making Mr Simon Cordell’s life hell living in fear, and so far I believe no one within Enfield Council is addressing moving Mr Simon Cordell to a new place, this is unacceptable by any means for Enfield Council not to be addressing this issue, I have made many calls and not one person has called me back to gather information or give me an update if anything is being done about addressing a move for Mr Cordell, so from what I can see once again Enfield Council is not acting in an appropriate manner.

I also believe when I get the information from the subject access request which can take up to 40 days this will incur more issues and I believe there will be data that needs to be corrected which Enfield Council holds on Mr Simon Cordell, as under the data protection act data which is held has to be 100% accurate, I also believe it will help to clear up much information that you have included in your letter.

I have also asked that any letters sent to Mr Simon Cordell are also sent to Miss Lorraine Cordell this was included in my email with the attached letters dated 24/11/2016 this has not been done with your letter why?

I would be most grateful if you could reply to this letter also including myself Miss Lorraine Cordell this can be done via my email or my address which is included in the letters dated 24/11/2016.


Miss Lorraine Cordell

Mr Simon Cordell

People that have been copied into these letters are below

Joan Ryan: MP for Enfield

Mr Rob Leak: Chief Executive Enfield Council

Mr Ray James: Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care

Ms Sally McTernan: Assistant Director Community Housing Services

Sarah Fletcher Sarah: Housing Officer

Jackie Gubby: Housing officer

Lemmy Nwabuisi: ASB Team

Daniel Ellis: Complaints & Access to Information Officer




Picture of a Carma above a Door








George Quinton

Enfield Council / Case History






Case Got Nfa at Highbury and Islington Criminal Court.






This is the day of the printout of the F OI that my Mother and I requested of the Enfield Council.







Case Got Nfa at Highbury and Islington Criminal Court.





Threats and intimidation, Date reported




Threats and intimidation, Date reported





Threats and intimidation, Date reported





Threats and intimidation, Date reported





Threats and intimidation, Date reported





Threats and intimidation, Date reported





Update Complainant,

From the 05/10/2016 + 06/10/2016




Update Complainant,




Update Complainant,




Copy of letter sent to Mr Cordell giving him until 25/11/16 to remove the CCTV he installed on the internal communal door attached.





Copy of letter sent to Mr Cordell giving him until 25/11/16 to remove the CCTV he installed on the internal communal door attached.





Copy of letter sent to Mr Cordell giving him until 25/11/16 to remove the CCTV he installed on the internal communal door attached.





Copy of letter sent to Mr Cordell giving him until 25/11/16 to remove the CCTV he installed on the internal communal door attached.





Letter of complaint received from Mr Cordell's mother; copy attached.





I met with Mr Quinton today at the Civic Centre to discuss his complaints against Mr Simon Cordell. Mr Quinton stated that the problems started soon after he moved into the block in April 2016. He stated that soon after he moved into his flat, he went around to SC's flat to introduce himself. After he introduced himself, SC said to him that there is some kind of war going on between him and other neighbours. SC also told him that he's got a load of issues with the police and that he was trying to sue them because he felt that they were treating him unfairly. He told SC that he was a musician and that he does not want anything to do with his issues.




“Same as above somehow/”





This is the day of the printout of the F OI that my Mother and I requested of the Enfield Council.






Mr Quinton stated that on 4/10/16, he was sleeping when SC started to bang on his ceiling, but he ignored him. SC then came up and started kicking at his door and he still ignored him. SC then went downstairs, dragged Mr Quinton's motorbike








On 11/12/16, SC came up to his flat 3 times to shout abuse and complain about noise from his flat.





This is the day of the printout of the FOI that my Mother and I requested of the Enfield Council.













Case 17753 George Quinton NEIGHBOUR Active. Phone call with Victim

Involved Persons

CLIENT (VICTIM) George Quinton, Relationship to Cases Client (Victim) in CASE 17753

Incidents in which Person is involved Witness:

Current address: 113 Burncroft Avenue, Enfield, EN3 7JQ

Main phone: 07708934948

Gender: Male A

DOB: 21/12/1995

Age band: 18-24

Ethnic origin: Other

Appearance: Male,20 yrs. old, Other,

CLIENT (ACCUSED) Mr Simon Cordell, Client (Accused) in CASE 16175 Client (Accused) in CASE 17753 Client (Accused) in CASE 17818 Client (Accused) in CASE 17834

Relationship to Cases 

Incidents in which Person is involved Witness: COMPLAINT: NO SPECIFIC DATE - Threats and intimidation (General) Witness: INCIDENT: SINCE 05 Oct 16 - Threats and intimidation (General) Witness: COMPLAINT: NO SPECIFIC DATE - Making threats Witness:

Current address: 109 Burncroft Avenue, Enfield, EN3 7JQ

Main phone: 020 8245 7454

Gender: Male

DOB: 26/01/1981

Age band: 35-44

Ethnic origin: White/Black Caribbean 

Home visit to Ms Deborah Andrews flat. Attendees Dawn Allen TMO and CPN Bola Quadri Home visit to Ms Andrews advised that her neighbour at number 109 has for the past few months harassed, intimidated, stalked her and made a life a complete misery. He continuously plays loud music, bangs on her ceiling and door alleging that she is monitoring his,796261,803... 24/01/2017


Page 2 of 3

Notes about this person


movements in his flat. She feels petrified by his presence and as a result refused to leave her flat for fear bumping into him on her way out. She has missed a few appointments with her social worker as a result, she has now been subjected to making home appointments pending the time this matter is resolved. She explained that they use to be acquaintances before the relationship went sour. She believes the whole problem started when he claimed the decoration in his flat was damaged as a result of a leak coming from her flat. She confirmed that she had a leak from her overflow a few months ago which has since been repaired but, the damage alleged had occurred.

Male,35 yrs. old, White/Black Caribbean,


05/10/2016: Threats and intimidation, Date reported: 06/10/2016

Threats and intimidation (General)

Perpetrator has been harassing complainant for a while in relation to alleged noise nuisance. Yesterday evening the perpetrator was banging on the ceiling (the complainant lives above perpetrator) and then came upstairs and tried to kick the door in. He was very aggressive, shouting through the door. He then went outside, dragged the complainant’s motorcycle from its parking space and started smashing it up. The police were called, and the perpetrator was arrested.

Referral Details


Organisation making referral         Housing Anti-Social Behaviour Response Team


06/10/2016: Contact Complainant, 06/10/2016: Contact Complainant, 06/10/2016: Contact Complainant, 06/10/2016:

Social worker for George Quinton (complainant) is Blossom Nation (Triangle Hse) 07947 406 733

10/10/2016: Update Complainant,

Follow on action from Contact Complainant

19/10/2016: Update Complainant,

Follow on action from Contact Complainant

08/11/2016: Update Complainant,

Follow on action from Contact Complainant

21/11/2016: 21/11/2016: 28/11/2016: 29/11/2016:

Copy of letter sent to Mr Cordell giving him until 25/11/16 to remove the CCTV he installed on the internal communal door attached.


Letter of complaint received from Mr Cordell's mother; copy attached.

16/12/2016: 11/01/2017:

I met with Mr Quinton today at the Civic Centre to discuss his complaints against Mr Simon Cordell. Mr Quinton stated that the problems started soon after he moved into the block in April 2016. He stated that soon after he moved into his flat, he went around to SC's flat to introduce himself. After he introduced himself, SC said to him that there is some kind of war going on between him and other neighbours. SC also told him that he's got a load of issues with the police and that he was trying to 8,796261,803...   24/01/2017


Page 3 of 3

sue them because he felt that they were treating him unfairly. He told SC that he was a musician and that he does not want anything to do with his issues.

Straight after he moved in, SC will come up to his flat at least once a week to shout at him and complain about loud banging from his flat and knocking pipes. SC would accuse him of making noise on purpose to wind him up and he will always explain to him that it is not true, that he does not make any banging noises inside his flat and that he cannot explain why the pipes were making knocking noises.


Mr Quinton stated that on 4/10/16, he was sleeping when SC started to bang on his ceiling, but he ignored him. SC then came up and started kicking at his door and he still ignored him. SC then went downstairs, dragged Mr Quinton's motorbike from where he parked it, threw it on the ground and started to hit it with what he believed to be a mop pole, he is not sure how many times he hit it. He then called the police, and they came and took him away, CAD No. 3309/4 Oct. 2016.

On 11/12/16, SC came up to his flat 3 times to shout abuse and complain about noise from his flat.


Si Note: George moved in 02/05/2016

Mr Quinton explained that the first time, he was running a bath when SC came and knocked on the door to complain about knocking pipes. He did not open the door and he shouted abuse at him and his friends and called them homophobic names.


He later came back again to bang on his door and shout further abuse. He also made threatened him and his exact words are 'I'm off curfew in 12 days, when I'm, I am coming for you', he shouted further abuse and walked off. Mr Quinton stated that he is not sure why he came back the second time, but he assumed that it was because of the pipes again.


He later came back again the third time and this time he opened the door because he has had enough. SC complained about noise from his flat and he told him that he was not making any noise.

SC then went on to tell him that he has been away for a long time and that his family was coming to look after his dog.

He asked SC if he knew anything about his bike and SC replied, 'You know what, I'm a grown man I'm not gonna lie, it was me that smashed your bike and I was gutted that the stick broke and I couldn't smash it up more'. He then asked SC about his tyres which was punctured with a knife, and he denied cutting them. He then explained to SC that the knocking pipes has nothing to do with him and that he does not bang or make deliberate noise and he advised SC to play his music over the noise if it happens again as there is nothing he can do about the pipes and the noise as it is the nature of the building. SC said cool, fair enough and walked off and as he walked off, he turned around and gave him a dirty look.


Si Note: This would mean the date of the: 25/12/2016.

About a week later, 2 of his friends left his flat and a short while later he heard SC running out of the front door. Soon after one of his friends called and told him that they have just had a confrontation with SC in the street. His friend informed him that SC ran up to them in the street and confronted his friend Jazz about the knocking pipe noises from his flat. Jazz told SC that it has nothing to do with him. SC then head-butted Jazz and as Jazz fell on the floor, SC jumped on top of him and started to punch him. His other friend Jevon who was with Jazz at the time pulled SC off Jazz and held him until 2 Turkish men came and separated them.


Si Note: Back to the 05/10/2016

Mr Quinton stated that the police did not contact him to update him on what action was taken against SC regarding his smashed bike. He stated that he has recording of SC admitting to smashing up his bike and played the recording to me. Although it was very faint, but you could make out what sounded like SC talking about smashing the bike. He stated that he wants to sue SC for criminal damage, he also wants to take out a restraining order against him and possibly an injunction.

He stated that his friends Simon Cocks (07393285528), Julian Jackson (07387277163) and Jazz Bramble (07375651241) are willing to provide witness statements and will attend court to give evidence on his behalf. He also wants us to find out why what action the police took regarding his smashed bike.,796261,803...




Telephone call received from Mr Cordell 22.11.16

Sarah Fletcher Neighbourhood Officer








Telephone call received from Mr Cordell 22.11.16

I received a call from Simon Cordell of 109 Burncroft Avenue at approx. 1.20pm. The call was transferred by the customer services team informing me that Mr Cordell wished to discuss his housing options/how to move. I took the call - he sounded agitated and said that he had a few things that he wished to discuss with me. He said he was calling in response to a letter that I had sent him requesting the removal of a CCTV camera that he had installed on the inner communal/fire door on the ground floor of the block. He informed me that he would not be removing the camera as he believed he was legally allowed to have the camera as the communal area was his. I explained that he was in breach of his tenancy conditions as permission had not been sought or granted for the installation and he could not install anything in the communal area as this belonged to the Council. He maintained that his neighbour in another block had a camera and had taken the Council to court about it and won the case. I responded that I could not comment about other cases, but my position remains as per the letter I sent: That the camera was in breach of tenancy conditions, was invasive to the privacy of other residents in the block as it points at the outer communal door and should be removed by Friday 25th November or the Council will remove it and charge him for the cost of doing so. He then said that the camera was fake, so it didn’t need to be removed. I responded that it did still need to be removed. His voice was raised throughout the exchange, and I had to ask him to calm down and lower his voice more than once. He then said that he wanted to move on to finding out about moving to another address. He proceeded to give me a full history of his experiences with the police and previous housing management and alleged that ‘Jackie’, who had previously lived above him and ‘Stan’, his immediate neighbour on the ground floor, had victimised him over a long period of time and that he had done nothing wrong. This history was very full, and it was difficult to get a word in because he was so worked up so I let him relay the information to me as it seemed like he wanted to get it off of his chest. He was very derogatory about the police and previous housing staff who had signed a request for an Asbo application against him. I told him that I could not comment about previous action taken. He then came on to more recent events and stated that there had been an incident between him and another resident where she had shouted at him out of her window because of him starting up a scrambler bike in his garden. He maintained that he was courteous during the exchange, but the police came and arrested him because she told them that he had threatened to kill her and that he had been put in the mental hospital, had won his case in court and was able to go home as of today. He said that he wanted me to give him ‘points’ so that he could move. I explained that his best means of moving would be through a mutual exchange, but he was adamant that he did not want to do this and wanted to be moved in the same way that he moved into this property 11yrs ago by being given points. I explained that a transfer was unlikely based on what he had told me so far but that I could look into the position for him. He said a lot about his perceived victimisation by his neighbours and expressed that he felt that I should I have a duty to protect him. I explained that I had a responsibility to all residents living at Burncroft Avenue and took the opportunity to mention that I had received some reports about antisocial behaviour by him that I would need to discuss with him but suggested that we leave that for today. He then put his mother on the line (she had been trying to interject throughout the conversation) who said she wanted to know why I had not responded to her messages to call her. I apologised for this and explained that I have been very busy but that I needed to know whether we had written permission from Mr Cordell for us to speak to her - she said that there was a written note recorded on our files in 2015. Mr Cordell asked her what I was asking her and when she replied that I was querying permission I clearly heard Mr Cordell say angrily and aggressively “I’m gonna do her over” and then “I’m gonna take her job just for fun”. I informed Mrs Cordell that I had overheard these remarks and that I was ending the call. She said that her son had now left the room and she was talking to me. I repeated that I would be ending the call and that she should put what she wanted to say in writing to me.

Sarah Fletcher Neighbourhood Officer



Sarah Fletcher Neighbourhood Officer the Edmonton Centre,













Simon Cordell

109 Bumcroft Avenue




Dear Mr Cordell,

Sarah Fletcher Neighbourhood Officer the Edmonton Centre,

36-44 South Mall,

Edmonton London N9 OTN

0800 40 801 60

18th November 2016

Re: CCTV camera on inner communal/fire door

It has been brought to my attention that you have fitted a security camera onto the inner communal/fire door on the ground floor of our building.

This is in breach of tenancy conditions as it has been fitted without permission.

Please arrange for the camera to be removed by Friday 25th November 2016.

Failure to remove the camera by this date will result in the Council arranging for the removal of the camera and carrying out any necessary repairs to the structure of the building for which you will be charged, and we may take action against you for breach of tenancy conditions.

Please contact me on or before 5.00pm on Friday 25th November 2016 to advise that the camera has been removed or we will proceed with the action as advised above.

Yours Sincerely,

Sarah Fletcher Enfield Council

Ian Davis

Director           -

Regeneration & Environment Enfield Council Civic Centre, Silver Street

Enfield EN1 3XY


Phone: 020 8379 1000


The Government Standard

(?) If you need this document in another language or format call Customer Services on 020 8379 1000, or email



Stanley Curtis

Enfield Council Case History




































































Page 1 of 6


Case17818 Stanley Curtis Burncroft Avenue 111 EN3 7JQ GENERAL Active. Phone call with Victim

Involved Persons


Mr Stanley Curtis,

Client (Victim) in CASE 17818

Relationship to Cases

Incidents in which Person is involved

Current address: 111 Burncroft Avenue, Enfield, EN3 7JQ

Main phone: 07870655010

Gender: Male

DOB / Age band: 16/02/1935 Over 60

Ethnic origin Appearance: White UK

Witness: Male,81 yrs. old, White UK,

CLIENT (ACCUSED) Mr Simon Cordell,

Client (Accused) in CASE 16175

Relationship to Cases: Client (Accused) in CASE 17753 Client (Accused) in CASE 17818

Client (Accused) in CASE 17834

Incidents in which Person is involved

Witness: COMPLAINT: NO SPECIFIC DATE - Threats and intimidation (General)

Witness: INCIDENT: SINCE 05 Oct 16 - Threats and intimidation (General)

Witness: COMPLAINT: NO SPECIFIC DATE - Making threats Witness:

Current address Main phone Gender DOB

Age band Ethnic origin

109 Burncroft Avenue, Enfield, EN3 7JQ

020 8245 7454




White/Black Caribbean

Home visit to Ms Deborah Andrews flat. Attendees Dawn Allen TMO and CPN Bola Quadri Home visit to Ms Andrews advised that her neighbour at number 109 has for the past few months harassed, intimidated, stalked her and made a life a complete misery. He continuously plays loud music, bangs on her ceiling and door alleging that she is monitoring his,798658,803... 24/01/2017


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Notes about this person


movements in his flat. She feels petrified by his presence and as a result refused to leave her flat for fear bumping into him on her way out. She has missed a few appointments with her social worker as a result, she has now been subjected to making home appointments pending the time this matter is resolved. She explained that they use to be acquaintances before the relationship went sour. She believes the whole problem started when he claimed the decoration in his flat was damaged as a result of a leak coming from her flat. She confirmed that she had a leak from her overflow a few months ago which has since been repaired but, the damage alleged had occurred.

Male,35 yrs. old, White/Black Caribbean,


06/07/2016: Making threats, Date reported: 06/07/2016 Making threats Elderly

The defendant using threatening/abusive/insulting words and behaviour with intent to cause fear - provoke unlawful violence - directed at the victim.


From: John Duncan


Sent: 31 October 2016 18:09

To: Kaunchita Maudhub

Subject: Contact phone number for Mr Stanley Curtis

Hi Kaunchita,

This is the contact phone number for Stanley Curtis.


As stated, he is partially deaf so may not hear the phone sometimes. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call me.

Thanks for your help.


John Bates


From: Kaunchita Maudhub

Sent: 03 November 2016 10:13

To: Jean Barton

Subject: FW: Contact phone number for Mr Stanley Curtis

Dear Jean,

We received a phone call from a Mr John Bates on behalf of his friend Mr Stanley Curtis. He explained that Mr Curtis is 83 and having to attend court to give evidence against a male named simon Cordell who verbally abused him. We are aware of simon Cordell as Steve/Pat obtained an ASBO against him for illegal raves etc. I believe he is also a council tenant (I need to check)

Could you initially contact Mr Curtis - obtain his address and the reasons he is going to court? Also ascertain what support he needs. It is not an open case as such but depending on your findings we


Wednesday to check it has been finalised. I will update you as soon as CPS contacts Witness Care.

Kind regards,





Sent: 15 November 2016 11:56

To: Jean Barton


Hello Jean,

CPS has not confirmed the taxi yet. I have a close eye on the case, with a view that we have till tomorrow - 16:00hrs - to obtain this information. As soon as CPS responds I will contact you.



Thomas JONES | Witness Care Officer | Camden & Islington CJU I Holborn Police Station Met Prosecutions Crime I Met Phone 746339 | Telephone 0208 733 6339 |Facsimile 746391 (0208 733 6391) | Email Camden Police - Reducing Crime, Serving Camden


I received a call from Thomas Jones - Witness Care he advised that the CPS have dropped the case of Curtis v Cordell. Reason - Not enough evidence to provide a realistic prospect of any conviction. In further discussion Thomas said DC Campbell was of ill - has now returned; however, he said he will contact Mr Curtis in relation to the current position of the matter. I asked Tom if the CPS will be writing to Mr Curtis directly - he said they should advise accordingly. Tips given to report further incidents and keep records.

16/11/2016: 16/11/2016: 16/11/2016:

Visited Christine (flat 97 Burncroft Avenue) and Karen (flat 105). Christine stated that she witnessed the September when Mr Cordell threatened Mr Curtis. She stated that she was with her neighbour Karen when they heard Mr Cordell shouting and as they came out to see what was happening, she saw Mr Cordell shouting at Mr Curtis. She alleged that he was shouting abuse and threats and that Karen told him to leave Mr Curtis alone, that he is an old man. Mr Cordell then started shouting abuse and threats at Karen. Christine stated that she is not prepared to give a statement and that she will not keep incident logs.

We then met with Karen outside the block. She stated that she and Christine witnessed the incident that happened in September. She stated that Mr Cordell was shouting abuse and threats at Mr Curtis and that she told him to leave Mr Curtis alone as he is an old man and that Mr Cordell then turned against her and started threatening her. She stated that she is not afraid of him when she is on her own, that her only concern is that she is looking after 2 very vulnerable children and she will not be able to defend herself and them if Mr Cordell was to attack her when she is with them. She is happy to make a statement and will log any further incidents.


Visited Mr Curtis and Karen to hand deliver incident diaries.


Copy of the letter sent to Mr Cordell giving him until 25/11/2016 to remove the CCTV he installed on the internal communal door attached.

07/12/2016: 09/12/2016: 14/12/2016: 09/01/2017: 10/01/2017: 10/01/2017:

Joint home visit conducted with Lemmy. Mr Curtis said that he has had no further problems from



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Simone Cordell however, he was aware of altercations between Simone Cordell and other residents in the block. Mr Curtis said he will still maintain his own logs and call the police and the council if necessary. The camera directly outside of Simone Cordell flat has been removed however, we notice that there was a camera in the communal area pointed toward the staircase - we need to find out who the camera belongs to.




Re: CCTV Camera on inner Communal/fire Door













Simon Cordell

109 Bumcroft Avenue




Sarah Fletcher Neighbourhood Officer the Edmonton Centre,

36-44 South Mall,

Edmonton London N9 OTN


0800 40 80 160

18th November 2016

Dear Mr Cordell,

Re: CCTV camera on inner communal/fire door

It has been brought to my attention that you have fitted a security camera onto the inner communal / fire door on the ground floor of our building. This is in breach of tenancy conditions as it has been fitted without permission.

Please arrange for the camera to be removed by Friday 25th November 2016. Failure to remove the camera by this date will result in the Council arranging for the removal of the camera and carrying out any necessary repairs to the structure of the building for which you will be charged, and we may take action against you for breach of tenancy conditions.

• 1; Please contact me on or before 5.00pm on Friday 25th November 2016 to advise that the camera has been removed or we will proceed with the action as advised above.

Yours Sincerely,

(?) If you need this document in another language or format call Customer Services on 020 8379 1000, or email



Markandu Mathiyalakan

Enfield Council History































































Page 1 of 3


Case17834 Markandu Mathiyalakan Burncroft Avenue 117 EN3 7j GENERAL Active, Interview with Victim

Involved Persons

CLIENT (VICTIM) Mr Markandu Mathiyalakan, Relationship to Cases Incidents in which Person is involved: Client (Victim) in CASE 17834

INCIDENT: SINCE 06 Aug 16 - Threats and intimidation (General)

Current address: 117 Burncroft Avenue, Enfield, EN3 7JQ

Main phone: 07891740939

Gender: Male

Ethnic origin: Unknown

Appearance: Male, Unknown,

CLIENT (ACCUSED) Mr Simon Cordell: Client (Accused) in CASE 16175

Relationship to Cases: Client (Accused) in CASE 17753

Client (Accused) in CASE 17818

Client (Accused) in CASE 17834

Incidents in which Person is involved: Witness: COMPLAINT: NO SPECIFIC DATE - Threats and intimidation (General) Witness: INCIDENT: SINCE 05 Oct 16 - Threats and intimidation (General) 

Witness: COMPLAINT: NO SPECIFIC DATE - Making threats Witness:

Current address: 109 Burncroft Avenue, Enfield, EN3 7JQ

Main phone: 020 8245 7454

Gender: Male

DOB: 26/01/1981

Age band: 35-44

Ethnic origin: White/Black Caribbean

Home visit to Ms Deborah Andrews flat. Attendees Dawn Allen TMO and CPN Bola Quadri Home visit to Ms Andrews advised that her neighbour at number 109 has for the past few months harassed, intimidated, stalked her and made a life a complete misery. He continuously plays loud music, bangs on her ceiling and door alleging that she is monitoring his movements in his flat. She feels petrified by his presence and as a result refused to leave her flat for fear bumping into him on her way out. She has


Page 2 of 3

missed a few appointments with her social worker as a result, she has now been subjected to making home appointments pending the time this matter is resolved. She explained that they use to be acquaintances before the relationship went sour. She believes the

Notes about this person       

whole problem started when he claimed the decoration in his flat was damaged as a result of a leak coming from her flat. She confirmed that she had a leak from her overflow a few months ago which has since been repaired but, the damage alleged had occurred.

Appearance: Male,35 yrs. old, White/Black Caribbean,


06/08/2016: Threats and intimidation, Date reported: 17/10/2016

Threats and intimidation (General)

Letter received from complainant via MEQ alleging that another resident who is drug addicted has been aggressively demanding money, making threats and exhibiting threatening behaviour towards him/his wife. Complainant requesting action be taken against Waltham Forest District Council and the police. (Complainant is living in a leasehold property - accommodation provided by Waltham Forest?). Perpetrator identified as living on ground floor, but door number not specified.

Referral Details


Organisation making referral: Housing Anti-Social Behaviour Response Team


17/10/2016: Contact Complainant, 17/10/2016: Contact Complainant,

17/10/2016: Contact Complainant,

We discussed the complaint; confirmed that the perpetrator was Simon Cordell at 109 Burncroft Avenue; confirmed that complainant is housed in temporary accommodation by Waltham Forest District Council and has been trying to report issues to them and police; Issues have been going on for some time and include: intimidating/threatening behaviour, aggressive demands/threats for money, tyres slashed, swearing/name calling etc.


Response sent to Members Enquiry - no prior reports received from Complainant - may have been reporting to Waltham Forest District Council? Contact information requested for complainant in order to investigate further.

Contact number subsequently provided.

26/10/2016: Update Complainant,

Follow on action from Contact Complainant

01/11/2016: Update Complainant,

Follow on action from Contact Complainant

02/11/2016: Update Complainant,

Follow on action from Contact Complainant

11/11/2016: Interview Complainant,

I interviewed the Complainant. He reported that the issues have been ongoing for about 18 months (He, his wife and daughter have lived at Burncroft Avenue in temporary accommodation provided by Waltham Forest DC for 2.5yrs). Please see attached notes of interview - The complainant is really


frightened for his family - Mr Cordell is very aggressive and has previously kicked him in the nose/face and threatened to hit him with a piece of wood; his wife is so scared that she accompanies him to work and waits in the car with their daughter for his shifts.


Copy of the letter sent to Mr Cordell giving him until 25/11/16 to remove the CCTV he installed on the internal communal door attached.

06/12/2016: 06/12/2016: 07/12/2016: 08/12/2016: 22/12/2016: 10/01/2017: 16/01/2017:






Sarah Fletcher Neighbourhood Officer the Edmonton Centre,

11/11/2016: Interview Complainant / Notes












“Hand Wrote Notes”


“Hand Wrote Notes”


“Hand Wrote Notes”

