Simon Cordell’s

A Housing Possession Order

















RE Simon Cordell Rent account






RE Simon Cordell ref Council Tax












Allan Katongole

RE Simon Cordell Rent account






Council Tax Account






RE Council Tax Account






Council Tax Account












Colin Bullworthy Council Tax






















































Read acknowledgement






Read acknowledgement












FW Issue I am having






RE Issue I am having with neighbours






RE Can you please help






FW Issue I am having with neighbours






RE Issue I am having






FW Issue I am having with neighbours






RE Please can you help this cannot carry on!






FW Issue I am having with neighbours






Mother FW Please can you help this cannot carry on






Re Complaint






Dawn Allen RE Complaint






RE Complaint






Dawn Allen RE Complaint






Mother RE Complaint






Dawn Allen RE_ Complaint






Mother RE Complaint






Dear Louise Brown






Louise Brown Jackie Gubby






Louise Brown RE Simon Cordell






Jackie Gubby RE Simon Cordell






Mother RE Simon Cordell Complaint






Simon Cordell Authority Letter






Re Enfield Council Subject Access Request Simon Cordell






Geoffrey Mann Confidential












Formal Complaint dated






Letter to Council Dated


















Formal Complaint dated






Formal Complaint dated






Simon Cordell Authority Letter












Simon Cordell Authority Letter






Re Simon Cordell Formal Complaint






Re Simon Cordell Formal Complaint






Chief Executive Re Si






Complaints and information FW CRM COM Simon Cordell Formal Complaint






Daniel Ellis RE CRM COM 1885 Simon Cordell Formal Complaint






Mother RE CRM COM 1885 Simon Cordell Formal Complaint






RE CRM COM Simon Cordell Formal Complaint












CRM COM Simon Cordell Formal Complaint






CRM COM Simon Cordell Formal Complaint

Cx ~





Concetta Nobile SAR






Letter to Mr Simon Cordell






2nd Letter to Simon Cordell






Mother RE SAR






Mother FW SAR






Dionne Grant RE SAR






Dionne Grant RE SAR






Dionne Grant RE SAR






Access letter for Burncroft Avenue






Lemmy Nwabuisi Re Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell






Sarah Fletcher Copy of letter sent to Mr Simon Cordell






Lemmy Nwabuisi RE Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell







Lemmy Nwabuisi RE Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell






Lemmy Nwabuisi RE Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell






Recall Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell






Lemmy Nwabuisi FW Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell






Lemmy Nwabuisi FW Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell






Lemmy Nwabuisi FW Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell






3rd Letter to Mr Cordell,






Access letter for Burncroft Avenue






Sarah Fletcher Copy of letter sent to Mr Cordell






Lemmy Nwabuisi RE Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell






Dionne Grant RE Response to SAR Ref CRM SAR






Lemmy Nwabuisi RE Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell






4th Letter to Mr Cordell






Lemmy Nwabuisi RE Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell







RE Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell






NOSP - Simon Cordell






Lemmy Nwabuisi Re Notice of Seeking Possession






Mother RE Mr Cordell Notice of Seeking Possession






Lemmy Nwabuisi RE Simon Cordell Notice of Seeking Possession






Lemmy Nwabuisi RE Simon Cordell Notice of Seeking Possession






Mother to Me about Lemmy Case Work












Lemmy first Injunction Order 09_08_2017-page 1












Simon Cordell’s

The 1st Injunction Order getting Ripped!







Report Id


A Copy of my Housing Tenancy Agreement


Point 1:






Council Housing-Information Tenancy Agreement 2014


Point 1:
































George Carron & Stain Case NFA


Point 1:








Lemmy Harassment Letter


Point 1:







Lemmy John Irving Statement


Point 1:








In the Wood Green Crown Court


Point 1:






Lemmy 1st Injunction their Case History

George Quinton’s History


A: Banging on Celling / Bike case / Nfa!


B: Tel/Updated Complaint!


C: Tel/Updated Complaint!


D: Tel/Updated Complaint!


E: Attended the Civic Centre!


F: Attended the Civic Centre!


G: Sarah Fletchers or Lemmy visited 113!


H: Sarah Fletchers or Lemmy Telephoned 113!


I: Sarah Fletchers or Lemmy visited 113!


Point 1:





A: 05/10/2016

Reported on the



B: 10/10/2016


C: 19/10/2016


D: 08/11/2016


E: 16/12/2016


F: 11/01/2017

The only day George talks about is the 04/10/16 + 00/12/16


G: 08/02/2017

no response


H: 07/03/2017


I: 27/07/2017


































Sarah Fletcher Tel Call History


Point 1:







Markandu History


A: Letter sent stating that I am a Drug Addict Backdated to the!


B: Threats and Intermediation

Tel/Updated Complaint!


C: Tel/Updated Complaint!


D: Tel/Updated Complaint!


E: Interview First Statement!


Waltham Forest states no prior info dated 17 /10/2016!








F: Tel/Updated Complaint!


G: Tel/Updated Complaint!



Tel/Updated Complaint!


I: Tel/Updated Complaint!


J: Tel/Updated Complaint!


K: Attended the Civic Centre!


L: Attended the Civic Centre!


M: Attended the Civic Centre!


N: Tel/Updated Complaint!


O: Tel/Updated Complaint!


P: Tel/Updated Complaint!


Q: Attended the Civic Centre!


U: Sarah Fletchers visited 117!


R: Sarah Fletchers visited 117!


S: Sarah Fletcher Telephoned 117!


T: Tel/Updated Complaint!


U: Tel/Updated Complaint!


V: Attended the Civic Centre!


W: Tel/Updated Complaint!


X: Tel/Updated Complaint!


Y: Tel/Updated Complaint!


Z: Attended the Civic Centre!


$: Lemmy or Fletcher Telephoned 117!



Point 1:




A: 06/08/2016

Reported on the

Aa: 17/10/2016


B: 26/10/2016



C: 01/11/2016


D: 02/11/2016


E: 11/11/2016

Dates of Complaints updated IN 1ST Statement are: --

E1: 06/08/2016

E2: 27/09/2016

E3: 28/09/2016

E4: 08/08/2016

E5: 16/10/2016

E6: 12/08/2016


F: 06/12/2016


G: 06/12/2016


H: 07/12/2016



I: 08/12/2016


J: 12/12/2016


K: 22/12/2016


L: 10/01/2017


M: 13/01/2017


N: 16/01/2017


O: 16/01/2017


P: 23/01/2017


Q: 01/02/2017


U: 06/02/2017


R: 08/02/2017


S: 21/02/2017


T: 05/05/2017


U: 08/05/2017


V: 15/05/2017


W: 02/06/2017


X: 12/06/2017


Y: 19/06/2017


Z: 03/07/2017


$: 27/07/2017















































































































































Stain Curtis

Council History


Point 1:

Complaint Made

A: 06/07/2016


An Associate of Stains call for a free cab to take stain to court


B: 31/10/2016


Case dropped Info

C: 16/11/2016


















Debra Andrews


Point 1:



No Debra she moved

By the 03/02/2016









John Irving / A Fabricated Statement / Council History!


Point 1:


Some Email’s:

A:  07/02/2017

B: 30/01/2017


14:42 – Re:

C: 26/01/2017


Ref: 117 Bumcr6ft Ave, Enfield, EN3 7JQ ·

low water pressure - 4arassment by tenant at 109

Thurs 26/01/17 - While in attendance at 117 Bumcroft; where we were attempting to resolve a low water pressure issue, w􀁸y-􀁻re approached by the tenant of 109 Bumcroft the ground floor flat. He stated that there were problems between him and the tenants of 117 without going into specific details. I was with a private plumber who was looking at the low water pressure problem at 117. We explained the problem to the tenant from 109 who stated, 'you will not solve the problem as I am restricting their water supply!' obviously both myself and the plumber were shocked at this statement. Despite thorough investigation to the low water pressure problem, we were unable to increase the pressure. However, before leaving the Site I knocked at 109 asking whether he would increase their pressure, he stated 'I cannot do anything at the moment I will sort it out later!'. Despite the attendance of Thames Water (twice), the agent’s plumber, my plumber and various sub-contractors from Enfield Homes this matter remains unresolved.









Steve Stirk & Sarah Flexure

Low Water Pressure

Came into my Home / Used against me!


Point 1:


24/02/2017 is the wrong date this was 26/01/2017 noted on page 65

Also added is








Council surveyor Steve Stirk Notes


Point 1:


Email: 10/05/2017



January 2017





115 Burncroft Avenue Tenants / Council History!


Point 1:


Noted on the

A:  01/06/2017

Incident Claimed

B: 14/05/2017







Lemmy 1st Injunction Letter of Harassment



Point 1:







Lemmy 1ST Injunction Mathiyalagan Statement

Point 1:













Lemmy 1st Injunction Mr. Neville Gary Council Staff Statement!


Point 1:


Date forged








Lemmy 1st Injunction Order Acknowledgment of Service / application form


Point 1:










Lemmy first Injunction Order


Point 1:








Lemmy George witness Care Letter


Point 1:







Lemmy Harassment Letter


Point 1:








Lemmy Injunction 1st Claim Form


Point 1:







Lemmy Injunction order 1 Prevention of Harassment


Point 1:







Lemmy Injunction Order Letter of Harassment


Point 1:







Lemmy Injunction Order App

/Powers of Arrest


Point 1:









Lemmy Letter of Harassment


Point 1:






Lemmy’s Statement 1st Injunction order


Point 1:
















Police Bail Sheet Wood Green


Point 1:







Sarah Fletcher Math Interview


Point 1:








Statement of George Quinton


Point 1:












My Made Index Before Lemmy’s 1st Index

Simon Cordell’s

The 2nd Injunction Order getting Ripped!







Report Id


2nd Injunction App

Application for Injunction


Point 1:



Dated: 05 & 08/01/2018








Point 1:









Point 1:











Point 1:












Exhibit LN1 of the witness statement of Lemmy Nwabuisi


Point 1:






A copy of the following documents: --

1.           Application notice!

2. Witness statement of M s Ludmilla lyavoo!

As below!


Point 1:






Application notice dated 03/01/2018

seeking to set aside the Court orders


Point 1:


13.12.2017 and 02.01.2018






Witness statement of M s Ludmilla lyavoo in support of the application


Point 1:












A copy of the Draft Court order


Point 1:








Email Ludmila Lyavvoo


Point 1:


17/11/2017 time 11:59





A copy of the Claimant's Directions questionnaire


Point 1:







A copy of the Directions questionnaire


Point 1:













Point 1:







Ludmilla lyavoo

RE: LBE v Cordell-D05ED073 / An Email to the Court House


Point 1:


17/11/2017 11:.14








A Letter from the Court House /Your Directions Questionnaire was received by the court on 20/11/17. Therefore, the sanction on the order of 6/11/17 applies.”


Point 1:







An Email to the Court House / Ludmilla lyavoo

RE: LBE v Cordell


Point 1:


15/11/2017 Time 13:36





An Email to the Court House / Zena Ndereyimana


Point 1:


14/11/2017 Time 14:36





General Form of Judgment or Order


Point 1:






My Solicitor Firm For this Application / CLAIM NUMBER: D02ED073

Questioner form


Point 1:









The Enfield Councils File Note Dated

Telephone call Mr. Markandu


Point 1:







The Enfield Councils File Note Meeting with Mr. and miss Mathiyalagan


Point 1:








2nd Injunction Claim Form


Point 1:







2nd Injunction Powers of Arrest


Point 1:







2nd Injunction Solicitor firm not Acting 4 Me


Point 1:






Acknowledgment of Service 2nd Injunction


Point 1:








Application 4 2nd Injunction Order


Point 1:






Bail Sheets


Point 1:









District Judge Cohen Ordered

A copy of these paperwork’s to get served to my Address


Point 1:








The witness statement of service of Mr Andy PHILIPPOU


Point 1:



A: 10/01/2018







A copy of the sealed application notice, which will be considered at the next hearing.


Point 1:










Point 1:











Point 1:












Point 1:













Point 1:









Lemmy Injunction 2nd Complaint solicitor firm


Point 1:






Re Bail Form


Point 1:







Service of 2nd Injunction order


Point 1:







X Solicitor Notice of Service to their Office


Point 1:






x Solicitor Service


Point 1:






Updated 25/04/2018 by Hand Post into My Letter Box!






Report Id




2nd Injunction Order Notice of Hearing


Point 1:



p1 & 2

New Pages: 98,99



2 Injunction Order Application Notice


Point 1:



p 3 to 6

New Pages: 100,101,102,103



Statement of Markandu Math

Point 1:



p7 to 8

New Pages: 104,105



Miss Revathy Mathiyalagan


Point 1:



p09 to 13

New Pages:




Draft Order Miss Revathy & Markandu Mathiyalagan


Point 1:



p14 to 25

New Pages:







Updated 04/05/2018 An Attempt to Hand Serve me!






Report Id




Point 1:






Updated 11/05/2018 An Attempt to Hand Serve me!






Report Id



Point 1:





Updated /0/2018 Arrested Because Of Carron Dunno’s Lies Again!






Report Id



Point 1:













Lemmy’s Index

Made for

BUNDLE FOR THE HEARING OF 26.06.2018 Ordered by Judge



Note /

Point: --

1.  Accused Threats to kill = start date!

2.  Accused Assault Mathiyalagan!

3.  Accused Threats to Kill Carron!

4.  Prior Accused Incident’s!

5.   Claim Number: EO0ED049

Anything before the 09/01/2018 is the old claims that got struck out and must not have gotten submitted as they have,

This is in Draft Mode & I have not rectified the continuous lies.



Document Dates + Number Count

[1] -09.01.2018= 4

[2]-05.01.2018= 1

[3]-08.01.2018= 1

[4]-09.02.2018= 2

[5]-05.02.2018= 3

[6]-02.02.2018= 1

[7]-11.05.2018= 3

[8]-20.04.2018= 2

[9]-24.04.2018= 1

[10]-10.05.2018= 3



[11]-08.05.2018= 1

[12]-14.05.2018= 3

[13]-15.05.2018= 1

[14]-12.06.2018= 1

[15]-09.09.2017= 1



[16]-22.09.2017= 1

[17]-09.08.2017= 2

[18]-29.09.2017= 1

[19]-09.11.2017= 1

[20]-13.12.2017= 1



Title of Document



 Page Numbers of

Lemmy New Index




Si / Information /

Title of Document

Si /


Si /

Report Id



Claim form (PART 8)


Point 1:

Point 2:

Point 3:

Point 4:

Point 5:



1- A new application for an ex parte application.


2- A Claim Form (CPR Part 8) – 1 of 2.


3- A Claim Form (CPR Part 8) – 2 of 2.

1.2nd Injunction Claim Form!


4.My X Solicitor Notice of Service to their Office!








 Application for an injunction (General Form) with Draft Order


Point 1:

Point 2:

Point 3:

Point 4:

Point 5:



4- Application for Injunction (General Form) 1 of 2.


5- Application for Injunction (General Form) 2 of 2.



6- DRAFT ORDER of Condition’s / If you do not obey this Order, you will be guilty 1 0f 2.


7- DRAFT ORDER of Condition’s / If you do not obey this Order, you will be guilty 2 0f 2!


1. 2nd Injunction Claim Form!














Second Witness Statement of Markandu Mathiyalagan


Point 1: 8- Claim Number: D02ED073: --

Dated: 05th January 2018.


The date of the statement and demeanour means that it got created for the 1st Injunction order that Lemmy had struck out by the lower Edmonton County Court and must therefore not get submitted within this new application, as has gotten managed by himself.


Mr. Mathiyalagan statement of truth has gotten Fabricated within its incidents of truth, so to aid him in gaining a wrongful conviction against me so to cover up the true on goings of him and others victimising me with their hate crime and evil attempts of in human treatment towards me.


Mr. Mathiyalagan claims that he got housed to 109 Burncroft Avenue with his family on 11th September 2014, this is not correct information as he moved into the property in the year of 2013, I have video evidence that can proof my claim.


Mr. Mathiyalagan inclusively of the Enfield Homes and the Enfield Council both admit that the property that Mr. Mathiyalagan and his family live inside of is Temporary accommodation and is gained from the statue of Merton which is a treaty towards the United Kingdom’s Citizens / people.

Were as I being also a part of the Statue of Merton my tenancy agreement differs from Mr. Mathiyalagan as I am tied into a mutual agreement of contract; -- that is, classed as a secure tenancy and it states within my tenancy that all other means will get taken by my Land lord before attempting to gain a position order against me or any of their secure clients to which has not been managed to get accomplished by any of their reasonable persons with a fair process and without their being a breach in trust due to the bios diction making by them employed staff, as what they achieved was of criminal attempts and caused fraud under the companies Act 2006 alongside many other criminal offences.



I Know that all Principle’s that do get gained under the constitution that the companies supposedly reasonable person represents “Must Mandatorily get Followed and obtained, as have not been”: --

and this note at present being in regards towards Th e Enfield Council Namely employees, addressed at the civic Centre and also that of the Enfield Homes team that is based at the lower 32 to 34 Edmonton Green reasonable persons in charge of my case history or active within the case being in breach of many of them principles with clear evidence that I obtain showing negligence in mutable instances of cause towards the on goings at present.



Point 2: 9- Claim Number: D02ED073: --

Dated: 05th January 2018.

I instruct this point towards the claim that; --

Mr. Mathiyalagan “made this Witness Statement in support of the Claimant’s application for committal as the Defendant is in breach of the Injunction Order with Power of Arrest made against him In the County Court at Edmonton on 09/08/2017”

and therefore, dispute its facts to be true for the following reasons:

1.        This is a statement of hearsay and not a first-hand statement and I would like to be able to question the integrity of the person who was really there and also see their statement of facts to which I cannot as one has never been made.

2.        This statement was also made for the first claim that got brought before the Jude and has already been stuck out.

3.        I did not commit the offence that I have been accused of within side of the statement ad find that my definition of the defamation of my character has been slandered by Mr. Mathiyalagan in making up such fraudulent claims against my person o which I can prove in a court of law not to be true, by way of my word and video and audio evidence also that of official emails and correspondence that I have within my possession.


4.        On 11/11/2017 between 11:30am and 12pm, my wife was at home when


5.        On 2nd January 2018 at 6:30pm, my wife was inside our flat trying to assemble a cupboard that


6.        Since 2014 the Mr. MATHIYALAGAN FAIMILY started to attack me.

I have called the police for assistance other 220 times when thigs were at their worst and there on after trying to sort things out





Point 3:  10- Claim Number: D02ED073: --

Dated: 05th January 2018.

The Defendant went away and returned half an hour later, he lifted our letterbox flap


On 3rd January at 9:30am, I was inside our flat with my wife and daughter when the Defendant came and started banging on our front door.


Point 4:


Point 5:




8- Claim Number: D02ED073: --

Dated: 05/01/2018


I, Mr Markandu Mathiyalagan, of 117 Bumcroft Avenue, Enfield, EN3 7JQ make this statement believing it to be true and understand that it may be placed before court.

Insofar as the content of this witness statement is within my own personal knowledge it is true and insofar as it is not within my personal knowledge it is true to the best of my knowledge.


1.        I am the tenant of Flat 113 Bumcroft Avenue, Enfield, EN3 7JQ. My flat is located two floors above the Defendant’s. I live there with my wife and children. I have been housed to this Property with my family on 11/09/2014 by Waltham Forest District Council. The Property was given to me as a temporary accommodation.

/ 1 of 4.



9- Claim Number: D02ED073: --

Dated: 05/01/2018

2.             I make this Witness Statement in support of the Claimant’s application for committal as the Defendant is in breach of the Injunction Order with Power of Arrest made against him In the County Court at Edmonton on 09/08/2017

3.             The Defendant’s abusive behaviour towards my family and I stopped for some time after the Claimant obtained the Injunction against him although he continued to make general comments towards us whenever he sees me or my wife entering or leaving the block.

4.             On 11/11/2017 between 11:30am and 12pm, my wife was at home when the Defendant came up to our front door, opened the letterbox and peeped through it to see who was inside our flat. He started swearing and shouting abuse and banging on the door as soon as he saw my wife. He then ran downstairs when my wife wept to get her mobile phone to record the incident. My wife telephoned the police and reported the incident, CAD No. 3230 of 11/11/2017

The police attended about two hours later, went and spoke to the Defendant and came informed my wife that he denied coming to our front door.

5.             On 02/01/2018 at 6:30pm, my wife was inside our flat trying to assemble a cupboard that we bought from Ikea. Our three-year-old daughter and my cousin who was asleep at the time were also in the flat. Suddenly my wife heard someone banging on our front door and she went to the door with her phone and overheard the Defendant shouting that there was noise coming from our flat. My wife told him that she was trying to assemble a cupboard, but he called her a liar and accused her of deliberately banging on the floor. The Defendant then stood outside our front door for more than twenty minutes swearing and shouting abuse at my wife.

/ 2 of 4.


10- Claim Number: D02ED073: --

Dated: 05/01/2018

7.        The Defendant went away and returned half an hour later, he lifted our letterbox flap, stuck his mobile phone through the letterbox and started to record my family while swearing and shouting abuse. This went on for about ten to fifteen minutes. The matter was reported to the police, CAD No. 5121 of: -- 02/01/2018


7.             On 03/01/0000 at 9:30am, I was inside our flat with my wife and daughter when the Defendant came and started banging on our front door. I went and asked him what the problem was, and he stated that my wife was banging on the floor yesterday for about an hour. I told him that my wife was not banging on the floor, that she was trying to assemble a cupboard, but he called me a liar and continued to shout and swear at us.


He threatened to kill us and bum down our property and stated that we will not be safe no matter where we are. The Defendant then forced his way into our flat, but my wife managed to push him out and double-locked the door. I called the police, and they came and advised us to report the matter to the council, CAD No. 2098 of 03/01/2018

The officers refused to listen to the audio recording of the incident and advised that we should ask the council to rehouse us.

8. The recent abuse and threats to kill from the Defendant have made it difficult for us to live in our own home. My wife is afraid to stay in our flat alone with our daughter or leave the flat alone without me or my cousin accompanying her. The Defendant’s behaviour is also causing a lot of distress and anxiety not only to me and my wife but also to our three-year- old daughter

/ 3 of 4.


11- Claim Number: D02ED073: --

Dated: 05/01/2018

End: --

/ 4 of 4.
















Witness Statement of Lemmy Nwabuisi


Point 1: Chief Heather littler! 4th Recording


Chief Heather littler! 5th Recording


Point 2:

Point 3:

Point 4:

Point 5:





12- Claim Number: EO0ED049 - A Witness Statement of Lemmy Nwabuisi / Statement No. 2 –


I, Mr Lemmy Nwabuisi, of PO BOX 50, Civic Centre, Enfield, EN1 3XA make this statement believing it to be true and understand that it may be placed before court

Insofar as the content of this witness statement Is within my own personal knowledge it is true and insofar as it Is not within my personal knowledge it Is true to the best of my knowledge.


I am employed by the London Borough of Enfield as an Anti-Social Behaviour Coordinator in the Community Safety Unit. I have held this employment since August 2016. My role as an Anti-Social Coordinator consists of investigating and dealing with reports of anti-social behaviour involving council and non-council tenants. My involvement with; --

Statement of Truth: --

Dated this 08/01/2018

 1 of 7.


13- Claim Number: EO0ED049 - A Witness Statement of Lemmy Nwabuisi / Statement No. 2 –

the Defendant was due to allegations of verbal abuse, threats, harassment and intimidation made against him by some of his neighbours.

I make this Witness Statement in support of the Claimant's application dated 08/01/2018 This is my second witness statement in the above proceedings.

Backgrounds to the case

3.             The Claimant obtained an interim injunction against the Defendant on 09/08/2017 under claim number D02ED073. On 13/12/2017 the Court made an order striking out the Claimant's claim on the basis that it failed to file its direction questionnaire on 17/11/2017 as directed. The Court stated that it received the Claimant's questionnaire on 20/11/2017 and therefore ordered that the Claim be struck out and that the interim injunction order be discharged.

4.             The Claimant's solicitor emailed the Edmonton County Court on 14/11/2017 asking that the Claim be reinstated as it had filed its direction questionnaire on 17thNovember at 11.59 and was therefore within time. The email has not been responded to until today.

5.             On 03/01/2018 the. Claimant filed an application notice at the Court by email asking for the Claim to be reinstated. The application was filed after the Court served an order dated 02/01/2018 ordering the Claimant to pay the Defendant’s legal costs. A copy of the application notice can be found under exhibit LN01.

6. Mr Mathiyalagan who is one of the Defendant’s neighbours and resident at Flat 117 Burncroft Avenue, Enfield contacted me and complained about further incidents of anti-social behaviour he was subjected to by the; --

Statement of Truth: --

Dated this 08/01/2018

2 of 7.


14- Claim Number: EO0ED049 - A Witness Statement of Lemmy Nwabuisi / Statement No. 2 –

Defendant. It is also to be noted that Mr Mathiyalagan provided evidence in support of the initial injunction order.

Incidents of antisocial behaviour

7.             On 14/11/2017 Mr Mathiyalagan telephoned me to report an incident that occurred at 11:30am on 11/11/2017

 He reported that his wife was alone inside their flat when the Defendant came to their front door, opened the letterbox and peeped through it to see who was inside the flat. Mr Mathiyalagan stated that the Defendant started swearing and shouting abuse and banging on his front door as soon as he saw his wife. He then ran downstairs when his wife went to get her mobile phone to record the incident. He stated that his wife called the police, CAD No. 3230 of 11/11/2017 and the police attended and went and spoke to the Defendant and came and informed his wife that he denied coming to their front door. A file note of this report is under exhibit LN02.

8.             On 05/01/2018 Mr and Mrs Mathiyalagan met with me to report recent incidents that occurred on 02nd and 03/01/2018 Mr Mathiyalagan reported that on 02/01/2018 at 6:30pm, his wife was inside their flat trying to assemble a cupboard, she was with their 3-year- old daughter and a cousin who was asleep at the time. He stated that suddenly his wife heard someone banging on their front door. She went to the door with her phone and overheard the Defendant shouting that there was noise coming from their flat. His wife told the Defendant that she was trying to assemble a cupboard, but he called her a liar and accused her of deliberately banging on the floor. The Defendant then stood outside his front door for more than twenty minutes swearing and shouting abuse at his wife. Mr Mathiyalagan stated that the Defendant went away and returned half an hour later, he lifted his letterbox flap, stuck his mobile phone through the letterbox and started to record his family while swearing; --

Statement of Truth: --

Dated this 08/01/2018

3 of 7.


15- Claim Number: EO0ED049 - A Witness Statement of Lemmy Nwabuisi / Statement No. 2

and shouting abuse at his wife. This went on for about fifteen minutes. The matter was reported to the police, CAD No. 5121 of 02/01/2018

9.             Mr Mathiyalagan also stated that by 03/01/2018 at 9:30am, the Defendant came to his front door and started banging on the door. He went and asked him what the problem was and he complained that his wife was banging on the floor the previous day for about an hour. He explained to the Defendant that his wife was not banging on the floor, that she was trying to assemble a cupboard, but he called him a liar and continued to swear and shout abuse at him and his wife. Mr Mathiyalagan also stated that the Defendant threatened to kill him and his family and said to him that they will not be safe from him no matter where they are. Mr Mathiyalagan stated that the Defendant then forced his way into their flat, but his wife managed to push him out and double-locked the door. He called the police, CAD No. 2098 of 03/01/2016 and police officers attended and advised them to report the matter to the council. A file note of this report is under exhibit LN3.

10.           Mr Mathiyalagan stated that him and his wife recorded the incidents on their mobile phones and played the recordings to me. One of the recordings clearly showed a person whom I believe to be the Defendant looking through Mr Mathiyalagan’s letterbox with a mobile phone on one hand. On the other recordings, I could clearly hear a person whom I also believe to be the Defendant shouting, swearing and making death threats to Mr and Mrs Mathiyalagan.

11.           Mr and Mrs Mathiyalagan have stated the Defendant's behaviour is causing him' and his family a lot of distress and anxiety. They have reported that they are afraid to live in their own home because of the Defendant’s recent threats to kill. Mr Mathiyalagan have also stated that his wife and three-year-old daughter are afraid to stay in the flat on their own or leave the flat alone without him or his cousin accompanying them. He; --

Statement of Truth: --

Dated this 08/01/2018

4 of 7.



16- Claim Number: EO0ED049 - A Witness Statement of Lemmy Nwabuisi / Statement No. 2 -

stated that the recent threats from the Defendant has made It difficult for them to live in their own home and that they are constantly having to double lock their front door for fear that the Defendant may break into their flat again.


•               Request that the Claim and interim injunction order of 08/08/2017 be reinstated

7.             The Claimant has in its application notice dated 03/01/2018 provided evidence that it filed its questionnaire on time. As such the Claim should have never been struck out and the Court is asked respectfully, to reinstate the Claim and the injunction order.

8.             The Claimant's legal department contacted the police on 05/01/2018 and enquired as to the reasons why no arrests were made to the [Defendant on 11/11/2017 while a civil injunction was in place. The police officer looked at the file notes and explained that at the time the incident was reported by Mr Mathiyalagan, they were not aware of the injunction although it was served to a different department The Defendant also denied the incident and Mr Mathiyalagan could not prove that the incident took place. The police have now referred this Incident to an investigating officer and created a crime reference number 5200 37618.

9. The Claimant also advised the police of the incidents dated 02nd and 03/01/2018 but the police confirmed that they could not take actions as at the time of the incidents the civil injunction was discharged by the Court. The police advised that had the injunction been in place, the Defendant; --

Statement of Truth: --

Dated this 08/01/2018

 5 of 7.


17- Claim Number: EO0ED049 - A Witness Statement of Lemmy Nwabuisi / Statement No. 2 –

could have well been arrested in light of Mr Mathiyalagan being able to evidence the incident by way of the audio recordings.

10. The recent incidents and death threats are extremely serious, and I have concerns that the Defendant may escalate his actions further. Mr Mathiyalagan and his family do not feel safe anymore and on that basis, it would be of great assistance if the Claim and injunction order be reinstated as soon as possible.

•               Declaration from the Court that the injunction order has been effective throughout the period of 13/12/2017 to present

11.           The interim injunction order was discharged purely because of a technicality, however had the Court realised that the Claimant had filed the questionnaire on time, it would not have struck out the Claim.

17; The Court should note that the Defendant started to act anti-socially again, soon after he was notified by the Court that the interim order has been discharged. Unfortunately, because the Claim was struck out the Claimant and the police are currently not able to take any actions against the Defendant. It is on that basis that we would like to ask the Court for a declaration that that the interim injunction order has been effective since 13/12/2017 and that the Defendant has been in breach of the interim injunction order dated 09/08/2017

18. However, in the event that the Court cannot make such a declaration, we would ask the Court to make a new injunction order to cover the recent incidents dated 02nd and 03rd January 2018 and enclose a new claim for an injunction for the Court's consideration.

Statement of Truth: --

Dated this 08/01/2018

6 of 7.


18- Claim Number: EO0ED049 - A Witness Statement of Lemmy Nwabuisi / Statement No. 2

Permission to bring and serve an application for the Defendant’s committal under CPR81.

19. In the event that the Court agrees to reinstate the injunction and to make a declaration that the Defendants has acted against the terms of the injunction dated 09/08/2017 it is the Claimant’s intention to bring an application for committal against the Defendant. Therefore, we would like permission from the Court to bring and serve an application for the Defendant’s committal under CPR 81 for breaches of the terms of the injunction for the incidents dated 11/11/2017 - 02nd and 03/01/2018

Statement of Truth: --

Dated this 08/01/2018

7 of 7.


19- Claim Number: EO0ED049 - This is the exhibit LN1 of the witness statement of Lemmy Nwabuisi dated 08/01/2018


20- Claim Number: D02ED073: -- Letter to the Court / please find enclosed 3 copies of the following documents

20.1-        Application notice dated 03/01/2018

seeking to set aside the Court orders dated 13/12/2017 and 02/01/2018

20.2-        Witness statement of Ms Ludmilla lyavoo in support of the application.

20.3- A draft Court orders.


21- Claim Number: D02ED073: -- “Application notice”

22- Claim Number: D02ED073: -- “Application notice” What information will you be relying on, in support of your application?


23- Claim Number: EO0ED049 “COURT ORDER” UPON considering the Claimant's application notice dated 03/01/2018 and the statement of Ms Ludmilla lyavoo in support / IT IS ORDERED That: --

23.1- 1.    The Claim be reinstated!

23.2- 2.    The interim injunction order made by the Court on 09/08/2017 continues to remain in force!

23.3- 3.    The matter be listed for a trial for the first opened date after 04/01/2018

24.4- The Defendant is ordered to pay the Claimant's legal costs which It had incurred as a result of this application.



 / Dated 03/01/2018 seeking to set aside the orders made by the Court respectively on 13/12/2017 and 02/01/2017







29- Claim Number: D02ED073: EXHIBITS Li 1 / Witness statement of Ludmilla lyavoo dated 03/01/2018


30- Claim Number: D02ED073: Ludmilla lyavoo / General Form of Judgment or Order - 09/11/2017

30.1-        The Claimant do file a completed directions questionnaire by 4.00 pm on 17/11/2017

30.2-        If the Claimant fails to comply with paragraph I of this order the injunction of 09/08/2017 do stand discharged without further order and the claim do stand struck out without further order.

30.3-         Permission to either party to apply to set aside, vary or stay this order by an application on notice which must be found at this Court not more than 3 days after service of this order.


31- Claim Number: D02ED073: EXHIBITS LI 2 / Landing Page / witness statement of Ludmilla lyavoo dated 03/01/2018


32- Claim Number: D02ED073: - “Edmonton County, Enquiries” / 17/11/2017 - 11:59 - Ludmilla lyavoo / A copy of the Claimant's correspondence with enclosures for the Court's!


33- Claim Number: D02ED073 - 17/11/2017 - Ludmilla lyavoo / A copy of the Claimant's Directions questionnaire with a proposed directions order.


34- Claim Number: D02ED073 – 16/11/2017 “Direction’s questionnaire (Fast track and multi-track)” 1 of 6.


35- Claim Number: D02ED073 – 16/11/2017 “Direction’s questionnaire (Fast track and multi-track)” 2 of 6.


36- Claim Number: D02ED073 – 16/11/2017 “Direction’s questionnaire (Fast track and multi-track)” 3 of 6.


37- Claim Number: D02ED073 – 16/11/2017 “Direction’s questionnaire (Fast track and multi-track)” 4 of 6.


38- Claim Number: D02ED073 – 16/11/2017 “Direction’s questionnaire (Fast track and multi-track)” 5 of 6.


39- Claim Number: D02ED073 – 16/11/2017 “Direction’s questionnaire (Fast track and multi-track)” 6 of 6.


40- Claim Number: D02ED073 – “DIRECTIONS ORDER” Before District Judge November 2017: --

40.1-        The matter be allocated to the Fast Track.

40.2-        The parties should exchange their witness statements simultaneously on 14/12/2017 4pm.

40.3-        The matter be listed for a trial for the first opened date after 04/01/2018

40.4- No order as to costs.


41- Claim Number: D02ED073 – “EXHIBITST L13” Landing Page - the witness statement of Ludmilla lyavoo dated 03/01/2018


42- Claim Number: D02ED073 - “VLS Solicitor” - 17/11/2017 - 11:15 / Further to your email the order says that you file directions questionnaire - I hope to hear from you by 12noon today / 1 of 2.


43- Claim Number: D02ED073 - “VLS Solicitor” - 17/11/2017 - 11:15 / Further to your email the order says that you file directions questionnaire - I hope to hear from you by 12noon today / 1 of 2.


44- Claim Number: D02ED073 - “EXHIBITS LI 4” Landing Page - witness statement of Ludmilla lyavoo dated 03/01/2018


45- Claim Number: D02ED073 - The file was referred to the District Judge and his comments are: --

Your Directions Questionnaire was received by the court on 20/11/17 Therefore, the sanction on the order of 6/11/17 applies.”


46- Claim Number: D02ED073 – “EXHIBITS LI 5” Landing Page / he witness statement of Ludmilla lyavoo dated 03/01/2018


47- Claim Number: D02ED073 - Ludmilla lyavoo to VLs solicitor / There’s a mistake from the Court as the order should not be discharged and will without a doubt be reinstated in due course.


48- Claim Number: D02ED073 – “EXHIBITS LI 6” / Landing Page - the witness statement of Ludmilla lyavoo dated 03/01/2018


49- Claim Number: D02ED073 - The claimant's directions questionnaire was filed at Edmonton County Court by email on 17/11/2017 and not on the 20/11/2017 as your letter implies and as per the email below.

In light of the above, we kindly ask the court to reconsider their decision as the claimant complied with the court's directions.


50- Claim Number: D02ED073 – “EXHIBITS LI 7” / the witness statement of Ludmilla lyavoo dated 03/01/2018


51- Claim Number: D02ED073 – “Before Deputy District Judge Harris” / reading the application from the Defendant's Solicitors dated 21/12/2017

51.1-        Claimant pay Defendant's costs of the action on a standard basis to be assessed if not agreed.

51.2-        Because this order has been made by the Court without considering representations from the parties, the parties have the right to apply to have the order set aside, varied or stayed. A party wishing to make an application must sent or deliver the application to the court (together with any appropriate fee) to arrive, within seven days of service of this order.


52- Claim Number: D02ED073 – VLs Solicitor’s / Further to the above matter we attach herewith and by way of service copy of our Application Notice (Form N244) that we have filed at the court 1 of 3.


53- Claim Number: D02ED073 - “Application notice” – VLs Solicitor’s / Further to the above matter we attach herewith and by way of service copy of our Application Notice (Form N244) that we have filed at the court 2 of 3.


54- Claim Number: D02ED073 - “Application notice” – VLs Solicitor’s / Further to the above matter we attach herewith and by way of service copy of our Application Notice (Form N244) that we have filed at the court 3 of 3.


55- Claim Number: D02ED073 – “EXHIBIT LN2” / Landing Page - witness statement of Lemmy Nwabuisi dated 08/01/2018


56- Claim Number: D02ED073 – Witness statement of Lemmy Nwabuisi dated 08/01/2018 / Mr Mathiyalagan telephoned me this morning to report an incident that occurred at 11:30am on 11/11/2017.


57- Claim Number: D02ED073 – “EXHIBIT LN3” / Landing Page - witness statement of Lemmy Nwabuisi dated 08/01/2018


58- Claim Number: D02ED073 - witness statement of Lemmy Nwabuisi dated 08/01/2018 Mr and Mrs Mathiyalagan attended the Civic Centre to report recent incidents - 1 of 2.


59- Claim Number: D02ED073 - witness statement of Lemmy Nwabuisi dated 08/01/2018 / Mr and Mrs Mathiyalagan attended the Civic Centre to report recent incidents - 1 of 2.


1. Exhibit LN1 of the witness statement of Lemmy Nwabuisi!











1.        Injunction Order


Point 1:

Point 2:

Point 3:

Point 4:

Point 5:




60- Claim Number: EO0ED049 – “Injunction Order” / If YOU. Mr Simon Cordell do not obey this order YOU will be guilty of contempt of court, and YOU may be sent to prison.

On 09/01/2018 at The County Court at Edmonton, Employment Judge Taylor, upon hearing the solicitor for the claimant and without notice to the defendant, considered an application for an injunction - 1 of 2.


61- Claim Number: EO0ED049 – “Injunction Order” / If YOU. Mr Simon Cordell do not obey this order YOU will be guilty of contempt of court, and YOU may be sent to prison.

On 09/01/2018 at The County Court at Edmonton, Employment Judge Taylor, upon hearing the solicitor for the claimant and without notice to the defendant, considered an application for an injunction - 1 of 2

1. Service of 2nd Injunction order!


[1] 94,95



2.        Power of Arrest


Point 1:

Point 2:

Point 3:

Point 4:

Point 5:



62- Claim Number: EO0ED049 – “Powers of Arrest” Date order made 09/01/2018 - Name of judge EMPLOYMENT JUDGE TAYLOR /



1. 2nd Injunction Powers of Arrest!


[1] 59,60



3.        Letter from VLS Solicitors


Point 1:

Point 2:

Point 3:

Point 4:

Point 5:



64- CLAIM NUMBER: D02ED073 - RE: LONDON BOROUGH OF ENFIELD v MR SIMON CORDELL / We write to notify you that VLS Solicitors are no longer acting for the Defendant in the above matter.


65- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 - Dear Mr Cordell / Re: LONDON BOROUGH OF ENFIELD -V- MR SIMON - Application for Committal dated 05/02/2018 Further to the hearing of 01/05/2018 please find the following documents enclosed:

65.1-        Order of the Court dated 05/02/2018.

65.2-        Application Notice dated 05/02/2018 with accompanying documents: --

65.3- Injunction Order dated 09/01/2018 with Power of Arrest of same date.

65.4- Witness Statement of Mr Lemmy Nwabuisi dated 02/02/2018.

65.5- Witness Statement of Ms Kaunchita Maudhub dated 05/02/2018.

65.6- Draft Order.

1. A Letter from VLS Solicitors to the Enfield Council!













Note /

Point: --

1. Threats to kill = start date!





Title of Document




Page Num

Si / Information /

Title of Document

Si /


Si /

Report Id

4.        Court order


Point 1:

Point 2:

Point 3:

Point 4:

Point 5:



66- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “General Form of Judgment or Order” / 09/02/2018 /

1. The Enfield Council Court Order / to the Court!










5.        Application notice


Point 1:

Point 2:

Point 3:

Point 4:

Point 5:



67- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Application notice” / Date: 05.02.2018 / What order are you asking the court to make and why?

67.1-          To vary the terms of the Interim Injunction order dated 09/01/2018

67.2- 2.    To bring an application for the Defendant's committal under CPR 21 for breaching the terms of the Interim injunction order dated 09/01/2018 -1 OF 2


68- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Application notice” / Date: 05/02/2018 / What order are you asking the court to make and why?

The Defendant has made threats to the Claimant's employees on 09/01/2018 by stating that he knew where they worked/ lived and threatening one of the employees that he should watch his black – 2 OF 2

The Defendant has breached the terms of the interim Injunction order on 24/01/2016 by harassing and I intimidating one of the Claimant’s employees.


69- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Injunction Order” / On 09/01/2018 at The County Court at Edmonton, Employment Judge Taylor, upon hearing the solicitor for the claimant and without notice to the defendant, considered an application for an injunction.

AND IT WAS ORDERED THAT The defendant, Mr Simon Cordell, must; --

69.1-        Permit the claimant's employees and contractors access into 109 Bumcroft Avenue, Enfield, EN3 7JQ to carry out routine maintenance inspections and necessary repairs within 48 hours of written notification.

69.2-        Keep his dog on a lead in communal areas outside his property -1 OF 2


70- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Injunction Order” / On 09/01/2018 at The County Court at Edmonton, Employment Judge Taylor, upon hearing the solicitor for the claimant and without notice to the defendant, considered an application for an injunction.

70.1-        From engaging or threatening to engage in conduct that is likely to cause physical violence and verbal abuse to the claimant's employees, tenants and visitors to the block of flats at Bumcroft Avenue, Enfield.

70.2-        From engaging or threatening to engage in conduct that is likely to cause intimidation, harassment, alarm and distress to the claimant's employees, tenants and visitors to the block of flats at Bumcroft Avenue.

70.3-        From engaging or threatening to engage in conduct that is likely to cause nuisance and annoyance to the claimant's employees, tenants and visitors to the block of flats at Bumcroft Avenue, Enfield.

70.4-        From using his pet dog to frighten, intimidate or threaten violence to the claimant's employees, tenants and visitors of the block of flats at Bumcroft Avenue, Enfield.

70.5-        A power of arrest is attached to paragraphs 3 to 6 above.

70.6- Costs in the case.

This order shall remain in force until 08/01/2019 at 11:59 PM unless before then it is revoked by further order of the court / The court will reconsider the application and whether the order should continue at a further hearing at the County Court – 2 OF 2


71- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Power of arrest” - Date order made 09/01/2018 / and expires on the 09/01/2019 / 1 OF 2


72- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Power of arrest”– “Power of arrest” - Date order made 09 01 2018 / and expires on the 09/01/2019 / 2 OF 2

72.1-        From engaging or threatening to engage in conduct that is likely to cause physical violence and verbal abuse to the claimant's employees, tenants and visitors to the block of flats at Bumcroft Avenue, Enfield.

72.2-        From engaging or threatening to engage in conduct that is likely to cause intimidation, harassment, alarm and distress to the claimant's employees, tenants and visitors to the block of flats at Burncroft Avenue, Enfield.

72.3-       From engaging or threatening to engage in conduct that is likely to cause nuisance and annoyance to the claimant's employees, tenants and visitors to the block of flats at Burncroft Avenue, Enfield.

72.4-       From using his pet dog to frighten, intimidate or threaten violence to the claimant's employees, tenants and visitors of the block of flats at Bumcroft Avenue, Enfield.


73- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – DRAFT ORDER - Date order made 09/01/2018 / and expires on the 09/01/2019

 This order along with the order made on 09/01/2018 and the Power of Arrest do remain in force until 4pm on 08th January 2019. / 2 OF 2!

1. A copy of the sealed application notice, which will be considered at the next hearing!












Draft Order


Point 1:

Point 2:

Point 3:

Point 4:

Point 5:








[1] Na

[1] Na


[1] Na



Witness Statement of Lemmy Nwabuisi


Point 1: “The 2nd statement” It states need to check Dates or wrong”

Point 2:

Point 3:

Point 4:

Point 5:




76- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – Lemmy Nwabuisi / Dated this 02/02/2018 - make this Witness Statement In support of the Claimant’s application to vary the interim injunction order of 09/01/2018 This Is my second statement in the above proceedings. / the Interim Injunction order is limited to the area of Bumcroft Avenue, Enfield, EN3 and not necessary to my personal address or work place – 1 OF 3


77- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – Lemmy Nwabuisi / Dated this 02/02/2018 - make this Witness Statement In support of the Claimant’s application to vary the interim injunction order of 09/01/2018 This Is my second statement in the above proceedings. / the Interim Injunction order is limited to the area of Bumcroft Avenue, Enfield, EN3 and not necessary to my personal address or work place – 2 OF 3


78- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – Lemmy Nwabuisi / Dated this 02/02/2018 - make this Witness Statement In support of the Claimant’s application to vary the interim injunction order of 09/01/2018 This Is my second statement in the above proceedings. / the Interim Injunction order is limited to the area of Bumcroft Avenue, Enfield, EN3 and not necessary to my personal address or work place – 3 OF 3












8.        Witness Statement of Ms Kaunchita Maudhub


Point 1:

Point 2:

Point 3:

Point 4:

Point 5:




79- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Audio Recording” / WITNESS STATEMENT OF MS KAUNCHITA MAUDHUB / Dated 05/02/2018 - I have held this employment since March 2016 / role as an ASB Team Leader consists of ensuring the effective management and co-ordination of the services within the Anti-social Behaviour Team, including line management of the ASB Officers / I make this Witness Statement in support of the Claimant’s application to vary the terms of the interim injunction order 09/01/2018 - 1 OF 4


80- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Audio Recording” / WITNESS STATEMENT OF MS KAUNCHITA MAUDHUB / Dated 05/02/2018 - I have held this employment since March 2016 / role as an ASB Team Leader consists of ensuring the effective management and co-ordination of the services within the Anti-social Behaviour Team, including line management of the ASB Officers / I make this Witness Statement in support of the Claimant’s application to vary the terms of the interim injunction order 09/01/2018 - 2 OF 4


81- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Audio Recording” / WITNESS STATEMENT OF MS KAUNCHITA MAUDHUB / Dated 05/02/2018 - I have held this employment since March 2016 / role as an ASB Team Leader consists of ensuring the effective management and co-ordination of the services within the Anti-social Behaviour Team, including line management of the ASB Officers / I make this Witness Statement in support of the Claimant’s application to vary the terms of the interim injunction order 09/01/2018 - 3 OF 4


82- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Audio Recording” / WITNESS STATEMENT OF MS KAUNCHITA MAUDHUB / Dated 05/02/2018 - I have held this employment since March 2016 / role as an ASB Team Leader consists of ensuring the effective management and co-ordination of the services within the Anti-social Behaviour Team, including line management of the ASB Officers / I make this Witness Statement in support of the Claimant’s application to vary the terms of the interim injunction order 09/01/2018 - 4 OF 4













9.        Affidavit of Kaunchita Maudhub


Point 1:

Point 2:

Point 3:

Point 4:

Point 5:




83- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Audio Recording” – Accused threats and intimidation involving Mr Simon Cordell. I make this affidavit in support of the Claimant's application for the Defendant’s committal on the basis of a breach of the Order made on 09/01/2018 The Defendant was served personally on 10/01/2018 while he was in custody at the Wood Green Police Station. The documents were served personally by the process server. 1 of 5


84- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Audio Recording” – Accused threats and intimidation involving Mr Simon Cordell. I make this affidavit in support of the Claimant's application for the Defendant’s committal on the basis of a breach of the Order made on 09/01/2018 The Defendant was served personally on 10/01/2018 while he was in custody at the Wood Green Police Station. The documents were served personally by the process server. 2 of 5


85- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Audio Recording” – Accused threats and intimidation involving Mr Simon Cordell. I make this affidavit in support of the Claimant's application for the Defendant’s committal on the basis of a breach of the Order made on 09/01/2018 The Defendant was served personally on 10/01/2018 while he was in custody at the Wood Green Police Station. The documents were served personally by the process server. 3 of 5


86- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Audio Recording” – Accused threats and intimidation involving Mr Simon Cordell. I make this affidavit in support of the Claimant's application for the Defendant’s committal on the basis of a breach of the Order made on 09/01/2018 The Defendant was served personally on 10/01/2018 while he was in custody at the Wood Green Police Station. The documents were served personally by the process server. 4 of 5



87- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Audio Recording” – Accused threats and intimidation involving Mr Simon Cordell. I make this affidavit in support of the Claimant's application for the Defendant’s committal on the basis of a breach of the Order made on 09/01/2018 The Defendant was served personally on 10/01/2018 while he was in custody at the Wood Green Police Station. The documents were served personally by the process server. 5 of 5
















Note /

Point: --

1. Threats to kill = start date!




Title of Document




Page Numb

Si / Information /

Title of Document

Si /


Si /

Report Id

10.      Application notice


Point 1:

Point 2:

Point 3:

Point 4:

Point 5:




88- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “BY PERSONAL SERVICE BYPROCESS SERVER” / Balbinder Kaur-Geddes, Lawyer / Date: 02/05/2018 - Re: LONDON BOROUGH OF ENFIELD -v- MR SIMON CORDELL - Committal dated 20/04/2018 / Further to the hearing of 1 May 2018, please find the following documents enclosed:

Order of the Court dated 24/04/2018

Application Notice dated 20/04/2018 with accompanying documents: --

88.1-        Injunction Order dated 09/01/2018 with Power of Arrest of same date.

88.2-        Affidavit of Mr Markandu Mathiyalagan dated 20/04/2018

88.3-        Affidavit of Mrs Revathy Mathiyalagan dated 20/04/2018

88.4-        Draft Order.


89- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Application notice” / Ludmilla Iyavoo - Dated 19/04/2018 / 1 of 4.


90- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Application notice” / Ludmilla Iyavoo - Dated 19/04/2018 / 2 of 4.


91- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Application notice” / Ludmilla Iyavoo - Dated 19/04/2018 / 3 of 4.


92- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Application notice” / Ludmilla Iyavoo - Dated 19/04/2018 / 4 of 4.


93- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Injunction Order” - On 09/01/2018 at The County Court at Edmonton, Employment Judge Taylor, upon hearing the solicitor for the claimant and without notice to the defendant, considered an application for an injunction. - 1 of 2.


94- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Injunction Order” - On 09/01/2018 at The County Court at Edmonton, Employment Judge Taylor, upon hearing the solicitor for the claimant and without notice to the defendant, considered an application for an injunction. - 2 of 2.


95- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 –

“Power of arrest” 09/01/2018 – 1 of 2


96- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 –

“Power of arrest” 09/01/2018 – 2 of 2



1. SELF DEFENCE Against Markandu Mathiyalagan!




3. Tried to serve me! 11:00Am










Affidavit of Mr Markandu Mathiyalagan


Point 1:

Point 2:

Point 3:

Point 4:

Point 5:





97- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “AFFIDAVIT OF MR MARKANDU MATHIYALAGAN” - Dated 20/04/2018 I live there with my wife and a child I have been housed to this Property with my family by the London Borough of Waltham Forest and have occupied the Property since 11/09/2018 The Property was given to me as a temporary accommodation.

1 of 6.


98- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “AFFIDAVIT OF MR MARKANDU MATHIYALAGAN” - Dated 20/04/2018 basis of a breach of the interim injunction order made by the Edmonton County Court on 09/01/2018.

Mr Simon Cordell was served personally on 10/01/2018 while he was in custody at the Wood Green Police Station.

2 of 6.



Claims that the following Incidents/ breaches of the interim injunction order took place on the

Thursday, 15/03/2018

The day that he tried to set the Injunction Orders Conditions of by “Setting me up again!”

3 of 6.



Claims that the following Incidents/ breaches of the interim injunction order took place on the

Thursday, 15/03/2018

The day that he tried to set the Injunction Orders Conditions of by Setting me up again!

4 of 6.



Incident 01/03/2018

The day I called the police because the wife was banging at me for hours on camera then I called the police on recording and went upstairs also on recording to ask them to stop trying to kill me by victimising me with their hate crime & Criminal intentions.


Incident 26/02/2018

Made up Incident!

5 of 6.



Carried on from - 101.1- / 101.2-

Incident 26/02/2018

Made up Incident!

6 of 6.


103- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “EXHIBIT MM1” – Landing Page /




105- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “EXHIBIT MM2” – Landing Page /




107- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “EXHIBIT MM3” – Landing Page /


108- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – NHS Patient Doctor Report OF Miss Revathy MATHIYALAGAN” Dated the 09/04/2018


1. Statement of Markandu Math!










16.Affidavit of Mrs Revathy Mathiyalagan



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109- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – AFFIDAVIT OF MRS REVATHY MATHIYALAGAN / I make this affidavit in support of the Claimant's (my husband) application. on the bails of a breach of the Interim Injunction order Dated: 09/01/2018 / Claims of Assault – 1 of 3.


110- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – AFFIDAVIT OF MRS REVATHY MATHIYALAGAN / I make this affidavit in support of the Claimant's (my husband) application. on the bails of a breach of the Interim Injunction order Dated: 09/01/2018 / Claims of Assault – believe that the Police decision was wrong, as there is clear evidence of assault, I was not interviewed while being a key witness to the Incident. / 2 of 3.


111- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – AFFIDAVIT OF MRS REVATHY MATHIYALAGAN / I make this affidavit in support of the Claimant's (my husband) application. on the bails of a breach of the Interim Injunction order Dated: 09/01/2018 / Claims of Assault – believe that the Police decision was wrong, as there is clear evidence of assault, I was not interviewed while being a key witness to the Incident. / 3 of 3.


112- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “EXHIBIT RM1”– Landing Page /


113- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – NHS Patient Doctor Report OF Miss Revathy MATHIYALAGAN” Dated the 09/04/2018

“The Same as 108”


1. Miss Revathy Mathiyalagan!










12.      Draft Order

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114- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “DRAFT ORDER” / AN APPLICATION was made by the Claimant’s representatives and was attended by [Counsel for] the Defendant.

The Judge read the written evidence filed and the Order of District Judge Taylor dated 09 January 2018 in which it was ordered that the Defendant should be forbidden (whether by himself or by Instructing or permitting any other person):

114.1-             From engaging or threatening to engage in conduct that Is likely to cause physical violence and verbal abuse to the claimant's employees, tenants to the block of flats at Bumcroft Avenue, Enfieid.

114.2-      From engaging or threatening to engage in conduct that is likely to cause (physical, harassment, alarm and distress to the Claimant's employees, tenants and visitors to the block of flats at Burncroft Avenue, Enfield.

114.3-      From engaging or threatening to engage in conduct that Is likely to cause nuisance and annoyance to the claimant's employees, tenants and visitors al fists at Bumcroft Avenue, Enfieid. / AND UPON the Court noting that a power of arrest being attached on the above! / 1 of 2


115- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “DRAFT ORDER” - AND THE COURT being satisfied that the Defendant has been guilty of contempt of court in failing to comply with the order deled 09/01/2018 (paragraphs 3-6] of the order dated 09/01/2018 by harassing, Intimidating and assaulting one of his neighbours on 16/03/2018 - 01/03/2018 and 26/02/2018

115.1-                That for his contempt the Defendant stand a committed to HM Prison (name of prison) for a period of (number of days or he may be) from the date of his apprehension.


115.2-                That for his contempt the Defendant pays to Her Majesty the Quean a fine of £ on or before (date payment due).

115.3-                That the cost of the Claimant [summarily assessed him the sum of £ 1,000] to be the subject of a detailed assessment be paid by the Defendant b the Clamant.          

115.4-                 That the contemnor has permission to apply to the Court to dear Ms contempt and ask for his release of disoblige. / 2 OF 2.


[1] Na


[1] Na



[1] Na



Notice of hearing of application



Point 1:  Was missing from report



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116-   CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – 24/04/2018 - Before District Judge Lethem s - UPON HEARING Solicitor for the Claimant and the Defendant having no notice AND UPON READING the Witness Statement of Mr Markandu Mathiyalagan dated 20/04/2018 IT IS ORDERED THAT:

116.1-         The hearing of the Claimant's application for (see copy attached) will take place at 10:00 am on the 01/05/2018 at the County Court at Edmonton, 59 Fore Street, London, N18 2TN.

1. Notice of hearing of application












Note /

Point: --

1. Threats to kill = start date!





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Si / Information /

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Report Id


Application notice dated 11.08.2018 seeking permission to amend the committal application dated 20.04.2018


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116B- Claim number: E00ED049 – “To Mr Simon Cordell” - “Re: The London Borough of Enfield v Cordell” /

We are aware that at the hearing in the Edmonton County Court on 01/05/2018 an additional breach of the injunction took place as shouting: swearing and threats were directed to two of the Claimant’s employees and one of your neighbours.

We therefore attach the following documents for your attention:

116B.1-                  An application notice dated 11/05/2018 seeking permission from the Court to amend the committal application dated 20/04/2018 to add the recent incident.

116B.2-       Amended application notice dated 20/04/2018

116B.3-       Affidavit of Mr and Mrs Mathiyalagan dated 20/04/2018

116B.4-      An amended draft order dated 20/04/2018

116B.5-      Witness statements of Mr Lemmy Nwabuisi and Mrs Balbinder Kaur Geddes dated 10/05/2018

We will ask the Court to consider the attached application at the next court hearing listed in the Edmonton County Court on 30/05/2018 / 1 of 2.


117- Claim number: E00ED049 – “To Mr Simon Cordell” - “Re: The London Borough of Enfield v Cordell” / Ludmilla lyavoo Lawyer for the Director of Law and Governance. / 2 of 2.


118- Claim number: E00ED049 –Application notice – Dated: 11/05/2018 / 1 of 2.


119- Claim number: E00ED049 –Application notice – Dated: 11/05/2018 / 2 of 2.


1. SELF DEFENCE Against Markandu Mathiyalagan!




3. Tried to serve me! 11:00Am










Amended application notice dated 20.04.2018


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120- Claim number: E00ED049 – “N244 An Application notice - Ludmilla lyavoo” / Dated: 20/04/2018 / The Defendants have committed several breaches by committing several acts of anti-social behaviour against his neighbours / supported by the affidavit of Mr and Mrs Mathiyalagan dated 20/04/2018 - 1 of 4. “Dates Edited”


121- Claim number: E00ED049 – “N244 An Application notice - Ludmilla lyavoo” / Dated: 20/04/2018 / The Defendants have committed several breaches by committing several acts of anti-social behaviour against his neighbours / supported by the affidavit of Mr and Mrs Mathiyalagan dated 20/04/2018 - 2 of 4. “Dates Edited”


122- Claim number: E00ED049 – “N244 An Application notice - Ludmilla lyavoo” / Dated: 20/04/2018 / The Defendants have committed several breaches by committing several acts of anti-social behaviour against his neighbours / supported by the affidavit of Mr and Mrs Mathiyalagan dated 20/04/2018 - 3 of 4. “Dates Edited”


123- Claim number: E00ED049 – “N244 An Application notice - Ludmilla lyavoo” / Dated: 20/04/2018 / The Defendants have committed several breaches by committing several acts of anti-social behaviour against his neighbours / supported by the affidavit of Mr and Mrs Mathiyalagan dated 20/04/2018 - 4 of 4. “Dates Edited”

123.1- An additional Breach occurred outside of the Edmonton lower Court.

This is when Lemmy shouted across the road at me when my mother and uncle were present, he shouted that he was going to ruin my life then got dragged of by his own barrister a female Lady.


124- Claim number: E00ED049 “Repeat off” AFFIDAVIT OF MR MARKANDU MATHIYALAGAN” - Dated 20/04/2018 / 1 of 6.


125- Claim number: E00ED049 “Repeat off” AFFIDAVIT OF MR MARKANDU MATHIYALAGAN” - Dated 20/04/2018 / 2 of 6.


126- Claim number: E00ED049 “Repeat off” AFFIDAVIT OF MR MARKANDU MATHIYALAGAN” - Dated 20/04/2018 / 3 of 6.


127- Claim number: E00ED049 “Repeat off” AFFIDAVIT OF MR MARKANDU MATHIYALAGAN” - Dated 20/04/2018 / 4 of 6.


128- Claim number: E00ED049 “Repeat off” AFFIDAVIT OF MR MARKANDU MATHIYALAGAN” - Dated 20/04/2018 / 5 of 6.


129- Claim number: E00ED049 “Repeat off” AFFIDAVIT OF MR MARKANDU MATHIYALAGAN” - Dated 20/04/2018 / 6 of 6.


130- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Repeat off “EXHIBIT MM1”– Landing Page /


131- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Repeat off” NHS Patient Report OF MR MARKANDU MATHIYALAGAN”


132- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Repeat off “EXHIBIT MM2” “Repeat off” – Landing Page /


133- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Repeat off NHS Patient Dentist Report OF MR MARKANDU MATHIYALAGAN”


134- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Repeat off “EXHIBIT MM3”– Landing Page /


135- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Repeat off NHS Patient Doctor Report OF Miss Revathy MATHIYALAGAN” Dated the 09/04/2018


136- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Repeat off AFFIDAVIT OF MRS REVATHY MATHIYALAGAN / Dated 20/04/20181 of 3 / “Date Edited”


137- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Repeat off AFFIDAVIT OF MRS REVATHY MATHIYALAGAN / Dated 20/04/2018 2 of 3 / “Date Edited”


138- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Repeat off AFFIDAVIT OF MRS REVATHY MATHIYALAGAN / Dated 20/04/20183 of 3 / “Date Edited”






141- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Repeat off “DRAFT ORDER” 1 of 2


142- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Repeat off “DRAFT ORDER” 2 of 2


1. SELF DEFENCE Against Markandu Mathiyalagan!




3. Tried to serve me! 11:00Am









3.        Witness statement of Mr Lemmy Nwabuisi


Point 1:  Was missing from report



Point 2: “Second Witness Statement” It states need to check Dates or wrong”


Point 3:

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143- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – Dated 10/05/2018 – “WITNESS STATEMENT OF MR LEMMY NWA.BUISI” / I am employed by the London Borough of Enfield as an Anti-Social

Behaviour Coordinator in the Community Safety Unit. I have held this employment since August 2016. My role as an Anti-Social Coordinator consists of investigating and dealing with reports of anti-social behaviour involving council and non-council tenants - 1 of 5.


144- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – Dated 10/05/2018 – “WITNESS STATEMENT OF MR LEMMY NWA.BUISI” / As the Court may be aware an interim injunction order was made ex-parte against the Defendant. Two applications for committal were made on 05 February and 20/04/2018 on the basis that the Defendant has breached some of the terms of the order. The matter has been listed for a hearing in the Edmonton County Court on

30/05/2018 to consider the two committal applications, the hearing is also a return hearing, the time estimate for that hearing is of two hours.

I make this second Witness Statement in support of the Claimant's application notice dated 10/05/2018 seeking to 1) Ask the Court for permission that the two committal applications dated 05. February and 20/04/2018 be dispensed with personal service on the basis that the Defendant has refused to accept service personally following our process server attempts to serve on 02/05/2018 and 2) To ask permission from the Court to amend the committal application dated 20/04/2018 to include an additional breach of the interim injunction order by the Defendant on 01/05/2018 I would like the application notice to be considered ideally on papers but if not at the next hearing on 30/05/2018

The Claimant obtained an interim injunction against the Defendant on 09/01/2018 Two committal applications were made against the Defendant on 05 February and 20/04/2018 on the basis that he has breached the terms of the interim injunction by making threats to me and another employee of Enfield Council. There were also incidents where the Defendant have physically assaulted one of his neighbours and acted in a threatening and intimidating way towards them. The two committal applications were sent to the Defendant by the Court by post but the- 2 of 5.


145- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – Dated 10/05/2018 – “WITNESS STATEMENT OF MR LEMMY NWA.BUISI” - Claimant failed to personally serve those two applications.

A Court hearing took place on 01/05/2018 to consider the committal application dated 20/04/2018 however, District Judge Taylor adjourned the hearing of the application to 30/05/2018 to allow the Claimant time to personally serve the committal application.

Attempted service of the two committal applications dated 05 February and 20/04/2018

After the hearing of 01/05/2018 the Claimant instructed a process server Mr Andy Phllippou to personally serve the two committal applications on the Defendant. Mr Philippou attended the Defendant's address (109 Bumcroft Avenue, Enfield, EN3 7JQ) on 02/05/2018 and knocked repeatedly on the door but the Defendant, having identified himself as Simon Cordell, stated that he did not wish to open the door and therefore refused to accept personal service of the committal applications. A witness statement of attempted service from Mr Andy Phllippou is attached to this witness statement under exhibit 'LM 1'.

On the basis of the Defendant's refusal to accept personal service of the documents, the Claimant would like to make an application to dispense with personal service of the two committal applications pursuant to CPR 81.10(5)(a) which states that the Court may dispense with personal service of the committal application if it considers just to do so.

Additional breach of the interim injunction order following an incident which occurred on 01/05/2018

A Court hearing on this matter took place on 01/05/2018 and the Defendant displayed aggressive e and threatening behaviour against me, one employee at Enfield Council Ms Balbinder Kaur Geddes and Mr Mathiyalagan.

/ 3 of 5.


146- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – Dated 10/05/2018 – “WITNESS STATEMENT OF MR LEMMY NWA.BUISI” Mathiyalagan who is one of our witnesses in the committal applications. Such behaviour was also displayed towards District Judge Taylor and members of staff and security of the Edmonton County Court.

On the day our case was called at 10.10 am and the hearing proceeded in the Defendant's absence. The Defendant and his mother eventually arrived at 10.25am. As he came into the Court room, he kept on saying 'I'm not meant to be here, this is not meant to happen'. He then shouted out that the judge was conniving with me and Enfield Council as we wanted to keep him prisoner in his own home. He also stated that the County Court had no jurisdiction to hear the case and he wished to be heard by a jury. Then District Judge Taylor then responded by saying that this was a civil matter, and he cannot use a jury. The Defendant then turned to me and waived a file of paper at me and said to me that he knows that I went to Westminster University, he also threatened that he was going to destroy me. He also accused me of killing his baby and of destroying his life. He continued to shout abuse and swore at everyone including the judge.

As the Defendant continued to act disrespectfully, District Judge Taylor asked the Defendant to calm down; he responded by calling her a corrupt judge, told her to shut up and swore at her. He was coming towards Mr Mathiyalagan (one of the Claimant's witnesses in the injunction and committal application) in an aggressive manner so I stood up between them to stop any risks of altercations. Two security guards were called and entered the Court room who asked the Defendant to calm down and to sit down. However, he became even more agitated and asked for their name, he also said that he will find out where they live and will come after their families. At that point District Judge Taylor ordered a short adjournment to allow the Defendant to calm down.

 / 4 of 5.


147- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – Dated 10/05/2018 – “WITNESS STATEMENT OF MR LEMMY NWA.BUISI” While waiting in the corridor outside the Court room, the Defendant kept on shouting abuse at me, Mr Mathiyalagan and other people waiting in the Court coordinator. I then decided to go to the other side of the Court waiting area with Ms Geddes Kaur and Mr Mathiyalagan to avoid further abusive behaviour from the Defendant; however, we could still hear him from the other end of the Court.

The Judge called the parties back in and directions were made including adjourning the hearing to 30/05/2018 As I left the Court building with Ms Kaur Geddes and Mr Mathiyalagan, the Defendant and his mother were waiting outside of the Court entrance, on the other side of the road. The Defendant started shouting and abusing us. I then spoke to the Defendant and said to him that he was ruining people's life by his conduct. The Defendant tried to come after us but his mother held him back. Because of his threatening and aggressive conduct, I had to take a different direction to my car to avoid the Defendant and ensure that the persons who were with me were safe. Ms Kaur Geddes was a party to the incident and a separate witness statement in support of the application notice is being provided by her.

The above incident constitutes a clear breach of the injunction order, and I would like this to be added to the committal application dated 20/04/2018 and that it be considered at the hearing on 30/05/2018

/ 5 of 5.


148- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “EXHIBIT 'LM 11” Landing Page.


1. Witness statement of Mr Lemmy Nwabuisi










1.        witness statement of Andy Philippou, process server


Point 1:  Was missing from report



Point 2:

Point 3:

Point 4:

Point 5:




149- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 –


I, Andy Philippou, a Process Server of Global Investigation Services Limited, Earns cliff House, London N99AB.

Acting under the instructions of: -

The London Borough of Enfield, Legal Services Department, P.O. Box SO Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, Middlesex Enl13XA


149.1-      That I do make this Statement in Support of my previous statement of service date 10/01/2018 this being in order to re-affirm definitively and for the purpose of clarity my effecting service upon the Respondent on the aforementioned date at Cell 9 of the Custody Suite, Wood Green Police Station, High Road, Green Lanes, Wood Green, _London N22 BHZ. That I did serve by reading out the terms of the Order as referred to in my original Statement dated 10/01/2018 in the presence of Sgt Mike Nicolaou, Officer Tahir Razzaq and three other police officers. That I did at the time of reading out the terms of the of the Injunction Order dated 09/01/2018 to the above-named defendant did so in the knowledge that the defendant by his own admission to my colleague Terry Conway on 10/08/2017 that "he had difficulty reading" (refer to paragraph S of Statement of Terry Conway dated 10/08/2017  The defendant at the time of service effected by me in the manner as aforesaid being the necessary avenue for service upon the above-named defendant in order that he understood the terms of said Order.

That I did on Wednesday 02/05/2018 at approximately attend in close proximity to the defendant's address supplied to me for him of 109 Burncroft Avenue, Enfield, Middlesex EN3 7JQ. The purpose of my attendance being to meet and personally serve the above-named defendant with the two envelopes containing the following: / 1 of 2.


150- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 –


I, Andy Philippou, a Process Server of Global Investigation Services Limited, Earns cliff House, London N99AB.

150.1-                A letter from the Claimant Solicitor dated 02/05/2018

150.2-                An Order of the Court dated 05/02/2018

150.3-                An Application Notice dated 05/02/2018 with accompanying documents.

150.4-                An Injunction Order dated 09/01/2018

150.5-                A Power of Arrest dated 09/01/2018

150.6-                A Witness Statement of Mr Lemmy Nwabuisi dated 002/02/2018

150.7-                 A Witness Statement of Ms Kaunchita Maudhub dated 005/02/2018

150.8-                 A Draft Order. / 2 of 2.


Halfway Mark!


151- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 –

This is the exhibit marked "A" and referred to in the Statement of Andy Philippou.



1. witness statement of Andy Philippou, process server











1.        Witness statement of Balbinder Kaur Geddes


Point 1:  Was missing from report



Point 2:

Point 3:

Point 4:

Point 5:




152- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 –


I have held this employment since May 2017 / 1 of 4


153- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 –


Our legal team was instructed that one serious incident took place in March 2018 where the Defendant assaulted one of his neighbours. As those acts were condemned by the interim injunction order, we decided to issue an application notice in Court for the Defendant's committal. The application was issued on 20/04/2018 and a hearing was listed in the Edmonton County Court for the 01/05/2018 10am.

I represented the Claimant at the hearing of 01/05/2018 and the parties were called approximately at 10.10am. The Defendant was not present, so the case started in his absence. The Defendant and his mother eventually arrived at 10.25am. Employment Judge Taylor who was sitting in the Edmonton County Court was going to proceed to start again. However, the Defendant was unable to contain his agitation and essentially shouted and swore at Mr Mathiyalagan (one of our witnesses in the committal application), Lemmy Nwabuisi (Anti-social behaviour coordinator officer for the Claimant), his mother and the Judge. He made some disparaging comments to me. The Judge called in security; one security guard was not sufficient and a second one was also called. The Defendant was extremely agitated, was swearing and refused to sit down and it did appear that he may strike someone, the security guards were between him and Mr Nwabuisi and Mr Mathiyalagan. Ms Mother was unable to calm her son down; Judge Taylor was unable to calm him down and the security guards also could not get him to back down. The Judge then adjourned the hearing for a short period, and we left the court room. We tried to locate a side room to sit in but none were available as the court was particular1y busy, there was also no sitting room.

We were called back into court a few minutes later. The hearing proceeded with Mrs Cordell representing her son in his absence; he remained in the waiting room and could be heard being abusive throughout the hearing. / 2 of 4


154- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 –


Mrs Cordell confirmed that the Application for Committal of 20/04/2018 was received by post on 25/04/2018 Postal service was confirmed as effected but not personal service. The Judge stressed postal service has to be affected given the implications of committal and that 14 days' notice be provided.

At this stage I made an application to dispense with personal service on the basis of the Defendant's conduct and the likelihood that he would refuse personal service. This was considered by the Judge and on balance given that it refers to potential committal of the Respondent the Judge preferred not to dispense with personal service. She did note the conduct of the Defendant. I queried that where personal service was refused if we could dispense with personal service. The Judge confirmed that where personal service is refused then we can come back to Court and apply to have personal service dispensed with.

8I instructed a process server Mr Andy Philippou to personally serve the two committal applications on the Defendant. Mr Philippou attended the Defendant's address (109 Bumcroft Avenue, Enfield, EN3 7JQ} on 02/05/2018 and knocked repeatedly on the door but the Defendant, having identified himself as Simon Cordell, stated that he did not wish to open the door and therefore refused to accept personal service of the committal applications. A witness statement of attempted service from Mr Andy Philippou is attached to this witness statement under exhibit 'BKG1 '.

On the basis of the Defendant's refusal to accept personal service of the documents, the Claimant would like to make an application to dispense with personal service of the two committal applications pursuant to CPR 81.10(5)(a) which states that the Court may dispense with personal service of the committal application if it considers just to do so. If such an order is. / 3 of 4


155- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 –


granted, the Claimant would like permission from the Court to effect service of the documents by Post and/ or through the Defendant's letter box.

While the hearing was taking place, the Defendant was constantly shouting throughout the hearing in the waiting room and had become much louder and his mother had to leave the court room to deal with him.

I had a conference with Mr Nwabuisi and Mr Mathiyalagan on the matter to allow the Defendant and his mother time to leave the court before we departed. When we did leave the Court building the Defendant and his mother were still outside across the road and the Defendant did proceed to shout at Mr Nwuibuisi; I did tell Mr Nwabuisi not to respond to him but the Defendant was trying to come to our directions but was held back by his mother. We proceeded to walk away in the opposite direction to avoid him so we could reach our car without any disruptions. / 4 of 4


156- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “EXHIBIT 'BKG1” Landing Page.


157- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 –

“WITNESS STATEMENT OF ATTEMPTED SERVICE” / Andy Philippou, a Process Server of Global Investigation Services Limited, Earnscliff House, London N99AB.

I do make this Statement in Support of my previous statement of service date 10/01/2018 this being in order to re-affirm definitively and for the purpose of clarity my effecting service upon the Respondent on the aforementioned date at Cell 9 of the Custody Suite, Wood Green Police Station, High Road, Green lanes, Wood Green, London N22 8HZ. That I did serve by reading out the terms of the Order as referred to in my original 'statement dated 10/01/2018 in the presence of Sgt Mike Nicolaou, Officer Tahir Razzaq and three other police officers. That I did at the time of reading out the terms of the of the Injunction Order dated 09/01/2018 to the above-named defendant did so in the knowledge that the defendant by his own admission to my colleague Terry Conway on 10/08/2017 that "he had difficulty reading" (refer to paragraph 5 of Statement of Terry Conway dated 10/08/2017 The defendant at the time of service effected by me in the manner as aforesaid being the necessary. avenue for service upon the above-named defendant in order that he understood the terms of said Order.

That I did on Wednesday 02/05/2018 at approximately attend in close proximity to the defendant's address supplied to me for him of 109 Burncroft Avenue, Enfield, Middlesex EN3 7JQ. The purpose of my attendance being to meet and personally serve the above-named defendant with the two envelopes containing the following: / 1 of 2


158- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 –

“WITNESS STATEMENT OF ATTEMPTED SERVICE” / Andy Philippou, a Process Server of Global Investigation Services Limited, Earnscliff House, London N99AB.

158.1-               A Letter from the Claimant Solicitor dated 02/05/2018


158.2-               An Order of the Court dated 05/02/2018


158.3-              An Application Notice dated 05/02/2018 with accompanying documents.


158.4-              An Injunction Order dated 09/01/2018


158.5-              A Power of Arrest dated 09/01/2018


158.6-              A Witness Statement of Mr Lemmy Nwabusi dated 002/02/2018.


158.7-             A Witness Statement of Ms Kaunchita Maudhub dated 05/02/2018


158.8-             A Draft Order.


And: --


158.9-            A Letter from the Claimant Solicitor dated 02/05/2018


158.10-          An Order of the Court dated 24/04/2018


158.11-          An Application Notice dated 20/04/2018 with accompanying documents.


158.12-          An Injunction Order dated 09/01/2018


158.13-          An Affidavit of Mr Markandu Mathiyalagan dated 20/04/2018


158.14-        An Affidavit of Mrs Revathy Mathiyalagan dated 20/04/2018


158.15-         A Draft Order.


158.16-         On the same date after repeated knocking, the above-named defendant responded from behind the front door asking, "who Is it''. After having Identified myself and the nature of my attendance and with the defendant stating he had no wish to open the door to me and therefore refusing to accept service personally of the aforementioned envelopes containing the documents referred to in this my statement of attempted service. That I did for approximately the next 20/25 minutes remain by the front door of the address -attended with the above-named defendant refusing to open the door to accept service personally. As the above-named defendant was refusing to accept service personally of the aforementioned envelopes containing the documents referred to previously, I did remain in close proximity to the building for approximately one hour on the basis of the defendant may leave the property. At approximately on the same date I did leave the area.

That at the time of attempted service and from behind a closed front door the aforementioned defendant had admitted his identity to me as Simon Cordell, the defendant named in these proceedings.

That therefore I having being unable to meet and personally serve the above named defendant with the aforementioned documentation; I would verily ask of the court to allow service of any such Order the court makes by allowing any such Order and accompanying documentation to be placed in a sealed envelope addressed to the defendant, marked 'Important Court Documents' and posted through the letterbox of 109 Burncroft Avenue, Enfield, Middlesex EN3 7JQ knowing that said documents would come to the attention of the defendant, by virtue of this address being his usual place of residency.

This statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and r make it knowing that, if it were tendered in evidence, I would be liable to prosecution if I wilfully stated in It anything

which I know to be false or did not believe to be true.

/ 2 of 2


159- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “This is the exhibit marked "A" and referred to in the Statement of Andy Philippou”


1. Witness statement of Balbinder Kaur Geddes












DATED 05.02.2018, 20/04/2018 AND APPLICATION NOTICE DATED 11.05.2018

Note /

Point: --

1. Threats to kill = start date!




   Title of Document


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Si / Information /

Title of Document

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Si /

Report Id

1.        Application notice with supported documents


Point 1: Was missing from report



Point 2:

Point 3:

Point 4:

Point 5:



160- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 –

Application committal notice applications (N244) dated seeking leave 05/02/2018 from the Court 20/04/2018 to and dispense with application personal notice service dated of 11/05/2018 pursuant to CPR 81.10(5).

160.1-      Witness statement of Mr Nwabuisi and Ms Kaur Geddes dated 10/05/2018

160.2-      Witness statement of attempted service of Mr Andy Phllippou, process server.

follows: authorise you to take away the relevant fee from our PBA Account, which details are as (***)


161- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 –

“Application notice (N244)” Dated 14/05/2018 /


162- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 –

“Application notice (N244)” Dated 11/05/2018 /


163- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 –

“Application notice (N244)” Dated 11/05/2018 /

An interim injunction order was made against the Defendant on 09/01/2018

The order was served personally on 10/01/2018 and the injunction has a power of arrest attached to it. The Defendant committed further breaches if the injunction and as result two committal applications were issued by the Claimant respectively on 05/02/2018 and on 20/04/2018

A hearing took place in the Edmonton County Court before Employment Tribunal Judge Taylor who ordered that the proceedings be adjourned. to 30/5/2018 on the basis that personal service of the committal applications did not take place pursuant to CPR 81.10(4).

On 02/05/2018 the Claimant instructed a process server to effect personal service of the two committal applications. However, the Defendant refused to accept service despite identifying himself to our process server. In view of the Defendant's refusal to accept personal service of the documents the Claimant is making the present application notice to seek the Court's permission to dispense with service pursuant to CPR 81.10 (5). The Court should also note that the Defendant's mother Ms Mother accepts that the two committal applications were received by Post in any event. There is a witness statement of attempted service from Mr Andy Philippou dated 08/05/2018 which is attached to this application dated 10/05/2018

Further breaches of the Injunction were also committed by the Defendant on 01/05/2018 inside and outside of the Edmonton Court County Court premises. The Defendant was shouting, swearing and made threats to two of the Claimant's employees and one neighbour who attend a Court hearing on the day. The incident is supported by the witness statements of Lemmy Nwabuisi and Ms Balbinder Kaur Geddes which are attached to this application.

As a result of the recent incident, the Claimant has decided to issue an application notice dated 11/05/2018 to include the incident in the committal application dated 20/04/2018 An amended committal application was prepared, and personal service was attempted upon the Defendant by our process servicer on 11/05/2018 but this was refused by the Defendant. There is a witness statement of attempted service from Mr Andy Philippou dated 11/05/2018 In view of the Defendant's refusal to accept an amended committal application, the Claimant would ask permission from the Court to dispense with personal service of the amended committal application and to allow service to take place by other means.

This application is made ex parte on the basis that the next hearing to hear the committal application is listed on 30/05/2018 and the Defendant needs to be served with the two committal applications and application notice dated 11/05/2018 at least 14 days in advance of the next hearing.


164- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “WITNESS STATEMENT OF MR LEMMY NWABUISI” - Statement No. 2 / Dated 10/05/2018 - 1 of 6.


165- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “WITNESS STATEMENT OF MR LEMMY NWABUISI” - Statement No. 2 / Dated 10/05/2018 - 2 of 6.


166- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “WITNESS STATEMENT OF MR LEMMY NWABUISI” - Statement No. 2 / Dated 10/05/2018 - 3 of 6.


167- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “WITNESS STATEMENT OF MR LEMMY NWABUISI” - Statement No. 2 / Dated 10/05/2018 - 4 of 6.


168- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “WITNESS STATEMENT OF MR LEMMY NWABUISI” - Statement No. 2 / Dated 10/05/2018 - 5 of 6.


169- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “WITNESS STATEMENT OF MR LEMMY NWABUISI” - Statement No. 2 / Dated 10/05/2018 - 6 of 6.


170- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “EXHIBIT ·LM1” - Landing Page


171- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – Dated: 08/05/2018 - “WITNESS STATEMENT OF ATTEMPTED SERVICE.” / 1 of 3.

Statement No: One


172- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – Dated: 08/05/2018 – “WITNESS STATEMENT OF ATTEMPTED SERVICE.” / 2 of 3.

Statement No: One


173- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – Dated: 08/05/2018 – “WITNESS STATEMENT OF ATTEMPTED SERVICE.” / 3 of 3.

Statement No: One


174- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – Dated 10/05/2018 - Statement No. 1 / “WITNESS STATEMENT OF Ms BALBINDER KAUR GEDDES” / 1 of 4.

Statement No: 1


175- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – Dated 10/05/2018 - Statement No. 1 / “WITNESS STATEMENT OF Ms BALBINDER KAUR GEDDES” / 2 of 4.

Statement No: 1


176- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – Dated 10/05/2018 - Statement No. 1 / “WITNESS STATEMENT OF Ms BALBINDER KAUR GEDDES” / 3 of 4.

Statement No: 1


177- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – Dated 10/05/2018 - Statement No. 1 / “WITNESS STATEMENT OF Ms BALBINDER KAUR GEDDES” / 4 of 4.

Statement No: 1


178- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “EXHIBIT 'BKG1'” - Landing Page


179- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – Dated: 08/05/2018 - “WITNESS STATEMENT OF ATTEMPTED SERVICE.” - Statement No. 1 / 1 of 3.

Signed the: 08/05/2018

Statement No: One


180- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – Dated: 08/05/2018 - “WITNESS STATEMENT OF ATTEMPTED SERVICE.” - Statement No. 1 / 2 of 3.

Signed the: 08/05/2018

Statement No: One


181- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – Dated: 08/05/2018 – “This is the exhibit marked "A" and referred to in the Statement of Andy Philippou”

Signed the: 08/05/2018

Statement No: One


1. Application notice with supported documents











1.        witness statement of Andy Philippou


Point 1: Was missing from report



Point 2:

Point 3:

Point 4:

Point 5:




I, Andy Philippou, a Process Server of Global Investigation Services. Limited, Earnscliff House, London N99AB.

Acting under the instructions of: -

The London Borough of Enfield, Legal Services Department, P.O. Box 50 Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, Middlesex ENl 3XA.

1.             That I am over sixteen years of age.

2.             That I did on Friday 11/05/2018 at approximately 9.00 .am attend in close proximity to the defendant's address supplied to me for him of 109 Burncroft Avenue, Enfield, Middlesex EN3 7JQ. The purpose of my attendance being to meet and personally serve the above-named defendant with single envelope containing the following:

183.1-            A Letter from the Claimant Solicitor dated 11/05/2018

183.2-           An Application Notice dated 11/05/2018

183.3-           An Application Notice marked 'Amended Application Notice.

183.4-           An Affidavit of Mr Markandu Mathiyalagan dated 20/04/2018 with Exhibits.

183.5-           An Affidavit of Mrs Revathy Mathiyalagan dated 20/04/2018 with Exhibit.

183.6-           An amended Draft Order.

183.7-           A Witness Statement of Mr Lemmy Nwabusi dated 10/05/2018 with Exhibit.

183.8-           A Witness Statement of Ms Balbinder Kaur Geddes dated 10/05/2018 with Exhibit.  


That I did at the time of attendance having being unable to gain access to the building initially attempt to gain the attention of the above-named defendant by tapping at the glass of the downstairs window, with no response. At approximately after having gained access to the building as a resident was leaving the building, I did knock at the front door of the defendant of 109: -- / 1 of 2

“Witness Statement 2 not 1 I am sure!”



I, Andy Philippou, a Process Server of Global Investigation Services. Limited, Earnscliff House, London N99AB.

“Part 2”

Burncroft Avenue, Enfield, Middlesex EN3 7JQ. With the above-named defendant responded from behind the front door and as on my previous attendance at the address asked, "who is it". After having identified myself as I had done so on my previous attendance and the nature of my attending

and with the defendant stating he had no wish to open the door to me and therefore refusing to accept service personally of the aforementioned envelope containing the documents referred to in this my statement; I did ask on more than one occasion if the defendant would oblige by opening the front door. That I did after having been refused access to personal service at the address and with the letterbox to the address quite clearly being obstructed by what left like a 'wooden plate' proceed to find a fixing for the sealed envelope addressed to the above-named defendant containing the aforementioned documentation. That I did continue to affix the envelope whist the defendant continued to speak in what could be best described as in a nonsensical manner as the conversation bore no relevance to my attending the address or the nature of my attendance. The defendant continues to speak about the 'unlawful' act I was performing by affixing with a cable tie the sealed envelope in a plastic wallet to the external door hinge of 109 Burncroft Avenue, EN3 7JQ. That I did whilst performing this act explain to the defendant that by his refusing to open the door to me and by sealing access through the letterbox that by effecting 'lodgement' at the address in this manner was the only course of action left open to me. That I did having re-affirmed this to the defendant and his saying "what if someone takes this off in five minutes" state by virtue of our conversation and his knowledge of my action did not excuse his not wishing to be informed of the Claimant attempting to effect service upon the above-named Defendant. That I did at approximately affix with a cable tie in a plastic wallet attached to the side hinge 'barrel' of the door frame of 109 Burncroft Avenue, EN3 7JQ a sealed envelope addressed to the defendant in order that its content would have come to the attention of the Defendant.

This statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and I make it knowing that, if it were tendered in evidence, I would be liable to prosecution If I wilfully stated in it anything

which I know to be false or did not believe to be true. / 2 of 2.

“Witness Statement 2 not 1 I am sure!”



I, Andy Philippou, a Process Server of Global Investigation Services. Limited, Earnscliff House, London N99AB.

“This is the exhibit marked "A" and referred to in the Statement of Andy Philippou.” Dated: 11/05/2018



I, Andy Philippou, a Process Server of Global Investigation Services. Limited, Earnscliff House, London N99AB.




I, Andy Philippou, a Process Server of Global Investigation Services. Limited, Earnscliff House, London N99AB.


1. witness statement of Andy Philippou










1.        Order from the Edmonton County Court


Point 1: Was missing from report



Point 2:

Point 3:

Point 4:

Point 5:




187- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “General Form of Judgment or Order” / Dated: 14/05/2018

Before Deputy District Judge Genn sitting at the County Court at Edmonton, 59 Fore Street, London, N18 2TN.

UPON hearing Solicitor for Applicant and Defendant not in attendance and not having notice of the application because of the history of Defendant evading service and the threats of violence to neighbours set out in the witness statement of Mr Nwabuisi and because of the urgency of the matter given there is a hearing listed for 30/05/2018

AND UPON reading the Applicant's application IT IS ORDERED THAT

187.1-      Permission to Applicant to amend the application for committal.

187.2-      Permission pursuant to CPR 81.10 (S)(b) to serve the amended application by email on Mrs Cordell, Defendant's mother because she has successfully brought previous proceedings to Defendant's notice having received previous applications by this means.


188- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 – “Repeat as above”



1. Order from the Edmonton County Court










1.        Claimant’s letter to the Edmonton County Court


Point 1:

Point 2:

Point 3:

Point 4:

Point 5:





189- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 - Date: 15/05/2018 - “URGENT” /

Dear Sirs

Re: The London Borough of Enfield-v- Cordell- E00ED049

We write further to the Claimant's ex parte application which was considered by Deputy District Judge Genn on 14/05/2018 in the Edmonton County Court.

The Claimant collected a copy of the Order which was drafted shortly, after the hearing. However, paragraph 2 of the order is slightly ambiguous and incomplete. It reads as follows:

'Permission pursuant to CPR 81.10 (5) {b) to serve the amended application by email on Mrs Cordell, Defendant's mother because she has successfully brought previous proceedings to Defendant".

The Claimant's application notice Issued on 14/05/2018 and considered by the Judge requested the following:

The Claimant seeks permission from the Court to dispense with personal service of the applications dated 05/02/2018 and 20/04/2018 pursuant to CPR 81.10 (5) and.

To dispense with personal service of the application notice dated 11/05/2016

At the hearing it was explained to the judge that the Defendant has evaded personal service of the committal applications dated 05/02/2018 and 20/04/2018 and of the application notice dated 11/05/2018

The witness statements provided with the application also support the position. It was further explained that as a result of the; -- / 1 of 2.


190- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 - Date: 15/05/2018 - “URGENT” /

Defendant's conduct we would seek permission to have service of the application dispensed with.

The Judge read the application and the Claimant's witness statements and agreed that service could not be affected and as a result agreed to have all 3 applications served by email upon the Defendant's mother Ms Mother, pursuant to CPR 81.10(5)(b).

Therefore, what is missing from the Court order Is an additional paragraph which gives the Claimant permission to serve BOTH committal applications 05/02/2018 and 20/04/2018 by email on Mrs Cordell. Such position was accepted by the Judge at the hearing but unfortunately Is not reflected in the Court Order. This was requested in the application notice and agreed by the Judge, we would therefore like the order to be amended accordingly.

We would be grateful if this letter could be passed on to the Judge to have the order amended accordingly. Please note that the next hearing on this case is Listed on 30 May 2018, 2pm and we would be grateful if the order could be amended as a matter of urgency.

/ 2 of 2.

1. Claimant’s letter to the Edmonton County Court











1.        Amended order from the Edmonton County Court


Point 1:

Point 2:

Point 3:

Point 4:

Point 5:




191- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 - Date: 14/05/2018

Before Deputy District Judge Genn sitting at the Court at Edmonton.

Permission is given pursuant to CPR part 81.10 (5) (b) to serve the applications dated 05/02/2018 and 20/04/2018 together with the application notice dated 11/05/2018 by email upon Miss Mother the Defendant's mother.

Because she has successfully brought previous proceedings to the Defendant's notice, she is having received previous applications by this means.


192- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 - Date: 14/05/2018

UPON hearing Solicitor for Applicant and Defendant not in attendance and not having notice of the application because of the history of Defendant evading service and the threats of violence to neighbours set out in the witness statement of Mr Nwabuisi, and because of the urgency of the matter given there is a hearing listed for 30/05/2018

Permission is given pursuant to CPR part 81.10 (5) (b) to serve the applications dated 05/02/2018 and 20/04/2018 together with the application notice dated 11/05/2018 by email upon Miss Mother, the defendants Mother because she has brought previous proceedings to the Defendant's notice, she is having received previous applications by this means.


1. Amended order from the Edmonton County Court












Note /

Point: --

1. Threats to kill = start date!




   Title of Document


Page Num

Si / Information /

Title of Document

Si /


Si /

Report Id

1.        Order from the Edmonton County Court


Point 1:

Point 2:

Point 3:

Point 4:

Point 5:



193- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 - Date: 14/05/2018

“General Form of Judgment or Order”

Before Deputy District Judge Genn SITTING AT THE Edmonton County Court / Order Amended Under the “Slip Rule”

UPON hearing Counsel for the Claimant and the Defendant not attending and upon hearing from the Defendant's mother and uncle

AND UPON the Defendant's mother and uncle informing the court that the Defendant has suffered historical mental health issues and was sectioned under the Mental Health Act 2005 in 2016

AND UPON the court having concerns regarding the Defendant's capacity to litigate and/or capacity to understand the meaning of the interim injunction

AND UPON the court being satisfied by reason of his attendance at the hearing on 05/02/2018 (subject to any issues regarding mental health) that the Defendant was aware of the terms of the interim injunction dated 09/01/2018 by at least 05/02/2018 and that it would be appropriate to dispense under CPR 81.8 with the need for personal service of the interim injunction from at 05/02/2018

AND UPON the interim injunction dated 09/01/2018 with attached Power of Arrest remaining in force

AND UPON the court being asked to address the safety of the witnesses pending the production of any report concerning mental health

AND UPON the court commenting that it would, expect the police to arrest the Defendant under the power of arrest if there is reasonable cause to suspect that the Defendant has breached the interim injunction dated 09/01/2018

AND UPON the court not being satisfied that it is appropriate at present to exclude the Defendant from Burncroft A venue, Enfield

AND UPON the court noting in respect of the committal proceedings that the Defendant may apply for criminal legal aid which is non-means tested and is strongly advised to see independent legal advice: -- / 1 of 3.


194- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 - Date: 14/05/2018

“General Form of Judgment or Order”

Before Deputy District Judge Genn SITTING AT THE Edmonton County Court / Order Amended Under the “Slip Rule”

“Part 2”

AND UPON the Defendant's mother confirming that she has evidence and will produce all relevant documentation (including documents from the occasion on which the Defendant was sectioned) and will file the same by 4pm - 01/06/2018 by email


By 4pm on 13/06/2018 the Defendant shall w1dergo medical assessment by the community mental health team at an appointment to be arranged of which the Defendant shall be given at least 24 hours' notice and a report shall be prepared in relation to the Defendant's capacity to litigate and capacity to understand the meaning of the interim injunction dated 09/01/2018 and that report shall be filed at court and served on each pa1ty to the litigation.

If the report indicates that the defendant lacks capacity, then the Official Solicitor shall be invited to represent the Defendant.

In the event that the Defendant fails to engage with the community mental health team and that the Defendant's mother takes no steps as the Defendant's nearest relative lo have the Defendant's mental health assessed then the Defendant shall be presumed to have capacity.

The Claimant shall, if so advised, file and serve a witness statement appending any relevant documentation dealing with the question of the Defendant's capacity to litigate and/or capacity to understand the meaning of the interim injunction dated 09/01/2018 by 4pm on 13 June 2018.

The matter is re-listed urgently on 26/06/2018 at 10:00 a.m. with a time estimate of half a day with no other cases.

No earlier than seven and no later than three days prior to the relisted hearing the Claimant shall file and serve a paginated bundle of documents for use at the hearing.

This order will be deemed served on the Defendant if the Claimant emails a copy of the order to the Defendant's mother.

Costs reserved.

/ 2 of 3.


195- CLAIM NUMBER: E00ED049 - Date: 14/05/2018 “Wrong Date on page 03 dated the 05/06/2018

“General Form of Judgment or Order”

/ 3 of 3.


1. Order from the Edmonton County Court














Note /

Point: --





Title of Document


Page Num

Si / Information /

Title of Document

Si /


Si /

Report Id

27. Claim form, application for an injunction and statements



Point 1:

Point 2:

Point 3:

Point 4:

Point 5:

















196- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

08/08/2018 / “BY HAND the Court Manager

Edmonton County Court”




We write further to the above matter.

We enclose 3 copies of our application for an Injunction.

Please deduct the issue fee of £308 from our PBA Account number 0079006.



197- Claim Number: D02ED073 – “Claim Form (CPR Part 8)” -

Permit the Claimant's employees and contractors access into 109 Burn croft Avenue, Enfield, EN3 7 JQ to carry out routine maintenance inspections and necessary repairs within 48 hours of written notification.

Keep his dog on a lead in communal areas outside his property.

The Defendant MR SIMON CORDELL be forbidden (whether by himself or by instructing or encouraging or permitting any other person) From engaging or threatening to engage in conduct that is likely to cause physical violence and verbal abuse to the Claimant's employees, tenants and visitors to the block of flats at Burncroft Avenue, Enfield.

/ 1 of 2.


198- Claim Number: D02ED073 – “Claim Form (CPR Part 8)”

Details of claim (continued)

From engaging or threatening to engage in conduct that is likely to cause intimidation, harassment, alarm and distress to the Claimant's employees, tenants and visitors to the block of flats at Burncroft Avenue, Enfield.

From engaging or threatening to engage in conduct that is likely to cause nuisance and annoyance to the Claimant's employees, tenants and visitors to the block of flats at Bumcroft Avenue, Enfield.

From using his pet dog to frighten, intimidate or threaten violence to the Claimant's employees, tenants and visitors of the block of flats at Burncroft Avenue, Enfield.

A power of arrest is attached to paragraphs 3 to 6 above.

Costs in the case

/ 1 of 2.


199- Claim Number: D02ED073 – “Application for Injunction (General Form)”



200- Claim Number: D02ED073 – “DRAFT ORDER”

If you do not obey this Order, you will be guilty of contempt of court, and you may be sent to prison.


201- Claim Number: GETTING Pertained

 D02ED073 – When really this was used as the position Order Paperwork!

Dated: 28/07/2017

This is the statement that Lemmy used to Forged the date in for the first INJUCTION / Order, Because I told him about the time limits in the position order, because of the” TIME LIMITATIONS ACT 1980!”

& This is not a true copy of the document served for the 1st Injunction.


I, Mr John Irving, of 117 Bumcroft Avenue, Enfield, EN3 7JQ (Leaseholder) make statement believing it to be true and understand that it may be placed before court.

Insofar as the content of this witness statement is within my own personal knowledge it is true and insofar as it is not within my personal knowledge it Is true to the best of my knowledge.


I am the landlord of Flat 117 Bumcroft Avenue, Enfield, EN3 7 JQ. The flat is located Just above the Defendant's. The Property is currently let to Mr Mathiyalagan, and it is being occupied by him, wife and his children.

I make this Witness Statement In support of the Claimant's application for an injunction to stop the Defendant from causing intimidation, harassment

Statement No. 1

/ 1 of 3



202- Claim Number: GETTING Pertained

 D02ED073 – When Really this was used as the possession Order Paper Work!

Dated: 28/07/2017

This is the statement that Lemmy used to Forged the date in for the first INJUCTION / Order, Because I told him about the time limits in the position order, because of the” TIME LIMITATIONS ACT 1980!”

& This is not a true copy of the document served for the 1st Injunction.


Part 2

and alarm to me, my tenants and other residents on Bumcroft Avenue, Enfield, EN3 7 JQ. The application also seeks access to the Defendant's Property to enable the Claimant to carry out checks on the Defendant's water pipes which are, possibly affecting my tenant's water pressure and supply.


In the evening of 12/07/2017 I met with one of the Council's in house legal surveyors, Mr Neville Gray with regards to an ongoing low water pressure issue. Mr Gray attended my property (Flat 117) at 11 am on the

day and agreed that the water pressure was not adequate. An attempt was made to gain access to the two flats immediately below, including the defendant's but this was unsuccessful.

At approximately 17.00 hrs the same day I was contacted by the managing agent informing me that there was now no water at the flat. I contacted Mr Gray and we both decided to attend the Property out of hours. I arrived at the flat to discover that water had been totally cut off for approx. 30 minutes, but surprisingly shortly after our arrival a supply was resumed and with good pressure. This despite the fact that low pressure had been a continual problem since 27/12/2017 Thames Water and plumbers have attended my property on at least 5 occasions but could not find a reason for the low pressure.

5. The Defendant lives in Flat 109 and in conjunction with his mother/mediator, was contacted by Mr Neville

Gray with the intention of Inspecting his flat However,

this was declined by the Defendant. Although I was inside the block, (on the landing), I watched the discussion from the open window. It was obvious the Defendant. was becoming increasing agitated by the raised voices and approaches towards Mr Gray. I could

/ 2 OF 3.



203- Claim Number: GETTING Pertained

 D02ED073 – When Really this was used as the position Order Paper Work!

Dated: 28/07/2017

This is the statement that Lemmy used to Forged the date in for the first INJUCTION / Order, Because I told him about the time limits in the position order, because of the” TIME LIMITATIONS ACT 1980!”

& This is not a true copy of the document served for the 1st Injunction.


see that he was not comfortable with. the situation, and he backed off. He seemed to be very vocal with an aggressive manner, which was Intimidating; at this point Mr Gray called for the police to attend.

6. I wish to add that on a previous visit to the property on 26/01/2017 to resolve the low water pressure, the Defendant had informed me that he was restricting the supply and stated: 'you will not solve the problem as I am restricting their water supply'. This was mentioned to me in front of an independent witness, a plumber who was attending with me. As I was leaving my Property, I saw the Defendant in the communal hallway and asked whether he could reinstate the water pressure to my tenant’s property, however he responded by saying 'I cannot do anything at the moment I will sort it out later'. This information has previously been reported to the claimant.

/ 3 OF 3.




The Date has gotten edited: --01/08/2017

I, Mr Neville Gray, of PO BOX 50, Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XA make this statement believing it to be true and understand that it may be placed before court.

Insofar as the content of this witness statement is within my own personal knowledge it is true and insofar as it is not within my personal knowledge it is true to the best of my knowledge.


1. I am employed by the London Borough of Enfield as an .in-house legal disrepair surveyor and have been so employed since February 2014. My role consists of carrying out property inspections, diagnosis and the management of repairs to the councils entire housing stock along with dealing with and overseeing all disrepair claims.

/ 1 OF 4



The Date has gotten edited: --01/08/2017

I make this Witness Statement in support of the Claimant's application for an injunction to stop the Defendant from causing intimidation, harassment and alarm to me, other Council Officers and residents near his property on Burncroft Avenue, Enfield, EN3 7 JQ. The application also seeks access to the Defendant's Property to enable the Claimant to carry out routine and maintenance inspections.


The Defendant is a secure tenant of Flat 109 Burncroft Avenue, Enfield EN3 7QJ.

I first visited this property in the morning of 12/07/2017 at 11.00 am after complaints were made from the tenants at Flat 117 regarding the low pressure of their water supply. I knocked on the Defendant's flat at 109 but there was initially no answer, I had noticed that the front entrance door to the property was unlocked and slightly open; I could also hear a dog barking which appeared very aggressive. I shouted through the open door and explained that I needed to come to his property and check the water tap but he refused to come to the door. The Defendant was shouting and swearing at me to go away. At that time, I had immediately backed off and called the Claimant's call centre who then called his mother Ms Mother, on my behalf who then attended the Defendant's Property with her brother. The Defendant's still refused access and was extremely vocal and so that visit did not proceed but was re-scheduled for Thursday 13 July and then changed to Monday 17 July as his mother was not available.

On 12/07/2017 at 5.39pm, I received calls from both the Leaseholder and the Managing Agents of Flat 117 advising that their tenants' (Mr and Mrs Mathiyalagan) water supply had stopped completely. I also called the tenant of 113 (Mr Quinton) and he had agreed to meet me at his property: I then called Ms Cordell and expressed urgency of accessing his property

/ 2 OF 4




The Date has gotten edited: --01/08/2017

also, this evening to check his stop cock. It was agreed for her to meet me at the property along with the tenant of 113 and the Leaseholder of 117. I contacted one of the Claimant's housing managers, Mr Clive Green who expressed his concern of me attending out of hours, but it was then agreed that I could attend but call him as soon as I arrived and at ten-minute intervals.

On route to the property the Leaseholder of Flat 117 Mr John Irving called and said that their pressure was on and normal and was off for approximately 30 minutes. The pressure was poor that morning and became non- existent the same evening for 30 minutes without explanation and then returned to normal better than it had been since December 2016. This caused me concern as there was a strong suggestion that the Defendant was restricting pressure to the tenants of Flats 113 and 117 who have both confirmed the problems they have had and that the Defendant had said to them that he was controlling the water pressure previously.

Mr Quinton of Flat 113 said that he has not. been at his property for 6 months as he is scared of the Defendant's violent conduct who had also banged and kicked on his front door previously.

The leaseholder of Flat 117 Mr John Irving also reported to me that the Defendant has been demanding money off of his tenant at 117 to the value of £500.

The Defendant refused access again in the evening on 12/07/2017 but when I was about to return to my car he came out and although he was initially reasonable, he then started shouting and swearing at me outside the main communal front entrance. I backed away and made my way to my car, but he started following me continually showing aggression and using vile language, this must have been around 19.30pm. At that point I called

/ 3 OF 4




The Date has gotten edited: --01/08/2017

one of my managers and advised that I required assistance. The Defendant's behaviour continued to worsen against me and so I called the Police as he would not allow me to approach my car. A police reference number was provided to me on the day 775912072017 CAD.

I awaited the Police and they spoke to the Defendant's mother. The Defendant refused to come out or allow access. He wanted me to return on Monday of which I have now refused to do because of his threats and violence.

/ 4 OF 4


208- Claim Number: D02ED073 –


Statement of truth

Dated: 02/08/2017 / Statement No. 1: --

I am the tenant of Flat 117 Bumcroft Avenue, Enfield, EN3 7 JQ. My flat is located two floors above the Defendant's. I live there with my wife and children. I have been housing to this Property with my family on 11/09/2014 by Waltham Forest District Council. The Property was given to me as a temporary accommodation.

/ 1 of 8.


209- Claim Number: D02ED073 –


Statement of truth

Dated: 02/08/2017 / Statement No. 1: --

I make this Witness Statement in support of the Claimant’s application for an injunction to stop the Defendant from causing Intimidation, harassment to me and other residents.


The problem with the Defendant started a few months after we moved into the property, after the Defendant approached me asking me to write a letter of support in relation to a problem, he was having with the lady that used to live at Flat 113 Bumcroft Avenue. I refused to write the letter and told the Defendant that I do not want to get involved as I did not have any problems with the lady. Since then, the Defendant has made living in this block difficult for me and my family. He has been very aggressive to my family and I and has continuously intimidated, threatened and harassed my wife, cousin and me.

The Defendant have repeatedly accused us of making noise inside our flat even though our flat is situated two floors above his and the person living directly below us have never complained to us about noise. He has shouted abuse at us, damaged our properties and aggressively demanded money from me. My family and I are constantly living in fear and my wife is frightened 'to stay at home and has had to accompany me to work on several occasions and stayed in the car with our young daughter until I finish work.

The Defendant has slashed my car tyres, damaged my fuse box and has physically threatened to hit me with a piece of wood. He has a big dog that he brings out with him without a lead when he approaches us, and he has used the dog to intimidate us. He also allows the dog to bark and run freely inside the communal hallway and staircase without a lead. I have reported

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210- Claim Number: D02ED073 –


Statement of truth

Dated: 02/08/2017 / Statement No. 1: --

all the issues to the police and Waltham Forest, the local authority that placed me in the property but each time the police attends, 􀀮e Defendant will lock himself inside his flat and will refuse to answer his door.

On 06/08/2016 at 6pm, the Defendant threatened and shouted abuse at me and my wife, he aggr!3ssively demanded money from me and threatened to beat me up. He repeatedly swore at my wife, called her a 'witch.' and tried to stop me from going up the stairs to my flat by standing in front of me and placing his hands on the railings.

On 08/08/2016 the Defendant aggressively banged on my front door, shouted abuse at me and my wife and accused us of making noise. He then used a screwdriver to damage the lock on my electric meter cupboard and removed the fuse box thereby cutting off our electricity supply. I reported the incident to the police and was given reference number CAO 7934/August 2016.

On 27/09/2016 at 11 :45pm, I was confronted by the Defendant as I returned to, my flat with my wife and young daughter and he threatened and swore at me and demanded money from me.

On 28/09/2016 at 5:30pm, the Defendant aggressively banged on my front door and threatened and shouted verbal abuse and swear words at me and my wife. He also aggressively demanded money from me.

On 08/12/2016 the Defendant aggressively banged on my front door while my wife was alone in our flat with our young daughter and accused her of making noise. He also shouted abuse and threats at her. The incident was reported to the police, and I was given reference number 5227336/16.

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211- Claim Number: D02ED073 –


Statement of truth

Dated: 02/08/2017 / Statement No. 1: --

On 11/12/2016 the Defendant aggressively banged on my front door and accused us of making noise, he also shouted abuse and threats at me and my wife.

On 23/12/2016 at 3:43pm, the Defendant banged on my front door while my wife was alone at home with our young daughter, he shouted abuse at her and asked her to go to the bathroom and tum off the taps. He also removed our electricity fuse thereby cutting off our power supply I reported the incident to the police and was given reference number 5753/ 23/12/2016

On 26/12/2016 at about 12:30pm, my family and I was going out and as we got to the first floor, the Defendant came running up the stairs towards us with a towel round his waist and started to shout abuse at us and accused us of tampering with water and stopping the water supply to his flat. I tried to explain to him that we also have restricted water supply to our flat, but he will not listen and continued to shout abuse at us and followed us until we left the block.

On 03/01/2017 at 10:47pm, the Defendant confronted me, my wife and our two-year-old daughter as we returned from a family outing and followed us up the stairs and started to shout that we were deliberately banging on the water pipes and making noise. The Defendant also talked about saving me from being beaten up by some unknown persons, he stated that he caught my wife and I making noise inside my bathroom, called me a 'lying cunt' and asked me to swear on my baby's life that we were not banging. He continued to shout abuse and threats at us for about 15 minutes:

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212- Claim Number: D02ED073 –


Statement of truth

Dated: 02/08/2017 / Statement No. 1: --

On 21/01/2017 at 6:21 pm, the Defendant aggressively banged on my front door, swore and shouted abuse and threats at us and accused us of making noise.

On 31/01/2017 at 6:10pm, the Defendant aggressively banged on my front door: shouted abuse and threats at us and accused us of banging on the floor. Later in the evening of the same day I discovered that all four tyres of my car which was parked outside the block have been slashed with a sharp object.

On 05/05/2017 I was walking out of the block when I saw the Defendant talking to two council officials and as I walked past them, the Defendant said to me that he will ruin my life and that he was going to present evidence to the police about my illegal activities. I did not respond or say anything to him.

On 12/05/2017 at about 12pm, my wife, was at home with my daughter and my cousin when the Defendant came up to my front door and started to bang and push aggressively on the door, shouting for my wife to open the door saying that he wanted to talk to her. The Defendant knew that I had gone to work and that my wife may be alone with our young daughter, but he Insisted on my wife opening the door for him while shouting abuse at her.

On 01/06/2017 I was at work when my wife telephoned me to complaint that the Defendant and two other males came and banged on my front door for about two minutes. My wife was alone with our young daughter at the time, and she was very frightened because of the loud banging on our front door.

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213- Claim Number: D02ED073 –


Statement of truth

Dated: 02/08/2017

/ Statement No. 1: --

On 09/06/2017 my cousin returned from work late at night and as he opened the main communal door, the Defendant came out of his flat and started to shout abuse at him. As my cousin brought out his mobile phone to record the incident, the Defendant snatched the phone from him. A struggle ensued as my cousin tried to get his phone back from the Defendant. The Defendant then physically attacked .my cousin; he grabbed my cousin sound his arm and neck and injured his arm thereby causing it to bleed. My cousin managed to get his phone back and called the police. The police attended within 10 minutes and my cousin explained to them what happened, and they went to speak to the Defendant, but he refused to let them in.

On 16/06/2017 at 11:55am, the Defendant confronted my wife outside the main entrance door as she was going to pick our daughter from school and accused her of making noise. The Defendant also said to my wife that he has our bank account and personal details and that she should tell me to pay him money.

On 18/06/2017 at 11 :55am, the Defendant confronted my wife outside the communal entrance door as she was going to pick our daughter from school and said to her that he knows what time she goes out and when she returns and lo tell her husband that he wants to speak to him.

On 23/06/2017 my cousin returned from work at 11 :35pm and as he entered the block, the Defendant came out of his flat with his dog barking and without a lead and started to swear and shout abuse at my cousin. The Defendant then attacked my cousin by punching him twice on the chest and tried to push my cousin out of the block. The Defendant snatched my cousin's mobile phone as he tried to record the incident, but he managed to get the phone back. My wife heard the commotion and woke me up and as we came out of my flat shouting at my cousin and wanting to know what

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214- Claim Number: D02ED073 –


Statement of truth

Dated: 02/08/2017

/ Statement No. 1: --

was happening, the Defendant went back into his flat. We then called the police, they attended, and we explained what happened. The police then went and knocked on the Defendant's door, but he refused to let them in.

On 28/06/2017 at 11 :45am, the Defendant confronted my wife outside the main entrance door as she was going to pick up our daughter from school and demanded to talk to her. My wife told him that she cannot stop to. speak with him as she was on her way to collect her daughter from school, but the Defendant ran after my wife, stood in front of her and started to shout at her. The Defendant told my wife that he knows all our personal details including our full names, dat!3 of birth and bank details. The Defendant demanded that we should pay him some money and that my wife should tell me to come and talk to him. The Defendant also accused my wife of making noises inside our flat.

On 30/06/2017 at 11 :45am, the Defendant confronted my wife as she was leaving the block to go and pick up our daughter from school and accused her of slamming the door. My wife denied slamming the door and the Defendant called her a liar and proceeded to swear and shout abuse at her.

On 02/06/2017 at 5:18pm, my family and I was going out to visit some friends and as we were about to exit the block, the Defendant popped his head out of his front door and asked me when I was going to hand over the money to him. I told him that I was not going to give him any money and that he should go and work so that he could earn some money. As we left the block, the Defendant came running after us and was shouting abuse and swearing at me and said to me that I should pay him some money if I want him to leave me and my family alone. The Defendant also said to me that he has all our personal details including phone numbers, date of birth

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215- Claim Number: D02ED073 –


Statement of truth

Dated: 02/08/2017

/ Statement No. 1: --

and bank details and that I must pay him to have them back. I told him that I will not pay him and to do whatever he likes with the details.

27. The constant verbal abuse, swearing, intimidation and aggressive

behaviour from the Defendant towards my family and I have made it difficult for us to live in our own home. The fear of not knowing when we will be confronted with vile and aggressive behaviour as my wife, and I go out or return to our home has caused us severe stress and anxiety. My wife is afraid of leaving our flat on her own due to fear that the Defendant will confront and shout abuse at her. We are having to tip toe inside our flat for fear of being accused of making noise even though we live two floors above the Defendant. The Defendant has caused us immense hardship by vandalising my property and although I cannot prove it, I am certain that the Defendant was responsible for slashing my car tyres, damaging my meter cupboard and removing my electricity fuse several times and restricting water flow to my flat. Also, I no longer park my car outside my block in Bumcroft Avenue because of the car being vandalized. I now park a few streets away, about ten or fifteen minutes from my home instead of outside my block which is about a minute from my flat. I do not see why we should have to live this way.

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216- Claim Number: D02ED073 –


Statement No. 1


I, Mr George Quinton, of 113 Burncroft Avenue, Enfield, EN3 7JQ make this statement believing It to be true and understand that it may be placed before court.

Insofar as the content of this witness statement is within my own personal knowledge it is true and insofar as it is not within my personal knowledge it is true to the best of my knowledge.


“Lemmy Changed the date after the possession order”

I am the tenant of Flat 113 Burncroft Avenue, Enfield, EN3 7 JQ. My flat is located the next floor above the Defendant's. I have lived at this property since the 02/05/2016

Dated this 07/08/2017

“The Dates are wrong”

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217- Claim Number: D02ED073 –


Statement No. 1

I make this Witness Statement in support of the Claimant's application for an injunction to stop the Defendant from causing intimidation, harassment to me and other residents.


The problems that I have encountered with this tenant have been a regular occurrence since the commencement of my tenancy. The Defendant would come to my flat three or four times a week, on occasion this would occur more frequently whereby he would extend this harassment to not only myself but to my visitors also often following them as they would leave the building. He would often play loud music after which he would become very argumentative and bang on my door accusing me and my visitors of maliciously making loud noises to annoy him.

The Defendant would often make threats to me and on one particular occasion the Defendant said to me, 'he is on a curfew for 12 days, but he would come 'after me' once this is over'.

The Defendant had also made accusations claiming that the noises I was allegedly causing had resulted in the sudden death of his child.

On another occasion on the 08/10/2016 the Defendant came to my flat banging on the door and when I answered immediately started shouting at me. He then went downstairs and about ten minutes later he approached my moped which was parked outside the building and started smashing it with a wooden stick: The damage that caused was to my vehicle was significant and prevented me from using it for some time and caused me to lose my job through lack of transport which was a requirement of my employment. The damage to the motorcycle was damage to tyres, the side panels, the headlights both front and rear along

Dated this 07/08/2017

“The Dates are wrong”

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218- Claim Number: D02ED073 –


Statement No. 1

with both the breaks and the mirrors. The matter was reported to the Police who attended and arrested the Defendant. A crime reference number was obtained relating to this incident and I will be happy to provide this at the hearing when I attend. I also have a recording of conversation between-the Defendant-and t, -where-he-admitted-to have caused damages to my moped. The recording will be provided at the hearing.

A further incident occurred with the Defendant around January 2017 whereby he came to my front door and started shouting and complaining about noise and that he was being wrongfully accused by the Police and accused myself and other tenants of 'being out to get him'. I asked him to leave but he refused to do this, so I then left my flat to stay at my friends as the Defendants behaviour had scared me. When I returned to the property a couple of days later, super glue had been inserted into the front entrance door lock preventing me from gaining access, this also caused the key to break.

This was reported to the council and an order was required to gain entry to my property. This was recorded under works order reference number 1814013/1.

Due to the erratic and abusive behaviour of this tenant I have been forced to flee my property because I feel scared and uncomfortable, and I have not returned since. Af3 a result of this I have also fallen into arrears, I am now facing homelessness.

Dated this 07/08/2017

“The Dates are wrong”

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219- Claim Number: D02ED073 –


Statement No. 1

Dated this 07/08/2017

“The Dates are wrong”

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220- Claim Number: D02ED073 –


 “Statement of Truth”

Statement No. 1

I, Mr Lemmy Nwabuisi, of PO BOX 50, Civic Centre, Enfield, EN1 3XA make this statement believing it to be true and understand that it may be placed before court.

Insofar as the content of this witness ·statement is within my own personal knowledge it is true and insofar as it is not within my personal knowledge it is true to the best of my knowledge.


1. I am employed by the London Borough of Enfield as an Anti-Social Behaviour Coordinator in the Community Safety Unit. I have held this employment since August 2016. My role as an Anti-Social Coordinator consists of investigating and dealing with reports of anti-social behaviour involving council and non-council tenants. My involvement with the Defendant was due to allegations of verbal abuse, threats, harassment and intimidation made against him by some of his neighbours.

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221- Claim Number: D02ED073 –


 “Statement of Truth”

Statement No. 1

I make this Witness Statement in support of the Claimant's application for an injunction to stop the Defendant from causing intimidation, harassment and alarm to other residents and their visitors on Burncroft Avenue

The Defendant is a secure tenant of the Claimant at 109 Burncroft Avenue, I

Enfield, Middlesex, EN3 7JQ. His tenancy commenced ·on 14/08/2006 I hereby attach a bundle of documents relating to this case as exhibit number LN1. A copy of the Defendant's tenancy agreement and terms and conditions are hereby attached at pages 1-24.

The reports concerning the Defendant's alleged anti-social behaviour towards his neighbours was first brought to my attention in October 2016 when a case involving the Defendant and one of his neighbours was referred to me for investigation. The Defendant was reported to have caused frequent acts of harassment and anti-social behaviour against an elderly neighbour. The Defendant was arrested by the Police and bailed to a different address. The matter was referred to the Highbury Corner Magistrates' Court on 05/10/2016 where a first hearing took place. The Defendant pleaded not guilty, and the trial was fixed for 17/11/2016 However, the trial did not proceed due to insufficient support as the elderly tenant was unable to attend Court due to health reasons. A copy of a letter from the Magistrate Court is attached to this statement at pages 25-26.

The Defendant was previously known to the Claimant and an anti-social behaviour order was made on 04/08/2015 by the Magistrates Court to prevent him from knowingly using or supplying property, personal or otherwise, for the use in a rave as defined in s.63(1) of the Criminal Justice Order Act 1994. The order was made for a duration of 5 years. A copy of the Order is at page 27 of the exhibit bundle.

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222- Claim Number: D02ED073 –


 “Statement of Truth”

Statement No. 1

On 06/08/2016 the Defendant threatened and shouted abuse at Mr and Mrs Mathiyalagan tenants of 117 Burncroft Avenue. He aggressively. demanded. money from him and threatened to beat him up. The Defendant also repeatedly swore at Mr Mathiyalagan's wife, called her a 'witch' and tried- to stop the Mr Mathiyalagan from going up the stairs to his flat by standing in front of him and blocking his advance by placing his hands on the staircase railings. Mr Mathiyalagan has already provided a witness statement in support these proceedings to confirm that this incident happened. A file note of this report is exhibited at pages 28-30 of the exhibit bundle LN1.

On 08/08/2016 Mr Mathiyalagan reported that the Defendant aggressively banged on his front door, shouted abuse at him and his wife and accused them of making noise. Mr Mathiyalagan reported to us that he believes that the Defendant used a screwdriver to damage the lock on his meter cupboard and removed the fuse box thereby cutting off their electricity supply. Mr Mathiyalagan reported this incident to the police and was given reference number CAD 7934/August 2016. A file note of this report is exhibited at pages 28-30 of the exhibit bundle.

On 27/09/2016 Mr Mathiyalagan reported that the Defendant confronted him as he returned to his flat with his wife and young daughter and threatened and swore at him and demanded money from him. A file note of the report is on pages 28-30 of the bundle.

On 28/09/2016 Mr Mathiyalagan reported that the Defendant aggressively banged on his door and threatened and shouted abuse and swear words at him and his wife. The Defendant also aggressively demanded money from Mr Mathiyalagan. A file of the report is at pages 28-30 of the exhibit bundle.

On 11/11/2016 my former colleague, Sarah Fletcher interviewed an elderly resident who wished to remain anonymous. He said that the Defendant approached him as he came out of his flat and started to shout abuse, swear at him and threatened to bum down the elderly neighbour's flat. The report

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223- Claim Number: D02ED073 –


 “Statement of Truth”

Statement No. 1

continued that sometime around mid-September 2016, one of the Defendant's neighbours reported that the Defendant confronted him outside his block as he was going to the local park and started to shout abuse and threats at him and said to him "I can get you over at the park, I know you go for a walk". This incident led to his arrest and to the matter being referred. to the Magistrates Court. A file note of the report is exhibited on page 31 of the exhibit bundle LN1.

I had meetings with Mr George Quinton, one of the Defendant's neighbours on 16/12/2016 and 11/01/2017 He reported that he was experiencing problems with the Defendant's behaviour, and that on 04/10/2016 the Defendant aggressively banged on his ceiling and accused him of making noise. The Defendant then went to the neighbour’s flat upstairs and started kicking and banging on the front door and was swearing and shouting at him. The Defendant later went downstairs, dragged the neighbour's motorbike from where it was parked and started to hit it with a piece of wood. A file -note of the report is of pages 32-34 of the exhibit bundle.

On 22/11/2016 during a telephone conversation with my former colleague Ms Sarah Fletcher, the Defendant was heard saying to his mother, who was present with him, 'I'm gonna do her over, I'm gonna take her job just for fun referring to Ms Fletcher. A file note of the incident is at page 34A of the exhibit bundle.

I hereby attach a case history detailing incident of reports from Mr Mathiyalagan about the abuse, threats and persistent intimidation by the Defendant. The case history is at pages 35 to 40 of the exhibit bundle LN1. It shows that Mr Mathiyalagan reported incidents too to set out in this statement about abuse, threats, attempts to extort money and Intimidation by the Defendant. Examples are that the Defendant banged on his front door while his wife was alone at home with their young daughter and shouted abuse at his wife and asked her to turn off the bathroom taps. He also removed his electricity fuse thereby

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224- Claim Number: D02ED073 –


 “Statement of Truth”

Statement No. 1

cutting off their power supply. Mr Mathiyalagan reported the incident to the police and was given CAD 5753/23 December 2016 A file note of this incident is at page 37 of the exhibit. Bundle.

Other examples of aggressive and anti-social behaviour reported by Mr Mathiyalagan were that on 21/01/2017 the Defendant aggressively banged on his door, swore and shouted abuse and threats at him and his family and accused them of making noise.

On 09/06/2017 the Defendant attacked Mr Mathiyalagan's cousin in the communal hallway as he returned from work late at night by grabbing him on the arm and neck thereby causing bruising to his arm and neck. The Defendant also snatched his mobile phone from him as he tried to record the incident.

0n 16/06/2017 the Defendant confronted Mr Mathiyalagan's wife as she was exiting the main entrance at 11 :55am and said to her that he had her bank and personal details. He also reported that the Defendant told his wife that he wanted her and her husband to pay him some money.

On 23/06/2017 the Defendant came out of his flat with his dog and attacked Mr Mathiyalagan's cousin as he returned from work at 11 :35pm. He reported that the Defendant punched his cousin twice in the chest, tried to push him out of the block and snatched his mobile phone as he tried to record the incident.

On 28/06/2017 the Defendant confronted Mr Mathiyalagan’s wife as she was leaving the block at 11 :45am, swore at her, shouted abuse and accused her of making noise inside her flat. He said to her that he knows all her personal details arid that of her husband including their full names, date of birth, phone numbers and bank details. The Defendant demanded that they pay him some money and asked her to tell Mr Mathiyalagan to come and see him.

On 02/06/2017 Mr Mathiyalagan reported that the Defendant confronted him with his dog barking and without a lead as he was going out with his family at

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225- Claim Number: D02ED073 –


 “Statement of Truth”

Statement No. 1

5: 18pm and asked him when he was going to hand over the money. He also reported that as they left the block, the Defendant ran after them swearing and shouting abuse and demanded that he must pay him money if he wants him to leave him alone. The Defendant also said to him that he has all their personal details. A report of the incident is at page 40 of the case history.

Case history notes exhibited at pages 41-46 show reports of similar aggressive and Intimidating behaviour displayed to Mr Mathiyalagan was being experienced by another tenant who wishes to remain anonymous because of fear of reprisal from the Defendant.

Similarly, further case notes exhibited at pages 47-52 show that another tenant who wishes to remain anonymous was being subjected to the Defendant's anti­social behaviour. She had to be moved from the block because of the harassment from the Defendant and because she suffered from mental health problems and was particularly vulnerable and unable to deal with the threats and harassment from the Defendant.

On 07/02/2017 the Defendant approached the leaseholder of 117 Bumcroft Avenue and his plumber outside the _block as they were attempting to resolve low. water pressure issues affecting the flat. The Defendant informed the leaseholder that there were problems between him and his tenants but did not give specific details. The leaseholder explained to the Defendant that his tenants were experiencing low water pressure in their flat and that they were trying to fix the problem. The Defendant said to the leaseholder, "you will not resolve the problem as I am restricting their water supply''. The leaseholder later asked the Defendant to increase the water pressure and the Defendant stated, "I cannot do anything at the moment, I will sort it out later". A report _of this incident is at page 55 of the exhibit bundle.



On 24/01/2017 the Claimants ·officers Sarah Fletcher and Steve Kirk attended the Defendant's property following reports of low water pressure in the

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226- Claim Number: D02ED073 –


 “Statement of Truth”

Statement No. 1

flats above his. While inside his flat they noticed that the Defendant have installed a metal security gate inside his front door. It also appeared that the Defendant may have removed the wall between his kitchen and living room thereby creating an open plan living space. A copy of the fife note is pages 56-57 0f the exhibit bundle.

On 08/05/2017 the Claimant's officers, Ms Fletcher, a Neighbourhood officer who has since left the Council and Mr Steve Stirk, a surveyor visited the Defendant's block of flats following reports of low water pressure to flats 109, 113 and 117 Bumcroft Avenue. While the Claimant's officers were outside flat 113, the Defendant came up to them ·and started to complain about his perceived victimization by his neighbours, the police and the council. While the Defendant was talking to the officers, Mr Mathiyalagan came down the stairs and the Defendant said to him, "I'm going to the police station now with my evidence about you and I'm going to ruin your life". A file note of this report is exhibited at page 58 of the exhibit bundle and an email from Steve Stirk is at page 59.


0n 14/05/2017 yet another neighbour who wishes to remain anonymous

reported that the Defendant aggressively banged on her door, shouted abuse and threats at her and falsely accused her of making noise and coming into his flat to attack him. The neighbour stated that the Defendant later followed her to her car as she was leaving the block shouting abuse and wanting to know where she was going. The neighbour also reported that the Defendant allowed his dog to roam freely in the communal area of the block without a lead. A file note of the report is at page 60 of the exhibit bundle LN1.

0n 28/05/2017 the Defendant was issued with a first instance Harassment

letter by the police following allegations of harassment and threatening behaviour made to the police by his neighbour. A copy of the letter and the PC's statement are at pages 61-62 of the exhibit bundle LN 1.

/ 07 of 10.



227- Claim Number: D02ED073 –


 “Statement of Truth”

Statement No. 1

On 12/07/2017 Mr Neville Gray, the Claimants repairs surveyor attended the Defendant's flat to investigate reports of low water pressure to the flats above the Defendant's flat, but the Defendant refused him access. Mr Neville Gray attended the Defendant's flat again at about 5:39pm following reports from the leaseholder of flat 117 Burncroft House that the water supply had stopped completely, but the Defendant also refused him access. The Defendant later shouted abuse and swear words at Mr Gray and would not allow him to approach his car. Mr Gray has provided a witness statement in relation to this incident.

The Defendant is in breach of the following conditions of his tenancy agreement.

Condition 10 - ''You must not act in any way which causes, or is likely to cause, a nuisance or annoyance or is anti-social."

Condition 21 - "You must not abuse, harass, make offensive comments and/or malicious allegations, use or threaten to use violence against any of our officers or agents, or against a councillor. This applies at any time and in any place. We may report the the Police".

Condition 31 - "You must take care not to cause damage to your property or_ the property of your neighbours".

Condition 33 - "You must keep the inside of your property clean and in reasonable decorative order".

Condition 34- 'You must not use the property in any way that may cause a health and safety hazard or encourage vermin and/or pests (for example, by hoarding items inappropriately}"

Condition 53 - "You must keep the inside of the property, the fixtures and fittings and glass in the property in good repair during the tenancy"

29.                  I have corresponded with the Defendant regarding the reports of anti-social behaviour made against him by his neighbours and invited him to meetings with his mother, but he declined to attend. Letters were sent to him on 29/11/2016 inviting him for a meeting on 06/12/2016 - 31st.

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228- Claim Number: D02ED073 –


 “Statement of Truth”

Statement No. 1

January 2017 inviting him for a meeting on 09/02/2017 - 16/02/2017 for a meeting on 22/02/2016 and 16/03/2017 for a meeting on 22/03/2017

 These letters are exhibited at pages 63-70 of the exhibit bundle.

I have inquired with the Mental Health Team whether the Defendant Is currently known to the team and was informed that he is no longer under their care.

The Claimant's operatives have had difficulties in accessing the Defendant's flat to inspect the state of the property and the unauthorised works and modifications which the Defendant is purported to have carried out without a written consent from the Claimant. The Claimant has also been unable to check whether the Defendant is restricting water supply/pressure to the properties above his since December 2016. The Defendant has admitted to restricting the water supply but has refused to all of the Claimant's maintenance operatives’ access to his property to investigate and rectify the problem.


The Defendant has intimidated the residents in the entire block and because of his behaviour, we have received numerous complaints from residents, requests to be transferred from the block and we have had to move a vulnerable tenant from the block.



I have made attempts to engage with the Defendant, but he has not been cooperative and has continuously displayed abusive and threatening behaviour towards the Claimant's members of staff and his neighbours. A Notice of Seeking Possession has been served on him and possession action is being considered. However, in the meantime, this injunction is required to ensure that the other residents are · not subjected to further intimidation and harassment by the Defendant. This application is being made without notice because if the Defendant were given notice, he would intimidate the witnesses in an attempt to prevent the order being made.

/ 09 of 10.



229- Claim Number: D02ED073 –


 “Statement of Truth”

Statement No. 1

I believe the facts in this Witness Statement are true.

Dated this 08/08/2017

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230- Claim Number: D02ED073 – “This is the Exhibit LN1 referred to in the witness statement of Lemmy Nwabuisi.” / Landing Page -

Dated: 08/08/2017



231- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

“Tenancy agreement”

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“Tenancy agreement - Book”


255- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

“Tenancy agreement - Book”



256- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

Witness Care Unit Holborn Police Station 10 Lambs Conduit Street Holborn

London WC1 N 3NR – 07/10/2016 / Case Against Simon Cordell, - Dear Mr. Stain Curtis / I am writing to confirm that you are required to attend court to give your evidence.

At the hearing on 05/10/2016 at Highbury Comer Magistrates Court, Simon Cordell pleaded not guilty" to the following offences:

Use threatening, I abusive I insulting words / behaviour with intent to fuse fear of I provoke unlawful violence

Criminal property valued under £5000

The defendant Is on ball with the following condition’s: not to contact you or attend your address as to reside at a designated address known to police. If you witness the defendant: breaking these conditions. call 101 or in an emergency, 999 immediately.

A trial has been arranged to take· place at HIGHBURY CORNER MAGISTRATES

COURT WITNESS at 13:30 pm on 17/11/2016 on arrival please make your way to WITTNESS SERVECE and you wait in their suite which is separate to the public and read through your statement. Please- collect a blue claim form to claim any expenses of loss of earnings.

If you do not attend a WITNESS SUMMONS may be issued to enforce your attendance - 1 of 2.


257- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

Witness Care Unit Holborn Police Station 10 Lambs Conduit Street Holborn

London WC1 N 3NR – 07/10/2016 / Case Against Simon Cordell, - Dear Mr. Stain Curtis / I am writing to confirm that you are required to attend court to give your evidence.

At the hearing on 05/10/2016 at Highbury Comer Magistrates Court,

Please confirm if you wish for your contact details to be passed onto the Witness Service. They offer support to victims; and witnesses, on the day you attend court, and they can arrange for you to visit the court, before the day of the trial, so that you can have a look around. If you would like to visit the court, please contact the Witness Service ·on 0300 332 1000

Thank you for your assistance as a witness, as giving evidence is very important and your help is greatly appreciated.

Yours sincerely

Thomas Jones

Witness Care Officer. - 2 of 2.



258- Claim Number: D02ED073 – Dated: 04/08/2015 /


a.             A.             Attend a rave as defined by s.63(1} of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994.

b.             B.             Be concerned in the organisation of a rave as defined by s.63(1) of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994.

c.             Knowingly using or supplying property, personal or other Wise, for the use in a rave as defined in s.63(1) of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994.

d.             Enter or remain in any discussed or abandoned building unless invited to do so in writing by a registered charitable organisation or Local Authority

e.             Enter or re-mAin on non-residential private property on an industrial estate between the hours of 10pm and 7am w1thout written permission from the owner and/or leaseholder of the property; and

f.              Engage in any licensable activity in an unlicensed premise

For the sake of clarity, nothing in this order prevents the Defendant from assisting, preparing for or engaging in licensed licensable activities.

This order lasts for 5 years.


If you do not obey any part of this order, you will commit an offence and may be fined or sent to prison for up to five years. / 1 of 1



259- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

“ASB Interview Record” – Sarah Fletcher / Dated: 11/11/2016 – with Mr. Mathiyalagan –

Resident at 117 Burncroft Avenue – placed by Waltham Forest District Council) Temp accommodation) he has lived there for 2.5 years.

Household: Mr + Miss Mathiyalagan + 2-year-old daughter.

Complaint Re: Mr Cordell, 109 Burncroft Avenue.

Have been expressing issues for about 18 Months Mr Mathiyalagan was approached by Mr. Cordell asking him to write a letter of support in relation to a problem he was having with a lady who used to live at 113 Burncroft Avenue. Mr. Mathiyalagan told Mr. Cordell that he did not wish to get involved as he had no problems with the lady that lived at 113 Burncroft AVENUE (THIS Lady moved out earlier this year.)

Since then, Mr. Cordell has made living in this block of difficult for Mr. Mathiyalagan’s Family.

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260- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

“ASB Interview Record” – Sarah Fletcher / Dated: 11/11/2016 – with Mr. Mathiyalagan –

Incidents Include:

Threatening / intimidating behaviour – aggressively demanding money 06/08/2016 -6pm - 27/09/2016 -11.45pm) – 28/09/2016 -05:30pm)

Constantly going on about noise this is un-justified of my family. – Mr. Mathiyalagan’s family try to be quite at the night / no carpet and no complaints from 113 (new resident since summer 2016 / young man)

Tyres slashed on car (all 4)

Living in fear for wife and child

(When Mathiyalagan goes to work, (Hoddison) they are tightened to stay at home so accompany him and stay in the car.

Damage fuse box resulting in no electric 08/08/2016

Suspects that Mr. Cordell uses drugs / possible Mental Health issues.

Has a big dog that he brings out with him when he approaches us?

Has put a camera on door facing the communal hallway.

Physically threatens with a piece of wood.

Have reported all the issues to the police.

Have tried to report the problems to the Waltham Forest Council (Jabin, Kehande, Ibrehim?)

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261- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

“ASB Interview Record” – Sarah Fletcher / Dated: 11/11/2016 – with Mr. Mathiyalagan –

 “Copies of records!”


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262- Claim Number: D02ED073 – “Council Client History”

Stain Curtis




263- Claim Number: D02ED073 – “Council Client History” / CLIENT (VICTIM) George Quinton, 06 Oct 16, -



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264- Claim Number: D02ED073 – “Council Client History” / CLIENT (VICTIM) George Quinton, 06 Oct 16, -



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265- Claim Number: D02ED073 – “Council Client History” / CLIENT (VICTIM) George Quinton, 06 Oct 16, -



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266- Claim Number: D02ED073 – “Council Client History” Telephone call received from Mr Cordell 22/11/2016


I received a call from Simon Cordell of 109 Burncroft Avenue at approx. 1.20pm. The call was transferred by the customer services team informing me that Mr Cordell wished to discuss his housing. options/how to move. I took the call - he sounded agitated and said that he had a few things that he wished to discuss with me. He said he was calling in response to a letter that I had sent him requesting the removal of a CCTV camera that he had installed on the inner communal/fire door on the ground floor of the block. He informed me that he would not be removing the camera as he believed he was legally allowed to have the camera as the communal area was his. I explained that he was in breach of his tenancy conditions as permission had not been sought or granted for the installation and he could not install anything in the communal area as this belonged to the Council. He maintained that his neighbour in another block had a camera and had taken the Council to court about it and won the case. I responded that I could not comment about other cases but my position remains as per the letter I sent: That the camera was in breach of tenancy conditions, was invasive to the privacy of other residents in the block as it points at the outer communal door and should be removed by Friday 25th November or the Council will remove it and charge him for the cost of doing so. He then said that the camera was fake, so it didn't need to be removed. I responded that it did still need to be removed. His voice was raised throughout the exchange, and I had to ask him to calm down and lower his voice more than once. He then said that he wanted

 to move on to finding out about moving to another address. He proceeded to give me a full history of his experiences with the police and previous housing management and alleged that 'Jackie'; who had previously lived above him and Stan his immediate neighbour on the ground floor, had victimised him over a long period of time and that he had done nothing wrong. This history was very full and it was difficult to get a word in because he was so worked up so I let him relay the information to me as it seemed like he wanted to get it off of his chest. He was very derogatory about this police and previous housing staff who had signed a request for an Asbo application against him. I told him that I could not comment about previous action taken. He then came on to more recent events and stated that there had been an incident between him and another resident where she had shouted at him out of her window because of him starting up a scrambler bike. in his garden. He maintained that he was courteous during the exchange, but the police came and arrested him because she told them that he had threatened to kill her and that he had been put in the mental hospital, had won his case in court and was able to go home as of today. He said that he wanted me to give him 'points' so that he could move. I explained that his best means of moving would be through a mutual exchange, but he was adamant that he did not want to do this and wanted to be moved in the same way that he moved into this property 11 yrs. ago by being given points. I explained that a transfer was unlikely based on what he had told me so far but that I could look into the position for him. He said a lot about his perceived victimisation by his neighbours and expressed that he felt that I should I, have a duty to protect him. I explained that I had a responsibility to all residents living at Burncroft Avenue and took the opportunity to mention that I had received some reports about anti­social behaviour by him that I would need to discuss with him but suggested that we leave that for today. He then put his mother on the line (she had been trying to interject throughout the conversation) who said she wanted to know why I had not responded to "her messages to ca11 her. I apologised for this and explained that I have been very busy but that I needed to know whether we had written permission from Mr Cordell for us to speak to her - she said that there was a written note recorded on our files in 2015. Mr Corde11 asked her what I was asking her and when she replied that I was querying permission I clearly heard Mr Cordell say angrily and aggressively "I'm gonna do her over" and then "I'm gonna take her job just for fun". I informed Mrs Cordell that I had overheard these remarks and that I was ending the call. She said that her son had now left the room and she was talking to me. I repeated that I would be ending the call and that she should put what she wanted to say in writing to me.

Sarah Fletcher

Neighbourhood Officer

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267- Claim Number: D02ED073 – “Council Client History” / CLIENT (VICTIM) Mr Markandu Mathiyalagan


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268- Claim Number: D02ED073 – “Council Client History” / CLIENT (VICTIM) Mr Markandu Mathiyalagan


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269- Claim Number: D02ED073 – “Council Client History” / CLIENT (VICTIM) Mr Markandu Mathiyalagan


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270- Claim Number: D02ED073 – “Council Client History” / CLIENT (VICTIM) Mr Markandu Mathiyalagan


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271- Claim Number: D02ED073 – “Council Client History” / CLIENT (VICTIM) Mr Markandu Mathiyalagan


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272- Claim Number: D02ED073 – “Council Client History” / CLIENT (VICTIM) Mr Markandu Mathiyalagan


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273- Claim Number: D02ED073 – “Council Client History”

Stain Curtis Cps decision – Witness Care! 


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274- Claim Number: D02ED073 – “Council Client History”

Stain Curtis Cps decision – Witness Care! 


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275- Claim Number: D02ED073 – “Council Client History”

Stain Curtis Cps decision – Witness Care! 


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276- Claim Number: D02ED073 – “Council Client History”

Stain Curtis Cps decision – Witness Care! 


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277- Claim Number: D02ED073 – “Council Client History”

Stain Curtis Cps decision – Witness Care! 


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278- Claim Number: D02ED073 – “Council Client History”

Stain Curtis Cps decision – Witness Care! 


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279- Claim Number: D02ED073 – CLIENT (VICTIM) Ms Deborah Andrews / 06/10/2016


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280- Claim Number: D02ED073 – CLIENT (VICTIM) Ms Deborah Andrews / 06/10/2016


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281- Claim Number: D02ED073 – CLIENT (VICTIM) Ms Deborah Andrews / 06/10/2016


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282- Claim Number: D02ED073 – CLIENT (VICTIM) Ms Deborah Andrews / 06/10/2016


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283- Claim Number: D02ED073 – CLIENT (VICTIM) Ms Deborah Andrews / 06/10/2016


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284- Claim Number: D02ED073 – CLIENT (VICTIM) Ms Deborah Andrews / 06/10/2016


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285- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

Email Lemmy Nwabu1si – from, John Irving / 07/02/2017 – Time: 14:42: --

Ref: 117 Bumcroft Ave, Enfield, EN3 7JQ

low water pressure - harassment by tenant at 109

Thurs 26/01/2017 - W.1:1ile in attendance at 117 Bumcroft, where we were attempting to resolve a low water pressure issue, we were approached by the tenant of 109 Burncroft the ground floor flat. He stated that there were problems between him and the tenants of 117 without going into specific details. I was with a private plumber who was looking at the low water pressure problem at 117. We explained the problem to the tenant from 109 who stated, 'you will 1iot solve the problem as I am restricting their water supply!' obviously both myself and the plumber were shocked at this statement. Despite thorough investigation to the low water pressure problem, we were unable to increase the pressure. However, before leaving the site I knocked at 109 asking whether he would increase their pressure, he stated 'I cannot do anything at the moment I will sort it out later!'. Despite the attendance of Thames Water (twice), the agent’s plumber, my plumber and various sub-contractors from Enfield Homes this matter remains unresolved.

From Lemmy Nwabu1si; --

Dear Mr Irving,

As discussed, could please email me details of the conversation you had with the tenant at 109 Bumcroft A venue as this will be used in evidence should we refer this matter to court.

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286- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

Email Lemmy Nwabu1si – from, John Irving / 07/02/2017 – Time: 14:42: --

Ci vie Centre



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287- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

File Note: -- 24/02/2017

Sarah Fletcher / Neighbourhood Officer.

Simon Cordell - 109 Burncroft Avenue, EN3 7 JQ-

Following reports of continued low water pressure/supply to 117 Burncroft Avenue (second floor) despite information from Thames Water indicating that they had attended and that supply to the block 109-119 Burncroft Avenue was of a sufficient bar pressure, I tried to coordinate access to all flats on the right-hand side of the block, potentially affected by the issue: 109, 113 and 117.

I wrote and hand delivered letters to all 3 of the properties requesting access for the Council Surveyor to visit and assess the water pressure in each on Friday 24/02/2017 between10am and 12pm.

I spoke by telephone with Mr Irving, the leaseholder of 117; who had instigated the water pressure complaint who agreed that he would attend and give access.

I spoke by telephone with Mr George Quinton, the tenant of 113, who agreed that he would give access.

I spoke by telephone with Mother, mother of Simon Cordell, the tenant of 109 who said that no one was available to give access.

I attended with Steve Stirk, surveyor, on Friday 04/02/2017 at 10am. We were given access to 117 and Steve Stirk investigated the water pressure to the taps in the kitchen and bathroom.

We were unable to gain access to 113 as the tenant was not home - I called and left voicemail messages for the tenant but did not get any further response.

Steve Stirk suggested that we knock at 109 just on the off chance that someone was home. Mr Simon Cordell answered the door and, once Steve Stirk had explained that we were investigating the low water pressure/supply issue of the block, he allowed us into the property.

While Steve, Stirk checked the water pressure in the kitchen, I introduced Mr Cordell. He then became quite agitated and proceeded to regale me with the same· issues that he had relayed to me during our previous telephone conversation including issues about his neighbours, the police and the Council conspiring to ruin this life as well as his work arranging community music events. He did not give me much of an opportunity to respond and kept talking over me when I tried to do so. Steve Stirk then went and checked the bathroom taps which he discovered were all already open (water running in wash basin; water running in bath which was full and going down overflow). We then thanked Mr Cordell for his time and left the property.

Outcome: It is unclear whether Mr Cordell running all of the taps constantly is linked to the issue of low water pressure as he is on the ground ·floor and 117 is 2 floors up (we had been unable to check the pressure in 113). Steve Stirk to liaise again with Thames Water about the ·issue and .to consider separation of the water supply to the ground floor flat.

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288- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

File Note: -- 24/02/2017

Sarah Fletcher / Neighbourhood Officer.

I made some observations whilst in Mr Cordell’s property 109 Bumcroft Avenue which are of some concern:

There is a security gate installed on the inside of the front door.

There were three-large ‘industrial' matrix type printers in the property (1 in the hallway and in the living room)

Mr Cordell talked about running 'events'

A non-standard kitchen i.e., a wall seemed to have been removed between the kitchen and the living room creating an open plan effect: No fire door

Much of the property was taken up by the printers, boxes and folders - possible hoarding (6)?

Dog faeces in private back garden

Sarah Fletcher

Neighbourhood Officer.

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289- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

File Note: -- 09/05/2017

Sarah Fletcher / Neighbourhood Officer.

Simon Cordell -- 109 Burncroft Avenue, EN3 '7 JQ

Further to ongoing issues related to water pressure/supply to the block at 109 - 119 Burncroft Avenue particularly to the right-hand supply affecting 109 - 113 and 117, I visited the block on Monday 08/05/2017 at 11 am with Steve Stirk, surveyor, and .an MCP locksmith. ·

The purpose of the visit was to gain access to 113 Bumcroft Avenue to assess the water pressure/supply to this property_ Several attempts had been made previously to do this, but the tenant was not there to give access so a 'forced' entry was made and the locks subsequently changed (the tenant had been notified seriously that we would be taking this action if he did not provide access)

We entered the property so that Steve Stirk could test the water taps in the kitchen and bathroom. There was no flooring laid except for a rug in the living room (the kitchen was accessed through here) and the floorboards made a significant am0unt of noise as we stepped on them:

The resident from the property underneath, Mr Simon Cordell, heard us in the property and came upstairs. Steve Stirk and I were outside. the property at this point as the locksmith started to undertake the work to install new locks on to the door (he was inside the hallway).

Mr Cordell proceeded to 'rant' at Steve Stirk and me about his perceived victimisation by his neighbours. He was very agitated and loud - recounting his experience with the police, previous housing management, a previous partner, a previous neighbour and allegations of anti-social behaviour made against him.

Steve Stirk tried to explain that we were there to deal with a specific issue and that this was not the time or place to address these concerns. Mr Cordell did not want to listen and became fixated on Steve Stirk being 'dismissive' towards him (Mr Cordell's words). He went on at length about his upstairs neighbours, both past and present on first and second floors, 'banging' hammers deliberately above his head.

He continued to go on, in his agitated state, about how he had. been treated by the police and previous housing managers who had promised him that they would re-lay the floor of flat 113 but had not done so. At this point the resident from 117, Mr Mathiyalagan Markandu, came down the stairs on his way out of the building. As he came down past us Mr Cordell focussed his attention ·on him ·arid said to him: 'I'm going to the police station now with my evidence about you and I'm going to ruin your life'. Mr Mathiyalagan Markandu did not respond and proceeded to walk past and go down the stairs and out of the building.

Both Steve Stirk and I commented to Mr Cordell that the way he had behaved was threatening in nature and was not acceptable. Mr Cordell responded, 'it's not a threat it's a fact'. He then continued to repeat his history with the police and previous housing management. / 1 of 2.



290- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

File Note: -- 09/05/2017

Sarah Fletcher / Neighbourhood Officer.

I asked for Cordell to calm down and tried to explain that some of these issues could have been addressed by attending the meeting-that Lemmy Nwabusi in the CSU team had tried to convene with him. He. said that he was not prepared to attend such a meeting but wanted to speak to me, his housing officer, now. I explained that as; --


Steve Stirk had already said that we could not address this issue there and then I suggested that a meeting could be convened with both the CSU and neighbourhood teams to look at some of the issues with Mr Cordell. He indicated that he would be willing to do this if we came to his home to do so.

Sarah Fletcher Neighbourhood officer.

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291- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

Steve Stirk

10/05/2017 - 08:42

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Further to my conversation today please note the following

I carried out a joint Sarah back in January regarding low water pressure to 117 While on location the following was noted Kitchen internal wall has been partly removed

3 large industrial type printers found with assorted inks and cleaning liquids

Internal gate installed to front door

While all these items could be used in normal day to day interests the tenant made claims he was actively involved in planning and conduction events and tile equipment was used to produce marketing leaflets and posters.

This Monday we has reason to attend 113 to carry out a full lock change given accusation from the tenant that his lock had been glued so was unable to gain access the tenant claim the damaged was caused by 109, (this cannot be confirmed) as the tenant did not attend both Sarah and myself did go in and while there was confronted· by the tenant from 109, the tenant for about twenty minutes would not leave us alone and became increasingly aggressive despite attempt to explain to him that we had not come to see him or indeed were able to comment of any of his accusations on how Enfield had ruin his lie were putting him in danger by leaving him in his flat, during this . ·Confrontation the tenant from 117 passed through the passage and the tenant from 109 stated he was going to ruin his life and generally became irater towards the tenant.

It is clear that we are unable to allow this to continue as the body posture from 117 was defensive and did not wish to reply or get into any form of conversation with this tenant

Given that· two member of staff were present and the confrontational attitude towards not only us hut the other resident I believe we need to action this event to try and stop any further escalation from this tenant

Lastly, I would recommend that we need full access to 109 to assess what is the true cause of the low water pressure to the flats ·above given the items found in the flat as well these need to be removed as does the internal gate please advise so I can carry out a full inspection as this is a complaint from the lease holder as they have very little water

flow in the flat above and given the nature of the conditions and lifestyle of 109 we are unable to show if he has

caused the issue, on a housing point the Internal wall that has been partly removed needs to be put back as it is a breach of fire regs

Steve Stirk

Maintenance Surveyor

Technical Services, Repairs and Maintenance

Enfield Council

Edmonton Centre




292- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

File Note: -- 01/06/2017

I telephoned_ Miss-to discuss her complaints against Mr Cordell and agree an action plan. Missml5tated that she has lived in the block since April 2015 and that the problems with Mr Cordell started about a year. ago. She stated that he bangs on her poor when she is sleeping at night and also follows her to her car asking her where is going or where she is coming from. She alleged that on 14/05/2017 Mr Cordell came and aggressively banged on her door, shouted abuse and threats at her and falsely accused her of making noise inside her flat. She stated that she does not make noise and that her flat is on the opposite side of Mr Cordell flat and therefore he should not hear any noise from her flat. She stated that Mr Cordell came up to her face in a very aggressive and intimidating manner to accuse her of coming into his flat to attack him and asking her why, she comes into his flat. She denied going into flat and stated that he does everything to try and intimidate her.

She also complained that she feels scared every time she is going out or returning to her flat as Mr Cordell allows his dog· to run freely inside the block.

She stated that Mr Cordell has banged on her door about 4 times in the past 2 months. She also alleged that he has followed her to her car twice in the past 1 month accusing he, of coming into his flat to attack him and also kept asking her where she was going or coming from. She alleged that on one occasion, Mr Cordell stood in front of her car and will not let her drive away. She stated that he has been verbally aggressive and intimidating but has not been physically aggressive towards her. She stated that she suffers from mental illness and that this has exacerbated her problems and that she no longer feels safe living in her property. She stated that she has asked her neighbourhood officer to. rehouse her as a result of the harassment from Mr Cordell. She stated that she is unable to complete incident diaries as a result of her illness but will telephone to report any further incidences. 􀆧he stated that she has reported the matter to the police several times and believes that they are dealing with it. She stated that she has been staying with friend’s arid family as she no

longer feels safe to stay in _her property on her own.



293- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

Form 9993

Pc. Scott Sergison 415ye

Date and time of issue: 28/05/2017 – 14:02Hrs

“Prevention of Harassment Letter (Police Copy)”

An allegation of harassment has been made against you:

Details of alleged conduct (specific actions that are cause for complaint):

Following a female whilst she is alone, and with her partner to their vehicle, asking why they are causing noise and attacking him inside of his home address causing the person harassment and distress.

HARASSMENT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENCE under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997.

􀄅A person must not pursue 1:1 course of conduct which amounts to harassment of another and which he/she knows, or ought to know, amounts to harassment or the other. "

Harassment can take many forms and examples can Include: wilful damage to property, assault, unwarranted verbal or

physical threats, abusive, communication. or repeated· attempts to talk to or approach. a ' person who Is opposed to this. II Is Important that you understand that should you commit any act or acts either directly or indirectly that amount to harassment, you may be able to arrest and prosecution. A copy of this letter which has been served on you will be retained by po/Ice but will not be disclosed now to the alleged victim. However, a copy could be disclosed in any subsequent of proceedings against you as proof that police have spoken to you about this allegation.

This does not in any way constitute a criminal record and will only be referred to should further allegations of harassment be received.

Refused to Sign

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294- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

Form MG 11C

Pc. Scott Sergison 415ye


Date: 28/05/2017

“Prevention of Harassment Letter (Police Copy)”

On SUNDAY 28/05/2017 I was on duty in uniform, call sign YE801 with PC 446YE. I attended 109, BURNCROFT AVENUE EN3 7JQ. This is the home address of SIMMON CORDELL  I attended the address to issue a first issue harassment letter to SIMON CORDELL Cris number 5210999/17 refers. At 1402hrs I knocked on the front door where SIMON CORDELL refused to answer the door to police. I explained the reason for the Harassment letter. SIMON CORDELL prevented me from posting the letter into the letter box, and as such I slid the letter under the front door.

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295- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

Antti-social behaviour, nuisance and noise disturbance.


Date: 29/112/2016

Dear Mr Cordell,

Re: Reports of Anti-Social Behaviour, Harassment, Intimidation and Threatening Behaviour

I write with regards to reports of anti-social behaviour, intimidation, harassment and threatening behaviour made against v you by your neighbours.

The reports · include using threatening, abusive c;1st Insulting words and language, aggressively demanding money, intimidation and making threats towards your neighbours. It is also alleged that on 04/10/2016 you banged on your· ceiling and you later · started to bang and kick at your neighbour's door. It is alleged that you were very aggressive and was shouting through your neighbour's door and that you then proceeded to drag his motorbike from where it was parked and started to smash it up.

It is ·also alleged that your dog’s get left by themselves all day and night barking and causing noise disturbances to your neighbours. Your neighbours have also alleged that you have installed a CCTV in the communal area with the camera pointing towards the main entrance to the block thereby making them to feel very uncomfortable when entering and leaving the block. Your neighbours have alleged that this is an invasion· of their privacy.

If these allegations are true, they are in breach of the following terms and conditions of your Tenancy Agreement:

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296- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

Antti-social behaviour, nuisance and noise disturbance.


Date: 29/11/2016

We will consider all available remedies available to us to deal with anti-social

behaviour, domestic abuse, harassment, hate crime, nuisance, gang - activity and other criminal activity where this is supported by sufficient evidence.

If we take legal action, we will ask the court to give us an order against you for

the legal costs we have incurred.

Condition 10. You must not act in any way which causes, or is likely to cause,

a nuisance or annoyance or is anti-social.

Condition 11; You must install any radio and/or video equipment or carry out any physical measures 􀂽o respond to any nuisance or anti-social behaviour which you are suffering from without first consulting us.

2.2.3 Harassment and hate crime.

Condition 16. You must not harass or threaten to harass anyone because of their age, colour, culture, disability, ethnic origin, gender, gender reassignment, HIV status, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation or for any reason.

2.2.6 Other unacceptable behaviour

Condition 21. You must not ab4se, harass, make offensive comments. and/or malicious allegations, use or threaten to use violence against any of our officers or agents, or against a councillor. This applies at any time and in any place. We

may report the matter to the police.

2.15 Pet(s) and animal(s)

Condition 76. You have the right to keep one pet, or animal such as a cat, a dog, small bird, fish, non-poisonous insect, spider, small snake or lizard, rabbit, hamster, guinea pig, mouse, gerbil or domestic rat_ as long as they do not cause damage to the property, or nuisance or annoyance to anyone in your locality.

Condition 81. If your pet(s) or animal(s) is/are causing a nuisance, annoyance or disturbance to others, or is/are being treated inappropriately or cruelly, we

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297- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

Antti-social behaviour, nuisance and noise disturbance.


Date: 29/11/2016

will act and give written notice asking you to remove it/them from your home.

It is very, important· that we meet with you to discuss these very serious allegations and give you the opportunity to respond to them. I have therefore arranged for you to meet with me at the Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XY at 2pm on Tuesday, 06/12/2016 to discuss this matter. Please ask to see Mr Lemmy Nwabuisi from the ASS Team, Community Safety Unit at the reception when you get to the Civic Centre.

Yours Sincerely

Lemmy Nwabuisi ASB Team

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298- Claim Number: D02ED073 –


Date: 31/01/2017

Dear Mr Cordell,

Re: Allegations of Anti-Social Behaviour, · · Harassment, Intimidation and Threatening Behaviour

I write with regards to reports of anti-social behaviour, intimidation, harassment and threatening behaviour made against you by your neighbours. ·

I wrote to you on 29/11/2016 regarding these reports and invited you to· meet with me at the Civic Centre on 06/12/2016 to discuss the allegations made against you, copy attached. I received a letter from your mother dated 24/11/2016 in which she stated that she does not believe that it is justified to hold the meeting before your formal complaint and subject access request is dealt with. I understand these have now been dealt with. ·

The Enfield Council, Community Safety Unit, Anti-Social Behaviour Team have continued to receive various allegations from your neighbours against you. concerning alleged nuisance and anti-social behaviour towards them. The allegations Include using threatening, abusive and insulting words and language, aggressively ·demanding money., Intimidation, making threats towards your neighbours and tapering with the electricity and water supply to their flat.

These are very. serious breach of tenancy conditions and it is very important that we meet with you to discuss these allegations and give you the opportunity to respond to them. I have therefore re arranged for you to meet with me at the Civic Centre, Silver Street. Enfield, EN1 3XY'at 2pm on Thursday, 9th February.

/ 1 of 2.



299- Claim Number: D02ED073 –


Date: 31/01/2017

2017 to discuss this matter. You should contact me on· 02083795354 to rearrange the meeting If this date is not convenient for you. Please ask to see

·Mr Lemmy Nwabuisi from the ASB Team, Community Safety Unit at the reception when you get to the Civic Centre.

Yours Sincerely

Lemmy Nwabusi

/ 2 of 2



300- Claim Number: D02ED073 –


Date: 31/01/2017

Dear Mr Cordell,

Re: Allegations of Anti-Social Behaviour, Harassment, Intimidation and Threatening Behaviour

I write with regards to reports of anti-social behaviour, intimidation, harassment and threatening behaviour made against you by your neighbours.

As requested, I send an email to you on 10/02/2017 with details of the allegations made _against you. We now need to meet with ·you to discuss these allegations and give you the opportunity to respond to them.

I have therefore arranged for you to meet with me at the Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XY at 2.30pm on Wednesday, 22/02/2017 to discuss this matter. You should contact me on 02083-795354 to rearrange the meeting if this date is not convenient for you. Please ask to see Mr Lemmy Nwabuisi from the ASB Team, Community Safety Unit at the reception when you get to the Civic Centre.

'Lemmy Nwabuisi

ASB Team




301- Claim Number: D02ED073 –


Data: 16/03/2017

Dear Mr Cordell,

Re: Allegations of Anti-Social Behaviour, Harassment, Intimidation and Threatening Behaviour

I write with regards to reports of anti-social ·behaviour, Intimidation, harassment and threatening behaviour made against you by your neighbours.

I wrote to you on 29/12/2016 to arrange to meet with you on 06/12/2016 to discuss these reports but you cancelled the meeting. I wrote to you again on 31&1/01/2017 to arrange to meet with you on 09/02/2017 you also cancelled the meeting. I then wrote to you again on 16/02/2017 to arrange to meet with you on 22/02/2017 and again you cancelled the meeting. I have enclosed all three letters for your information.

It is unfortunate that you have repeatedly refused to meet with us to discuss this matter and look at ways to resolve the problems between you and your neighbours. The allegations made against you by your neighbours, if true, are very serious breaches of your tenancy conditions. It is Important that we meet with you to discuss these allegations and give you the opportunity to respond to them. · ·

I have therefore arranged for you to meet with me at the Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XY at 3pm on Wednesday; 22/03/2017 to discuss this matter. You should contact me on 02083795354 to rearrange the meeting if this date Is not convenient for you.

/ 1 of 2.


302- Claim Number: D02ED073 –


Data: 16/03/2017

Please note that if you fail to attend or call to re arrange this meeting, then we tenancy without further warning, the council may also take further tenancy enforcement and/or legal action against you if further substantiated allegation's

are made against you.

Kind Regards

Yours Sincerely

Lemmy Nwabusi ASB Team

/ 2 of 2.



303- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

VLs Solicitors; --

Dated 08/08/2017


We act for the Defendant in the above case and enclose herewith:

Our duly completed notice of change of legal representative and Defence

/ 1 of 3.



1. Claim form, application for an injunction and statements










1.        Defence statement


Point 1:

Point 2:

Point 3:

Point 4:

Point 5:




304- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

VLs Solicitors; --

Dated 08/08/2017


Defendant admits paragraph 3 of the witness statement of Mr Lemmy Nwabuisi dated 07/08/2017

Paragraph 4 of the witness statement is denied in so far as it relates to acts of harassment and antisocial behaviour but admits that he was charged at Highbury Corner Magistrates Court but was discharged.

Defendant denies paragraphs 6 to 25 of the witness statement and Claimant is put to proof.

Paragraph 27 of the witness statement is denied. Defendant avers that he has always granted access to the Claimant and its contractors upon being given reasonable notice.

Defendant denies paragraphs 28 to 33 of the witness statement and the Claimant is put to strict proof

Defendant avers that he suffers from mental health problems and is under the care of the mental health team which the Claimant has always been aware of and in breach of its duty under section 15 and 149 of the Equality Act 2010. Defendant has on several occasions complained to the Claimant about noise and other antisocial behaviour by the tenants of 113 and 117 but Claimant

/ 2 of 3.



305- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

VLs Solicitors; --

Dated 08/08/2017

failed or refused to investigate and/or take any action which there was no possible reason other than the Defendant's mental health problems.

The Defendant respectfully requests the court to discharge the injunction.

/ 2 of 3.


306- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

VLs Solicitors; --

“Notice of change of legal representative”

1. Defence statement










1.        Injunction Order


Point 1:

Point 2:

Point 3:

Point 4:

Point 5:



307- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

“Injunction Order”

Between Mr Simon Cordell, Defendant and London Borough of Enfield, Claimant; --

If you do not obey this order, you will be guilty of contempt of court, and You may be sent to prison

If you, Mr. Simon Cordell (the Defendant) disobeys this Order you will be guilty of contempt of Court, and you may be sent to prison or fined or have your asset seized. You should read this Order carefully and are advised to consult a solicitor as soon as possible. You have the right to ask the Court to vary or discharge this Order.

Before Deputy District Judge Harris sitting at the County Court at Edmonton, 59 Fore Street, London, Nl8 2TN,

Upon hearing Solicitor for the Claimant on without notice application,


I. The Defendant. Mr. Simon Cordell permits the Claimant's employees and contractors access into 109 Bumcroft A venue, Enfield, EN3 7 JQ to carry out routine maintenance inspections and necessary repairs within 48 hours of written notification.

The Defendant, Mr. Simon Cordell keeps his dog on a lead in communal areas outside his prope1ty.

The Defendant, Mr. Simon Cordell be forbidden (whether by himself or by instructing or encouraging or permitting any other person) from engaging or threatening to engage in conduct that is likely to cause physical violence and verbal abuse to the Claimant's employees, tenants and visitors to the block of flats at Burncroft Avenue, Enfield.

The Defendant, Mr. Simon Cordell be forbidden (whether by himself or by instructing or encouraging or permitting any other person) from engaging or threatening to engage in conduct that is likely to cause intimidation, harassment, alarm and distress to the Claimant's employees, tenants and visitors to the block of flats at Burncroft Avenue, Enfield.

The Defendant, Mr. Simon Cordell be forbidden (whether by himself or by instructing or encouraging or permitting any other person) engaging or threatening to engage in conduct that is likely to cause nuisance and annoyance to the Claimant's employees, tenants and visitors to the block of flats at Burncroft Avenue, Enfield.

The Defendant. Mr. Simon Cordell be forbidden (whether by himself or by instructing or encouraging or permitting any other person) from using his pet dog to frighten, intimidate, or threaten violence to the Claimant's employees, tenants and visitors at Burncroft Avenue. Enfield.

A power of arrest is attached to paragraphs 3 to 6 above.

This order shall remain in force until 08/08/2018 at 23:59 unless before then it is revoked by further order of the court.

/ 1 of 2.



308- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

“Injunction Order”

Matter be listed for a further hearing at 10:00AM on 21/08/2017 at the County Court at Edmonton, 59 Fore Street, London, N l 8 2TN with a time estimate of 30 minutes.

Costs in the case.

You are entitled to apply to the court to reconsider the order before the day.

If your case does settle prior to the hearing date, please notify the court in writing.

Cases are listed in accordance with local hearing arrangements determined by the Judiciary and implemented by court staff. Every effort is made to ensure that hearings start either at the time specified or as soon as possible thereafter. However, listing. practices or other factors may mean that delays are unavoidable. Furthermore, in some instances a case may be released to another judge, possibly at a different court or adjourned to another date. Please contact the court for further information on the listing arrangements that may apply to your hearing.

Your case has been listed at the same time as several other cases, but you are required to attend Court at the time given in your notice, or earlier if you need to speak to your legal representative. When you arrive at Court you should report to an usher who will tell you if the other party are in attendance. You may wish to consult with them before going into Court to attempt to clarify/resolve any outstanding issues.

The Judge will decide the order in which cases are called based on who is in attendance, the time estimate and other factors. Please ensure that the Usher is aware of your whereabouts at all times. If you are not in the court at the required time and your case is called it will be heard in your absence.

You may be able to get free legal aid advice. Go online at further information.

Dated 09/08/2017

/ 2 of 2.




1. Injunction Order










1.        Power of Arrest



Point 1:

Point 2:

Point 3:

Point 4:

Point 5:



309- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

“N110A Power of arrest”

Dated: 09/08/2017

/ 1 of 2.


310- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

“N110A Power of arrest”

Dated: 09/08/2017

The Defendant, Mr. Simon Cordell be forbidden (whether by himself or by instructing or encouraging or permitting any other person) from engaging or

threatening to engage in conduct that is likely to cause physical violence and

verbal abuse to the Claimant's employees, tenants and visitors to the block of flats

at Bumcroft A venue, Enfield.

The Defendant, Mr. Simon Cordell be forbidden (whether by himself or by

instructing or encouraging or permitting any other person) from engaging or

threatening to engage in conduct that is likely to cause intimidation, harassment,

alarm and distress to the Claimant's employees, tenants and visitors to the block of

flats at Bumcroft Avenue, Enfield.

The Defendant; Mr. Simon Cordell be forbidden (whether by himself or by

instructing or encouraging or permitting any other person) engaging or threatening

to engage in conduct that is likely to cause nuisance and annoyance to the

Claimant's employees, tenants and visitors to the block of flats at Bumcroft

A venue, Enfield.

The Defendant, Mr. Simon Cordell be forbidden (whether by himself or by

instructing or encouraging or permitting any other person) from using his pet dog

to frighten, intimidate, or threaten violence to the Claimant's employees, tenants

and visitors at Bumcroft Avenue, Enfield.

/ 2 of 2.


1. Power of Arrest







1.        Statement of Terence Conway, process server


Point 1:

Point 2:

Point 3:

Point 4:

Point 5:



311- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

Statement No: One


Dated 10/08/2017

I, Terence Conway, of Global Investigation Services. Process Server acting under the direction of The London Borough of Enfield. Legal Services Department, P.O Box 50, Civic Centre, Silver Street. Enfield EN l 3XA, solicitors for the above-named Claimant, and say as follows:

That I am over sixteen years of age.

That I did on Thursday 10/08/2017 at approximately 10.1 Sam attend at the

address supplied of 109 Bumcroft Avenue Enfield EN3 7JQ, and, in the presence of PSO Sam Lowe and two Police Constables with 'collar numbers' 343YE, 417YE and 7142YE respectively, I did meet and personally serve the above-named Defendant with the following a Cover Letter from the claimant's solicitor dated 09/08/2017 an Injunction Order dated 09/08/2017 giving Notice of Hearing for 21/08/2017 at 10;00am at the Edmonton County Court, an N 1 l OA Power of Arrest, a Claim Form CPR Part 8, an Acknowledgement of Service Form with Notes for the Defendant an Application for an Injunction. a Witness Statement of John Irving. A

/ 1 of 2.


312- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

Statement No: One


Dated 10/08/2017

Witness Statement of Markandu Mathiyalagan, a Witness Statement of Neville Grey.

a Witness Statement of George Quinton and a Witness Statement of Lemmy Nwabuisi with Exhibits.

That there is now produced and shown to be marked ·A' a bundle containing true copies of the said documents so served by me as aforesaid.

That. at the time of service. the Defendant freely identified himself to me as SIMON CORDELL and was recognised as being the Defendant by the attending PSO Sam Lowe. who has had dealings with the Defendant on previous occasions?

That, furthermore, when I asked the Defendant if he was able to read and understand the Injunction, I had served upon him, he replied that he had difficulty reading, That. therefore. l did read out all the terms of the Injunction Order to the Defendant, emphasising the need for compliance to these terms with the Power of Arrest being applied to terms 3 -6 inclusive, should they be breached. I further advised the Defendant that the Hearing for this matter was set for the 21/08/2017 at 10:00am at the Edmonton County Court.

I Terence Conway confirm the contents of this Statement to be true to the best of my knowledge /

/ 2 of 2.



313- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

Deponent: Terence Conway

Statement No: One

Landing Page.

This is the exhibit marked ·A' as referred to in the Statement of Terence Conway Dated 10/08/2017

/ 1 of 2.



1. Statement of Terence Conway, process server









1.        Order from Edmonton County Court


Point 1:

Point 2:

Point 3:

Point 4:

Point 5:



314- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

Deponent: Terence Conway

Statement No: One

Landing Page.

This is the exhibit marked ·A' as referred to in the Statement of Terence Conway Dated 10/08/2017


/ 2 of 2.


315- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

“General Form of Judgment or Order”

Dated: 29/09/2017

Before Employment Judge Taylor sitting at the County Court at Edmonton, 59 Fore Street, London, N18 2TN. Upon hearing the Solicitor for the Claimant and the Solicitor for the Defendant,

And upon the Defendant's application to discharge the interim injunction,


The Claimant do file a Reply to Defence, if so advised by 09/10/2017

The parties do file a Directions questionnaire by 23/10/2017

The interim order for injunction and power of arrest shall remain in force until 08/08/2018 at 23:59 unless before then it is revoked by further order of the Court.

Costs in the case.

Dated 25/09/2017



1. Order from Edmonton County Court








1.        Order from Edmonton County Court



Point 1:

Point 2:

Point 3:

Point 4:

Point 5:



316- Claim Number: D02ED073 –

“General Form of Judgment or Order”

Dated: 09/11/2017

Before District Judge Cohen sitting at the County Court at Edmonton, 59 Fore Street, London, Nl 8 2TN. Of the Court's own initiative and upon the claimant having failed to file a directions questionnaire


The Claimant do file a completed directions questionnaire by 4.00 pm on 17/11/ 2017

If the Claimant fails to comply with paragraph 1 of this order the injunction of 09/08/2017 do stand discharged without further order and the claim do stand struck out without further order.

Permission to either party to apply to set aside, vary or stay this order by an application on notice which must be filed at this Court not more than 3 days after service of this order.

Dated 06/11/2017


1. A copy of the Draft Court order!








2.        Order from Edmonton County Court


Point 1:

Point 2:

Point 3:

Point 4:

Point 5:



317- Claim Number: D02ED073 –


The file was referred to the District Judge and his comments are:

"Your Directions Questionnaire was received by the court on 20/11/17 Therefore, the sanction on the order of 06/11/17 applies."

Yours sincerely,

1. Order from Edmonton County Court

























Simon Cordell’s

A Housing Possession Order Served & Dated: 00/00/2014

















RE Simon Cordell Rent account






RE Simon Cordell ref Council Tax












Allan Katongole

RE Simon Cordell Rent account






Council Tax Account






RE Council Tax Account






Council Tax Account












Colin Bullworthy Council Tax






















































Read acknowledgement






Read acknowledgement












FW Issue I am having


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers:


From: Mother []

Sent: 17/04/2015 - 17:57

To: Dawn Allen

Subject: FW: Issue I am having

Dear Dawn Allen

I still have not had a reply to the below email please can you get back to me via this email address my son is really suffering due to what the neighbours are doing.

A report needs to be made as this is making my son's health go downhill, he is not being able to sleep due to what is going on and other things.

Please can you get back to me?




From: Mother [mailto:]

Sent: 31/03/2015 - 15:34

To: Dawn Allen

Subject: RE: Issue I am having

Mr Simon Cordell

109 Burncroft Ave




Dear Dawn Allen,

I a1n writing this email due to not having a reply to my email dated 19/03/2015

I a1n having a great deal of problems with my neighbours who live above me, they are not letting me sleep and this is having an effect on my health I have asked before if someone could come and speak to me to address these problems and no one has.

I and my mother have made many phone calls about the neighbours above my flat, yet nothing is being done.

Please can you get back to me as soon as possible in order to setup a meeting at my home so we can address the issues with the neighbours as soon as possible as I cannot live the way I am any longer.

There is also still issues with repairs that have not been addressed.


Simon Cordell




RE Issue I am having with neighbours


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers:


From: Mother []

Sent: 04/05/2015 - 13:22

To: Dawn Allen

Subject: RE: Issue I am having with neighbours

Mr Simon Cordell

109 Burncroft Ave




Dear Dawn Allen,

I have been sending you so many emails, yet I am getting no reply nothing is being done, my son is having so many issues with the neighbours he has asked for help yet nothing is being done.

My son went up to the neighbours and asked if they would please stop banging all the time, and about the water issues with the pipes banging very badly in his flat, but they are still doing it and will not stop, people who also have been at my son's flat have also heard what is going on, even they are saying they don't know how he is coping with this. On the top floor they have wooden flooring this does not help and can something please be done. The lady that lives at 113 is also causing a great deal of problems and she keeps coming to my front door asking for money to buy drink, she is also banging very badly, and my son's health is suffering due to this.

I don't know why you have not replied to my emails and are just leaving things when we are asking for help you are the council officer for my son's area, please can this be addressed.





RE Can you please help


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers:


From: Mother []

Sent: 19/03/2015 - 16:37

To: Dawn Allen

Subject: RE: Can you please help

Mr Simon Cordell

109 Burncroft Ave




Dear Dawn Allen

My son has been having an issue with his neighbours who live above him, this has been going on a while and it is making my son's health go downhill he is not sleeping due to what is going on.

We would like to put a report into the issue and therefore would it please be possible for you to make a date when you would be able to come to my son home to be able to do this, if you can let me know via this email with dates this can be done so we can get this issue addressed as soon as possible I wo11ld be grateful.



Simon Cordell



FW Issue I am having with neighbours


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers:


From: Mother []

Sent: 28/05/2015 - 15:16

To: Dawn Allen

Subject: FW: Issue I am having with neighbours

Dear Dawn Allen,

Could you please reply to all my emails as to what can be done with the issues that is going on, you have not replied to one email, and this is unfair.

I don't know what is going on and why my son is being treated like this by Enfield Council is it due to what the police did to him?




From: Mother [mailto:]

Sent: 04/05/2015 - 13:22

To: Dawn Allen

Subject: RE: Issue I am having with neighbours

Mr Simon Cordell

109 Burncroft Ave




Dear Dawn Allen,

I have been sending you so 1nany emails, yet I am getting no reply nothing is being done, my son is having so many issues with the neighbours he has asked for help, yet nothing is being done.

My son went up to the neighbours and asked if they would please stop banging all the time, and about the water issues with the pipes banging very badly in his flat, but they are still doing it and will not stop, people who also have been at my son's flat have also heard what is going on, even they are saying they don't know how he is coping with this. On the top floor they have wooden flooring this does not help and can something please be done. The lady that lives at 113 is also causing a great deal of problems and she keeps coming to my front door asking for money to buy drink, she is also banging very badly, and my son's health is suffering due to this.

I don't know why you have not replied to my emails and are just leaving things when we are asking for help you are the council officer for my son's area, please can this be addressed.





RE Issue I am having


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers:


From: Mother []

Sent: 31/03/2015 - 15:34

To: Dawn Allen

Subject: RE: Issue I am having

Mr Simon Cordell

109 Bumcroft Ave




Dear Dawn Allen,

I am writing this email due to not having a reply to my email dated 19/03/2015

I a1n having a great deal of problems with my neighbours who live above me, they are not letting me sleep and this is having an effect on my health I have asked before if someone could come and speak to 1ne to address these problems and no one has.

I and my mother have made many phone calls abot1t the neighbours above my flat, yet nothing is being done.

Please can you get back to me as soon as possible in order to setup a meeting at 1ny home so we can address the issues with the neighbours as soon as possible as I cannot live the way I am any longer.

There is also still issues with repairs that have not been addressed.


Simon Cordell




FW Issue I am having with neighbours


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers:


From: Mother []

Sent: 01/06/2015 - 14:38

To: Dawn Allen

Subject: FW: Issue I am having with neighbours

Dear Dawn Allen


I have sent a number of emails regarding the issues my son is having with his neighbours, which you have failed to reply to and have not addressed the issues which has been ongoing. I have given you enough time to reply and address the issues, yet you have failed to do anything.


1.             I would like it looked into why you do not reply to my emails.

2.             I would like it looked into why you have done nothing in regard to the issues that having been ongoing for son1e time and have done nothing.

3.             I wot1ld like it looked into why you have allowed a person to suffer and have not done anything about it.


I would like a reply to this co1nplaint and if you cannot deal with this, please pass it over to a person that can.


I would like a reply to this co1nplaint and if you cannot deal with this, please pass it over to a person that can.





From: Mother [mailto:]

Sent: 20/06/2015 - 19:12

To: Dawn Allen

Subject: FW: Issue I am having with neighbours

Dear Dawn Allen,

Seeing as you are not addressing the emails that are being sent I have no option but to take this higher.




From: Mother [mailto:]

Sent: 28/05/2015 - 15:16

To: Dawn Allen

Subject: FW: Issue I am having with neighbours

Dear Dawn Allen,

Could you please reply to all my emails as to I what can be done with the issues that is going on, you have not replied to one email, and this is unfair.

I don't know what is going on and why my son is being treated like this by Enfield Council is it due to what the police did to him?






From: Mother [mailto:]

Sent: 04/05/2015 - 13:22

To: Dawn Allen

Subject: RE: Issue I am having with neighbours

Mr Simon Cordell

109 Burncroft Ave




Dear Dawn Allen,

I have been sending you so many emails, yet I am getting no reply nothing is being done, my son is

having so many issues with the neighbours he has asked for help, yet nothing is being done.

My son went up to the neighbours and asked if they would please stop banging all the time, and about the water issues with the pipes banging very badly in his flat, but they are still doing it and will not stop, people who also have been at my son's flat have also heard what is going on, even they are saying they don't know how he is coping with this. On the top floor they have wooden flooring this does not help and can something please be done. The lady that lives at 113 is also causing a great deal of problems and she keeps coming to my front door asking for money to buy drink, she is also banging very badly, and my son's health is suffering due to this.

I don't know why you have not replied to my emails and are just leaving things when we are asking for help you are the council officer for my son's area, please can this be addressed.





RE Please can you help this cannot carry on!


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers:


From: Mother []

Sent: 10/07/2015 - 21:13

To: Dawn Allen

Subject: RE: Please can you help this cannot carry on

Mr Simon Cordell

109 Burncroft Ave




Dear Dawn Allen

I do not understand why all my phone calls and emails are not getting addressed, I have really tried and so has my son, we have been making calls all the time to try and get something done and I have sent a lot of emails including a complaint email dated 01/07/2015 which I still have had no reply to.

My son and also, I have tried to talk to the neighbours which have done nothing they still keep on. My son health is suffering due to what has been ongoing for a long time. We have tried to get help from the council as if the council speaks to them 1naybe they will stop what they are doing.

I also went to 117 but I believe they were not at home so did not speak to them about the issues.

I went to Debbie at 113 to try and talk to her but she just started to shout at me through the door. I did try and say to her through the door could she let me speak but she was just screa1ning at me so I went back down to my son flat the banging is very bad, and you can clearly hear they are doing this is not just someone living their life as no1mal people would.

You can even hear her following n1y son around in his flat banging; he does not even want to take a bath because he can hear her above him banging on the floor.

Yet she still keeps coming down to my son door asking him for money to buy drinks my son has told her could sl1e please leave him alone and stop con1ing to his door and to please stop following him around and banging on the floor and pipes, but this has not helped she just acts like nothing is going on.

Debbie has now started to go to my other neighbours at 111 and they are drinking and now 111 is also banging.

I don't know if it is due to Debbie liking my son and when him and his partner ended in Mid-2013 she was hoping something would come of this, as this is the time when she started to come to my son flat door a lot 1nore. when my son was with his partner, she used to co1ne to his door maybe once a week for money but after they ended, she was coming down more and more she even was trying to give my son drink, he does not drink so would not accept it. She was also writing my son letters and pt1tting them trot1gh his door, the letters are not really readable. The main problem with Debbie seemed to start when she ca1ne to my son's front door and saw a girl in his flat she saw the girl on more than once and I think this upset her. Since this time things have got worse and worse, and my son's health is really suffering.

Please cam something be done as we really do not know what to do any longer, if you cannot do anythi11g about the neighbours in the block can you please see if you can move my son as he cannot take any more, he needs to be able to rest and sleep which at this time it is impossible, this is unfair what is going on to my son's health.

Please can you reply to this email as you have not done to any of my other emails or calls or the calls my son has 1nade regarding this issue which I do not understand why.





FW Issue I am having with neighbours


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers:


From: Mother []

Sent: 20/06/2015 - -19: 12

To: Dawn Allen

Subject: FW: Issue I am having with neighbours

Dear Dawn Allen,

Seeing as you are not addressing the emails that are being sent, I have no option but to take this higher.




From: Mother [mailto:]

Sent: 28/05/2015 - - 15: 16

To: Dawn Allen

Subject: FW: Issue I am having with neighbours

Dear Dawn Allen,

Could you please reply to all my emails as to what can be done with the issues that is going on, you have not replied to one email, and this is unfair.

I don't know what is going on and why my son is being treated like this by Enfield Council is it due to what the police did to him?




From: Mother [mailto:]

Sent: 04/05/2015 - - 13:22

To: Dawn Allen

Subject: RE: Issue I am having with neighbours

Mr Simon Cordell

109 Burncroft Ave




Dear Dawn Allen,

I have been sending you so many emails, yet I am getting no reply nothing is being done, my son is

having so many issues with the neighbours he has asked for help, yet nothing is being done.

My son went up to the neighbours and asked if they would please stop banging all the time, and about the water issues with the pipes banging very badly in his flat, but they are still doing it and will not stop, people who also have been at my son's flat have also heard what is going on, even they are saying they don't know how he is coping with this. On the top floor they have wooden flooring this does not help and can something please be done. The lady that lives at 113 is also causing a great deal of problems and she keeps coming to my front door asking for money to buy drink, she is also banging very badly, and my son's health is suffering due to this.

I don't know why you have not replied to my emails and are just leaving things when we are asking for help you are the council officer for my son's area, please can this be addressed.



Mother FW Please can you help this cannot carry on


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers:


From: Mother []

Sent: 18/08/2015 - 11: 19

To: Dawn Allen

Subject: FW: Please can you help this cannot carry on

Dear Dawn Allen

Can you please give me a person name and email address that can address this issue, as you seem to not want to reply I can call and checked I am sending these emails to the correct email address which I am





From: Mother [mailto:]

Sent: 10/06/2015 - 21: 13

To: Dawn Allen

Subject: RE: Please can you help this cannot carry on

Mr Simon Cordell

109 Bumcroft Ave




Dear Dawn Allen

I do not understand why all my phone calls and emails are not getting addressed, I have really tried and so has my son, we have been making calls all the ti1ne to try and get something done and I have sent a lot of emails including a complaint email dated 01/07/2015 which I still have had no reply to.

My son and also, I have tried to talk to the neighbours which have done nothing they still keep on. My son health is st1ffering due to what has been ongoing for a long time. We have tried to get help from the council as if the council speaks to them maybe they will stop what they are doing.

I also went to 117 but I believe they were not at home so did not speak to them about the issues.

I went to Debbie at 113 to try and talk to her but she just started to shout at me through the door. I did try and say to her through the door could she let me speak but she was just screaming at me so I went back down to my son flat the banging is very bad, and you can clearly hear they are doing this is not just so1neone living their life as no1mal people would.

You can even hear her following my son around in his flat banging; he does not even want to take a bath because he can hear her above him banging on the floor.

Yet she still keeps coming down to my son door asking him for money to buy drinks my son has told her could she please leave him alone and stop coming to his door and to please stop following him around and banging on the floor and pipes, but this has not helped she just acts like nothing is going on.

Debbie has now started to go to my other neighbours at 111 and they are drinking and now 111 is also banging.

I don't know if it is due to Debbie liking my son and when hi1n and his partner ended in Mid-2013 she was hoping something would come of this, as this is the time when she started to come to my son flat door a lot more. when my son was with his partner, she used to co1ne to his door maybe once a week for money but after they ended, she was coming down more and more she even was trying to give my son drink, he does not drink so would not accept it. She was also writing my son letters and putting them through his door, the letters are not


really readable. The main problem with Debbie seemed to start when she came to 1ny son's front door and saw a girl in his flat she saw the girl on more than once and I think this upset her. Since this time things have got worse and worse, and my son's health is really suffering.

Please cam something be done as we really do not know what to do any longer, if you cannot do anything about the neighbours in the block can you please see if you can move my son as he cannot take any 1nore, he needs to be able to rest and sleep which at this time it is impossible, this is unfair what is going on to my son's health.

Please can you reply to this email as you have not done to any of my other emails or calls or the calls my son has made regarding this issue which I do not understand why.





Re Complaint


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers:


From: Mother []

Sent: 21/09/2015 - 13:59

To: ''

Subject: Re: Complaint

Mr Simon Cordell

109 Bumcroft Ave




Dear Dawn Allen,

I a1n writing this email after phone calls and emails have been sent to Enfield council about my neighbour who lives above me.

I have made calls myself and my mother Miss Mother has also sent emails and made phone calls.

No one has been to my address to see me, and I am asking for you to come out to see me and take a report of what has been going on as my heath is being made worse by nothing being done.

There is also still repair issues I would like to talk about that has not been done.

Could yot1 please email this email address a date and time when you can come out to see me to take a report?


Mr Simon Cordell



Dawn Allen RE Complaint


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers:


From: Daw11 Allen [DA]

Sent: 21/09/2015 - 14:17

To: Mother

Cc: Feedback Cot1ncil Housing

Subject: RE: Complaint [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

Dear Mr Cordell

In terms of your neighbour, you will need to attend this office for us to discuss the neighbour concerns face to face in a neutral environment. For repairs, please speak to customer services on 0208 3791327 for any outstanding issues you have.

Our office is open Monday to Friday 08.30 am - 05.00 PM where you can attend this office to speak to us directly.


Dawn Allen

Tenancy Management Officer

Council Housing

The Edmonton Centre

36-44 South Mall




Freephone 0800 40 80 160

"Enfield Council is committed to serving the whole borough fairly,

delivering excellent services and building strong communities".


From: Mother []

Sent: 21/09/2015 - 13:59

To: Dawn Allen

Subject: Re: Complaint

Mr Simon Cordell

l 09 Burncroft Ave




Dear Dawn Allen,

I a1n writing this email after phone calls and e1nails l1ave been sent to Enfield council about my neighbour who lives above me.

I have made calls myself and my mother Miss Mother has also sent e1nails and made phone calls.

No one has been to my address to see me, and I am asking for you to come out to see me and take a full report of what has been going on as my heath is being made worse by nothing being done.

There is also still repair issues I would like to talk about that has not been done.

Could you please email this email address a date and time when you can come out to see me to take a report?


Mr Simon Cordell

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED



RE Complaint


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers:


From: Mother []

Sent: 21/09/2015 - 15:35

To: 'Dawn Allen'

Subject: RE: Complaint [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Dear Dawn Allen

I no longer go out of my home due to my heath that is why I cannot come to the office.

Also, why would it need to be a in a neutral environment you would have to come to my flat at some point to hear for yourself what is going on as you can clearly hear it and see what the neighbour is doing.

I have also put in reports also about the repairs this has been going on for years and things still have not been done.

You are my housing officers can you please tell me what your job description is?

I am asking for help and have been for some time and you do not seem to be willing to give me any help. Is there a problem with you coming to my flat?

My Mother will be there with me, and you can bring someone with you if you feel there is a need to.

I have on going issues which does need to be addressed by someone and you are my housing office and I have been told you would need to address these issues.


Simon Cordell


From: Dawn Allen []

Sent: 21/09/2015 - 14:17

To: Mother

Cc: Feedback Council Housing

Subject: RE: Complaint [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

Dear Mr Cordell

In terms of your neighbour, you will need to attend this office for us to discuss the neighbour concerns face to face. For repairs, please speak to customer services on 0208 3791327 for any outstanding issues you have.

Our office is open Monday to Friday 08.30 am - 05.00 PM where you can attend this office to speak to us directly.


Dawn Allen

Tenancy Management Officer

Council Housing

The Edmonton Centre

36-44 South Mall



r8J E-mail


From: Mother [mailto:] Sent: 21/09/2015 - 13:59

To: Dawn Allen

Subject: Re: Complaint

Mr Simo11 Cordell

109 Burncroft Ave




Dear Dawn Allen,


I am writing this email after phone calls and emails have been sent to Enfield council about my neighbour who lives above me.

I have made calls myself and my mother Miss Mother has also sent e1nails and made phone calls.

No one has been to my address to see me and I am asking for you to come out to see 1ne and take a full report of what has been going on as my heath is being made worse by nothing being done.

There is also still repair issues I would like to talk about that has not been done.

Could you please email this email address a date and time when you can come out to see me to take a report?


Mr Simon Cordell

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED



Dawn Allen RE Complaint


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers:


From: Dawn Allen [DA]

Sent: 21/09/2015 - 15:43

To: Mother

Subject: RE: Complaint [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

Dear Mr Cordell

Can you be a bit more specific about your repairs so I can forward to the correct person.

The Nuisance complaint will be forwarded to the Antisocial Behaviour Team for them to contact you it is likely log sheets may be issued. If you can answer the first question it would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards

Dawn Allen

Tenancy Management Officer

Council Housing

The Edmonton Centre

36-44 South Mall



181 E-mail


From: Mother []

Sent: 21/09/2015 - 15:35

To: Dawn Allen

Subject: RE: Complaint [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Dear Dawn Allen

I no longer go out of my home due to my heath that is why I cannot come to the office.

Also, why would it need to be a in a neutral environment you would have to come to my flat at some point to hear for yourself what is going on as you can clearly hear it and see what the neighbour is doing.

I have also put in reports also about the repairs this has been going on for years and things still have not been done.

You are my housing officers can you please tell me what your job description is?

I am asking for help and have been for some time and you do not seem to be willing to give me any help. Is there a problem with you coming to my flat?

My Mother will be there with me, and you can be being someone with you if you feel there is a need to.

I have on going issues which does need to be addressed by someone and you are my housing office and I have been told you would need to address these issues.


Simon Cordell


From: Dawn Allen []

Sent: 21/09/2015 – 14:17

To: Mother

Cc: Feedback Council Housing

Subject: RE: Complaint [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

Dear Mr Cordell

In terms of your neighbour, you will need to attend this office for us to discuss the neighbour concerns face to face. For repairs, please speak to customer services on 0208 3791327 for any outstanding issues you have.

Our office is open Monday to Friday 08.30 am - 05.00 PM where you can attend this office to speak to us directly.


Dawn Allen

Tenancy Management Officer

Council Housing

The Edmonton Centre

36-44 South Mall



t8l E-mail


Freephone 0800 40 80 160

"Enfield Council is committed to serving the whole borough fairly,

delivering excellent services and building strong communities".

From: Mother []

Sent: 21/09/2015 - 13:59

To: Dawn Allen

Subject: Re: Complaint

Mr Simon Cordell

109 Burncroft Ave




Dear Dawn Allen,

I am writing this email after phone calls and emails have been sent to Enfield council about my neighbour who lives above me.

I have made calls myself and my mother Miss Mother has also sent emails and made phone calls.

No one has been to my address to see me, and I am asking for you to co1ne out to see me and take a full report of what has been going on as my heath is being made worse by nothing being done.

There is also still repair issues I would. like to talk about that has not been done.

Could you please email this email address a date and time when you can come out to see me to take a report?


Mr Simon Cordell

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED




Mother RE Complaint


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers:


From: Mother []

Sent: 21/09/2015 - 16:14

To: 'Dawn Allen'

Subject: RE: Complaint [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Dear Dawn Allen

My Mother has sent emails in of complaints about the repairs more than once and made lots of phone calls.

There does seem to be an issue of things not being logged on the system and reports going missing.

But I sure if you looked you could find them.

But I am tired of getting the run about and waiting for years for things to be done.

And a call was made to the Antisocial Behaviour Team today and they again gave me your details, so once again it seems nothing will get done about the neighbour.

My mother has now made a call to the Assistant Director Community Housing Services, and they have taken a lot of notes, and your name and I should be getting a call back and she has now booked to see the MP and will being all the information that has been gathered along to the MP to see what they can do.



From: Dawn Allen []

Sent: 21/09/2015 - 15:43

To: Mother

Subject: RE: Complaint [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

Dear Mr Cordell

Can you be a bit more specific about your repairs so I can forward to the correct person.

The Nuisance complaint will be forwarded to the Antisocial Behaviour Team for them to contact you it is likely log sheets may be issued. If you can answer the first question it would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards Dawn Allen


Tenancy Management Officer

Council Housing

The Edmonton Centre

36-44 South Mall



181 E-mail


From: Mother []

Sent: 21/09/2015 - 15:35

To: Dawn Allen

Subject: RE: Complaint [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Dear Dawn Allen

I no longer go out of my home due to my heath that is why I cannot come to the office.

Also, why would it need to be a in a neutral environment you would have to come to my flat at some point to hear for yourself what is going on as you can clearly hear it and see what the neighbour is doing.

I have also put in reports also about the repairs this has been going on for years and things still have not been done.

You are my housing officers can you please tell me what your job description is?

I am asking for help and have been for some time and you do not seem to be willing to give me any help. Is there a problem with you coming to my flat?


My Mother will be there with me, and you can be being someone with you if you feel there is a need to.

I have on going issues which does need to be addressed by someone and you are my housing office and I have been told you would need to address these issues.


Simon Cordell


From: Dawn Allen [mailto: DAWN.ALL]

Sent: 21/09/2015 - 14: 17

To: Mother

Cc: Feedback Council Housing

Subject: RE: Complaint [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

Dear Mr Cordell

In terms of your neighbour, you will need to attend this office for us to discuss the neighbour concerns face to face. For repairs, please speak to customer services on 0208 3791327 for any outstanding issues you have.

Our office is open Monday to Friday 08.30 am - 05.00 PM where you can attend this office to speak to us directly.


Dawn Allen

Tenancy Management Officer

Council Housing

The Edmonton Centre

36-44 South Mall



l'8l E-mail


From: Mother []

Sent: 21/09/2015 - 13:59

To: Dawn Allen

Subject: Re: Complaint

Mr Simon Cordell

109 Bu1ncroft Ave




Dear Dawn Allen,

I am writing this email after phone calls and emails have been sent to Enfield com1cil about my neighbour who lives above 1ne.

I have made calls myself and my mother Miss Mother has also sent emails and made phone calls.

No one has been to my address to see me, and I am asking for you to come out to see me and take a full report of what has been going on as my heath is being made worse by nothing being done.

There is also still repair issues I would like to talk about that has not been done.

Could you please email this email address a date and time when you can con1e out to see me to take a report?


Mr Simon Cordell



Dawn Allen RE_ Complaint


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers:


From: Dawn Allen [DA]

Sent: 21/09/2015 - 16:29

To: Mother

Cc: Dolly Og1.1nseye

Subject: RE: Complaint [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

Dear Mr Cordell

Thank you for the update but unless you are specific with the repair, I cannot refer you to the correct person. In terms of the complaint with your neighbour the Anti - Social Team will be in touch with you at home.


Dawn Allen

Tenancy Management Officer

Council Housing

The Edmonton Centre

36-44 South Mall




Freephone 0800 40 80 160

"Enfield Council is committed to serving the whole borough fairly,

delivering excellent services and building strong communities".


From: Mother [mailto:]

Sent: 21/09/2015 - 16:14

To: Dawn Allen

Subject: RE: Complaint [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Dear Dawn Allen

My Mother has sent emails in of complaints about the repairs more than once and made lots of phone calls.

There does seem to be an issue of things not being logged on the system and reports going missing.

But I sure if you looked you could find them.

But I am tired of getting the run about and waiting for years for things to be done.

And a call was made to the Antisocial Behaviour Team today and they again gave me your details, so once again it seems nothing will get done about the neighbour.

My mother has now made a call to the Assistant Director Community Housing Services and they have taken a lot of notes, and your name and I should be getting a call back and she has now booked to see the MP and will being all the information that has been gathered along to the MP to see what they can do.



From: Dawn Allen []

Sent: 21/09/2015 - 15:43

To: Mother

Subject: RE: Complaint [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

Dear Mr Cordell

Can you be a bit more specific about your repairs so I can forward to the correct person.

The Nuisance complaint will be forwarded to the Antisocial Behaviour Team for them to contact you it is likely log sheets may be issued. If you can answer the first question it would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards Dawn Allen

Tenancy Management Officer

Council Housing

The Edmonton Centre

36-44 South Mall






From: Mother []

Sent: 21/09/2015 - 15:35

To: Dawn Allen

Subject: RE: Complaint [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Dear Dawn Allen

I no longer go out of my home due to my heath that is why I cannot come to the office.

Also, why would it need to be a in a neutral environment you would have to come to my flat at some point to hear for yourself what is going on as you can clearly hear it and see what the neighbour is doing.

I have also put in reports also about the repairs this has been going on for years and things still have not been done.

You are my housing officers can you please tell me what your job description is?

I am asking for help and have been for some time and you do not seem to be willing to give me any help. Is there a problem with you coming to my flat?

My Mother will be there with me, and you can bring someone with you if you feel there is a need to.

I have on going issues which does need to be addressed by someone and you are my housing office and I have been told you would need to address these issues.


Simon Cordell


From: Dawn Allen []

Sent: 21/09/2015 - 14:17

To: Mother

Cc: Feedback Council Housing

Subject: RE: Complaint [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

Dear Mr Cordell

In terms of your neighbour, you will need to attend this office for us to discuss the neighbour concerns face to face. For repairs, please speak to customer services on 0208 3791327 for any outstanding issues you have.

Our office is open Monday to Friday 08.30 am - 05.00 PM where you can attend this office to speak to us directly.


Dawn Allen

Tenancy Management Officer

Council Housing

The Edmonton Centre

36-44 South Mall




Freephone 0800 40 80 160

"Enfield Council is committed to serving the whole borough fairly,

delivering excellent services and building strong communities".


From: Mother [mailto:]

Sent: 21/09/2015 - 13:59

To: Dawn Allen

Subject: Re: Complaint

Mr Simon Cordell

109 Bun1croft Ave




Dear Dawn Allen,

I am writing this email after phone calls and emails have been sent to Enfield council about my neighbour who lives above me.

I have made calls myself and 1ny 1notl1er Miss Lorrai11e Cordell has also sent e1nails and made phone calls.

No one has been to my address to see me, and I am asking for you to come out to see 1ne and take a full report of what has been going on as my heath is being made worse by nothing being done.

There is also still repair issues I would like to talk about that has not been done.

Could you please email this email address a date and time when you can come out to see me to take a report?


Mr Simon Cordell

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED



Mother RE Complaint


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers:


From: Mother []

Sent: 21/09/2015 - 17:03

To: 'Dawn Allen'

Subject: RE: Complaint [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED] Dear Dawn Allen

1.             Was meant to be sending a surveyor out to see how the pipes have been laid for my heating system, this has not been done.

2.             When work was carried on my flat re doing the electric, they wired in fire alarms and a Carbon Monoxide alarm, I made many calls to say these had not been fitted correctly, and due to this got carbon monoxide poisoning and ended up in hospital due to a faulty boiler and the Carbon Monoxide alarm not working. when they did come out in Nov 2014 I was left with no boiler for weeks until parts could be ordered as they had to cap the boiler off, work was also meant to be done to rewire the incorrect rewiring of the alarms this has not been done and I feel very unsafe as I feel if my boiler went wrong again the Carbon Monoxide alarm would not go off.

3.             Window in my bedroom does not lock and needs new hinges.

4.             The new toilet wish was fitting is not secure I have had this repaired once already but it still is moving around, and I feel unsafe.

5.             The Sink has come away from the wall in bathroom.

6.             After major works being done to my flat for damp the smell of damp as soon as you enter the bedroom is very bad.

7.             They fixed damp in my front room and this is still not died out due to them not fixing the reason for the damp.

8.             I was told that the guttering was causing the damp in my flat and needed doing someone came around months ago and told me the works was due to be done this has never been done.

9.             The pipes bang in the flat really bad I was told it was the main stop cock that needed replacing the pipes are still banging badly so this cannot have been done.

When the man came out to do my heating the council had told them I had removed all the pipes from my home, the man was stocked to see them all still in place and could not understand why he had been told this.

I have had so many surveyors come to my flat and say work is going to be done but it never is I think this is most of the list that still needs to be done.


From: Dawn Allen []

Sent: 21/09/2015 - 16:29

To: Mother

Cc: Dolly Ogunseye

Subject: RE: Complaint [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

Dear Mr Cordell

Thank you for the update but unless you are specific with the repair, I cannot refer you to the correct person. In terms of the complaint with your neighbour the Anti - Social Team will be in touch with you at home.


Dawn Allen

Tenancy Management Officer

Council Housing

The Edmonton Centre

36-44 South Mall




Freephone 0800 40 80 160

"Enfield Council is committed to serving the whole borough fairly,

delivering excellent services and building strong communities".

From: Mother [mailto:] Sent: 21/09/2015 - 16: 14

To: Dawn Allen

Subject: RE: Complaint [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Dear Dawn Allen

My Mother has sent emails in of complaints about the repairs more than once and made lots of phone calls.

There does seem to be an issue of things not being logged on the system and reports going missing.

But I sure if you looked you could find them.

But I am tired of getting the run about and waiting for years for things to be done.

And a call was made to the Antisocial Behaviour Team today and they again gave me your details, so once again it seems nothing will get done about the neighbour.

My mother has now made a call to the Assistant Director Community Housing Services, and they have taken a lot of notes, and your name and I should be getting a call back and she has now booked to see the MP and will being all the information that has been gathered along to the MP to see what they can do.


From: Dawn Allen []

Sent: 21/09/2015 - 15:43

To: Mother

Subject: RE: Complaint [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

Dear Mr Cordell

Can you be a bit more specific about your repairs so I can forward to the correct person.

The Nuisance complaint will be forwarded to the Antisocial Behaviour Team for them to contact you it is likely log sheets may be issued. If you can answer the first question it would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards

Dawn 1 Allen

Tenancy Management Officer

Council Housing

The Edmonton Centre

36-44 South Mall



181 E-mail

From: Mother []

Sent: 21/09/2015 - 15:35

To: Dawn Allen

Subject: RE: Complaint [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Dear Dawn Allen

I no longer go out of my home due to my heath that is why I cannot come to the office.

Also, why would it need to be a in a neutral environment you would have to come to my flat at some point to hear for yourself what is going on as you can clearly hear it and see what the neighbour is doing.

I have also put in reports also about the repairs this has been going on for years and things still have not been done.

You are my housing officers can you please tell me what your job description is?

I am asking for help and have been for some time and you do not seem to be willing to give me any help. Is there a problem with you coming to my flat?

My Mother will be there with me, and you can bring someone with you if you feel there is a need to.

I have on going issues which does need to be addressed by someone and you are my housing office and i have been told you would need to address these issues.




From: Dawn Allen []

Sent: 21/09/2015 - 14:17

To: Mother

Cc: Feedback Council Housing

Subject: RE: Complaint [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

Dear Mr Cordell

In terms of your neighbour, you will need to attend this office for us to discuss the neighbour concerns face to face. For repairs, please speak to customer services on 0208 3791327 for any outstanding issues you have.

Our office is open Monday to Friday 08.30 am - 05.00 PM where you can attend this office to speak to us directly.


Dawn Allen

Tenancy Management Officer

Council Housing

The Edmonton Centre

36-44 South Mall




Freephone 0800 40 80 160

"Enfield Council is committed to serving the whole borough fairly,

delivering excellent services and building strong communities".



From: Mother []

Sent: 21/09/2015 - 13:59

To: Dawn Allen

Subject: Re: Complaint

Mr Simon Cordell

I 09 Burncroft Ave




Dear Dawn Allen,

I am writing this email after phone calls and emails have been sent to Enfield council about my neighbour who lives above 1ne.

I have made calls myself and my mother Miss Mother has also sent emails and made phone calls.

No one has been to my address to see me, and I am asking for you to come out to see me and take a full report of what has been going on as my heath is being made worse by 11othing being done.

There is also still a repair issues I would like to talk about that has not been done.

Could you please e1nail tl1is e1nail address a date and time when you can come to see me to take a report?


Mr Simon Cordell



Dear Louise Brown


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers:


Formal Complaint

Dear Louise Brown:

I believe you are the person dealing with the complaints put in due to the behaviour of Debbie who lives at number 113 Burncroft Av EN3 7 JQ.

My son Simon Cordell is the person who lives at 109 Burncroft Av EN3 7 JQ.

Yesterday the 15/10/2015 you attended my son Simon Cordell flat with 2 police officers. Why would you turn up at someone flat with 2 police officers and not even ask or set up a meeting to do this?

Could I please ask why a meeting was not set up to see him, and you just turned up at his flat with the police? I am the person looking after my son and have been in contract with the council and was meant to have been there at the meeting, so this was meant to have been arranged not that you just turn up with police. You said you was in the area and had the case file for this so just attended, when was you given the case file for you to address on what date? As I believe it was some time ago, yet we have had no contact from you.

You asked my son what had been going on yet you took no notes or a report of anything my son was saying. How is this addressing the issue when you did not even take notes at what was meant to be called a meeting, may I ask what was the point of this meeting?

You did not want to look at any of the videos that my son had recorded re what had been going on and what Debbie had been doing.

You did not want to look at any of the evidence my son had, the letters Debbie was putting in my son's door in one letter she even put £20 in there which was posted back in her door as my son did not want her money, the videos my son had recorded, nothing so how are you doing your job.

You did not want to hear about the attack on my son, when Debbie was at the bins and my son walked be hide her to the main door and when she turned around and saw my son she started screaming and attacking my son.

You said to my son Debbie had not been in her address for the last 2 weeks that she had been in a hotel. And asked my son if he knew this how is my son meant to know this?

I think you told him this because he said the things had been better the last few weeks, but there were still problems. Which if you had looked at the Videos you would have seen things from the last 2 weeks, but you did not do this did you.

When you left you made my son give his word, he would not hurt Debbie, like Debbie is the victim here and not my son. My son has never hurt Debbie so why would you make him give his word he would not hurt her?

Debbie is the person who attacked my son not the other way around here. Which was reported?

You have given Debbie support moved her to a hotel like she is the victim yet failed to support my son in any way here, yet he is the victim of what Debbie is doing.

Not took a report does not ask anyone what has been going on, as there is witness as to what Debbie is doing.

My son's friends and I have heard what is going on and what Debbie is doing.

I even went up to Debbie's door to try and speak with her, she asked who was at the door and I said I was Simon mum and would like to speak to her to try and sort the issue out what was going on, that if we spoke maybe we could sort this out, she just started shouting so many things at me and sounded drunk, I left and went down to my son flat and said she would not speak to me, I was there around 3 hours after that and Debbie did not bang once or doing anything, yet the 2 hours I was there before going up to her flat to speak to her the banging was ongoing and was making my son so upset we could not do the work I was there for that is why I went up to speak to her.

I believe my son has been to her door 2 times and ask her to stop well he begged her to stop She just started shouting and then called the police, one of these times my son friend Katie was there, and heard what Debbie was doing and spoke to the police when they came to my son door.

Katie goes to my son's flat a lot along with a friend called Nash and a few other people each of these people have heard what Debbie is doing.

Debbie has been to my son's door more than once when Katie has been at my son's flat offering my son cans of alcohol which my son refused as he does not drink and asking my son for money and other things.

So please don't make this out as if it is my son that is causing the problem here as that is how you made him feel yesterday.

We are the ones who put the reports in from around a year ago yet you have done nothing to support my son the 1st time you even went to see him was the 15/10/15 yet you been out to see Debbie and seem to have given her support. Yet each time I told the council how ill this is making my son, where is his support?

Am I of the understand you said to my son that you believe Debbie has feelings for my son and this is the reason you believe Debbie is acting the way in which she is. My son has never acted in a way to make Debbie think my son had any interest in her, he has only every helped his neighbours, which is the type of person my son is. Has Debbie said she has feeling for my son? And as Debbie has already attacked my son unprovoked is he in any harm from a next attack?

This is making my son ill, but you don't care about how ill this is making my son do you or you would have addressed the issue when contact was made with the council about this issue.

You have said you are moving Debbie back in, but what has been done to the so-called feelings you think Debbie has got for my son have they just gone away?

We know Debbie has mental health issues and she is an alcoholic, and that she needs help, but I am sorry this is making my son ill and something does need to be done as it has been going on to long now and you have done nothing.

My son has lived in his flat even before Debbie moved there and he has never caused a problem. In fact, he has only ever tried to help his neighbours.

I would like to know what has been done to address this and what is being done to help my son. I do not think you have addressed this in the correct manner, and I feel that you feel Debbie needs more support due to her being vulnerable, but have you asked if my son is vulnerable what heath conditions he has nope you have not and I feel it is due to him being a male and Debbie a female, I feel as if you think males can’t be vulnerable.



Simon Cordell



Louise Brown Jackie Gubby


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers:


Dated 16/10/2015

Formal Complaint

Dear Louise Brown, Jackie Gubby,

I believe you are the person dealing with the complaints put in due to the behaviour of Debbie who lives at number 113 Burncroft Av EN3 7 JO.

My son Simon Cordell is the person who lives at 109 Burncroft Av EN3 7 JO.

Yesterday the 15/10/2015 you attended my son Simon Cordell flat with 2 police officers. Why would you turn up at someone flat with 2 police officers and not even ask or set up a meeting to do this?

Could I please ask why a meeting was not set up to see him, and you just turned up at his flat with the police? I am the person looking after my son and have been in contract with the council and was meant to have been there at the meeting, so this was meant to have been arranged not that you just turn up with police. You said you was in the area and had the case file for this so just attended, when was you given the case file for you to address on what date? As I believe it was some time ago, yet we have had no contact from you.

You asked my son what had been going on yet you took no notes or a report of anything my son was saying. How is this addressing the issue when you did not even take notes at what was meant to be called a meeting, may I ask what was the point of this meeting?

You did not want to look at any of the videos that my son had recorded re what had been going on and what Debbie had been doing.

You did not want to look at any of the evidence my son had, the letters Debbie was putting in my son's door in one letter she even put £20 in there which was posted back in her door as my son did not want her money, the videos my son had recorded, nothing so how are you doing your job.

You did not want to hear about the attack on my son, when Debbie was at the bins and my son walked be hide her to the main door and when she turned around and saw my son she started screaming and attacking my son.

You said to my son Debbie had not been in her address for the last 2 weeks that she had been in a hotel. And asked my son if he knew this how is my son meant to know this?

I think you told him this because he said the things had been better the last few weeks, but there were still problems. Which if you had looked at the Videos you would have seen things from the last 2 weeks, but you did not do this did you.

When you left you made my son give his word, he would not hurt Debbie, like Debbie is the victim here and not my son. My son has never hurt Debbie so why would you make him give his word he would not hurt her?

Debbie is the person who attacked my son not the other way around here. Which was reported?

You have given Debbie support moved her to a hotel like she is the victim yet failed to support my son in any way here, yet he is the victim of what Debbie is doing.

Not took a report does not ask anyone what has been going on, as there is witness as to what Debbie is doing.

My son's friends and I have heard what is going on and what Debbie is doing.

I even went up to Debbie's door to try and speak with her, she asked who was at the door and I said I was Simon mum and would like to speak to her to try and sort the issue out what was going on, that if we spoke maybe we could sort this out, she just started shouting so many things at me and sounded drunk, I left and went down to my son flat and said she would not speak to me, I was there around 3 hours after that and Debbie did not bang once or doing anything, yet the 2 hours I was there before going up to her flat to speak to her the banging was ongoing and was making my son so upset we could not do the work I was there for that is why I went up to speak to her.

I believe my son has been to her door 2 times and ask her to stop well he begged her to stop She just started shouting and then called the police, one of these times my son friend Katie was there, and heard what Debbie was doing and spoke to the police when they came to my son door.

Katie goes to my son's flat a lot along with a friend called Nash and a few other people each of these people have heard what Debbie is doing.

Debbie has been to my son's door more than once when Katie has been at my son's flat offering my son cans of alcohol which my son refused as he does not drink and asking my son for money and other things.

So please don't make this out as if it is my son that is causing the problem here as that is how you made him feel yesterday.

We are the ones who put the reports in from around a year ago yet you have done nothing to support my son the 1st time you even went to see him was the 15/10/2015 yet you been out to see Debbie and seem to have given her support. Yet each time I told the council how ill this is making my son, where is his support?

Am I of the understand you said to my son that you believe Debbie has feelings for my son and this is the reason you believe Debbie is acting the way in which she is. My son has never acted in a way to make Debbie think my son had any interest in her, he has only every helped his neighbours, which is the type of person my son is. Has Debbie said she has feeling for my son? And as Debbie has already attacked my son unprovoked is he in any harm from a next attack?

This is making my son ill, but you don't care about how ill this is making my son do you or you would have addressed the issue when contact was made with the council about this issue.

You have said you are moving Debbie back in, but what has been done to the so-called feelings you think Debbie has got for my son have they just gone away?

We know Debbie has mental health issues and she is an alcoholic, and that she needs help, but I am sorry this is making my son ill and something does need to be done as it has been going on to long now and you have done nothing.

My son has lived in his flat even before Debbie moved there and he has never caused a problem. In fact, he has only ever tried to help his neighbours.

I would like to know what has been done to address this and what is being done to help my son. I do not think you have addressed this in the correct manner, and I feel that you feel Debbie needs more support due to her being vulnerable, but have you asked if my son is vulnerable what heath conditions he has nope you have not and I feel it is due to him being a male and Debbie a female, I feel as if you think males can’t be vulnerable.



Simon Cordell



Louise Brown RE Simon Cordell


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers:


From: Mother []

Sent: 16/10/2015 - 15:30

To: 'Louise.'; 'Jackie.'

Subject: Re: Simon Cordell

Attachments: Dear Louise Brown.doc

Dear Louise Brown and Jackie Gubby

Could you please read the attached letter and please reply so I know you have got this email?



Simon Cordell


From: Mother []

Sent: 16/10/2015 - 15:30

To: 'Louise.'; 'Jackie.'

Subject: Re: Simon Cordell

Attachments: Dear Louise Brown.doc

Dear Louise Brown and Jackie Gubby

Could you please read the attached letter and please reply so I know you have got this email?



Simon Cordell


Re: Re: Simon Cordell

Wednesday, 21/10/2015 - 13:21

On Wednesday, 21/10/2015 - 12:55, Mother <> wrote:

read attached

From: Mother []

Sent: 16/10/2015 - 15:30

To: ' '; ''

Subject: Re: Simon Cordell

Dear Louise Brown and Jackie Gubby

Could you please read the attached letter and please reply so I know you have got this email?



Simon Cordell



Jackie Gubby RE Simon Cordell


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 592,593,594


From: Jackie Gubby []

Sent: 03/11/2015 - 13:03

To: Louise Brown; Mother

Subject: RE: Simon Cordell Complaint [SEC=PROTECT]

Classification: PROTECT

Dear Ms Cordell

I am not aware of any outstanding repairs to your son’s property. The surveyors who attended the inspection reported back that the heating was fully operational, and the detectors are also working.

Mr Cordell can report any new repairs to telephone 0800 40 80 160 - option 1

Yours sincerely

Jackie Gubby

Housing Manager

Tenancy Management

The Edmonton Centre

3644 South Mall Edmonton Green N90TN

Tel: 0800 40 80 160*

Fax: 020 8375 8016


If you are using a mobile, you may find it cheaper

to call our landline number

020 8379 1327

"Enfield Council is committed to serving the whole borough fairly, delivering excellent services and building strong communities."


From: Louise Brown

Sent: 03/11/2015 - 11:16

To: Mother; Jackie Gubby

Subject: RE: Simon Cordell Complaint [SEC=PROTECT]

Classification: PROTECT

Dear Ms Cordell,


Thank you for your email and enquiry regarding your son Simon Cordell tenancy, a full response clearly outlining actions to-date will be sent to

your son Simon Cordell.

Yours sincerely

Louise Brown

Anti-Social Behaviour officer

Community Safety Unit

Regeneration & Environment Department

London Borough of Enfield

W 020 8379 4467



From: Mother []

Sent: 02/11/2015 - 17:38

To: Louise Brown; Jackie Gubby

Subject: Re: Simon Cordell Complaint

Dear Louise Brown and Jackie Gubby

It has been over 10 days since I sent the complaint in due to how my son has been treated.

I have not had 1 reply not even a reply to say you got my email.

I have also left voice messages on Louise Brown phone yet had no calls back.

I did speak to Jackie Gubby and was told I should hear within 10 days about my complaint but have heard nothing.

Also, I would like to take the time to say to Jackie Gubby that jobs are still outstanding on my son's flat.



Simon Cordell


From: Mother [mailto:]

Sent: 16/10/2015 - 15:30

To: ''; ''

Subject: Re: Simon Cordell

Dear Louise Brown and Jackie Gubby

Could you please read the attached letter and please reply so I know you have got this email?



Simon Cordell

Classification: PROTECT

Classification: PROTECT



Mother RE Simon Cordell Complaint


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 621,622,623


From: Mother [mailto:]

Sent: 16/10/2015 - 15:30

To: ''; ''

Subject: Re: Simon Cordell

Dear Louise Brown and Jackie Gubby

Could you please read the attached letter and please reply so I know you have got this email?



Simon Cordell

Classification: PROTECT

Classification: PROTECT

Attachments: Louise Brown Jackie Gubby.doc

Louise Brown I Jackie Gubby,

I have still not had a reply to my complaint to ASB unit dated the 16/10/2015.

Louise Brown your last email was dated the 03/11/2015 where you said you would send a response outlining action to date, this has not happened, and I fill that my complaint is not being dealt with correctly.

Therefore, I would like this to go to stage 2 complaints, as nothing is being done.

Could you please make sure this is handed to the right department that deals with stage 2 complaints? And email me so I know this has been done.



Simon Cordell



From: Louise Brown [mailto:]

Sent: 03/11/2015 - 11:16

To: Mother; Jackie Gubby

Subject: RE: Simon Cordell Complaint [SEC=PROTECT]

Classification: PROTECT

Dear Ms Cordell,

Thank you for your email and enquiry regarding your son Simon Cordell tenancy, a full response clearly

outlining actions to-date will be sent to your son Simon Cordell.

Yours sincerely

Louise Brown

Anti-Social Behaviour officer

Community Safety Unit

Regeneration & Environment Department

London Borough of Enfield

a 020 8379 4467

[81 .uk


From: Mother [mailto:]

Sent: 02/11/2015 - 17:38

To: Louise Brown; Jackie Gubby

Subject: Re: Simon Cordell Complaint

Dear Louise Brown and Jackie Gubby

It has been over 10 days since I sent the complaint in due to how my son has been treated.


I have not had 1 reply not even a reply to say you got my email.

I have also left voice messages on Louise Brown phone yet had no calls back.

I did speak to Jackie Gubby and was told I should hear within 10 days about my complaint but have heard nothing.

Also, I would like to take the time to say to Jackie Gubby that jobs are still outstanding on my son's flat.



Simon Cordell

From: Mother []

Sent: 16/10/2015 - 15:30

To: ''; ''

Subject: Re: Simon Cordell

Dear Louise Brown and Jackie Gubby

Could you please read the attached letter and please reply so I know you have got this email?



Simon Cordell

Classification: PROTECT



Simon Cordell Authority Letter


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 624,625


To whom it may concern:

I am writing this letter to confirm I do give my mother Miss Mother my authority to speak, write, and email, Enfield Council this would include any department within Enfield Council on my behalf.

I agree and give authority that my mother Miss Mother may receive replies to anything that is Witten from her email address to Enfield Council on my behalf.

And also, that if any letters also sent to my address they are also sent to my mother email which is included above.


Simon Cordell



Re Enfield Council Subject Access Request Simon Cordell


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 626,627,628


From: Mother []

Sent: 27/01/2016 - 18:20

To: ''

Subject: Re: Enfield Council Subject Access Request Simon Cordell

Attachments: Simon_Cordell_authority_Letter_26-01-2016.doc; Data-Protection-Request.doc To Whom It May Concern:

Please see attached letters in regard to my Subject Access Request under the Data Protection Act 1998


Mr Simon Cordell

Miss Mother


















Geoffrey Mann Confidential


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 698,699


From: Geoffrey Mann []

Sent: 22/12/2016 - 17:45


Cc: complaints and information

Subject: confidential [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Attachments: COM 1885.pdf

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell

Please find attached a copy of our response to your complaint on behalf of your son.

Yours sincerely

Geoff Mann

Neighbourhood Team Manager

Council Housing

Regeneration and Environment Department

Enfield Council

36-44 South Mall



Tel: 0208 379 8264

Fax: 020 8884 0069


Classification: OFFICIAL





Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 700,701


Enfield Council all Departments where data is held about Mr Simon Cordell

Dear Sir or Madam

Subject access request

Mr Simon Cordell

109 Burncroft Ave




Please supply the information about me I am entitled to under the Data Protection

Act 1998 relating to:

•               All data that is held at Enfield Council all departments, on all systems and any files about me.

•               All audio call files that Enfield Council when Mr Simon Cordell has called or my mother Miss Mother and spoke to anyone. This would include any times the police have called Enfield Council about Mr Simon Cordell.

•               Any Reports of any complaints about Mr Simon Cordell made by any person this would include neighbours, I do understand that due to data protection laws the name and address of the person would need redaction.

•               All police reports submitted to Enfield Council all departments about Mr Simon Cordell.

•               All repair requests held.

•               Any data held about Mr Simon Cordell from Enfield Council ASB Response Team. This would include the reports for the ASBO application the police had with Enfield Council and any minutes held in any meeting about Mr Simon Cordell when the Met Police were applying for the ASBO application.

If you are withholding any information, I have asked for please make me aware of this and the reason as to why the data is being denied.

If you need any more information from me, or a fee, please let me know as soon as possible via email at If this subject Access request needs to go to the data protection Officer at Enfield Council can this be passed over to them.

It may be helpful for you to know that a request for information under the Data Protection Act 1998 should be responded to within 40 days.

If you do not normally deal with these requests, please pass this letter to your Data Protection Officer. If you need advice on dealing with this request, the Information Commissioner's Office can assist you and can be contacted on 0303 123 1113 or at

Yours faithfully

Mr Simon Cordell



Formal Complaint dated


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 702,703,704,705


RE: Formal Complaint dated 24/11 /2016

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter on behalf on my son Simon Cordell of 109 Burncroft Ave, EN3 7 JQ.

Over the past few years my son has been having some issues with his neighbours this started due to what the police wrote about him in the newspapers about an ASBO that was granted by the lower courts in the newspaper the truth was not printed in the newspapers or on the Met Police website, the judge did grant the ASBO order but not on the grounds the police case was for we are still trying to work on how this was done to this day, this was not related to his neighbours why the police took this action it was due to lies by the police, this case is still waiting an appeal hearing at the crown court which will be held Jan 2017.

It was after this was printed in the newspaper and on the met website my son started to have issues with neighbours banging all the time and the way they were treating him and talking about him and not letting him have any rest to sleep due to the banging all the time emails were sent to Enfield Council yet very little was done yet my son has video footage of it which the council has never wanted to see or4 take any reports, this has made his heath suffer, I feel this was due to what the police have been telling Enfield Council and Enfield Council just taking the word of the police without asking my son or myself to explain as since all this started Enfield Council has not wanted to help in any way, could this be due to the colour of my son's skin as I am lost for words that Enfield Council has done nothing to help.

My son has been a tenant for many years now with no complaints about him until this all started above, and things were put in the newspapers for all to see when my son had done nothing wrong and will prove this at his appeal in Jan 2017.

The police do not like my son and have not for the past 21 years and there is a lot of issues that Enfield Council is not aware of about the police and my son this is getting addressed with the I PCC and police complaints, and we are now sorting out legal action as to what this has done to our life's over the years this has been ongoing the legal action is taking time due to how long this has been ongoing with the police.

There is also a subject access request attached to this email which I am asking for everything Enfield Council hold information about in regard to my son, this will also include any police reports that the police have handed to Enfield Council. If this needs to be handed to the correct department to deal with this or there is a cost pleases advice via this email, I have also included a letter of authority from my son so I can act on his behalf.

I do already know there is data being held by Enfield Council that is not correct and I want to be able to get this correct under the data protection act.

On the 14/08/2016 my son had some friends round to his home they came there at around 13:30 hours, after they left the police showed up at his address to arrest him this was due to one of the neighbours said my son had gone out in his garden at 17:10 hours looked up at her windows and made threats to kill, this person lives 3 gardens down from my son on the 2 floor at 105 Burncroft Ave EN3 7 JQ, this is imposable as my son did not go out in his garden he was with his 4 friends and there baby in his home all day and videos were taken while they were at his flat, his friends have made statements to say this as they did not leave his flat until around 18:15 hours, not long before the police came to my son's home. I Miss L Cordell even went around his flat as he needed some things. In fact, my son does not go out of his home, and this has been for some time now due to how he is being treated.

When he was arrested on the 14/08/2016 my son was held in the police station sectioned under the mental health act and could not be interviewed so was put on bail until the 04/10/2016 when he was due to go back to the police station to be interviewed.

On the 04/10/2016 my son was getting ready at his home for me to pick him up for the bail to return, when I got a phone call from my son to say the police was again at his flat to arrest him this was around 1 hour before he was due to be at the police station, I went to his flat and was told by the police they wanted to arrest him I told them he was getting ready to go to the police station for a bail to return, the police again arrested my son for criminal damage due to something his neighbour said who lives above him, but he had not been out of his home he was in fact in the bath when the police came to his home.

Both cases for the 14/08/2016 and the 04/10/2016 were dropped by the CPS this was done on the

15/11/2016 with no case to answer towards my son, yet my son was victimised and had false accusations put against his name and arrested.

My son is scared to go home due to what the neighbours are doing and saying and putting false allegations into the police, it seems they really don't want him to live there and will do anything they can to get him out.

On the 16/11/2016 I tried to speak to my son's housing officer Sarah Fletcher to see what could be done and update her to what was ongoing her phone was set to do not disturb so I asked for an email to be sent over for her to call me as a matter of emergency, no one returned a call back to me.

Since the 16/11/2016 I have been calling every day to speak to Sarah Fletcher her phone is always set to do not disturb and I have asked for emails to be sent every day for her to call me back as a matter of emergency, I even asked to speak to her manager or any person in their team but it seems all their phones are set to do not disturb so I asked for emails to be sent for a call back, no one called me back. I was also told that the police had been in contact with the council and that Sarah Fletcher would talk to me about this when she called this was on the 21/11/2016 and I was told that Sarah Fletcher would 100°/o call me that day.

On the 22/11/2016 I went to my son's home and there was a letter from Sarah Fletcher dated the

18/11/2016 which was to do with 1 CCTV camera my son has outside his front door, this CCTV camera does not impose on any person's rights, it does not show any person's front door who lives in the block or windows. In fact, on the 14/08/2016 when the police went to my son's flat to arrest him when they noticed the CCTV camera, they ripped the wire out and since this time it has not worked this is also getting address with the police. In the letter Sarah Fletcher said the CCTV camera had to be removed by the 25/11/2016 or Enfield Council would remove the CCTV camera and costs would be charged to my son for any repairs which there is none. At seeing the letter, I was upset as it seemed Sarah Fletcher could take the time to write this letter but not call me when each email that was sent said it's a matter of emergency, I speak to her.

I tried to call and again like each other time I call it takes an hour or over to be able to speak to anyone, due to being busy I had to cut off to leave my son's flat and was going to call again later.

When I got home, I showed my son the letter from Sarah Fletcher he himself was upset for some reason as me that she could take time to write this letter but not call us back. So, he then called this time he did get to speak to Sarah Fletcher and yes, he was upset due to what has been going on and said many times he was upset that she had not called, and they spoke about the CCTV camera which my son said he wants to appeal it having to be taken down. They also spoke about my son being moved out of his flat to a new place, Sarah Fletcher replied she cannot do anything to do that and the only way for him to move was by way of housing moves and he should sign up to that and nothing else can be done. My son did not explain fully as he was really upset. Sarah Fletcher also said that there had been complaints put in about my son but said it not the right time to address this and that would be addressed at a next time, so it seems that Enfield Council does address complaints from other people but not my son or on behalf of my son, as I am still waiting for replies to complaints that were put in 2014 and 2015 about my son's neighbours.

After my son spoke to her he passed me the phone, I asked why she had not called me back and was told that it not my tenancy, which I replied there has already been sent a letter of authority sent to Enfield Council some time back I believe it was maybe between 2013 to 2015 this was sent there was more than one of them sent which I can prove as they were sent via emails which I still have, which gives me Miss Mother authority to deal and speak to anyone at Enfield Council on behalf of my son and it would be on their systems as it was emailed and I knew they had it. My son at this in the background also said I have authority to deal and speak to anyone at Enfield Council and it's on their systems.

Due to my son speaking in the background I went to a next room to speak; my son came into the room and was going on about writing the letter of complaint about what had been going on and that she could end up losing her job if she did not deal with this correctly. It was at this Sarah Fletcher said she could no longer talk to me that my son had made threats towards her and told me to put it in writing what I wanted to say put the phone down.

I feel at this time Enfield Council is doing nothing to help my son they don't even want to speak to me so I can explain fully what is going on. My son is under the early intervention team, and they are willing to help my son get moved as they themselves have seen what is going on. They would do this by way of writing a letter to Enfield council if asked to do so by Enfield Council.

•               I would like to speak to someone as this cannot be left like this and my son is suffering due to all of this. My contact number is 0000

•               I would like to find out if Enfield Council is willing to move my son due to the reasons in this letter and the help of the early intervention team.

•               I would also like full dates and times that my son's neighbours have put any complaints in and what they have said he has done and on what date.

•               I would a full report of any police reports that have been given to Enfield Council by the police about my son.

•               I would like information as to how to appeal about removing my CCTV camera and be allowed not to remove it until this appeal has happened, as so far this is the only thing that has proven my son has done nothing wrong.


Miss Mother Mr Simon Cordell


Re: Simon Cordell

People that have been copied into these letters are below

Joan Ryan MP for Enfield

Joan Ryan MP for Enfield

Mr Rob Leak Chief Executive Enfield Council

Mr Ray James Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care

Ms Sally McTernan assistant Director Community Housing Services

Sarah Fletcher Sarah Housing Officer

Jackie Gubby Housing officer



Letter to Council Dated


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 706,707


Re: Formal Complaint 08/12/12/016

To Whom It May Concern:

I am once again writing an email to all the above in the hope something will be able to be done.

I know Formal Complaints are ongoing regarding letters written on the 24/11 /2016 and 05/12/2016 but I feel I have known option but to again write a new Formal Complaints dated 08/12/2016

The last time we spoke to someone regarding moving my son was on the 22/11 /2016 after calling with no call back from Sarah Fletcher, or her manager or anyone else in her team since 16/11/2016 sometimes calling up to 3 times a day. (All their lines are set to do not disturb) this has not changed, and I still am making calls to try and address this issue with no one calling me back.

My son is having a nightmare in his flat since he moved back there he does not leave his flat and has not since he returned there, once again the neighbours have started since he moved back in with the noise, the banging the intimidation, my son heath is suffering and this is not acceptable that nothing is being done he not being let alone to be able to sleep and being kept up all night and, in the day, due to what the neighbours are doing.

I do not see why no one is addressing this and I have not had one phone call to address this issue do not know what is going on and my son is left to suffer.

It should not matter that Formal Complaints are ongoing I should at least be able to talk to someone or get someone to call me back with an update as to if anything is going on to move my son.

When I get letters or calls or emails, I do not just do nothing I reply to the letters but it seems Enfield Council is doing nothing to address the under-laying issue of what has been ongoing since 2014 with my son's neighbours and what they are doing to him.

It does not seem to matter that my son's heath is suffering due to this and has been for some time due to not being able to sleep. It seems that Enfield Council is happy that the neighbours are doing this to my son with nothing being done.

I would like someone to email me via with what is being done to help my son, I would like an update today as so far, I think I have waited long enough to get an update as to what is being done to address this issue if anything at all.


Miss Mother

Mr Simon Cordell


Re: Simon Cordell

People that have been copied into these letters are below

Joan Ryan MP for Enfield

Joan Ryan MP for Enfield

Mr Rob Leak Chief Executive Enfield Council

Mr Ray James Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care

Ms Sally McTernan assistant Director Community Housing Services

Sarah Fletcher Sarah Housing Officer

Jackie Gubby Housing officer

Lemmy Nwabuisi: ASB Team

Daniel Ellis Complaints & Access to Information Officer





Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 708,709,710,711


Re: Formal Complaint due to letter dated 29/11 /2016 this Formal Complaint is to be added to the Formal Complaint dated 24/08/2016

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi and any other person who is copied in this letter.

I am writing this letter on behalf of Mr Simon Cordell of 109 Burncroft Ave, EN3 7 JQ regarding the letter you wrote dated the 29/11/2016 which was received on the 01/12/2016

I am not sure if you are aware there is an ongoing formal complaint that is being addressed by Mr Daniel Ellis from Complaints & Access to Information Team which addresses some of the information you have included into your letter, but I will be covering points in this reply and also forwarding it to the people it needs to be addressed to.

The 1st point I will address is the meeting you have set up for Mr Simon Cordell on the 06/12/2016 at 14:00 hours at Enfield Civic Centre.

I do not believe that it is justified to hold this meeting before the formal complaint is dealt with as stated many points in your letter has been covered in my formal complaint dated 24/11/2016 also until I have the subject access request information dealt with and have a list of dates and times these so-called complaints were meant to have taken place and the reports from police that have been sent to Enfield Council I do not think holding this meeting would be appropriate.

I have spoken to my solicitor in regards to this matter and on advice taken from him he has told me to give limited information until I have the subject access request, this is why my formal complaint did not have full information in it as my solicitor does believe we have a case to take legal action, and if any data is withheld as it was when I requested my last subject access request for all my information I will have to take this up with the ICO.

However, it does seem there is more injustice going on within the ASB unit and Enfield Council then I had proof of before you wrote your letter dated 29/11/2016 There has been complaints put into Enfield council since 2014 about Mr Simon Cordell's neighbours and what they were doing to him, Enfield Council and ASB unit took the option and done nothing, not even replied to my complaints, took no reports, and did not even looked at the video footage Mr Simon Cordell has of the noise, the banging the intimidation my son has taken from his neighbours, and the way they are doing all they can to get Mr Simon Cordell to move, the way he has been treated by Enfield Council by way of Enfield Council doing nothing to help him. You have been told many times the effect this is having on Mr Simon Cordell's heath yet still choose to do nothing.

Yet as soon as Enfield Council gets reports against Mr Simon Cordell you are willing to address these complaints. Once again, I will say I feel this is due to reports the police have put in to Enfield Council about Mr Simon Cordell, Meetings that took place with the Met police and Enfield council in regards to Mr Simon Cordell which Mr Simon Cordell knew nothing about until after the fact, and the colour of Mr Simon Cordell skin, why Enfield council have done nothing to address any issue Mr Simon Cordell was having with his neighbours regarding what his neighbours was doing to him.

Mr Simon Cordell has had his own place since 1999 and was housed by Enfield Council in 109 Burncroft Ave, Enfield, Middlesex, EN3 7 JQ I believe in 2006 due to a fire that happened in his flat before this address, in this time Mr Simon Cordell had no complaints put in about him until now 2016

You have written in your letter multiple things to be addressed which Mr Simon Cordell was meant to have done.

"Include using threatening, abusive and insulting words and language, aggressively demanding money, intimidation and making threats towards your neighbours. It is also alleged that on 04/10/2016 you banged on your ceiling, and you later started to bang and kick at your neighbour's door. It is alleged that you were very aggressive and was shouting through your neighbour's door and that you then proceeded to drag his motorbike from where it was parked and started to smash it up".

At this point I will only say the above is untrue, once I have the information including all dates, times and complaints in order from my subject access request it will be at this time I will address each point of concern above.

You have also stated:

"It is also alleged that your dogs are left by themselves all day and night barking and causing noise disturbances to your neighbours".

Mr Simon Cordell has had one dog only at his flat, when Mr Simon Cordell was housed in 1999, he had a dog, no complaints were ever put in re Mr Simon Cordell dog being left by herself all day and night barking and causing noise disturbances to neighbours and being neglected.

When Mr Simon Cordell was moved into 109 Burncroft Ave, Enfield, Middlesex, EN3 7JQ I believe in 2006 he had the same dog, when she passed away in 2007 he got a new dog same bred and since 2006 there has been no complaints by neighbours of Mr Simon Cordell leaving her alone all day and night or her barking all night and all day and him not looking after her and neglecting her, and her causing noise disturbances to his neighbours. Mr Simon Cordell does not leave his dog all day and night she is always looked after, if Mr Simon Cordell is not going to be there overnight or for a long time during the day then the family look after the dog. So how someone can say she is left alone is beyond me.

Mr Simon Cordell's dog is looked after very well she has never been left all day and all night alone, and I feel very angry any person could ever say Mr Simon Cordell has ever mistreated and neglected his dog he is an animal lover as all our family are and we would never mistreat or neglected any animal.

Once again it seems beyond belief Mr Simon Cordell has had his dog and no complaints has been put in by any neighbours about the way my son allegedly mistreats and neglects his dog since 2006 until now 2016

It seems totally unbelievable my son could have his dog for so many years with not one complaint of mistreatment and neglect and now all of a sudden in 2016 my son mistreats and neglect his dog leaves her alone all day and night with the dog only now in 2016 causing noise disturbances to his neighbours. You can take that how it reads as I am so angry right now that any person could say the dog is mistreated and neglected, she is always cared for and loved and not left alone all day and night barking and making noise.

In fact, the dog that lives a few rows up barks more and makes more noise than Mr Simon Cordell dog does its always barking and making a noise so does this mean they are going to have action taken against them?

My son's dog only as a rule bark when someone comes into the building to Mr Simon Cordell front door and this is only for a short time until the door is opened for them, there is also the fact Mr Simon Cordell does not have many people at his flat the main people are his family, so his dog hardly barks at all.

Mr Simon Cordell for the last 3 years does not even go out of his flat any longer due to what has been going on, he once in a while goes across to the shop but that is not often at all and only when the family cannot get what he needs as they are busy. If Mr Simon Cordell has to go out for a meeting, he always has someone with him it has become this way due to how he has been treated by the Met police.

You have also stated:

"Your neighbours have also alleged that you have installed a CCTV in the communal area with the camera pointing towards the main entrance to the block thereby making them to feel very uncomfortable when entering and leaving the block. Your neighbours have alleged that this is an invasion of their privacy".

I have already put an appeal in my formal complaint dated the 24/11/2016 in regard to the CCTV and I am awaiting a reply as to what information I need and how I address the appeal. I will say that the CCTV is for security, but so far has protected me due to malicious information that has been passed to people, but it was not installed for that reason but has helped in this the main reason it was installed was due to security.

But since the 14/08/2016 when the police themselves damaged the CCTV camera due to what they were doing to Mr Simon Cordell, it has not worked. So, at this time there is no CCTV in operation in the communal area of the block the only CCTV that is operational at this time is the ones inside Mr Simon Cordell flat itself. When Mr Simon Cordell was on a phone call to Sarah Fletcher on the 22/11/2016 she did say if the CCTV camera was facing Mr Simon Cordell's front door there would be no problem with that this is at this time being acted on.

It also seems that this complaint has come in very late as if any neighbours felt that this was an invasion of their privacy why was this not acted on in 2013 when it was installed? Why has it taken them until 2016 to say they feel this is an invasion of their privacy?

In fact, I feel it has protected Mr Simon Cordell's neighbours there has been crime in the area and many break ins within the housing estate where everyone lives, yet not one person has been affected in the block Mr Simon Cordell lives in by crime and I believe this is due to the CCTV being there, and if anything happened to any of the neighbours in the block the police could obtain a copy. The CCTV camera does not show any neighbours living in the block, front doors or windows. And only showed part of the ground floor communal area leading up to Mr Simon Cordell's own front door.

It also makes us feel the only reason that the neighbours have now said about the CCTV is due to what they are trying to say about Mr Simon Cordell in these complaints, I feel that at this time the CCTV is the thing that protected Mr Simon Cordell against what the neighbours have alleged, why else would it have taken them over 3 years to say they now felt it was an invasion of their privacy?

As said in my formal complaint the police don't like Mr Simon Cordell and this has been for many years when the police go to Mr Simon Cordell flat, he feels safer that the CCTV is there as it shows what the police are doing to Mr Simon Cordell so makes him feel safer, has the police put a report in about the CCTV camera also?

As stated these allegations are very serious and I would like them addressed as soon as possible but until I have the information I have asked for so know what dates and times these complaints were put in I feel that Enfield council is only taking one side to this and that is the neighbours, as since 2014 all my calls and emails and letter about my complaints re the neighbours Enfield Council has done nothing to help me or Mr Simon Cordell address this.

Mr Simon Cordell feels he has no option left to him but to move away from his home due to what has been ongoing for a long time with no one addressing it. He feels that is the only way he will feel safe again from what the neighbours are doing to him, yet Enfield Council have said they will do nothing about this to help him and while this is ongoing it is affecting his heath more and more.

Mr Daniel Ellis has said that my formal complaint should be addressed by the 14/12/2016 but is trying to compete this sooner, he has been told that no one within Enfield Council is addressing moving Mr Simon Cordell to a new address and this needs acting on as soon as possible as what is going on cannot be left with nothing being done as this is making Mr Simon Cordell's life hell living in fear, and so far I believe no one within Enfield Council is addressing moving Mr Simon Cordell to a new place, this is unacceptable by any means for Enfield Council not to be addressing this issue, I have made many calls and not one person has called me back to gather information or give me an update if anything is being done about addressing a move for Mr Cordell, so from what I can see once again Enfield Council is not acting in an appropriate manner.

I also believe when I get the information from the subject access request which can take up to 40 days this will incur more issues and I believe there will be data that needs to be corrected which Enfield Council holds on Mr Simon Cordell, as under the data protection act data which is held has to be 100°/o accurate, I also believe it will help to clear up much information that you have included in your letter.

I have also asked that any letters sent to Mr Simon Cordell are also sent to Miss Mother this was included in my email with the attached letters dated 24/11/2016 this has not been done with your letter why?

I would be most grateful if you could reply to this letter also including myself Miss Mother this can be done via my email or my address which is included in the letters dated 24/11/2016


Miss Mother

Mr Simon Cordell


Re: Simon Cordell

People that have been copied into these letters are below

Joan Ryan MP for Enfield

Joan Ryan MP for Enfield

Mr Rob Leak Chief Executive Enfield Council

Mr Ray James Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care

Ms Sally McTernan assistant Director Community Housing Services

Sarah Fletcher Sarah Housing Officer

Jackie Gubby Housing officer

Lemmy Nwabuisi: ASB Team

Daniel Ellis Complaints & Access to Information Officer





Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 712,713


Enfield Council all Departments where data is held about Mr Simon Cordell

Dear Sir or Madam

Subject access request

Mr Simon Cordell

109 Burncroft Ave




Please supply the information about me I am entitled to under the Data Protection

Act 1998 relating to:

•               All data that is held at Enfield Council all departments, on all systems and any files about me.

•               All audio call files that Enfield Council when Mr Simon Cordell has called or my mother Miss Mother and spoke to anyone. This would include any times the police have called Enfield Council about Mr Simon Cordell.

•               Any Reports of any complaints about Mr Simon Cordell made by any person this would include neighbours, I do understand that due to data protection laws the name and address of the person would need redaction.

•               All police reports submitted to Enfield Council all departments about Mr Simon Cordell.

•               All repair requests held.

•               Any data held about Mr Simon Cordell from Enfield Council ASB Response Team. This would include the reports for the ASBO application the police had with Enfield Council and any minutes held in any meeting about Mr Simon Cordell when the Met Police were applying for the ASBO application.

If you are withholding any information, I have asked for please make me aware of this and the reason as to why the data is being denied.

If you need any more information from me, or a fee, please let me know as soon as possible via email at If this subject Access request needs to go to the data protection Officer at Enfield Council can this be passed over to them.

It may be helpful for you to know that a request for information under the Data Protection Act 1998 should be responded to within 40 days.

If you do not normally deal with these requests, please pass this letter to your Data Protection Officer. If you need advice on dealing with this request, the Information Commissioner's Office can assist you and can be contacted on 0303 123 1113 or at

If you need any more information from me, or a fee, please let me know as soon as possible via email at If this subject Access request needs to go to the data protection Officer at Enfield Council can this be passed over to them.

It may be helpful for you to know that a request for information under the Data Protection Act 1998 should be responded to within 40 days.

If you do not normally deal with these requests, please pass this letter to your Data Protection Officer. If you need advice on dealing with this request, the Information Commissioner's Office can assist you and can be contacted on 0303 123 1113 or at

Mr Simon Cordell



Formal Complaint dated


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 714,715,716,717


RE: Formal Complaint dated 24/11/2016

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter on behalf on my son Simon Cordell of 109 Burncroft Ave, EN3 7 JQ.

Over the past few years my son has been having some issues with his neighbours this started due to what the police wrote about him in the newspapers about an ASBO that was granted by the lower courts in the newspaper the truth was not printed in the newspapers or on the Met Police website, the judge did grant the ASBO order but not on the grounds the police case was for we are still trying to work on how this was done to this day, this was not related to his neighbours why the police took this action it was due to lies by the police, this case is still waiting an appeal hearing at the crown court which will be held Jan 2017

It was after this was printed in the newspaper and on the met website my son started to have issues with neighbours banging all the time and the way they were treating him and talking about him and not letting him have any rest to sleep due to the banging all the time emails were sent to Enfield Council yet very little was done yet my son has video footage of it which the council has never wanted to see or4 take any reports, this has made his heath suffer, I feel this was due to what the police have been telling Enfield Council and Enfield Council just taking the word of the police without asking my son or myself to explain as since all this started Enfield Council has not wanted to help in any way, could this be due to the colour of my son's skin as I am lost for words that Enfield Council has done nothing to help.

My son has been a tenant for many years now with no complaints about him until this all started above, and things were put in the newspapers for all to see when my son had done nothing wrong and will prove this at his appeal in Jan 2017

The police do not like my son and have not for the past 21 years and there is a lot of issues that Enfield Council is not aware of about the police and my son this is getting addressed with the I PCC and police complaints, and we are now sorting out legal action as to what this has done to our life's over the years this has been ongoing the legal action is taking time due to how long this has been ongoing with the police.

There is also a subject access request attached to this email which I am asking for everything Enfield Council hold information about in regard to my son, this will also include any police reports that the police have handed to Enfield Council. If this needs to be handed to the correct department to deal with this or there is a cost pleases advice via this email, I have also included a letter of authority from my son so I can act on his behalf.

I do already know there is data being held by Enfield Council that is not correct and I want to be able to get this correct under the data protection act.

On the 14/08/2016 my son had some friends round to his home they came there at around 13:30 hours, after they left the police showed up at his address to arrest him this was due to one of the neighbours said my son had gone out in his garden at 17:10 hours looked up at her windows and made threats to kill, this person lives 3 gardens down from my son on the 2 floor at 105 Burncroft Ave EN3 7 JQ, this is imposable as my son did not go out in his garden he was with his 4 friends and there baby in his home all day and videos were taken while they were at his flat, his friends have made statements to say this as they did not leave his flat until around 18:15 hours, not long before the police came to my son's home. I Miss L Cordell even went around his flat as he needed some things. In fact, my son does not go out of his home, and this has been for some time now due to how he is being treated.

When he was arrested on the 14/08/2016 my son was held in the police station sectioned under the mental health act and could not be interviewed so was put on bail until the 04/10/2016 when he was due to go back to the police station to be interviewed.

On the 04/10/2016 my son was getting ready at his home for me to pick him up for the bail to return, when I got a phone call from my son to say the police was again at his flat to arrest him this was around 1 hour before he was due to be at the police station, I went to his flat and was told by the police they wanted to arrest him I told them he was getting ready to go to the police station for a bail to return, the police again arrested my son for criminal damage due to something his neighbour said who lives above him, but he had not been out of his home he was in fact in the bath when the police came to his home.

Both cases for the 14/08/2016 and the 04/10/2016 were dropped by the CPS this was done on the

15/11/2016 with no case to answer towards my son, yet my son was victimised and had false accusations put against his name and arrested.

My son is scared to go home due to what the neighbours are doing and saying and putting false allegations into the police, it seems they really don't want him to live there and will do anything they can to get him out.

On the 16/11/2016 I tried to speak to my son's housing officer Sarah Fletcher to see what could be done and update her to what was ongoing her phone was set to do not disturb so I asked for an email to be sent over for her to call me as a matter of emergency, no one returned a call back to me.

Since the 16/11/2016 I have been calling every day to speak to Sarah Fletcher her phone is always set to do not disturb and I have asked for emails to be sent every day for her to call me back as a matter of emergency, I even asked to speak to her manager or any person in their team but it seems all their phones are set to do not disturb so I asked for emails to be sent for a call back, no one called me back. I was also told that the police had been in contact with the council and that Sarah Fletcher would talk to me about this when she called this was on the 21/11 /2016 and I was told that Sarah Fletcher would 100°/o call me that day.

On the 22/11 /2016 I went to my son's home and there was a letter from Sarah Fletcher dated the

18/11 /2016 which was to do with 1 CCTV camera my son has outside his front door, this CCTV camera does not impose on any person's rights, it does not show any person's front door who lives in the block or windows. In fact, on the 14/08/2016 when the police went to my son's flat to arrest him when they noticed the CCTV camera, they ripped the wire out and since this time it has not worked this is also getting address with the police. In the letter Sarah Fletcher said the CCTV camera had to be removed by the 25/11/2016 or Enfield Council would remove the CCTV camera and costs would be charged to my son for any repairs which there is none. At seeing the letter, I was upset as it seemed Sarah Fletcher could take the time to write this letter but not call me when each email that was sent said it's a matter of emergency, I speak to her.

I tried to call and again like each other time I call it takes an hour or over to be able to speak to anyone, due to being busy I had to cut off to leave my son's flat and was going to call again later.

When I got home, I showed my son the letter from Sarah Fletcher he himself was upset for some reason as me that she could take time to write this letter but not call us back. So, he then called this time he did get to speak to Sarah Fletcher and yes, he was upset due to what has been going on and said many times he was upset that she had not called, and they spoke about the CCTV camera which my son said he wants to appeal it having to be taken down. They also spoke about my son being moved out of his flat to a new place, Sarah Fletcher replied she cannot do anything to do that and the only way for him to move was by way of housing moves and he should sign up to that and nothing else can be done. My son did not explain fully as he was really upset. Sarah Fletcher also said that there had been complaints put in about my son but said it not the right time to address this and that would be addressed at a next time, so it seems that Enfield Council does address complaints from other people but not my son or on behalf of my son, as I am still waiting for replies to complaints that were put in 2014 and 2015 about my son's neighbours.

After my son spoke to her he passed me the phone, I asked why she had not called me back and was told that it not my tenancy, which I replied there has already been sent a letter of authority sent to Enfield Council some time back I believe it was maybe between 2013 to 2015 this was sent there was more than one of them sent which I can prove as they were sent via emails which I still have, which gives me Miss Mother authority to deal and speak to anyone at Enfield Council on behalf of my son and it would be on their systems as it was emailed and I knew they had it. My son at this in the background also said I have authority to deal and speak to anyone at Enfield Council and it's on their systems.

Due to my son speaking in the background I went to a next room to speak; my son came into the room and was going on about writing the letter of complaint about what had been going on and that she could end up losing her job if she did not deal with this correctly. It was at this Sarah Fletcher said she could no longer talk to me that my son had made threats towards her and told me to put it in writing what I wanted to say put the phone down.

I feel at this time Enfield Council is doing nothing to help my son they don't even want to speak to me so I can explain fully what is going on. My son is under the early intervention team, and they are willing to help my son get moved as they themselves have seen what is going on. They would do this by way of writing a letter to Enfield council if asked to do so by Enfield Council.

•               I would like to speak to someone as this cannot be left like this and my son is suffering due to all of this. My contact number is 000

•               I would like to find out if Enfield Council is willing to move my son due to the reasons in this letter and the help of the early intervention team.

•               I would also like full dates and times that my son's neighbours have put any complaints in and what they have said he has done and on what date.

•               I would a full report of any police reports that have been given to Enfield Council by the police about my son.

•               I would like information as to how to appeal about removing my CCTV camera and be allowed not to remove it until this appeal has happened, as so far this is the only thing that has proven my son has done nothing wrong.


Miss Mother Mr Simon Cordell


Re: Simon Cordell

People that have been copied into these letters are below

Joan Ryan MP for Enfield

Joan Ryan MP for Enfield

Mr Rob Leak Chief Executive Enfield Council

Mr Ray James Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care

Ms Sally McTernan assistant Director Community Housing Services

Sarah Fletcher Sarah Housing Officer

Jackie Gubby Housing officer

Lemmy Nwabuisi: ASB Team

Daniel Ellis Complaints & Access to Information Officer



Formal Complaint dated


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 718,719,720,721


RE: Formal Complaint dated 24/11/2016

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter on behalf on my son Simon Cordell of 109 Burncroft Ave, EN3 7 JQ.

Over the past few years my son has been having some issues with his neighbours this started due to what the police wrote about him in the newspapers about an ASBO that was granted by the lower courts in the newspaper the truth was not printed in the newspapers or on the Met Police website, the judge did grant the ASBO order but not on the grounds the police case was for we are still trying to work on how this was done to this day, this was not related to his neighbours why the police took this action it was due to lies by the police, this case is still waiting an appeal hearing at the crown court which will be held Jan 2017

It was after this was printed in the newspaper and on the met website my son started to have issues with neighbours banging all the time and the way they were treating him and talking about him and not letting him have any rest to sleep due to the banging all the time emails were sent to Enfield Council yet very little was done yet my son has video footage of it which the council has never wanted to see or take any reports, this has made his heath suffer, I feel this was due to what the police have been telling Enfield Council and Enfield Council just taking the word of the police without asking my son or myself to explain as since all this started Enfield Council has not wanted to help in any way, could this be due to the colour of my son's skin as I am lost for words that Enfield Council has done nothing to help.

My son has been a tenant for many years now with no complaints about him until this all started above, and things were put in the newspapers for all to see when my son had done nothing wrong and will prove this at his appeal in Jan 2017

The police do not like my son and have not for the past 21 years and there is a lot of issues that Enfield Council is not aware of about the police and my son this is getting addressed with the I PCC and police complaints, and we are now sorting out legal action as to what this has done to our life's over the years this has been ongoing the legal action is taking time due to how long this has been ongoing with the police.

There is also a subject access request attached to this email which I am asking for everything Enfield Council hold information about in regard to my son, this will also include any police reports that the police have handed to Enfield Council. If this needs to be handed to the correct department to deal with this or there is a cost pleases advice via this email, I have also included a letter of authority from my son so I can act on his behalf.

I do already know there is data being held by Enfield Council that is not correct and I want to be able to get this correct under the data protection act.

On the 14/08/2016 my son had some friends round to his home they came there at around 13:30 hours, after they left the police showed up at his address to arrest him this was due to one of the neighbours said my son had gone out in his garden at 17:10 hours looked up at her windows and made threats to kill, this person lives 3 gardens down from my son on the 2 floor at 105 Burncroft Ave EN3 7 JQ, this is imposable as my son did not go out in his garden he was with his 4 friends and there baby in his home all day and videos were taken while they were at his flat, his friends have made statements to say this as they did not leave his flat until around 18:15 hours, not long before the police came to my son's home. I Miss L Cordell even went around his flat as he needed some things. In fact, my son does not go out of his home, and this has been for some time now due to how he is being treated.

When he was arrested on the 14/08/2016 my son was held in the police station sectioned under the mental health act and could not be interviewed so was put on bail until the 04/10/2016 when he was due to go back to the police station to be interviewed.

On the 04/10/2016 my son was getting ready at his home for me to pick him up for the bail to return, when I got a phone call from my son to say the police was again at his flat to arrest him this was around 1 hour before he was due to be at the police station, I went to his flat and was told by the police they wanted to arrest him I told them he was getting ready to go to the police station for a bail to return, the police again arrested my son for criminal damage due to something his neighbour said who lives above him, but he had not been out of his home he was in fact in the bath when the police came to his home.

Both cases for the 14/08/2016 and the 04/10/2016 were dropped by the CPS this was done on the

15/11/2016 with no case to answer towards my son, yet my son was victimised and had false accusations put against his name and arrested.

My son is scared to go home due to what the neighbours are doing and saying and putting false allegations into the police, it seems they really don't want him to live there and will do anything they can to get him out.

On the 16/11/2016 I tried to speak to my son's housing officer Sarah Fletcher to see what could be done and update her to what was ongoing her phone was set to do not disturb so I asked for an email to be sent over for her to call me as a matter of emergency, no one returned a call back to me.

Since the 16/11/2016 I have been calling every day to speak to Sarah Fletcher her phone is always set to do not disturb and I have asked for emails to be sent every day for her to call me back as a matter of emergency, I even asked to speak to her manager or any person in their team but it seems all their phones are set to do not disturb so I asked for emails to be sent for a call back, no one called me back. I was also told that the police had been in contact with the council and that Sarah Fletcher would talk to me about this when she called this was on the 21/11/2016 and I was told that Sarah Fletcher would 100°/o call me that day.

On the 22/11/2016 I went to my son's home and there was a letter from Sarah Fletcher dated the

18/11/2016 which was to do with 1 CCTV camera my son has outside his front door, this CCTV camera does not impose on any person's rights, it does not show any person's front door who lives in the block or windows. In fact, on the 14/08/2016 when the police went to my son's flat to arrest him when they noticed the CCTV camera, they ripped the wire out and since this time it has not worked this is also getting address with the police. In the letter Sarah Fletcher said the CCTV camera had to be removed by the 25/11/2016 or Enfield Council would remove the CCTV camera and costs would be charged to my son for any repairs which there is none. At seeing the letter, I was upset as it seemed Sarah Fletcher could take the time to write this letter but not call me when each email that was sent said it's a matter of emergency, I speak to her.

I tried to call and again like each other time I call it takes an hour or over to be able to speak to anyone, due to being busy I had to cut off to leave my son's flat and was going to call again later.

When I got home, I showed my son the letter from Sarah Fletcher he himself was upset for some reason as me that she could take time to write this letter but not call us back. So, he then called this time he did get to speak to Sarah Fletcher and yes, he was upset due to what has been going on and said many times he was upset that she had not called, and they spoke about the CCTV camera which my son said he wants to appeal it having to be taken down. They also spoke about my son being moved out of his flat to a new place, Sarah Fletcher replied she cannot do anything to do that and the only way for him to move was by way of housing moves and he should sign up to that and nothing else can be done. My son did not explain fully as he was really upset. Sarah Fletcher also said that there had been complaints put in about my son but said it not the right time to address this and that would be addressed at a next time, so it seems that Enfield Council does address complaints from other people but not my son or on behalf of my son, as I am still waiting for replies to complaints that were put in 2014 and 2015 about my son's neighbours.

After my son spoke to her he passed me the phone, I asked why she had not called me back and was told that it not my tenancy, which I replied there has already been sent a letter of authority sent to Enfield Council some time back I believe it was maybe between 2013 to 2015 this was sent there was more than one of them sent which I can prove as they were sent via emails which I still have, which gives me Miss Mother authority to deal and speak to anyone at Enfield Council on behalf of my son and it would be on their systems as it was emailed and I knew they had it. My son at this in the background also said I have authority to deal and speak to anyone at Enfield Council and it's on their systems.

Due to my son speaking in the background I went to a next room to speak; my son came into the room and was going on about writing the letter of complaint about what had been going on and that she could end up losing her job if she did not deal with this correctly. It was at this Sarah Fletcher said she could no longer talk to me that my son had made threats towards her and told me to put it in writing what I wanted to say put the phone down.

I feel at this time Enfield Council is doing nothing to help my son they don't even want to speak to me so I can explain fully what is going on. My son is under the early intervention team, and they are willing to help my son get moved as they themselves have seen what is going on. They would do this by way of writing a letter to Enfield council if asked to do so by Enfield Council.

•               I would like to speak to someone as this cannot be left like this and my son is suffering due to all of this. My contact number is 000

•               I would like to find out if Enfield Council is willing to move my son due to the reasons in this letter and the help of the early intervention team.

•               I would also like full dates and times that my son's neighbours have put any complaints in and what they have said he has done and on what date.

•               I would a full report of any police reports that have been given to Enfield Council by the police about my son.

•               I would like information as to how to appeal about removing my CCTV camera and be allowed not to remove it until this appeal has happened, as so far this is the only thing that has proven my son has done nothing wrong.


Miss Mother Mr Simon Cordell


Re: Simon Cordell

People that have been copied into these letters are below

Joan Ryan MP for Enfield

Joan Ryan MP for Enfield

Mr Rob Leak Chief Executive Enfield Council

Mr Ray James Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care

Ms Sally McTernan assistant Director Community Housing Services

Sarah Fletcher Sarah Housing Officer

Jackie Gubby Housing officer

Lemmy Nwabuisi: ASB Team

Daniel Ellis Complaints & Access to Information Officer



Simon Cordell Authority Letter


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 722


RE: Letter of Authority for my mother Miss Mother dated 24/11/2016

To whom it may concern:

I am writing this letter to confirm I do give my mother Miss Mother my authority to speak to anyone at Enfield Council on any matters that relate to me and also obtain any information that is held about me by Enfield Council this authority will be granted for the whole of Enfield Council and all departments, any letters that Enfield council send me can they also send to my mother Miss Mother. And can be done via Phone, Email, and Letter.



Letter: Byron Terrace, Edmonton, London N9 7DG

This Letter of Authority is to stay on Enfield Council system until such time I write a letter if I wish to have this access removed which I can do at any time.


Simon Cordell





Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 723,724


Enfield Council all Departments where data is held about Mr Simon Cordell

Dear Sir or Madam

Subject access request

Mr Simon Cordell

109 Burncroft Ave




Please supply the information about me I am entitled to under the Data Protection

Act 1998 relating to:

•               All data that is held at Enfield Council all departments, on all systems and any files about me.

•               All audio call files that Enfield Council when Mr Simon Cordell has called or my mother Miss Mother and spoke to anyone. This would include any times the police have called Enfield Council about Mr Simon Cordell.

•               Any Reports of any complaints about Mr Simon Cordell made by any person this would include neighbours, I do understand that due to data protection laws the name and address of the person would need redaction.

•               All police reports submitted to Enfield Council all departments about Mr Simon Cordell.

•               All repair requests held.

•               Any data held about Mr Simon Cordell from Enfield Council ASB Response Team. This would include the reports for the ASBO application the police had with Enfield Council and any minutes held in any meeting about Mr Simon Cordell when the Met Police were applying for the ASBO application.

If you are withholding any information, I have asked for please make me aware of this and the reason as to why the data is being denied.

If you need any more information from me, or a fee, please let me know as soon as possible via email at If this subject Access request needs to go to the data protection Officer at Enfield Council can this be passed over to them.

It may be helpful for you to know that a request for information under the Data Protection Act 1998 should be responded to within 40 days.

If you do not normally deal with these requests, please pass this letter to your Data Protection Officer. If you need advice on dealing with this request, the Information Commissioner's Office can assist you and can be contacted on 0303 123 1113 or at

Yours faithfully

Mr Simon Cordell



Simon Cordell Authority Letter


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 725


RE: Letter of Authority for my mother Miss Mother dated 24/11/2016

To whom it may concern:

I am writing this letter to confirm I do give my mother Miss Mother my authority to speak to anyone at Enfield Council on any matters that relate to me and also obtain any information that is held about me by Enfield Council this authority will be granted for the whole of Enfield Council and all departments, any letters that Enfield council send me can they also send to my mother Miss Mother. And can be done via Phone, Email, and Letter.

I also give my Mother Miss Mother authority to speak to my MP or any other person that is working with my local MP



Letter: 23 Byron Terrace, Edmonton, London N9 7DG

This Letter of Authority is to stay on Enfield Council system until such time I write a letter if I wish to have this access removed which I can do at any time.


Simon Cordell



Re Simon Cordell Formal Complaint


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 726


From: Mother []

Sent: 24/11/2016 - 16:22

To: ''; ''; '';

''; ''; ''; 'Jackie Gubby'

Subject: Re: Simon Cordell Formal Complaint 24/11/2016

Attachments: Formal Complaint dated 24/11/2016 .doc; Simon Cordell authority _Letter-24/11/2016 .doc; Data-Protection-Enfield-Council-24/11/2016 .doc

To Whom It May Concern:

Please see the formal complaint to Enfield council dated 24/11/2016 attached to this email due to the way Mr Simon Cordell is being treated.

People that have been copied into these letters are below in the hope something can be done to help.


•               Joan Ryan MP for Enfield

•               Joan Ryan MP for Enfield

•               Mr Rob Leak Chief Executive Enfield Council

•               Mr Ray James Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care

•               Ms Sally McTernan Assistant Director Community Housing Services

•               Sarah Fletcher Sarah Housing Officer

•               Jackie Gubby Housing officer



Re Simon Cordell Formal Complaint




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 727


From: Mother []

Sent: 24/11/2016 - 16:34

To: ''; ''; '';

''; ''; ''; 'Jackie Gubby'

Subject: FW: Re: Simon Cordell Formal Complaint 24/11/2016

Attachments: Simon_ Cordell_ authority_ Letter-24-11-2016.pdf; Data-Protection-Enfield-Council-24/11/2016 .pdf; Formal Complaint dated 24/11/2016.pdf

To Whom It May Concern:

I have had to resend this email due to the format of the attached files they are now in PDF formation and also to include authority for my mother miss Mother to speak to my local MP

Please see the formal complaint to Enfield council dated 24/11/2016 attached to this email due to the way Mr Simon Cordell is being treated.

I have had to resend this email due to the format of the attached files they are now in PDF formation and also to include authority for my mother miss Mother to speak to my local MP

People that have been copied into these letters are below in the hope something can be done to help.


•               Joan Ryan MP for Enfield

•               Joan Ryan MP for Enfield

•               Mr Rob Leak Chief Executive Enfield Council

•               Mr Ray James Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care

•               Ms Sally McTernan Assistant Director Community Housing Services

•               Sarah Fletcher Sarah Housing Officer

•               Jackie Gubby Housing officer



Chief Executive Re Si


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 728,729


From: Chief Executive []

Sent: 24/11/2016 - 16:40


Cc: complaints and information; Ray James; Sally Mcternan, Sarah Fletcher

Subject: FW: Re: Simon Cordell Formal Complaint 24/11/2016 (& SAR)


Attachments: Simon_ Cordell_ authority_ Letter-24/11/2016 .pdf; Data-Protection-Enfield-Council-24-11-2016.pdf; Formal Complaint dated 24/11/2016 .pdf


Dear Miss Cordell

Thank you for your email addressed to the Chief Executive.


I am writing in acknowledgement and to advise you that a copy of your correspondence has been passed to the Complaints and Access to Information Team. This matter will be looked into, and a response sent to you direct on the issues raised.

A copy of the response will also be sent to this office for information.


Heather Littler

Senior Admin Officer

Chief Executive's Unit

London Borough of Enfield

Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, ENl 3XY

Tel: 020 8379 4037


"Enfield Council is committed to serving the whole borough fairly, delivering excellent services and building strong communities"


From: Mother [mailto:]

Sent: 24/11/2016 - 16:34

To:;; Chief Executive; Ray James; Sally Mcternan; Sarah

Fletcher; Jackie Gubby

Subject: FW: Re: Simon Cordell Formal Complaint 24/11/2016

To Whom It May Concern:

I have had to resend this email due to the format of the attached files they are now in PDF formation and also to include authority for my mother miss Mother to speak to my local MP

Please see the formal complaint to Enfield council dated 24/11/2016 attached to this email due to the way Mr Simon Cordell is being treated.

I have had to resend this email due to the format of the attached files they are now in PDF formation and also to include authority for my mother miss Mother to speak to my local MP

People that have been copied into these letters are below in the hope something can be done to help.


•               Joan Ryan MP for Enfield

•               Joan Ryan MP for Enfield

•               Mr Rob Leak Chief Executive Enfield Council

•               Mr Ray James Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care

•               Ms Sally McTernan Assistant Director Community Housing Services

•               Sarah Fletcher Sarah Housing Officer

•               Jackie Gubby Housing officer



Complaints and information FW CRM COM Simon Cordell Formal Complaint


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 735,736


From: complaints and information []

Sent: 30/11/2016 - 15:14


Subject: FW: CRM COM 1885 Simon Cordell Formal Complaint 24/11/2016 [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Importance: High

Attachments: Formal Complaint dated 24/11/2016 .doc; Simon Cordell authority _Letter-24-11-2016.doc; Data-Protection-Enfield-Council-24/11/2016 .doc

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Lorraine,

Thank you for your email. I am just writing to confirm that your complaint and your Subject Access Request (request for file) are in progress.

The reference number for your complaint is CRM COM 1885.

The deadline for our response to the complaint is 14 December

The team handling the SAR will be in touch with you regarding the file request.

If you have any queries, please contact me or one of my team.

Kind regards,

Daniel Ellis

Complaints & Access to Information Officer

Complaints & Access to Information Team

Phone: 020 8379 2808




From: Mother [mailto:]

Sent: 24/11/2016 -16:22

To:;; Chief Executive; Ray James; Sally Mcternan; Sarah Fletcher; Jackie Gubby

Subject: Re: Simon Cordell Formal Complaint 24/11/2016

To Whom It May Concern:

Please see the formal complaint to Enfield council dated 24/11/2016 attached to this email due to the way Mr Simon Cordell is being treated.

People that have been copied into these letters are below in the hope something can be done to help.


•               Joan Ryan MP for Enfield

•               Joan Ryan MP for Enfield

•               Mr Rob Leak Chief Executive Enfield Council

•               Mr Ray James Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care

•               Ms Sally McTernan Assistant Director Community Housing Services

•               Sarah Fletcher Sarah Housing Officer

•               Jackie Gubby Housing officer



Daniel Ellis RE CRM COM 1885 Simon Cordell Formal Complaint


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 737,738,739,740


From: Daniel Ellis []

Sent: 01/12/2016 - 11 :21


Subject: RE: CRM COM 1885 Simon Cordell Formal Complaint 24/11/2016 [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Hi Lorraine,

Thanks for the email. I will see what I can do to try and speed things up if possible.

Can you please confirm what number would be best to ring you on? Thanks,

Daniel Ellis

Complaints & Access to Information Officer

Complaints & Access to Information Team

Phone: 020 8379 2808



From: complaints and information

Sent: 01/12/2016 - 11:10

To: Daniel Ellis <>

Subject: FW: CRM COM 1885 Simon Cordell Formal Complaint 24/11/2016 [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL


From: Mother [mailto:]

Sent: 30/11/2016 - 15:54

To: complaints and information

Subject: RE: CRM COM 1885 Simon Cordell Formal Complaint 24/11/2016 [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Daniel Ellis

Thank you for the update email and the deadline date for my reply to the complaint.

But as you can see my son needs moving from his address as soon as possible due to the problems, his housing officer has said she will not help in doing this that he has to sign up to housing moves which can take years to be able to get a move yet said that before she knew all the facts and would not speak to me to hear all the facts as to what has been going on. She does not even know he was under the early intervention team for how this has all had such a large impact on his heath they are willing to help with this with the council to get him moved he needs moving sooner not later yet no one will talk to me or call me back to say if anything is being done or talk about anything with me about this issue and days are going by with nothing being done.

I have called and left emails to ask someone to call me back, yet no one still has so I still do not know what is going on if anything about moving my son.



From: complaints and information []

Sent: 30/11/2016 - 15:14



Subject: FW: CRM COM 1885 Simon Cordell Formal Complaint 24/11/2016 [SEC=OFFICIAL] Importance: High

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Lorraine,

Thank you for your email. I am just writing to confirm that your complaint and your Subject Access Request (request for file) are in progress.

The reference number for your complaint is CRM COM 1885.

The deadline for our response to the complaint is 14 December

The team handling the SAR will be in touch with you regarding the file request.

If you have any queries, please contact me or one of my team.

Kind regards,

Daniel Ellis

Complaints & Access to Information Officer

Complaints & Access to Information Team

Phone: 020 8379 2808



From: Mother [mailto:]

Sent: 24/11/2016 - 16:22

To:;; Chief Executive; Ray James; Sally Mcternan; Sarah Fletcher; Jackie Gubby

Subject: Re: Simon Cordell Formal Complaint 24/11/2016

To Whom It May Concern:

Please see the formal complaint to Enfield council dated 24/11/2016 attached to this email due to the way Mr Simon Cordell is being treated.

People that have been copied into these letters are below in the hope something can be done to help.

•               Joan Ryan MP for Enfield

•               Joan Ryan MP for Enfield

•               Mr Rob Leak Chief Executive Enfield Council

•               Mr Ray James Director of Health, Housing and Adult Social Care

•               Ms Sally McTernan Assistant Director Community Housing Services

•               Sarah Fletcher Sarah Housing Officer

•               Jackie Gubby Housing officer



Mother RE CRM COM 1885 Simon Cordell Formal Complaint


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 741


Mother []

05/12/2016 - 21:41

'Daniel Ellis'; ''; '';

''; ''; ''; ''; ''; 'Jackie Gubby RE: CRM COM 1885 Simon Cordell Formal Complaint 24/11/2016 [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Reply-Letters-From-Council-02/12/2016 -001. pdf;

Simon Cordell authority _Letter-24/11/2016. pdf

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this email with an update to my Formal Complaint please see attached letter of new Formal Complaint to be added to the Formal Complaint dated 24/08/2016

I have also attached and included the letter of Letter of Authority so that the ASB team have a copy as it seems that they never copied me in the letter they sent my son Mr Simon Cordell which is meant to have been done.





RE CRM COM Simon Cordell Formal Complaint


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 743


Mother []

08/12/2016 - 10:12

'Daniel Ellis'; ''; '';

''; ''; ''; 'sally. u k'; 'Sarah. u k'; 'Jackie Gubby' RE: CRM COM 1885 Simon Cordell Formal Complaint 24/11/2016 [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Letter-to Council-Dated-08/12/2016. Pdf

To Whom It May Concern:

I am once again writing an email to all the above in the hope something will be able to be done please read attached letter.







Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 744



Sent: 12/12/2016 - 09:19


Subject: (Case Ref: JR5802)

Dear Mother

Thank you for contacting Joan on behalf of your brother, Simon.

Joan has written to Enfield Council on your behalf and will contact you as soon as she receives a response.

Kind regards,

Alev, on behalf of Joan Ryan MP

Labour Member of Parliament for Enfield North

t: 0208 804 4543 (Enfield North) t: 0207 219 2442 (Westminster)

e: w:

Westminster Office:

House of Commons, London, SW1 an OAA

T: 0207 219 2442

Constituency Office:

542 Hertford Road, Enfield, EN3 SST

T: 0208 804 4543



CRM COM Simon Cordell Formal Complaint


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 745,746


Complaints and information []

13/12/2016 - 11:32;; Joan. Ryan. MP; Chief Executive; Sarah Fletcher

Lemmy Nwabuisi; Sally Mcternan; Ray James

RE: CRM COM 1885 Simon Cordell Formal Complaint 24/11/2016 [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL Dear Lorraine,

Just to keep you updated on your complaint, I wanted to let you know that a senior Manager within the Housing Neighbourhood Team will be meeting with the Community Safety Team later this week to discuss the issues in your complaint.

Those teams will be working our response.

closely together after the meeting on Thursday to provide Due to the complexity of the case, we are likely to need some more time to supply you with the response, although we will try and provide it to you as soon as we can - hopefully before the Christmas break.

If I have any further news for you, I will try and let you know.

Kind regards,

Daniel Ellis

Complaints & Access to Information Officer Complaints & Access to Information Team

Phone: 0208-379-2808



-----Original Message-----

From: Mother []

Sent: 08/12/2016 - 10:12

To: Daniel Ellis <>; Lemmy Nwabuisi

<>;;; Chief Executive <>; Ray James

<>; Sally Mcternan <>; Sarah Fletcher <>; Jackie Gubby <> Subject: RE: CRM COM 1885 Simon Cordell Formal Complaint 24/11/2016 [SEC=OFFICIAL]

To Whom It May Concern:

I am once again writing an email to all the above in the hope something will be able to be done please read attached letter.



Classification: OFFICIAL





CRM COM Simon Cordell Formal Complaint


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 747,748,749 






complaints and information []

14/12/2016 - 11:31

Mother;;; Chief Executive; Sally Mcternan;

RE: CRM COM 1885 Simon Cordell Formal Complaint 24/11/2016 [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL Dear Lorraine,

At this point in the complaints process, it is an internal meeting for Council Staff to promote a co-ordinated approach between different teams to your complaint.

I cannot comment further on your complaint at the moment, but I have asked for your Subject Access Request to be processed as soon as possible.

I am sorry the complaint will take a little longer than usual, but we would appreciate your continued patience while we investigate.

Kind regards,

Daniel Ellis

Complaints & Access to Information Officer Complaints & Access to Information Team

Phone: 020 8379 2808



                Original Message     

From: Mother []

Sent: 14/12/2016 -11:20

To: Daniel Ellis <>; complaints and information>;;; Chief Executive <>; Sally Mcternan <>; Subject: FW: CRM COM 1885 Simon Cordell Formal Complaint 24/11/2016 [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Daniel

Is there any update to the below email as from what you updated me with the meeting is due to take place tomorrow and I would like a reply to know if I will be invited to this meeting seeing as you will be talking about my son?

If I am not allowed to go to this meeting, I would like full minutes taken so when I get the subject access request I will know what has been said.

No one has also yet even spoken to me or my son the only thing you have is all the letters, emails and calls that have been made. So how in this meeting are the people going to a full understanding as since 2014 no reports have ever been taken from my son as to what has been on going and how he is suffering?

I also still have not heard anything from the person dealing with the subject access request and would like an update.

And I would like to know if anything is being done to move my son out of the situation he has been left in since 2014? As I think at this point this is the most important part to get my son moved somewhere else where he will not have to suffer any longer and hopefully this will help his heath.

It does seem Enfield Council is more worried over the formal complaints then removing the situation my son has been left in. which has said it is affecting his heath. I cannot understand why nothing is being done and more time is being asked for, yet no updates given to the situation my son is being left in. Or is it the case nothing is going to be done to move my son and he is just going to be left where he is to suffer even more?


I would be most grateful for an update.



                Original Message     

From: Mother []

Sent: 13/12/2016 - 13:16

 To: 'complaints and information'

Subject: RE: CRM COM 1885 Simon Cordell Formal Complaint 24/11/2016 [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Daniel

Thank you for the update but why has this taken so long to arrange? if you knew the senior Manager within the Housing Neighbourhood Team was going to be needed to address this then why was this not already started?

My son is being left in a situation he should not be with no update as to if the housing is doing anything at all to address moving him. I think my son has already suffered enough which has caused his heath to go downhill and this cannot be allowed to go on any longer.

Will I also be invited to go to this meeting to see what is being said about my son and what will be done after all this meeting is about my son so feel someone with my son's interest should be there. As so far it seems everything is being blamed on my son when my son has done nothing wrong.

I do know there are issue that do need to be addressed but leaving my son in a place he does not feel safe in and has suffered since 2014 is not acceptable.

Also, I still have not heard anything from the people that are meant to be dealing with the subject access request. I am not sure if a payment will be needed to process this or if not, if the data has started to be processed so I will get all data. Could you please update to this?



                Original Message     

From: complaints and information

[mailto: complaints and]

Sent: 13/12/2016 - 11:32


Chief Executive; Sarah Fletcher

Cc: Lemmy Nwabuisi; Sally Mcternan; Ray James

Subject: RE: CRM COM 1885 Simon Cordell Formal Complaint 24/11/2016 [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL Dear Lorraine,

Just to keep you updated on your complaint, I wanted to let you know that a senior Manager within the Housing Neighbourhood Team will be meeting with the Community Safety Team later this week to discuss the issues in your complaint.

Those teams will be working closely together after the meeting on Thursday to provide our response.

Due to the complexity of the case, we are likely to need some more time to supply you with the response, although we will try and provide it to you as soon as we can - hopefully before the Christmas break.

If I have any further news for you I will try and let you know.

Kind regards,

Daniel Ellis

Complaints & Access to Information Officer Complaints & Access to Information Team

Phone: 020 8379 2808 Email: Website:     Original Message     

From: Mother []

Sent: 08/12/2016 - 10:12

To: Daniel Ellis <>; Lemmy Nwabuisi

<>;; Joan@; Chief Executive <>; Ray James

<>; Sally Mcternan <>; Sarah Fletcher <>; Jackie Gubby <> Subject: RE: CRM COM 1885 Simon Cordell Formal Complaint 24/11/2016 [SEC=OFFICIAL]

To Whom It May Concern:

I am once again writing an email to all the above in the hope something will be able to be done please read attached letter.


Mother Classification: OFFICIAL [Campaign] c>

[Facebook]Follow us on

Facebookc 52 94 637 80 9515 4>

[Twitter] Twitterc> [Enfield]         

Enfield Council is committed to serving the whole borough fairly, delivering excellent services and building strong communities. Opinions expressed in this email are those of the individual and not necessarily those of the London Borough of Enfield. This email and any attachments or files transmitted with it are strictly confidential and intended solely for the named addressee. It may contain privileged and confidential information and if you are not the intended recipient and receive it in error you must not copy, distribute or use the communication in any other way. All traffic handled by the Government Connect Secure Extranet may be subject to recording/and or monitoring in accordance with relevant legislation.

This email has been scanned for viruses but we cannot guarantee that it will be free of viruses or malware. The recipient should perform their own virus checks.

Classification: OFFICIAL [Campaign] <>

[Facebook]Follow us on Facebookc Council/252 946378095154> [Twitter] Twitterc> [Enfield]

Enfield Council is committed to serving the whole borough fairly, delivering excellent services and building strong communities. Opinions expressed in this email are those of the individual and not necessarily those of the London Borough of Enfield. This email and any attachments or files transmitted with it are strictly confidential and intended solely for the named addressee. It may contain privileged and confidential information and if you are not the intended recipient and receive it in error you must not copy, distribute or use the communication in any other way. All traffic handled by the Government Connect Secure Extranet may be subject to recording/and or monitoring in accordance with relevant legislation.

This email has been scanned for viruses, but we cannot guarantee that it will be free of viruses or malware. The recipient should perform their own virus checks.





Concetta Nobile SAR


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 751,752


From: Concetta Nobile []

Sent: 21/12/2016 -13:03




Dear Mr Cordell,

Thank you for your request dated. As it relates to personal information, we are treating it as a Subject Access Request under the Data Protection Act 1998.

We have registered the request under reference number SAR 251, and you may quote this should you need to get back in touch with us.

Unfortunately, we are unable to answer your request based on the details you have provided. To assist us in proceeding with your request, please could you provide us with further information to clarify the context in which information about you may have been processed and about the likely dates when processing occurred.

Under the Act, we are legally required to verify the identity of the data subject I requester before we compile the data you have requested. In order to proceed with your request, please would you send us the following two forms of evidence of identity for the requester:

One photographic - such as a passport or driving licence (both parts)

One address based - showing proof of name and current address (dated within the past 3 months), such as a utility bill or bank statement Do let us know if you need information about alternative forms of documentation which are acceptable as confirmation of identity.

Yours sincerely,

Concetta Nobile

Complaints and Access to Information - Gateway Services

Finance, Resources and Customer Services

Enfield Council

Thomas Hardy House

39 London Road


0208 379 3035

Enfield Council is committed to serving the whole Borough fairly, delivering excellent services and building strong communities.




Letter to Mr Simon Cordell / Lemmy


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 758,759,760


Please reply to: Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team Community Safety Unit

B Block North

Civic Centre



Date: 29/12/2016

Dear Mr Cordell,

Re: Reports of Anti-Social Behaviour, Harassment, Intimidation and Threatening Behaviour

I write with regards to reports of anti-social behaviour, intimidation, harassment and threatening behaviour made against you by your neighbours.

The reports include using threatening, abusive and insulting words and language, aggressively demanding money, intimidation and making threats towards your neighbours. It is also alleged that on 04/10/2016 you banged on your ceiling, and you later started to bang and kick at your neighbour's door. It is alleged that you were very aggressive and was shouting through your neighbour's door and that you then proceeded to drag his motorbike from where it was parked and started to smash it up.

It is also alleged that your dogs are left by themselves all day and night barking and causing noise disturbances to your neighbours.                                   Your neighbours have also alleged that you have installed a CCTV in the communal area with the camera pointing towards the main entrance to the block thereby making them to feel very uncomfortable when entering and leaving the block. Your neighbours have alleged that this is an invasion of their privacy.

If these allegations are true, they are in breach of the following terms and conditions of your Tenancy Agreement:

2.2.1 Anti-social behaviour, nuisance and noise disturbance.

We will consider all legal remedies available to us to deal with anti-social behaviour, domestic abuse, harassment, rate crime, nuisance, gang activity and other criminal activity where this is supported by sufficient evidence.

If we take legal action, we will ask the court to give us an order against you for the legal costs we have incurred.

Condition 10. You must not act in any way which causes, or is likely to cause, a nuisance or annoyance or is anti-social.

Condition 11. You must install any radio and/or video equipment or carry out any physical measures to respond to any nuisance or anti-social behaviour which you are suffering from without first consulting us.

2.2.3 Harassment and hate crime.

Condition 16. You must not harass or threaten to harass anyone because of their age, colour, culture, disability, ethnic origin, gender, gender reassignment, HIV status, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation or for any reason.

2.2.6 Other unacceptable behaviour

Condition 21. You must not abuse, harass, make offensive comments and/or malicious allegations, use or threaten to use violence against any of our officers or agents, or against a councillor. This applies at any time and in any place. We may report the matter to the police.

2.15 Pet(s) and animal(s)

Condition 76. You have the right to keep one pet, or animal such as a cat, a dog, small bird, fish, non-poisonous insect, spider, small snake or lizard, rabbit, hamster, guinea pig, mouse, gerbil or domestic rat as long as they do not cause damage to the property, or nuisance or annoyance to anyone in your locality.

Condition 81. If your pet(s) or animal(s) is/are causing a nuisance, annoyance or disturbance to others, or is/are being treated inappropriately or cruelly, we will take action and give written notice asking you to remove it/them from your home.

It is very important that we meet with you to discuss these very serious allegations and give you the opportunity to respond to them. I have therefore arranged for you to meet with me at the Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XY at 2pm on Tuesday, 06/12/2016 to discuss this matter. Please ask to see Mr Lemmy Nwabuisi from the ASB Team, Community Safety Unit at the reception when you get to the Civic Centre.

Yours Sincerely

Lemmy Nwabuisi

ASB Team



2nd Letter to Simon Cordell /



Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 761,762


Please reply to: Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team Community Safety Unit

B Block North

Civic Centre



Date: 31/01/2017

Dear Mr Cordell,

Re: Allegations of Anti-Social Behaviour, Harassment, Intimidation and

Threatening Behaviour

I write with regards to reports of anti-social behaviour, intimidation, harassment and threatening behaviour made against you by your neighbours.

I wrote to you on 29/11/2016 regarding these reports and invited you to meet with me at the Civic Centre on 06/12/2016 to discuss the allegations made against you, copy attached. I received a letter from your mother dated 24/12/2016 in which she stated that she does not believe that it is justified to hold the meeting before your formal complaint and subject access request is dealt with. I understand these have now been dealt with.

The Enfield Council, Community Safety Unit, Anti-Social Behaviour Team have continued to receive various allegations from your neighbours against you concerning alleged nuisance and anti-social behaviour towards them. The allegations include using threatening, abusive and insulting words and language, aggressively demanding money, intimidation, making threats towards your neighbours and tampering with the electricity and water supply to their flat.

These are very serious breach of tenancy c9nditions and it is very important that we meet with you to discuss these allegations and give you the opportunity to respond to them. I have therefore arranged for you to meet with me at the Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XY at 2pm on Thursday, 09/02/2017 to discuss this matter. You should contact me on 02083795354 to rearrange the meeting if this date is not convenient for you. Please ask to see Mr Lemmy Nwabuisi from the ASB Team, Community Safety Unit at the reception when you get to the Civic Centre.

Yours Sincerely

Lemmy Nwabuisi ASB Team



Mother RE SAR


Point 1:






The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 763,764,765


From: Mother []

Sent: 13/01/2017 -11:54

To: 'Concetta Nobile'


Attachments: Si-DWP-Assessment-New.pdf; Simon-Licence-Front-Back.pdf

Dear Concetta Nobile

As I have not heard back from you regarding the below email can you please see attached documents and confirm they are ok please.





From: Mother [mailto:]

Sent: 22/12/2016 - 17:00

To: 'Concetta Nobile'


Dear Concetta Nobile

Thank you, for the update and information you will need I have my driving licence but since 08/06/2015 the paper part is no longer needed so I do not have this so do not have both parts only the card.

I have bills to show my address dated within the last 3 months so that should not be a problem.

As for the information I have asked for it is all the information that is held by Enfield Council within all departments.

This would not be limited to just things that I have put in this would also include any data that the police have passed to Enfield Council about me. Any meetings that were held with police and any other body and Enfield Council about me. and any other government body that has passed information to Enfield Council about me.

The minutes from the meeting that was held about me by Enfield council on the 15/12/2016 with regard to the formal complaints that was put in. I did request minutes were taken when I was told I could not attend.

Any phone calls made by myself or my mother on my behalf to Enfield Council

All that were put in for Enfield Council to address this would include all comments made on any such report such as I have removed all my piping for my heating system.

All my housing benefit and anything to do with my rent account and council Tax.

Any complaints that have been put in about me this would include any neighbours or police or any other body that Enfield Council has received about me, I do understand that some sections names would need to have redaction added for names and addresses but the date and body of the complaint should be kept. and if it a governing body such as the police names or IDs should not need redaction.

If Enfield Council has any data, I want this subject access request to cover this data and if any data is going to be withheld I would like to know this and the reason why it is being withheld.

As for dates this request would go back as far as possible with any data Enfield Council holds within all departments being released.

If you could get back to me about the ID, I would be grateful and get this emailed across to you so that this can be dealt with.


From: Mother [mailto:]

Sent: 22/12/2016 -17:00

To: 'Concetta Nobile'


Dear Concetta Nobile

Thank you, for the update and information you will need I have my driving licence but since 08/06/2015 the paper part is no longer needed so I do not have this so do not have both parts only the card.

I have bills to show my address dated within the last 3 months so that should not be a problem.

As for the information I have asked for it is all the information that is held by Enfield Council within all departments.

This would not be limited to just things that I have put in this would also include any data that the police have passed to Enfield Council about me. Any meetings that were held with police and any other body and Enfield Council about me. and any other government body that has passed information to Enfield Council about me.

The minutes from the meeting that was held about me by Enfield council on the 15/12/2016 with regard to the formal complaints that was put in. I did request minutes were taken when I was told I could not attend.

Any phone calls made by myself or my mother on my behalf to Enfield Council

All that were put in for Enfield Council to address this would include all comments made on any such report such as I have removed all my piping for my heating system.

All my housing benefit and anything to do with my rent account and council Tax.

Any complaints that have been put in about me this would include any neighbours or police or any other body that Enfield Council has received about me, I do understand that some sections names would need to have redaction added for names and addresses but the date and body of the complaint should be kept. and if it a governing body such as the police names or IDs should not need redaction.

If Enfield Council has any data, I want this subject access request to cover this data and if any data is going to be withheld I would like to know this and the reason why it is being withheld.

As for dates this request would go back as far as possible with any data Enfield Council holds within all departments being released.

If you could get back to me about the ID, I would be grateful and get this emailed across to you so that this can be dealt with.


Simon Cordell




From: Concetta Nobile []

Sent: 21/12/2016 -13:03




Dear Mr Cordell,

Thank you for your request dated. As it relates to personal information, we are treating it as a Subject Access Request under the Data Protection Act 1998.

We have registered the request under reference number SAR 251, and you may quote this should you need to get back in touch with us.

Unfortunately, we are unable to answer your request based on the details you have provided. To assist us in proceeding with your request, please could you provide us with further information to clarify the context in which information about you may have been processed and about the likely dates when processing occurred.

Under the Act, we are legally required to verify the identity of the data subject I requester before we compile the data you have requested. In order to proceed with your request, please would you send us the following two forms of evidence of identity for the requester:

One photographic - such as a passport or driving licence (both parts)

•One address based - showing proof of name and current address (dated within the past 3 months), such as a utility bill or bank statement

Do let us know if you need information about alternative forms of documentation which are acceptable as confirmation of identity.

Yours sincerely,

Concetta Nobile

Complaints and Access to Information - Gateway Services

Finance, Resources and Customer Services

Enfield Council

Thomas Hardy House

39 London Road


0208 379 3035

Enfield Council is committed to serving the whole Borough fairly, delivering excellent services and building strong communities.






Mother FW SAR


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 766,767,768



Dionne Grant RE SAR


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 769,770,771,772,773


From: Dionne Grant []

Sent: 13/01/2017 - 13:55

To: Mother



Dear Ms Cordell

Many thanks for your email below. I am sorry to hear you did not receive a reply back to your email of 22nd December

I confirm that the documents you have provided are satisfactory and your subject access request should be progressed. Concetta will be back in the office on Monday so I will ensure to follow up matters with her then and will also ask her to make contact with you directly.

Kind regards

Dionne Grant

Statutory Complaints Manager - Gateway Services

Finance, Resources and Customer Services

Enfield Council

Thomas Hardy House

39 London Road


Tel: 0208 379 2806


Enfield Council is committed to serving the whole Borough fairly, delivering excellent services and building strong communities.



From: Mother [mailto:]

Sent: 13/01/2017 - 12:02

To: Dionne Grant


Dear Dionne Grant

Please see the below emails and the attached documents.

I do get an auto reply which says

Thank you for your email. I will be back in the office on Monday

My emails are not being monitored during my absence. I will respond as soon as possible following my return to work.

For any urgent matters which cannot wait until then, please contact

I work Mondays, Tuesday mornings and Wednesday.

Could you please address this as I did not get a reply back from my email I sent on 22/12/2016 as of yet also



From: Mother []

Sent: 13/01/2017 -11:54

To: 'Concetta Nobile'


Dear Concetta Nobile

As I have not heard back from you regarding the below email can you please see attached documents and confirm they are ok please.




From: Mother [mailto:]

Sent: 22/12/2016 -17:00

To: 'Concetta Nobile'


Dear Concetta Nobile

Thank you, for the update and information you will need I have my driving licence but since 08/06/2015 the paper part is no longer needed so I do not have this so do not have both parts only the card.

I have bills to show my address dated within the last 3 months so that should not be a problem.

As for the information I have asked for it is all the information that is held by Enfield Council within all departments.

This would not be limited to just things that I have put in this would also include any data that the police have passed to Enfield Council about me. Any meetings that were held with police and any other body and Enfield Council about me. and any other government body that has passed information to Enfield Council about me.

The minutes from the meeting that was held about me by Enfield council on the 15/12/2016 with regard to the formal complaints that was put in. I did request minutes were taken when I was told I could not attend.

Any phone calls made by myself or my mother on my behalf to Enfield Council

All that were put in for Enfield Council to address this would include all comments made on any such report such as I have removed all my piping for my heating system.

All my housing benefit and anything to do with my rent account and council Tax.

Any complaints that have been put in about me this would include any neighbours or police or any other body that Enfield Council has received about me, I do understand that some sections names would need to have redaction added for names and addresses but the date and body of the complaint should be kept. and if it a governing body such as the police names or IDs should not need redaction.

If Enfield Council has any data, I want this subject access request to cover this data and if any data is going to be withheld I would like to know this and the reason why it is being withheld.

As for dates this request would go back as far as possible with any data Enfield Council holds within all departments being released.

If you could get back to me about the ID, I would be grateful and get this emailed across to you so that this can be dealt with.


Simon Cordell



From: Concetta Nobile []

Sent: 21/12/2016 13:03




Dear Mr Cordell,

Thank you for your request dated. As it relates to personal information, we are treating it as a Subject Access Request under the Data Protection Act 1998.

We have registered the request under reference number SAR 251 and you may quote this should you need to get back in touch with us.

Unfortunately, we are unable to answer your request based on the details you have provided. To assist us in proceeding with your request, please could you provide us with further information to clarify the context in which information about you may have been processed and about the likely dates when processing occurred.

Under the Act, we are legally required to verify the identity of the data subject I requester before we compile the data you have requested. In order to proceed with your request, please would you send us the following two forms of evidence of identity for the requester:

One photographic - such as a passport or driving licence (both parts)

One address based - showing proof of name and current address (dated within the past 3 months), such as a utility bill or bank statement Do let us know if you need information about alternative forms of documentation which are acceptable as confirmation of identity.

Yours sincerely,

Concetta Nobile

Complaints and Access to Information - Gateway Services

Finance, Resources and Customer Services

Enfield Council

Thomas Hardy House

39 London Road


0208 379 3035




Dionne Grant RE SAR


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 774,775,776,777,778,779


From: Dionne Grant []

Sent: 13/01/2017 -18:48

To: Mother



Thank you for your further email, Ms Cordell.

We cannot progress a subject access request without first verifying the identity of a requester, so the response timescale does not start until we receive all necessary documentation which includes proof of ID.

I understand that you would urgently like to receive the information and we will provide this to you as soon as possible. When Concetta returns, I will be requesting a specific update on your case to check progress on matters and get a better understanding of the timescale for your response so please be assured this will be looked into further and we will come back to you shortly.

Kind regards

Dionne Grant

Statutory Complaints Manager - Gateway Services

Finance, Resources and Customer Services

Enfield Council

Thomas Hardy House

39 London Road


Tel: 0208 379 2806


Enfield Council is committed to serving the whole Borough fairly, delivering excellent services and building strong communities.


From: Mother [mailto:]

Sent: 13/01/2017 - 14:00

To: Dionne Grant


Dear Dionne Grant

Thank you for the reply, as this request was put in on the 24/11/2016 you are 10 days overdue, and I do need this data as soon as possible so if this can be done, I would be most grateful.




From: Dionne Grant [mailto:]

Sent: 13/01/2017 -13:55

To: Mother



Dear Ms Cordell

Many thanks for your email below. I am sorry to hear you did not receive a reply back to your email of 22nd December

I confirm that the documents you have provided are satisfactory and your subject access request should be progressed. Concetta will be back in the office on Monday so I will ensure to follow up matters with her then and will also ask her to make contact with you directly.

Kind regards

Dionne Grant

Statutory Complaints Manager - Gateway Services

Finance, Resources and Customer Services

Enfield Council

Thomas Hardy House

39 London Road


Tel: 0208 379 2806


Enfield Council is committed to serving the whole Borough fairly, delivering excellent services and building strong communities.


From: Mother []

Sent: 13/01/2017 - 12:02

To: Dionne Grant


Dear Dionne Grant

Please see the below emails and the attached documents.

I do get an auto reply which says

Thank you for your email. I will be back in the office on Monday

My emails are not being monitored during my absence. I will respond as soon as possible following my return to work.

For any urgent matters which cannot wait until then, please contact

I work Mondays, Tuesday mornings and Wednesday.

Could you please address this as I did not get a reply back from my email, I sent on 22/12/2016 as of yet also.




From: Mother []

Sent: 13/01/2017 - 11:54

To: 'Concet ta Nobile'


Dear Concetta Nobile

As I have not heard back from you regarding the below email can you please see attached documents and confirm they are ok please.




From: Mother [mailto:]

Sent: 22/12/2016 - 17:00

To: 'Concet ta Nobile'


Dear Concetta Nobile

Thank you, for the update and information you will need I have my driving licence but since 08/06/2015 the paper part is no longer needed so I do not have this so do not have both parts only the card.

I have bills to show my address dated within the last 3 months so that should not be a problem.

As for the information I have asked for it is all the information that is held by Enfield Council within all departments.

This would not be limited to just things that I have put in this would also include any data that the police have passed to Enfield Council about me. Any meetings that were held with police and any other body and Enfield Council about me. and any other government body that has passed information to Enfield Council about me.

The minutes from the meeting that was held about me by Enfield council on the 15/12/2016 with regard to the formal complaints that was put in. I did request minutes were taken when I was told I could not attend.

Any phone calls made by myself or my mother on my behalf to Enfield Council

All that were put in for Enfield Council to address this would include all comments made on any such report such as I have removed all my piping for my heating system.

All my housing benefit and anything to do with my rent account and council Tax.

Any complaints that have been put in about me this would include any neighbours or police or any other body that Enfield Council has received about me, I do understand that some sections names would need to have redaction added for names and addresses but the date and body of the complaint should be kept. and if it a governing body such as the police names or IDs should not need redaction.

If Enfield Council has any data, I want this subject access request to cover this data and if any data is going to be withheld, I would like to know this and the reason why it is being withheld.

As for dates this request would go back as far as possible with any data Enfield Council holds within all departments being released.

If you could get back to me about the ID, I would be grateful and get this emailed across to you so that this can be dealt with.



Simon Cordell



From: Concetta Nobile []

Sent: 21/12/2016 -13:03




Dear Mr Cordell,

Thank you for your request dated. As it relates to personal information, we are treating it as a Subject Access Request under the Data Protection Act 1998.

We have registered the request under reference number SAR 251 and you may quote this should you need to get back in touch with us.

Unfortunately, we are unable to answer your request based on the details you have provided. To assist us in proceeding with your request, please could you provide us with further information to clarify the context in which information about you may have been processed and about the likely dates when processing occurred.

Under the Act, we are legally required to verify the identity of the data subject I requester before we compile the data you have requested. In order to proceed with your request, please would you send us the following two forms of evidence of identity for the requester:

One photographic - such as a passport or driving licence (both parts)

One address based - showing proof of name and current address (dated within the past 3 months), such as a utility bill or bank statement

Do let us know if you need information about alternative forms of documentation which are acceptable as confirmation of identity.

Yours sincerely,

Concetta Nobile

Complaints and Access to Information - Gateway Services

Finance, Resources and Customer Services

Enfield Council

Thomas Hardy House

39 London Road


0208 379 3035

Enfield Council is committed to serving the whole Borough fairly, delivering excellent services and building strong communities.



Dionne Grant RE SAR


Point 1:




The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 780,781,782,783,784,785,786,787


From: Dionne Grant []

Sent: 16/01/2017 - 15:20

To: Mother

Cc: Concetta Nobile



Dear Ms Cordell

Thank you for your email below. I am sorry for the delay in progressing your case. Unfortunately, we are dealing with a lot of requests at the moment, and this has contributed to our delay. I am also sorry that this

was not explained to you at the time when we initially made contact on 21st December. Ordinarily there is a £10 fee payable for dealing with such requests however in your case we will not be applying this charge because of the delay you have experienced.

I can confirm that we are now progressing with your request and Concetta is the allocated officer dealing with matters. I have also raised matters with Concetta today and she is currently reviewing your case and will be contacting you directly. I have also copied Concetta into this email for reference.

I hope this helps to clarify matters further and we thank you for your patience during this time.

Kind regards

Dionne Grant

Statutory Complaints Manager - Gateway Services

Finance, Resources and Customer Services

Enfield Council

Thomas Hardy House

39 London Road


Tel: 0208 379 2806


Enfield Council is committed to serving the whole Borough fairly, delivering excellent services and building strong communities.


From: Mother []

Sent: 13/01/2017 -19:47

To: Dionne Grant


Dear Dionne Grant

I requested this as said on the 24/11/2016 and I did not get a reply about the ID that was needed until the

21/12/2016 I wrote back on the 22/12/2016 asking about the ID due to what was written in the email from Concetta, but before this Daniel Ellis repeatedly asked for contract to be made with me about my request as he was over seeing my complaint. As said above this did not happen until the 21/12/2016

I do not understand why I will need to wait longer for my request when it was not down to me as to the delay.





From: Dionne Grant [mailto:]

Sent: 13/01/2017 -18:48

To: Mother



Thank you for your further email, Ms Cordell.

We cannot progress a subject access request without first verifying the identity of a requester, so the response timescale does not start until we receive all necessary documentation which includes proof of ID.

I understand that you would urgently like to receive the information and we will provide this to you as soon as possible. When Concetta returns, I will be requesting a specific update on your case to check progress on matters and get a better understanding of the timescale for your response so please be assured this will be looked into further and we will come back to you shortly.

Kind regards

Dionne Grant

Statutory Complaints Manager - Gateway Services

Finance, Resources and Customer Services

Enfield Council

Thomas Hardy House

39 London Road

EN2 605

Tel: 0208 379 2806


Enfield Council is committed to serving the whole Borough fairly, delivering excellent services and building strong communities.



From: Mother []

Sent: 13/01/ 2017 - 14:00

To: Dionne Grant


Dear Dionne Grant

Thank you for the reply, as this request was put in on the 24/11/2016 you are 10 days overdue, and I do need this data as soon as possible so if this can be done, I would be most grateful.




From: Dionne Grant [mailto:]

Sent: 13/01/2017 - 13:55

To: Mother



Dear Ms Cordell

Many thanks for your email below. I am sorry to hear you did not receive a reply back to your email of 22/12/2017

I confirm that the documents you have provided are satisfactory and your subject access request should be progressed. Concetta will be back in the office on Monday so I will ensure to follow up matters with her then and will also ask her to make contact with you directly.

Kind regards

Dionne Grant

Statutory Complaints Manager - Gateway Services

Finance, Resources and Customer Services

Enfield Council

Thomas Hardy House

39 London Road


Tel: 0208-379-2806




Enfield Council is committed to serving the whole Borough fairly, delivering excellent services and building strong communities.


From: Mother []

Sent: 13/01/2017 -12:02

To: Dionne Grant


Dear Dionne Grant

Please see the below emails and the attached documents.

I do get an auto reply which says

Thank you for your email. I will be back in the office on Monday

My emails are not being monitored during my absence. I will respond as soon as possible following my return to work.

For any urgent matters which cannot wait until then, please contact

I work Mondays, Tuesday mornings and Wednesday.

Could you please address this as I did not get a reply back from my email I sent on 22/12/2016 as of yet also




From: Mother [mailto:]

Sent: 13/01/2017 - 11:54

To: 'Concetta Nobile'


Dear Concetta Nobile

As I have not heard back from you regarding the below email can you please see attached documents and confirm they are ok please.





From: Mother []

Sent: 22/12/2016 - 17:00

To: 'Concetta Nobile'


Dear Concetta Nobile

Thank you, for the update and information you will need I have my driving licence but since 08/06/2015 the paper part is no longer needed so I do not have this so do not have both parts only the card.

I have bills to show my address dated within the last 3 months so that should not be a problem.

As for the information I have asked for it is all the information that is held by Enfield Council within all departments.

This would not be limited to just things that I have put in this would also include any data that the police have passed to Enfield Council about me. Any meetings that were held with police and any other body and Enfield Council about me. and any other government body that has passed information to Enfield Council about myself.

The minutes from the meeting that was held about me by Enfield council on the 15/12/2016 with regard to the formal complaints that was put in. I did request minutes were taken when I was told I could not attend.

Any phone calls made by myself or my mother on my behalf to Enfield Council

All that were put in for Enfield Council to address this would include all comments made on any such report such as I have removed all my piping for my heating system.

All my housing benefit and anything to do with my rent account and council Tax.

Any complaints that have been put in about me this would include any neighbours or police or any other body that Enfield Council has received about me, I do understand that some sections names would need to have redaction added for names and addresses but the date and body of the complaint should be kept. and if it a governing body such as the police names or IDs should not need redaction.

If Enfield Council has any data, I want this subject access request to cover this data and if any data is going to be withheld I would like to know this and the reason why it is being withheld.

As for dates this request would go back as far as possible with any data Enfield Council holds within all departments being released.

If you could get back to me about the ID, I would be grateful and get this emailed across to you so that this can be dealt with.


Simon Cordell



From: Concetta Nobile []

Sent: 21/12/2016 - 13:03




Dear Mr Cordell,

Thank you for your request dated. As it relates to personal information, we are treating it as a Subject Access Request under the Data Protection Act 1998.

We have registered the request under reference number SAR 251 and you may quote this should you need to get back in touch with us.

Unfortunately, we are unable to answer your request based on the details you have provided. To assist us in proceeding with your request, please could you provide us with further information to clarify the context in which information about you may have been processed and about the likely dates when processing occurred.

Under the Act, we are legally required to verify the identity of the data subject I requester before we compile the data you have requested. In order to proceed with your request, please would you send us the following two forms of evidence of identity for the requester:

One photographic - such as a passport or driving licence (both parts)

One address based - showing proof of name and current address (dated within the past 3 months), such as a utility bill or bank statement Do let us know if you need information about alternative forms of documentation which are acceptable as confirmation of identity.

Yours sincerely,

Concetta Nobile

Complaints and Access to Information - Gateway Services

Finance, Resources and Customer Services

Enfield Council

Thomas Hardy House

39 London Road


0208 379 3035

Enfield Council is committed to serving the whole Borough fairly delivering excellent services and building strong communities.






Access letter for Burncroft Avenue

To turn the water pressure back on / Blaming me for Stopping it / Defending Myself


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 789,790


Council Housing

The Edmonton Centre

35-44 South Mall

Edmonton Green N90TN

0800 ,40 80 160

Date: 01/02/2017

Dear Mr Cordell

Re: Loss of water pressure/supply to neighbouring property

Letter Hand Delivered

I called today in response to a report of loss of water pressure/supply into a flat and/or area above your property.

We urgently need to gain access into your property within the next 24 hours. We need to establish the source of the loss of water pressure/supply to the flat/area above, and which we believe may be emanating from your property.

What you must do:

Please contact the Repairs team in Customer Services on 0800 40 80 160 or 020 8379 1000 by 5.00pm Thursday 02/02/2017 to make an appointment for our Contractor/Surveyor to inspect your property. Please quote reference no. 1772024/1.

Please be aware that in accordance with your tenancy agreement you will be liable for any damage caused by you or from your property to other properties, personal property or to the fabric of the building.

You will also be liable for our reasonable costs in dealing with this matter.


If we are unable to agree an appointment with you within the timescales we set and to prevent any further damage to neighbouring properties, to the block or to personal property, we reserve the right to gain emergency access to your property,

which may involve a locksmith. You will be responsible for all of our reasonable costs if this action is required.

Please take immediate steps now to avoid further action and charges being incurred and to resolve ·the water pressure/supply issues as. speedily as possible.

Yours sincerely,

Sarah Fletcher Neighbourhood Officer



Lemmy Nwabuisi Re Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 791,792


From: Lemmy Nwabuisi []

Sent: 02/02/2017 - 10:45


Subject: Re: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Attachments: 2nd Letter to Simon Cordell, 31/1/2017 .pdf; Letter to Mr Simon Cordell, 28/11/2016 .docx

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Miss Cordell,

Please find attached letter to Mr Cordell regarding ongoing reports of anti-social behaviour, verbal abuse and threatening behaviour made against him by his neighbours. It is very important that we meet with Mr Cordell to discuss these allegations and agree on the best way to resolve them.

I have also attached a copy of my letter to Mr Cordell dated 29/12/2016 regarding allegations of anti­social behaviour made against him by his neighbours. Copies of both letters will be sent to Mr Cordell's address.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

Classification: OFFICIAL



Sarah Fletcher Copy of letter sent to Mr Simon Cordell


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 793,794


From: Sarah Fletcher []

Sent: 02/02/2017 - 13:08

To: Mother

Subject: PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL Copy of letter sent to Mr Simon Cordell


Attachments: Access letter for 109 Bumcroft Avenue.pdf


Dear Ms Cordell,

Please find attached a copy of a letter hand delivered to Mr Simon Cordell at 109 Burncroft Avenue, Enfield, Middlesex EN3 7JQ yesterday regarding access to investigate low water pressure issue in the block.

Kind regards,

Sarah Fletcher

Neighbourhood Officer

Neighbourhood Team 2

Edmonton Centre

36-44 South Mall

Telephone: 0800 40 80 160


Enfield Council is committed to serving the whole borough fairly, delivering services and building strong communities.




Lemmy Nwabuisi RE Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell


Point 1:






The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 795,796,797,798


From: Lemmy Nwabuisi []

Sent: 07/02/2017 - 14:09

To: Mother

Cc: Sarah Fletcher

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

Thank you for your email.

I will put the complaints in the format you have requested and emailed same to you by Friday 10/02/2017 and a copy will be sent to Mr Cordell's address. I will also schedule another appointment as we need to discuss these allegations with Mr Cordell.

In the meant time, we are continuing to receive reports from the residents of 117 Burncroft Avenue that Mr Cordell is coming up to their front door to shout abuse and threaten them. Could you please ask Mr Cordell to refrain from doing this? He should contact his neighbourhood officer, the Anti-Social Behaviour Team or the Enfield Council noise team if he has any complaints about noise disturbances or any other type of anti-social behaviour against his neighbours instead of confronting them. If the behaviour persists then the council will have no option but to take out an injunction against him to stop him from harassing his neighbours.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

From: Mother []

Sent: 06/02/2017 - 13:33

To: Lemmy Nwabuisi <>; Chief Executive

<Chief.>; Daniel Ellis <Daniel.>; Joan.;; Sally Mcternan <>

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi

I am writing this email to say you have stated in your last letter the subject access request has been dealt with, but we are still waiting for the data.

I have asked for the dates these complaints were put in and yet have had nothing about the dates and times.

Could you please forward me a list of dates and times these complaints were put in, and list them in an order like this so we know if more complaints have been put in by one person.

Complaint from A on date and Time: Body of complaint from A.

Complaint from Bon date and Time: Body of complaint from B. Complaint from Con date and time: Body of complaint from C

And it can carry on like this until all complaints are listed. As at this time you have just listed complaints and failed to supply any other information.

If I can get this back today, I would be most grateful, as it has been asked for before.

Also we have said this before more than once on calls and emails, the person's living at 113 and 117 I believe which is the 2 people living on top of my son, 113 has since he moved in no carpet put down and also his floor broads needs fixing, 117 which is the top floor has laid wooden flooring, due to the way these flats have no sound proofing in between floors and only wooden flooring due to how they were built, we were thinking this would have already been addressed and has not and the neighbours have been allowed to keep the flooring the way it is, my son can hear everything and only feels nothing has been done as Enfield Council wants my son health to get worse and also to make him suffer.

As for the date of the 09/02/2017 as stated before until we have had all dates and times and body of complaints and the subject access request, I still do not feel it is justified my son has a meeting as he will be walking into a meeting only with very limited information, and due to his health, which is being caused by his neighbours and Enfield Council doing nothing I feel my son is only being setup due to issues and the colour of my son's skin. And this is why no one from Enfield council has ever taken a report from him about what has been ongoing form a long time ago.

We want to clear this up as much as you do, but it seems Enfield Council is not fulfilling what we have asked for in order to be able to do this.



From: Lemmy Nwabuisi [mailto:]

Sent: 02/02/2017 - 10:45


Subject: Re: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Miss Cordell,

Please find attached letter to Mr Cordell regarding ongoing reports of anti-social behaviour, verbal abuse and threatening behaviour made against him by his neighbours. It is very important that we meet with Mr Cordell to discuss these allegations and agree on the best way to resolve them.

I have also attached a copy of my letter to Mr Cordell dated 29/12/2016 regarding allegations of anti­social behaviour made against him by his neighbours. Copies of both letters will be sent to Mr Cordell's address.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team Community Safety Unit Environmental & Community Safety B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

Classification: OFFICIAL



Lemmy Nwabuisi RE Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 799,800,801,802,803,804


From: Lemmy Nwabuisi []

Sent: 08/02/2017 - 16:08

To: Mother

Cc: Sarah Fletcher; Daniel Ellis

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

The allegations are from at least three residents of Burncroft Avenue.

They have alleged that he is coming up to their front door to shout abuse and threats and they have provided evidence to back up their allegations. Some of them have also alleged that he has confronted them outside the block and on different occasion have followed them up the communal staircase shouting abuse and threats and on at least one occasion have tried to prevent them from going up to their flat. They have also provided evidence to back up the allegations.

I am aware that some of these incidents have been reported to the police and it is up to the police to deal with them as they see fit. However irrespective of whether the accusations were dismissed by the police or not, they are very serious allegations and if true, constitutes a breach of tenancy conditions and they need to be addressed by the council. It is therefore very important that we meet with Mr Cordell to discuss the allegations made against him and give him the opportunity to respond to them.

We are not aware that Mr Cordell's neighbour allegedly "got around 7 of his friends" to intimidate and harass him for no apparent reason. Mr Cordell did not report the incident to the council and I will advise him to report it through the appropriate channel and provide the name and address of the neighbour to enable us to investigate and take appropriate action. He should also report the matter to the police.

With regards to your concerns regarding the nature of the flooring in the two flats above your son's. We have inspected one of the flats and we have made an appointment to inspect the second flat. I will arrange for a noise impact assessment to be carried out as soon as we complete our initial investigations to determine the level of noise transmission and make appropriate recommendations if necessary. We will need access to Mr Cordell's flat to enable us to investigate this matter and we will contact him in due course to arrange access.

You have stated that it is not Mr Cordell that is harassing his neighbours and that it is his neighbours that is harassing him. Could you please ask Mr Cordell to provide evidence of this to enable us to investigate and take appropriate action if necessary.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

From: Mother []

Sent: 07/02/2017 - 17:02

To: Lemmy Nwabuisi <>; Sarah Fletcher <>;

Sally Mcternan <>; Chief Executive <>;;; Daniel Ellis <>

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi

Thank you for the reply to my email and I look forward to getting the information by the 10/02/2017 I know that Dionne Grant is now dealing with the subject access request as Concetta who was dealing with it has had to take some leave.

Mr Cordell has not been up to his neighbours at 117 in fact he has only tried to help in the last few weeks by allowing people into his home due to the low water pressure. (Which I will state has nothing to do with my son flat)

The other day also another neighbour got around 7 of his friends to come and intimidate and harass my son for no apparent reason.

We will be asking for evidence which substantiates your allegations as to what the neighbours are stating in their complaints.

As clearly it seems from your below email as if you in fact believe what 117 is saying before even having addressed the issues.

Does this mean you have seen evidence which substantiates 117 complaints?

Due to the complaints and how they have been set out this should be a matter for the police and my son should have been arrested.

Mr Cordell has been arrested and dismissed for some of accusation that you have wrote in your letters, So I hope there is evidence which substantiates these allegations.

We just need to see if any of the other complaint has been addressed by the police.

In fact, my son has put a lot of complaints about his neighbours into the police himself, which also seem to never get addressed by police just like they never get addressed by Enfield Council, yet the neighbours’ complaints always get followed up instantly, I wonder why?

You have not again said what you will be doing about no flooring on the 2 flats above my son. Is anything ever going to be done or does he need to live being tormented, intimidate and harassed by the neighbours with nothing being done by Enfield Council every day he lives there?

It is not Mr Cordell harassing his neighbours it is the neighbours tormenting, intimidate and harassing him and Enfield Council is doing nothing about, it is starting to seem like a witch hunt until they and Enfield Council get him out of his flat.





From: Lemmy Nwabuisi [mailto:]

Sent: 07/02/2017 - 14:09

To: Mother

Cc: Sarah Fletcher

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

Thank you for your email.

I will put the complaints in the format you have requested and emailed same to you by Friday 10/02/2017 and a copy will be sent to Mr Cordell's address. I will also schedule another appointment as we need to discuss these allegations with Mr Cordell.

In the meant time, we are continuing to receive reports from the residents of 117 Burncroft Avenue that Mr Cordell is coming up to their front door to shout abuse and threaten them. Could you please ask Mr Cordell to refrain from doing this? He should contact his neighbourhood officer, the Anti-Social Behaviour Team or the Enfield Council noise team if he has any complaints about noise disturbances or any other type of anti-social behaviour against his neighbours instead of confronting them. If the behaviour persists then the council will have no option but to take out an injunction against him to stop him from harassing his neighbours.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

From: Mother []

Sent: 06/02/2017 - 13:33

To: Lemmy Nwabuisi <>; Chief Executive

< k>; Daniel Ellis <Daniel. uk>;;; Sally Mcternan <>

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi

I am writing this email to say you have stated in your last letter the subject access request has been dealt with, but we are still waiting for the data.

I have asked for the dates these complaints were put in and yet have had nothing about the dates and times.

Could you please forward me a list of dates and times these complaints were put in, and list them in an order like this so we know if more complaints have been put in by one person.

Complaint from A on date and Time: Body of complaint from A. Complaint from Bon date and Time: Body of complaint from B. Complaint from Con date and time: Body of complaint from C

And it can carry on like this until all complaints are listed. As at this time you have just listed complaints and failed to supply any other information.

If I can get this back today, I would be most grateful, as it has been asked for before.

Also we have said this before more than once on calls and emails, the person's living at 113 and 117 I believe which is the 2 people living on top of my son, 113 has since he moved in no carpet put down and also his floor broads needs fixing, 117 which is the top floor has laid wooden flooring, due to the way these flats have no sound proofing in between floors and only wooden flooring due to how they were built, we were thinking this would have already been addressed and has not and the neighbours have been allowed to keep the flooring the way it is, my son can hear everything and only feels nothing has been done as Enfield Council wants my son health to get worse and also to make him suffer.

As for the date of the 09/02/2017 as stated before until we have had all dates and times and body of complaints and the subject access request, I still do not feel it is justified my son has a meeting as he will be walking into a meeting only with very limited information, and due to his health, which is being caused by his neighbours and Enfield Council doing nothing I feel my son is only being setup due to issues and the colour of my son's skin. And this is why no one from Enfield council has ever taken a report from him about what has been ongoing form a long time ago.

We want to clear this up as much as you do, but it seems Enfield Council is not fulfilling what we have asked for in order to be able to do this.





From: Lemmy Nwabuisi [mailto:]

Sent: 02/02/2017 - 10:45


Subject: Re: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Miss Cordell,

Please find attached letter to Mr Cordell regarding ongoing reports of anti-social behaviour, verbal abuse and threatening behaviour made against him by his neighbours. It is very important that we meet with Mr Cordell to discuss these allegations and agree on the best way to resolve them.

I have also attached a copy of my letter to Mr Cordell dated 29/12/2016 regarding allegations of anti­social behaviour made against him by his neighbours. Copies of both letters will be sent to Mr Cordell's address.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354



Lemmy Nwabuisi RE Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 805,806,807,808,809,810


From: Lemmy Nwabuisi []

Sent: 08/02/2017 - 16:44

To: Mother; Sarah Fletcher; Sally Mcteman; Daniel Ellis; Chief Executive.

Joan@ Joan Ryan.; j

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Attachments: Incident Diary.doc

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

Thank you for your email.

We have made enquiries with the Repairs Team and our contractors, and they have advised that they did not send a contractor to 109 Burncroft Avenue this morning. We do not know who knocked on Mr Cordell's door and I can confirm that no Council official went to his flat at Barn this morning. Could you please provide the vehicle registration number to enable us to take up the matter with the police to try and identify who this person 1s.

I have also attached an anti-social behaviour incident diary for Mr Cordell to log any further incidences of noise disturbances and anti-social behaviour from his neighbours. He should please return completed logs to me by 23/02/2017

You also mentioned that you are keeping a full history of what has been going on, could you please forward a copy to me so that I can investigate accordingly.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

From: Mother []

Sent: 08/02/2017 - 10:38

To: Lemmy Nwabuisi <>; Sarah Fletcher <>; Sally Mcternan <>; Daniel Ellis <>; Chief Executive <Chief.>;; Joan.

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi

Just an update email that I wanted to put to you today as it is very worrying, this morning at around 08:00 my son Mr Cordell's door knocked he was not expecting anyone but went and shouted who was it without opening his door. the male replied I am from the council about the water, my son was not expecting anyone from the council and something did not feel right to my son and he asked the person to wait, he then made a call to the council to be told no one had been sent to his address by them, after the call to the council the male was not at his door, but my son heard people talking, one was his neighbour, just after this the male who came to my son's door went out of the block and got into a car which my son has got the registration for.

He does know which neighbour the person was talking to as I do. But at this time, he feels too unsafe to give the person's door number.

Why should my son be made to feel so unsafe in his own home, please tell me why someone would come to my son's door and say they were the council?

This is getting way too much now, and Enfield Council needs to do something about it before my son gets hurt.

My son is lucky he does not open the door to people and calls before opening his door to see who it is and does not go outside his flat as I feel something would have already happened to him.

And yes, we are keeping full history of what has been ongoing.



From: Mother []

Sent: 07/02/2017 - 17:02

To: 'Lemmy Nwabuisi'; ''; ''

''; ''; ''; 'Daniel Ellis' Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi

Thank you for the reply to my email and I look forward to getting the information by the 10/02/2017

I know that Dionne Grant is now dealing with the subject access request as Concetta who was dealing with it has had to take some leave.

Mr Cordell has not been up to his neighbours at 117 in fact he has only tried to help in the last few weeks by allowing people into his home due to the low water pressure. (Which I will state has nothing to do with my son flat)

The other day also another neighbour got around 7 of his friends to come and intimidate and harass my son for no apparent reason.

We will be asking for evidence which substantiates your allegations as to what the neighbours are stating in their complaints.

As clearly it seems from your below email as if you in fact believe what 117 is saying before even having addressed the issues.

Does this mean you have seen evidence which substantiates 117 complaints?

Due to the complaints and how they have been set out this should be a matter for the police and my son should have been arrested.

Mr Cordell has been arrested and dismissed for some of accusation that you have wrote in your letters, So I hope there is evidence which substantiates these allegations.

We just need to see if any of the other complaint has been addressed by the police.

In fact, my son has put a lot of complaints about his neighbours into the police himself, which also seem to never get addressed by police just like they never get addressed by Enfield Council, yet the neighbours’ complaints always get followed up instantly, I wonder why?

You have not again said what you will be doing about no flooring on the 2 flats above my son. Is anything ever going to be done or does he need to live being tormented, intimidate and harassed by the neighbours with nothing being done by Enfield Council every day he lives there?

It is not Mr Cordell harassing his neighbours it is the neighbours tormenting, intimidate and harassing him and Enfield Council is doing nothing about, it is starting to seem like a witch hunt until they and Enfield Council get him out of his flat.




From: Lemmy Nwabuisi []

Sent: 07/02/2017 - 14:09

To: Mother

Cc: Sarah Fletcher

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

Thank you for your email.

I will put the complaints in the format you have requested and emailed same to you by Friday 10/02/2017 and a copy will be sent to Mr Cordell's address. I will also schedule another appointment as we need to discuss these allegations with Mr Cordell.

In the meant time, we are continuing to receive reports from the residents of 117 Burncroft Avenue that Mr Cordell is coming up to their front door to shout abuse and threaten them. Could you please ask Mr Cordell to refrain from doing this?

He should contact his neighbourhood officer, the Anti-Social Behaviour Team or the Enfield Council noise team if he has any complaints about noise disturbances or any other type of anti-social behaviour against his neighbours instead of confronting them. If the behaviour persists then the council will have no option but to take out an injunction against him to stop him from harassing his neighbours.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

From: Mother []

Sent: 06/02/2017 - 13:33

To: Lemmy Nwabuisi <>; Chief Executive

<>; Daniel Ellis <Daniel.>;;; Sally Mcternan <>

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi

I am writing this email to say you have stated in your last letter the subject access request has been dealt with, but we are still waiting for the data.

I have asked for the dates these complaints were put in and yet have had nothing about the dates and times.

Could you please forward me a list of dates and times these complaints were put in, and list them in an order like this so we know if more complaints have been put in by one person.

Complaint from A on date and Time: Body of complaint from A. Complaint from Bon date and Time: Body of complaint from B. Complaint from Con date and time: Body of complaint from C

And it can carry on like this until all complaints are listed. As at this time you have just listed complaints and failed to supply any other information.

If I can get this back today, I would be most grateful, as it has been asked for before.

Also we have said this before more than once on calls and emails, the person's living at 113 and 117 I believe which is the 2 people living on top of my son, 113 has since he moved in no carpet put down and also his floor broads needs fixing, 117 which is the top floor has laid wooden flooring, due to the way these flats have no sound proofing in between floors and only wooden flooring due to how they were built, we were thinking this would have already been addressed and has not and the neighbours have been allowed to keep the flooring the way it is, my son can hear everything and only feels nothing has been done as Enfield Council wants my son health to get worse and also to make him suffer.

As for the date of the 09/02/2017 as stated before until we have had all dates and times and body of complaints and the subject access request, I still do not feel it is justified my son has a meeting as he will be walking into a meeting only with very limited information, and due to his health, which is being caused by his neighbours and Enfield Council doing nothing I feel my son is only being setup due to issues and the colour of my son's skin. And this is why no one from Enfield council has ever taken a report from him about what has been ongoing form a long time ago.

We want to clear this up as much as you do, but it seems Enfield Council is not fulfilling what we have asked for in order to be able to do this.




From: Lemmy Nwabuisi [mailto:]

Sent: 02/02/2017 - 10:45


Subject: Re: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Miss Cordell,

Please find attached letter to Mr Cordell regarding ongoing reports of anti-social behaviour, verbal abuse and threatening behaviour made against him by his neighbours. It is very important that we meet with Mr Cordell to discuss these allegations and agree on the best way to resolve them.

I have also attached a copy of my letter to Mr Cordell dated 29/12/2016 regarding allegations of anti­social behaviour made against him by his neighbours. Copies of both letters will be sent to Mr Cordell's address.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354




Recall Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 811







Lemmy Nwabuisi []

08/02/2017 - 16:45

Mother; Sarah Fletcher; Sally Mcternan; Daniel Ellis; Chief Executive;;

Recall: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Lemmy Nwabuisi would like to recall the message, "Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]".

[Campaign] <>

[Facebook]Follow us on Facebook< Council/252946378095154> [Twitter] Twitter<> [Enfield]

Enfield Council is committed to serving the whole borough fairly, delivering excellent services and building strong communities. Opinions expressed in this email are those of the individual and not necessarily those of the London Borough of Enfield. This email and any attachments or files transmitted with it are strictly confidential and intended solely for the named addressee. It may contain privileged and confidential information and if you are not the intended recipient and receive it in error you must not copy, distribute or use the communication in any other way. All traffic handled by the Government Connect Secure Extranet may be subject to recording/and or monitoring in accordance with relevant legislation.

This email has been scanned for viruses, but we cannot guarantee that it will be free of viruses or malware. The recipient should perform their own virus checks.



Lemmy Nwabuisi FW Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 812,813,814,815,816,817,818


From: Lemmy Nwabuisi []

Sent: 08/02/2017 - 16:56

To: Mother

Subject: FW: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Attachments: Incident Diary.doc

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

Thank you for your email.

We have made enquiries with the Repairs Team and our contractors, and they have advised that they did not send a contractor to 109 Burncroft Avenue this morning. We do not know who knocked on Mr Cordell's door and I can confirm that no Council official went to his flat at Barn this morning. Could you please provide the vehicle registration number to enable us to take up the matter with the police to try and identify who this person is.

I have also attached an anti-social behaviour incident diary for Mr Cordell to log any further incidences of noise disturbances and anti-social behaviour from his neighbours. He should please return completed logs to me by 23/02/2017 You also mentioned that you are keeping a full history of what has been going on, could you please forward a copy to me so that I can investigate accordingly.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

From: Mother []

Sent: 08/02/2017 - 10:38

To: Lemmy Nwabuisi <>; Sarah Fletcher <>; Sally Mcternan <>; Daniel Ellis <>; Chief Executive <Chief.>; Joan @Joan Ryan; Joan.

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi

Just an update email that I wanted to put to you today as it is very worrying, this morning at around 08:00 my son Mr Cordell's door knocked he was not expecting anyone but went and shouted who was it without opening his door. the male replied I am from the council about the water, my son was not expecting anyone from the council and something did not feel right to my son and he asked the person to wait, he then made a call to the council to be told no one had been sent to his address by them, after the call to the council the male was not at his door, but my son heard people talking, one was his neighbour, just after this the male who came to my son's door went out of the block and got into a car which my son has got the registration for.

He does know which neighbour the person was talking to as I do. But at this time, he feels too unsafe to give the person's door number.

Why should my son be made to feel so unsafe in his own home, please tell me why someone would come to my son's door and say they were the council?

This is getting way too much now, and Enfield Council needs to do something about it before my son gets hurt.

My son is lucky he does not open the door to people and calls before opening his door to see who it is and does not go outside his flat as I feel something would have already happened to him.

And yes, we are keeping full history of what has been ongoing.





From: Mother [mailto:]

Sent: 07/02/2017 - 17:02

To: 'Lemmy Nwabuisi'; ''; ''

''; ''; ''; 'Daniel Ellis' Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi

Thank you for the reply to my email and I look forward to getting the information by the 10/02/2017 I know that Dionne Grant is now dealing with the subject access request as Concetta who was dealing with it has had to take some leave.

Mr Cordell has not been up to his neighbours at 117 in fact he has only tried to help in the last few weeks by allowing people into his home due to the low water pressure. (Which I will state has nothing to do with my son flat)

The other day also another neighbour got around 7 of his friends to come and intimidate and harass my son for no apparent reason.

We will be asking for evidence which substantiates your allegations as to what the neighbours are stating in their complaints.

As clearly it seems from your below email as if you in fact believe what 117 is saying before even having addressed the issues.

Does this mean you have seen evidence which substantiates 117 complaints?

Due to the complaints and how they have been set out this should be a matter for the police and my son should have been arrested.

Mr Cordell has been arrested and dismissed for some of accusation that you have wrote in your letters, So I hope there is evidence which substantiates these allegations.

We just need to see if any of the other complaint has been addressed by the police.

In fact, my son has put a lot of complaints about his neighbours into the police himself, which also seem to never get addressed by police just like they never get addressed by Enfield Council, yet the neighbours’ complaints always get followed up instantly, I wonder why?

You have not again said what you will be doing about no flooring on the 2 flats above my son. Is anything ever going to be done or does he need to live being tormented, intimidate and harassed by the neighbours with nothing being done by Enfield Council every day he lives there?

It is not Mr Cordell harassing his neighbours it is the neighbours tormenting, intimidate and harassing him and Enfield Council is doing nothing about, it is starting to seem like a witch hunt until they and Enfield Council get him out of his flat.





From: Lemmy Nwabuisi []

Sent: 07/02/2017 - 14:09

To: Mother

Cc: Sarah Fletcher

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

Thank you for your email.

I will put the complaints in the format you have requested and emailed same to you by Friday 10/02/2017 and a copy will be sent to Mr Cordell's address. I will also schedule another appointment as we need to discuss these allegations with Mr Cordell.

In the meant time, we are continuing to receive reports from the residents of 117 Burncroft Avenue that Mr Cordell is coming up to their front door to shout abuse and threaten them. Could you please ask Mr Cordell to refrain from doing this? He should contact his neighbourhood officer, the Anti-Social Behaviour Team or the Enfield Council noise team if he has any complaints about noise disturbances or any other type of anti-social behaviour against his neighbours instead of confronting them. If the behaviour persists then the council will have no option but to take out an injunction against him to stop him from harassing his neighbours.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

From: Mother []

Sent: 06/02/2017 - 13:33

To: Lemmy Nwabuisi <>; Chief Executive

<>; Daniel Ellis <Daniel.>;;; Sally Mcternan <>

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi

I am writing this email to say you have stated in your last letter the subject access request has been dealt with, but we are still waiting for the data.

I have asked for the dates these complaints were put in and yet have had nothing about the dates and times.

Could you please forward me a list of dates and times these complaints were put in, and list them in an order like this so we know if more complaints have been put in by one person.

Complaint from A on date and Time: Body of complaint from A. Complaint from Bon date and Time: Body of complaint from B. Complaint from Con date and time: Body of complaint from C

And it can carry on like this until all complaints are listed. As at this time you have just listed complaints and failed to supply any other information.

If I can get this back today, I would be most grateful, as it has been asked for before.

Also we have said this before more than once on calls and emails, the person's living at 113 and 117 I believe which is the 2 people living on top of my son, 113 has since he moved in no carpet put down and also his floor broads needs fixing, 117 which is the top floor has laid wooden flooring, due to the way these flats have no sound proofing in between floors and only wooden flooring due to how they were built, we were thinking this would have already been addressed and has not and the neighbours have been allowed to keep the flooring the way it is, my son can hear everything and only feels nothing has been done as Enfield Council wants my son health to get worse and also to make him suffer.

As for the date of the 09/02/2017 as stated before until we have had all dates and times and body of complaints and the subject access request, I still do not feel it is justified my son has a meeting as he will be walking into a meeting only with very limited information, and due to his health, which is being caused by his neighbours and Enfield Council doing nothing I feel my son is only being setup due to issues and the colour of my son's skin. And this is why no one from Enfield council has ever taken a report from him about what has been ongoing form a long time ago.

We want to clear this up as much as you do, but it seems Enfield Council is not fulfilling what we have asked for in order to be able to do this.





From: Lemmy Nwabuisi [mailto:]

Sent: 02/02/2017 - 10:45


Subject: Re: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Miss Cordell,

Please find attached letter to Mr Cordell regarding ongoing reports of anti-social behaviour, verbal abuse and threatening behaviour made against him by his neighbours. It is very important that we meet with Mr Cordell to discuss these allegations and agree on the best way to resolve them.


I have also attached a copy of my letter to Mr Cordell dated 29/12/2016 regarding allegations of anti­social behaviour made against him by his neighbours. Copies of both letters will be sent to Mr Cordell's address.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre





Lemmy Nwabuisi FW Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 819,820,821,822,823


From: Lemmy Nwabuisi []

Sent: 10/02/2017 - 16:01

To: Mother

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

Please see below as requested the details of recent allegations made against Mr Simon Cordell. I have listed the complainants as Complainant A, Band C.


On 06/08/2016 Complainant A reported that Simon Cordell, his neighbour at flat 109 is threatening him and his wife and aggressively demanding money from him. He alleged that Mr Cordell called his wife 'a bitch' and tried to stop him from going up the stairs to his flat. He also alleged that in July 2016, someone used a knife to puncture his tyres, all 4 of them, that he believes that the tyres were slashed by Simon, that although he did not see Simon do it but he was quite certain that it was him. He also alleged that Mr Cordell damaged the lock to his electric cupboard and removed his fuse box resulting in no electricity.

On 05/10/2016 Complainant B reported that Mr Cordell has been harassing him for a while in relation to alleged noise disturbances from his flat. He alleged that the previous day on 4/10/16, Simon was banging on his ceiling and later came upstairs and started kicking his door and shouting aggressively. He alleged that Simon then went downstairs dragged his motorbike from where he parked it and started smashing it up. He then called the police. He also stated that Mr Cordell had previously slashed his motorbike tyres with a knife, that he did not report it as he did not see him do it.

On 31/10/2016 telephone call received from another resident on behalf of Complainant C. He alleged that Complainant C's neighbour, Simon was using threatening, abusive and insulting words towards Complainant C. He stated that he witnessed an incident that happened in September 2016 outside the block when Simon shouted abuse at Complainant C and made threats towards him.

On 04/11/2016 met with Complainant C to discuss his concerns following the report from another resident. He stated the first incident happened sometime in July 2016 that he cannot remember the exact date. He alleged that he was approached by Mr Cordell as he came out of his front door and he started shouting abuse at him and threatened to burn down his flat. He alleged that the second incident happened in September 2016

He stated that he was on his way to meet a friend when Mr Cordell came at him 'ranting and raving' and said to him 'I can get you over at the park, I know you go for a walk'. He stated that two other neighbours witnessed the incident and that one of them told Mr Cordell to leave him alone. Complainant C also complained that Mr Cordell have installed a CCTV on the internal communal door and that he believes that he is monitoring his every move. He asked that the camera be removed as it is making him to feel very nervous, vulnerable and uncomfortable and is an invasion of his privacy.

On 11/11/ 2016 the Neighbourhood Officer met with Complainant A to discuss his allegations against Mr Cordell. He stated that some of the recent incidents happened on 06/08/2016 at 6pm, 27/09/2016 at 11.45pm and 28/09/2016 at 5.30pm. He stated that the incidents include, threatening behaviour, intimidation and aggressively demanding money. He alleged that Mr Cordell has physically threatened him in the past with a piece of wood. He also alleged that Mr Cordell has a big dog that always barks when someone comes into the block. He complained that Mr Cordell has a camera in the internal communal door facing the main entrance door to the block. He stated that he believes that Mr Cordell is using the camera to monitor when people come in or out of the block and that it makes him very uncomfortable and requested for the camera to be removed.

On 08/12/2016 Complainant A reported that Mr Cordell came and banged on his front door, shouted abuse and threats at him and accused him of making noise.

On 12/12/2016 Complainant B reported that on 11/12/2016 Mr Cordell came and banged on his front door on three different occasions and accused him of banging on the pipes. He alleged that he also shouted abuse and threats at him.


On 14/12/2016 Complainant C reported that one of his neighbours visited him and as she rang his doorbell Mr Cordell came out of his flat and started shouting abuse at her. He also alleged that Mr Cordell shouted that he would take some action when his ASBO expires.

On 23/12/2016 Complainant A reported that his wife was at home alone with their child between 3.45pm when Mr Cordell came and knocked on his front door, started to shout abuse and asked his wife to go in the bathroom and turn off the tap. He also alleged that Mr Cordell later removed his electricity fuse thereby cutting their power supply.

On 10/01/2017 Complainant A telephoned to report that on 26/12/2016 at about 12 to l pm he was going out with his family when Mr Cordell ran up the stairs with a towel round his waist and started shouting abuse and threats at him and his wife. He alleged that Mr Cordell accused him of tampering with his water supply and tried to stop them from leaving the block. He also stated that on 03/01/2017 at 10.47pm, he was coming back from a family outing and as soon as they entered the block, Mr Cordell came out of his flat and started shouting abuse and threats at him.

On 23/01/2017 Complainant A reported an incident that occurred at 6.24pm on 21/01/2017

He alleged that his wife was at home with their child when Mr Cordell come and started banging on his front door, shouted abuse and threats and accused them of making noise.

On 15/02/2017 Complainant A reported an incident that occurred at 5:10pm on 31/01/2017

He alleged that his wife was alone with his child at home when Mr Cordell came and banged on his door and started shouting abuse and threats and accused them of banging on the floor.

I will write to Mr Cordell next week to arrange for him to meet with me and another colleague at the Civic Centre to discuss the allegations made against him.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

From: Mother []

Sent: 06/02/2017 - 13:33

To: Lemmy Nwabuisi <>; Chief Executive

<>; Daniel Ellis <Daniel.>; Joan. Ryan.;; Sally Mcternan <>

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi

I am writing this email to say you have stated in your last letter the subject access request has been dealt with, but we are still waiting for the data.

I have asked for the dates these complaints were put in and yet have had nothing about the dates and times.

Could you please forward me a list of dates and times these complaints were put in, and list them in an order like this so we know if more complaints have been put in by one person.

Complaint from A on date and Time: Body of complaint from A. Complaint from Bon date and Time: Body of complaint from B. Complaint from Con date and time: Body of complaint from C

And it can carry on like this until all complaints are listed. As at this time you have just listed complaints and failed to supply any other information.

If I can get this back today, I would be most grateful, as it has been asked for before.

Also we have said this before more than once on calls and emails, the person's living at 113 and 117 I believe which is the 2 people living on top of my son, 113 has since he moved in no carpet put down and also his floor broads needs fixing, 117 which is the top floor has laid wooden flooring, due to the way these flats have no sound proofing in between floors and only wooden flooring due to how they were built, we were thinking this would have already been addressed and has not and the neighbours have been allowed to keep the flooring the way it is, my son can hear everything and only feels nothing has been done as Enfield Council wants my son health to get worse and also to make him suffer.

As for the date of the 09/02/2017 as stated before until we have had all dates and times and body of complaints and the subject access request, I still do not feel it is justified my son has a meeting as he will be walking into a meeting only with very limited information, and due to his health, which is being caused by his neighbours and Enfield Council doing nothing I feel my son is only being setup due to issues and the colour of my son's skin. And this is why no one from Enfield council has ever taken a report from him about what has been ongoing form a long time ago.

We want to clear this up as much as you do, but it seems Enfield Council is not fulfilling what we have asked for in order to be able to do this.





From: Lemmy Nwabuisi []

Sent: 02/02/2017 - 10:45


Subject: Re: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Miss Cordell,

Please find attached letter to Mr Cordell regarding ongoing reports of anti-social behaviour, verbal abuse and threatening behaviour made against him by his neighbours. It is very important that we meet with Mr Cordell to discuss these allegations and agree on the best way to resolve them.

I have also attached a copy of my letter to Mr Cordell dated 29/12/2016 regarding allegations of anti­

social behaviour made against him by his neighbours. Copies of both letters will be sent to Mr Cordell's address.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

Classification: OFFICIAL



Lemmy Nwabuisi FW Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 824,825,826,827,828,829


From: Lemmy Nwabuisi []

Sent: 16/02/2017 - 14:13

To: Mother

Subject: FW: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Attachments: 3rd Letter to Mr Cordell, 16/02/2017 .pdf

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

Please find attached a copy of a letter inviting Mr Simon Cordell to meet with me at 2.30pm on Wednesday

22/02/2017 to discuss the allegations made against him by some of his neighbours.

The original copy of the letter will be hand delivered to his home address today.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

From: Lemmy Nwabuisi

Sent: 10/02/2017 - 16:01

To: 'Mother' <>

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

Please see below as requested the details of recent allegations made against Mr Simon Cordell. I have listed the complainants as Complainant A, B and C.

On 06/08/2016 Complainant A reported that Simon Cordell, his neighbour at flat 109 is threatening him and his wife and aggressively demanding money from him. He alleged that Mr Cordell called his wife 'a bitch' and tried to stop him from going up the stairs to his flat. He also alleged that in July 2016, someone used a knife to puncture his tyres, all 4 of them, that he believes that the tyres were slashed by Simon, that although he did not see Simon do it but he was quite certain that it was him. He also alleged that Mr Cordell damaged the lock to his electric cupboard and removed his fuse box resulting in no electricity.

On 05/10/2016 Complainant B reported that Mr Cordell has been harassing him for a while in relation to alleged noise disturbances from his flat. He alleged that the previous day on 04/10/2016 Simon was banging on his ceiling and later came upstairs and started kicking his door and shouting aggressively. He alleged that Simon then went downstairs dragged his motorbike from where he parked it and started smashing it up. He then called the police. He also stated that Mr Cordell had previously slashed his motorbike tyres with a knife, that he did not report it as he did not see him do it.

On 31/10/ 2016 telephone call received from another resident on behalf of Complainant C. He alleged that Complainant C's neighbour, Simon was using threatening, abusive and insulting words towards Complainant C. He stated that he witnessed an incident that happened in September 2016 outside the block when Simon shouted abuse at Complainant C and made threats towards him.

On 04/11/ 2016 met with Complainant C to discuss his concerns following the report from another resident. He stated the first incident happened sometime in July 2016 that he cannot remember the exact date. He alleged that he was approached by Mr Cordell as he came out of his front door, and he started shouting abuse at him and threatened to burn down his flat. He alleged that the second incident happened in September 2016 He stated that he was on his way to meet a friend when Mr Cordell came at him 'ranting and raving' and said to him 'I can get you over at the park, I know you go for a walk'. He stated that two other neighbours witnessed the incident and that one of them told Mr Cordell to leave him alone. Complainant C also complained that Mr Cordell have installed a CCTV on the internal communal door and that he believes that he is monitoring his every move. He asked that the camera be removed as it is making him to feel very nervous, vulnerable and uncomfortable and is an invasion of his privacy.

On 11/11/2016 the Neighbourhood Officer met with Complainant A to discuss his allegations against Mr Cordell. He stated that some of the recent incidents happened on 06/08/2016 at 6pm, 27/09/2016 at ll.45pm and 28/09/2016 at 5.30pm. He stated that the incidents include, threatening behaviour, intimidation and aggressively demanding money. He alleged that Mr Cordell has physically threatened him in the past with a piece of wood. He also alleged that Mr Cordell has a big dog that always barks when someone comes into the block. He complained that Mr Cordell has a camera in the internal communal door facing the main entrance door to the block. He stated that he believes that Mr Cordell is using the camera to monitor when people come in or out of the block and that it makes him very uncomfortable and requested for the camera to be removed.

On 08/12/2016 Complainant A reported that Mr Cordell came and banged on his front door, shouted abuse and threats at him and accused him of making noise.

On 12/01/2016 Complainant B reported that on 11/12/16, Mr Cordell came and banged on his front door on three different occasions and accused him of banging on the pipes. He alleged that he also shouted abuse and threats at him.


On 14/12/2016 Complainant C reported that one of his neighbours visited him and as she rang his doorbell Mr Cordell came out of his flat and started shouting abuse at her. He also alleged that Mr Cordell shouted that he would take some action when his ASBO expires.

On 23/12/2016 Complainant A reported that his wife was at home alone with their child between 3.45pm when Mr Cordell came and knocked on his front door, started to shout abuse and asked his wife to go in the bathroom and turn off the tap. He also alleged that Mr Cordell later removed his electricity fuse thereby cutting their power supply.

On 10/01/2017 Complainant A telephoned to report that on 26/12/2016 at about 12 to l pm he was going out with his family when Mr Cordell ran up the stairs with a towel round his waist and started shouting abuse and threats at him and his wife. He alleged that Mr Cordell accused him of tampering with his water supply and tried to stop them from leaving the block. He also stated that on 03/01/2017 at 10.47pm, he was coming back from a family outing and as soon as they entered the block, Mr Cordell

came out of his flat and started shouting abuse and threats at him. On 23/01/2017 Complainant A reported an incident that occurred at 6.24pm on 21/01/2017

He alleged that his wife was at home with their child when Mr Cordell come and started banging on his front door, shouted abuse and threats and accused them of making noise.

On 01/02/2017 Complainant A reported an incident that occurred at 5;10pm on 31/01/2017

He alleged that his wife was alone with his child at home when Mr Cordell came and banged on his door and started shouting abuse and threats and accused them of banging on the floor.

I will write to Mr Cordell next week to arrange for him to meet with me and another colleague at the Civic Centre to discuss the allegations made against him.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

From: Mother []

Sent: 06/02/2017 - 13:33

To: Lemmy Nwabuisi <>; Chief Executive

<Chief.>; Daniel Ellis <Daniel.>;;; Sally Mcternan <>

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi

I am writing this email to say you have stated in your last letter the subject access request has been dealt with, but we are still waiting for the data.

I have asked for the dates these complaints were put in and yet have had nothing about the dates and times.

Could you please forward me a list of dates and times these complaints were put in, and list them in an order like this so we know if more complaints have been put in by one person.

Complaint from A on date and Time: Body of complaint from A. Complaint from Bon date and Time: Body of complaint from B. Complaint from Con date and time: Body of complaint from C

And it can carry on like this until all complaints are listed. As at this time you have just listed complaints and failed to supply any other information.

If I can get this back today, I would be most grateful, as it has been asked for before.

Also we have said this before more than once on calls and emails, the person's living at 113 and 117 I believe which is the 2 people living on top of my son, 113 has since he moved in no carpet put down and also his floor broads needs fixing, 117 which is the top floor has laid wooden flooring, due to the way these flats have no sound proofing in between floors and only wooden flooring due to how they were built, we were thinking this would have already been addressed and has not and the neighbours have been allowed to keep the flooring the way it is, my son can hear everything and only feels nothing has been done as Enfield Council wants my son health to get worse and also to make him suffer.

As for the date of the 09/02/2017 as stated before until we have had all dates and times and body of complaints and the subject access request, I still do not feel it is justified my son has a meeting as he will be walking into a meeting only with very limited information, and due to his health, which is being caused by his neighbours and Enfield Council doing nothing I feel my son is only being setup due to issues and the colour of my son's skin. And this is why no one from Enfield council has ever taken a report from him about what has been ongoing form a long time ago.

We want to clear this up as much as you do, but it seems Enfield Council is not fulfilling what we have asked for in order to be able to do this.




From: Lemmy Nwabuisi [mailto:]

Sent: 02/02/2017 - 10:45


Subject: Re: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Miss Cordell,

Please find attached letter to Mr Cordell regarding ongoing reports of anti-social behaviour, verbal abuse and threatening behaviour made against him by his neighbours. It is very important that we meet with Mr Cordell to discuss these allegations and agree on the best way to resolve them.

I have also attached a copy of my letter to Mr Cordell dated 29/12/2016 regarding allegations of anti­social behaviour made against him by his neighbours. Copies of both letters will be sent to Mr Cordell's address.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354



The 3rd Letter to Mr Cordell


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 830


Please reply to: Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team· Community Safety Unit

B Block North

Civic Centre



Date: 16/02/2017

Dear Mr Cordell,

Re: Allegations of Anti-Social Behaviour, Harassment, Intimidation and

Threatening Behaviour

I write with regards to reports of anti-social behaviour, intimidation, harassment and threatening behaviour made against you by your neighbours.

As requested, I sent an email to you on 10/02/2017 with details of the allegations made against you. We now need to meet with you to discuss these allegations and give you the opportunity to respond to them.

I have therefore arranged for you to meet with me at the Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XY at 2.30pm on Wednesday, 22/02/2017 to discuss this matter. You should ·contact me on 02083795354 to rearrange the meeting if this date is not convenient for you. Please ask to see Mr Lemmy Nwabuisi from the ASB Team, Community Safety Unit at the reception when you get to the Civic Cen􀀇re.

Yours Sincerely

Lemmy Nwabuisi ASB Team



Access letter for Burncroft Avenue

To turn the water pressure back on / Blaming me for Stopping it / Defending Myself


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 831


Council-Housing the Edmonton Centre 35-44 South Mall

Edmonton Green N90TN

0800 40 80 160

Date: 20/02/2017

Dear Mr Cordell

Re: Loss of water pressure/supply to block

Letter Hand Delivered

As you may be aware, there is an ongoing issue with loss of water pressure/supply to one or more of the flats in your block.

Thames Water has attended more than once in recent weeks but have not been able to resolve the issue. They have advised that the external pressure/supply is satisfactory and that the restriction lies somewhere within the internal supply of the block.

The Council's surveyor needs to investigate the. matter further and will need to access flats 109, 113 and 117 to do so.

We need to gain access into your property and an appointment has been made on Friday 24/02/0000 between 10.00am and 12.00pm in order to establish the level of water pressure/supply in your property and to identify whether there is any restriction to the flow throughout the block.

Please can you arrange for you or your personal representative to be there at this time to facilitate access. Please can you confirm that someone will be available to provide access by contacting me on 0800 40 80 160.

We would appreciate your cooperation in this matter in order to resolve the issue for all residents in this block as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,

Sarah Fletcher Neighbourhood Officer



Sarah Fletcher Copy of letter sent to Mr Cordell


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 832,833


From: Sarah Fletcher []

Sent: 21/02/2017 - 18:07

To: Mother


Attachments: Access letter for 109 Bumcroft Avenue 2.pdf


Dear Ms Cordell,

Please find attached a copy of a letter hand delivered to Mr Simon Cordell at 109 Burncroft Avenue, Enfield, Middlesex EN3 7JQ yesterday regarding access to investigate the ongoing low water pressure issue in the block.

Kind regards,

Sarah Fletcher

Neighbourhood Officer

Neighbourhood Team 2

Edmonton Centre

36-44 South Mall

Telephone: 0800 40 80 160


Enfield Council is committed to serving the whole borough fairly, delivering services and building strong communities.




Lemmy Nwabuisi RE Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 834,835,836,837,838,839,840


From: Lemmy Nwabuisi []

Sent: 22/02/2017 - 11:18

To: Mother

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

Thanks for your email.

Could you please confirm when you and Mr Cordell are able to meet with me within the next 14 days? As stated in my previous letters, the allegations are serious breach of tenancy conditions, and we need to give Mr Cordell the opportunity to respond to them before a decision is made on how to proceed.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

From: Mother []

Sent: 22/02/2017 - 10:06

To: Lemmy Nwabuisi <>

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi

I am sorry for the late information, but we will not be able to attend today at 2.30pm on Wednesday 22/02/2017 due to private family reasons.

I am also very upset to see how the subject access request has been handled, as I said to you last week I have not had use of my main computer due to work being carried out on my home. I have sent Dionne Grant giving 14 days or I will take it to the ICO and have not had a reply yet to the email I sent.




From: Lemmy Nwabuisi [mailto:]

Sent: 16/02/2017 - 14:13

To: Mother

Subject: FW: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

Please find attached a copy of a letter inviting Mr Simon Cordell to meet with me at 2.30pm on Wednesday 22/02/2017 to discuss the allegations made against him by some of his neighbours.

The original copy of the letter will be hand delivered to his home address today.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

From: Lemmy Nwabuisi

Sent: 10/02/2017 - 16:01

To: 'Mother' <>

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

Please see below as requested the details of recent allegations made against Mr Simon Cordell. I have listed the complainants as Complainant A, B and C.

On 06/08/2016 Complainant A reported that Simon Cordell, his neighbour at flat 109 is threatening him and his wife and aggressively demanding money from him. He alleged that Mr Cordell called his wife 'a bitch' and tried to stop him from going up the stairs to his flat. He also alleged that in July 2016 someone used a knife to puncture his tyres, all 4 of them, that he believes that the tyres were slashed by Simon, that although he did not see Simon do it but he was quite certain that it was him. He also alleged that Mr Cordell damaged the lock to his electric cupboard and removed his fuse box resulting in no electricity.

On 05/10/2016 Complainant B reported that Mr Cordell has been harassing him for a while in relation to alleged noise disturbances from his flat. He alleged that the previous day on 04/10/2016 Simon was banging on his ceiling and later came upstairs and started kicking his door and shouting aggressively. He alleged that Simon then went downstairs dragged his motorbike from where he parked it and started smashing it up. He then called the police. He also stated that Mr Cordell had previously slashed his motorbike tyres with a knife, that he did not report it as he did not see him do it.

On 31/10/2016 telephone call received from another resident on behalf of Complainant C. He alleged that Complainant C's neighbour, Simon was using threatening, abusive and insulting words towards Complainant C. He stated that he witnessed an incident that happened in September 2016 outside the block when Simon shouted abuse at Complainant C and made threats towards him.

On 04/11/2016 met with Complainant C to discuss his concerns following the report from another resident. He stated the first incident happened sometime in July 2016 that he cannot remember the exact date. He alleged that he was approached by Mr Cordell as he came out of his

front door and he started shouting abuse at him and threatened to burn down his flat. He alleged that the second incident happened in September 2016

He stated that he was on his way to meet a friend when Mr Cordell came at him 'ranting and raving' and said to him 'I can get you over at the park, I know you go for a walk'. He stated that two other neighbours witnessed the incident and that one of them told Mr Cordell to leave him alone. Complainant C also complained that Mr Cordell have installed a CCTV on the internal communal door and that he believes that he is monitoring his every move. He asked that the camera be removed as it is making him to feel very nervous, vulnerable and uncomfortable and is an invasion of his privacy.

On 11/11/2016 the Neighbourhood Officer met with Complainant A to discuss his allegations

against Mr Cordell. He stated that some of the recent incidents happened on 06/08/2016 at 6pm, 27/09/2016 at ll.45pm and 28/09/2016 at 5.30pm. He stated that the incidents include, threatening behaviour, intimidation and aggressively demanding money. He alleged that Mr Cordell has physically threatened him in the past with a piece of wood. He also alleged that Mr Cordell has a big dog that always barks when someone comes into the block. He complained that Mr Cordell has a camera in the internal communal door facing the main entrance door to the block. He stated that he believes that Mr Cordell is using the camera to monitor when people come in or out of the block and that it makes him very uncomfortable and requested for the camera to be removed.

On 08/12/2016 Complainant A reported that Mr Cordell came and banged on his front door, shouted abuse and threats at him and accused him of making noise.

On 12/1/2016 Complainant B reported that on 11/12/2016 Mr Cordell came and banged on his front door on three different occasions and accused him of banging on the pipes. He alleged that he also shouted abuse and threats at him.


On 14/12/2016 Complainant C reported that one of his neighbours visited him and as she rang his doorbell Mr Cordell came out of his flat and started shouting abuse at her. He also alleged that Mr Cordell shouted that he would take some action when his ASBO expires.

On 23/12/2016 Complainant A reported that his wife was at home alone with their child between 3.45pm when Mr Cordell came and knocked on his front door, started to shout abuse and asked his wife to go in the bathroom and turn off the tap. He also alleged that Mr Cordell later removed his electricity fuse thereby cutting their power supply.

On 10/01/2017 Complainant A telephoned to report that on 26/12/2016 at about 12 to l pm he was going out with his family when Mr Cordell ran up the stairs with a towel round his waist and started shouting abuse and threats at him and his wife. He alleged that Mr Cordell accused him of tampering with his water supply and tried to stop them from leaving the block. He also stated that on 03/01/2017 at 10.47pm, he was coming back from a family outing and as soon as they entered the block, Mr Cordell came out of his flat and started shouting abuse and threats at him.

On 23/01/2017 Complainant A reported an incident that occurred at 6.24pm on 21/01/2017

 He alleged that his wife was at home with their child when Mr Cordell come and started banging on his front door, shouted abuse and threats and accused them of making noise.

On 15/02/2017 Complainant A reported an incident that occurred at 5:10 pm on 31/01/2017

He alleged that his wife was alone with his child at home when Mr Cordell came and banged on his door and started shouting abuse and threats and accused them of banging on the floor.

I will write to Mr Cordell next week to arrange for him to meet with me and another colleague at the Civic Centre to discuss the allegations made against him.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

From: Mother []

Sent: 06/02/2017 - 13:33

To: Lemmy Nwabuisi <>; Chief Executive

<Chief.>; Daniel Ellis <Daniel.>;;; Sally Mcternan <>

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi

I am writing this email to say you have stated in your last letter the subject access request has been dealt with, but we are still waiting for the data.

I have asked for the dates these complaints were put in and yet have had nothing about the dates and times.

Could you please forward me a list of dates and times these complaints were put in, and list them in an order like this so we know if more complaints have been put in by one person.

Complaint from A on date and Time: Body of complaint from A. Complaint from Bon date and Time: Body of complaint from B. Complaint from Con date and time: Body of complaint from C

And it can carry on like this until all complaints are listed. As at this time you have just listed complaints and failed to supply any other information.

If I can get this back today, I would be most grateful, as it has been asked for before.

Also we have said this before more than once on calls and emails, the person's living at 113 and 117 I believe which is the 2 people living on top of my son, 113 has since he moved in no carpet put down and also his floor broads needs fixing, 117 which is the top floor has laid wooden flooring, due to the way these flats have no sound proofing in between floors and only wooden flooring due to how they were built, we were thinking this would have already been addressed and has not and the neighbours have been allowed to keep the flooring the way it is, my son can hear everything and only feels nothing has been done as Enfield Council wants my son health to get worse and also to make him suffer.

As for the date of the 09/02/2017 as stated before until we have had all dates and times and body of complaints and the subject access request, I still do not feel it is justified my son has a meeting as he will be walking into a meeting only with very limited information, and due to his health, which is being caused by his neighbours and Enfield Council doing nothing I feel my son is only being setup due to issues and the colour of my son's skin. And this is why no one from Enfield council has ever taken a report from him about what has been ongoing form a long time ago.

We want to clear this up as much as you do, but it seems Enfield Council is not fulfilling what we have asked for in order to be able to do this.




From: Lemmy Nwabuisi [mailto:]

Sent: 02/02/2017 - 10:45


Subject: Re: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Miss Cordell,

Please find attached letter to Mr Cordell regarding ongoing reports of anti-social behaviour, verbal abuse and threatening behaviour made against him by his neighbours. It is very important that we meet with Mr Cordell to discuss these allegations and agree on the best way to resolve them.

I have also attached a copy of my letter to Mr Cordell dated 29/12/2016 regarding allegations of anti­

social behaviour made against him by his neighbours. Copies of both letters will be sent to Mr Cordell's address.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

Classification: OFFICIAL



Dionne Grant RE Response to SAR Ref CRM SAR


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 843,844,845,846


From: Dionne Grant []

Sent: 27/02/2017 - 13:14

To: Mother

Subject: RE: Response to SAR- Ref CRM SAR 251 [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell

Thank you for your email below. The relevant service areas supplied the information that is held on their records. There are no call recordings available.

You mention that you think information is missing. In order to enable us to search further, please clarify what data you think is missing and if you are aware of the context of which any other information may be held and any likely dates you think the processing of information may have occurred and I will then make further enquiries with services. As a reminder, the information provided in your recent request is only new data from when the last subject access request was made in 2016.

As previously explained, third party information would be withheld; to clarify further, this would include records produced by external agencies. In your email below, you refer to police records; please note that Mr Cordell may wish to contact the police directly to request details of their records held.

You also mention below that the Council holds inaccurate data. Mr Cordell may provide his statement to us to address what information he feels is incorrect and we will ensure that this is placed on our records alongside that data which he believes is inaccurate. This will then ensure that both versions of events are viewed alongside each other.

You do also have the right to contact the ICO as advised in my previous response.


Dionne Grant

Statutory Complaints Manager - Gateway Services

Finance, Resources and Customer Services

Enfield Council

Thomas Hardy House

39 London Road


Tel: 0208 379 2806


Enfield Council is committed to serving the whole Borough fairly, delivering excellent services and building strong communities.



From: Mother [] Sent: 16/02/2017 - 10:13

To: Dionne Grant

Subject: RE: Response to SAR - Ref CRM SAR 251 [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Dionne Grant

Thank you for the information you sent regarding the subject access request. Sorry for the time it has taken for me to get back to you, but I have been having work done in my home so have had no access to my main computer which hold all my emails and have been working from my mobile which is not the best option. And I won’t have access to my main computer till most likely Monday as work is still ongoing.

I do however feel that all the data has not been supplied that I have asked for, this was the same in March of 2016 I knew then we did not get all the data we asked for and an email was writing in regard to this, but no one got back to me.

Also, in the data you have sent there is hardly any dates or times, that complaints were put in why does Enfield Councils system not include dates and times information was recorded? There is no call data. No meetings data that government bodies had meetings regarding Mr Cordell, the list goes on.

I asked for all data that Enfield council holds, so all data should have been included and all audio call data and police data and meetings held and any other information that Enfield Council holds in regard to Mr Cordell.

All police data and any letters that have been sent from police or to police.

You seem to have asked for Mr Cordell l1ealth records who was this asked from and who gave the data?

There seems to be a long list of information that is missing both from the request in March 2016 and the request that was submitted on the 24/11/2016

Can this please be looked into and if you are withholding any data for any reason could you please let me know this and what data it is and why you are withholding it.

There is also a lot of incorrect data that is being held and it seems that Enfield Council has chosen to put Mr Cordell as the perpetrator, by the ASBT there is lists of emails that is missing that I have sent in regards to complaints as to what the neighbours was doing to Mr Cordell, I have also requested all my phone records as it seems there is no lists of all the calls I made on behalf of complaints regarding Mr Cordell's neighbours. As it also seems there is missing calls that Mr Cordell made hi1nself regardi11g what his neighbours was doing to him, lucky for me I do keep all emails, but it seems Enfield Council does not and to try and get the111selves out of trouble due to not doing what they were meant to this data is missing.

I will give 14 days for this to be corrected and if it has not, I will have no other option but to go to the ICO.




From: Dionne Grant [mailto: .uk] Sent: 10/02/2017 - 11:53


Subject: Response to SAR - Ref CRM SAR 251 [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Image removed by sender!



Lemmy Nwabuisi RE Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 851,852,853,854,855,856,857,



From: Lemmy Nwabuisi []

Sent: 16/03/2017 -14: 12

To: Mother

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Attachments: 4th Letter to Mr Cordell, 16/03/2017 .pdf

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

Please find attached letter to Mr Simon Cordell inviting him to a meeting with me and my line manager to discuss the allegations made against him by his neighbours. The original copy will be sent to Mr Cordell.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

Mob: 07583115576

From: Mother []

Sent: 22/02/2017 - 11:51

To: Lemmy Nwabuisi <>

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi

I will get back to you with a date.

But I am very upset at what is on file within the subject access request it seems as if you put everything onto Mr Cordell and large amounts of data is missing.

Like the information about Deborah Andrews this is incorrect, and the only reason we have found out about this is due to the subject access request.

But there are lots of emails that are missing that I sent about Deborah Andrews and what the neighbours were doing, that are dated before any complaints went in from Deborah Andrews and the neighbours. yet nothing was done for Mr Cordell about this.

Also, there is missing dates and times of complaints, as to when things were meant to have happened and what time they were meant to have happened why?

I do have many issues, with the report and why no emails are in the subject access request that was put in by me that are dated well before the neighbours put complaints in, yet Enfield Council done nothing about this, there is also no phone calls I made, or my son made, but as soon as the neighbours put complaints in these were taken up right away by Enfield Council.

I will get back to you with a date I am due to see someone on the 09/03/2017 when I will be showing them all the information. So, it will need to be after this date. Dionne Grant has also got until the 02/03/2017 to deal with the subject access request and if I have not heard anything by this date, I will pass this on to the ICO.


From: Lemmy Nwabuisi []

Sent: 22/02/2017 - 11:18

To: Mother

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

Thanks for your email.

Could you please confirm when you and Mr Cordell are able to meet with me within the next 14 days? As stated in my previous letters, the allegations are serious breach of tenancy conditions, and we need to give Mr Cordell the opportunity to respond to them before a decision is made on how to proceed.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

From: Mother []

Sent: 22/02/2017 - 10:06

To: Lemmy Nwabuisi <>

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi

I am sorry for the late information, but we will not be able to attend today at 2.30pm on Wednesday 22/02/2017 due to private family reasons.

I am also very upset to see how the subject access request has been handled, as I said to you last week I have not had use of my main computer due to work being carried out on my home. I have sent Dionne Grant giving 14 days or I will take it to the ICO and have not had a reply yet to the email I sent.




From: Lemmy Nwabuisi [mailto:]

Sent: 16/02/2017 - 14:13

To: Mother

Subject: FW: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

Please find attached a copy of a letter inviting Mr Simon Cordell to meet with me at 2.30pm on Wednesday

22/02/2017 to discuss the allegations made against him by some of his neighbours.

The original copy of the letter will be hand delivered to his home address today.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

From: Lemmy Nwabuisi

Sent: 10/02/2017 - 16:01

To: 'Mother' <>

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

Please see below as requested the details of recent allegations made against Mr Simon Cordell. I have listed the complainants as Complainant A, B and C.

On 06/08/2016 Complainant A reported that Simon Cordell, his neighbour at flat 109 is threatening him and his wife and aggressively demanding money from him. He alleged that Mr Cordell called his wife 'a bitch' and tried to stop him from going up the stairs to his flat. He also alleged that in July 2016

   someone used a knife to puncture his tyres, all 4 of them, that he believes that the tyres were slashed by Simon, that although he did not see Simon do it but he was quite certain that it was him. He also alleged that Mr Cordell damaged the lock to his electric cupboard and removed his fuse box resulting in no electricity.

On 05/10/2016 Complainant B reported that Mr Cordell has been harassing him for a while in relation to alleged noise disturbances from his flat. He alleged that the previous day on 04/10/2016 Simon was banging on his ceiling and later came upstairs and started kicking his door and shouting aggressively. He alleged that Simon then went downstairs dragged his motorbike from where he parked it and started smashing it up. He then called the police. He also stated that Mr Cordell had previously slashed his motorbike tyres with a knife, that he did not report it as he did not see him do it.

On 31/10/2016 telephone call received from another resident on behalf of Complainant C. He alleged that Complainant C's neighbour, Simon was using threatening, abusive and insulting words towards Complainant C. He stated that he witnessed an incident that happened in September 2016 outside the block when Simon shouted abuse at Complainant C and made threats towards him.

On 04/11/2016 met with Complainant C to discuss his concerns following the report from another resident. He stated the first incident happened sometime in July 2016, that he cannot remember the exact date. He alleged that he was approached by Mr Cordell as he came out of his front door, and he started shouting abuse at him and threatened to burn down his flat. He alleged that the second incident happened in September 2016 He stated that he was on his way to meet a friend when Mr Cordell came at him 'ranting and raving' and said to him 'I can get you over at the park, I know you go for a walk'. He stated that two other neighbours witnessed the incident and that one of them told Mr Cordell to leave him alone. Complainant C also complained that Mr Cordell have installed a CCTV on the internal communal door and that he believes that he is monitoring his every move. He asked that the camera be removed as it is making him to feel very nervous, vulnerable and uncomfortable and is an invasion of his privacy.

On 11/11/2016 the Neighbourhood Officer met with Complainant A to discuss his allegations against Mr Cordell. He stated that some of the recent incidents happened on 06/08/2016 at 6pm, 27/09/2016 at 11.45pm and 28/09/2016 at 5.30pm. He stated that the incidents include, threatening behaviour, intimidation and aggressively demanding money. He alleged that Mr Cordell has physically threatened him in the past with a piece of wood. He also alleged that Mr Cordell has a big dog that always barks when someone comes into the block. He complained that Mr Cordell has a camera in the internal communal door facing the main entrance door to the block. He stated that he believes that Mr Cordell is using the camera to monitor when people come in or out of the block and that it makes him very uncomfortable and requested for the camera to be removed.

On 08/12/2016 Complainant A reported that Mr Cordell came and banged on his front door, shouted abuse and threats at him and accused him of making noise.

On 12/1/2016 Complainant B reported that on 11/12/2016 Mr Cordell came and banged on his front door on three different occasions and accused him of banging on the pipes. He alleged that he also shouted abuse and threats at him.

On 14/12/2016 Complainant C reported that one of his neighbours visited him and as she rang his doorbell Mr Cordell came out of his flat and started shouting abuse at her. He also alleged that Mr Cordell shouted that he would take some action when his ASBO expires.

On 23/12/2016 Complainant A reported that his wife was at home alone with their child between 3.45pm when Mr Cordell came and knocked on his front door, started to shout abuse and asked his wife to go in the bathroom and turn off the tap. He also alleged that Mr Cordell later removed his electricity fuse thereby cutting their power supply.

On 10/01/2017 Complainant A telephoned to report that on 26/12/2016 at about 12 to l pm he was going out with his family when Mr Cordell ran up the stairs with a towel round his waist and started shouting abuse and threats at him and his wife. He alleged that Mr Cordell accused him of tampering with his water supply and tried to stop them from leaving the block. He also stated that on 03/01/2017 at 10.47pm, he was coming back from a family outing and as soon as they entered the block, Mr Cordell came out of his flat and started shouting abuse and threats at him.

On 23/01/2017 Complainant A reported an incident that occurred at 6.24pm on 21/1/2017. He alleged that his wife was at home with their child when Mr Cordell come and started banging on his front door, shouted abuse and threats and accused them of making noise.

On 01/02/ 2017 Complainant A reported an incident that occurred at 5:00pm on 31/01/2017. He alleged that his wife was alone with his child at home when Mr Cordell came and banged on his door and started shouting abuse and threats and accused them of banging on the floor.

I will write to Mr Cordell next week to arrange for him to meet with me and another colleague at the Civic Centre to discuss the allegations made against him.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

From: Mother []

Sent: 06/02/2017 - 13:33

To: Lemmy Nwabuisi <>; Chief Executive

<>; Daniel Ellis <Daniel.>;;; Sally Mcternan <>

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi

I am writing this email to say you have stated in your last letter the subject access request has been dealt with, but we are still waiting for the data.

I have asked for the dates these complaints were put in and yet have had nothing about the dates and times.

Could you please forward me a list of dates and times these complaints were put in, and list them in an order like this so we know if more complaints have been put in by one person.

Complaint from A on date and Time: Body of complaint from A. Complaint from Bon date and Time: Body of complaint from B. Complaint from Con date and time: Body of complaint from C

And it can carry on like this until all complaints are listed. As at this time you have just listed complaints and failed to supply any other information.

If I can get this back today, I would be most grateful, as it has been asked for before.

Also we have said this before more than once on calls and emails, the person's living at 113 and 117 I believe which is the 2 people living on top of my son, 113 has since he moved in no carpet put down and also his floor broads needs fixing, 117 which is the top floor has laid wooden flooring, due to the way these flats have no sound proofing in between floors and only wooden flooring due to how they were built, we were thinking this would have already been addressed and has not and the neighbours have been allowed to keep the flooring the way it is, my son can hear everything and only feels nothing has been done as Enfield Council wants my son health to get worse and also to make him suffer.

As for the date of the 09/02/2017 as stated before until we have had all dates and times and body of complaints and the subject access request, I still do not feel it is justified my son has a meeting as he will be walking into a meeting only with very limited information, and due to his health, which is being caused by his neighbours and Enfield Council doing nothing I feel my son is only being setup due to issues and the colour of my son's skin. And this is why no one from Enfield council has ever taken a report from him about what has been ongoing form a long time ago.

We want to clear this up as much as you do, but it seems Enfield Council is not fulfilling what we have asked for in order to be able to do this.




From: Lemmy Nwabuisi []

Sent: 02/02/2017 - 10:45


Subject: Re: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Miss Cordell,

Please find attached letter to Mr Cordell regarding ongoing reports of anti-social behaviour, verbal abuse and threatening behaviour made against him by his neighbours. It is very important that we meet with Mr Cordell to discuss these allegations and agree on the best way to resolve them.

I have also attached a copy of my letter to Mr Cordell dated 29/12/2016 regarding allegations of anti­

social behaviour made against him by his neighbours. Copies of both letters will be sent to Mr Cordell's address.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre





4th Letter to Mr Cordell


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 860,861


Please reply to: Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team Community Safety Unit

B Block North

Civic Centre



Date: 16/03/2017

Dear Mr Cordell,

Re: Allegations of Anti-Social Behaviour, Harassment, Intimidation and Threatening Behaviour

I write with regards to reports of anti-social behaviour, intimidation, harassment and threatening behaviour made against you by your neighbours.

I wrote to you on 29/12/2016 to arrange to meet with you on 05/12/2016 to discuss these reports but you cancelled the meeting. I wrote to you again on 31/01/2017 to arrange to meet with you on 09/02/2017 you also cancelled the meeting. I then wrote to you again on 15/02/2017 to arrange to meet with you on 22/02/2017 and again you cancelled the meeting. I have enclosed all three letters for your information.

It is unfortunate that you have repeatedly refused to meet with us to discuss this matter and look at ways to resolve the problems between you and your neighbours. The allegations made against you by your neighbours, if true, are very serious breaches of your tenancy conditions. It is important that we meet with you to discuss these allegations and give you the opportunity to respond to them.

I have therefore arranged for you to meet with me at the Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XY at 3pm on Wednesday, 22/03/2017 to discuss this matter. You should contact me on 02083795354 to rearrange the meeting if this date is not convenient for you.

Please note that if you fail to attend or call to rearrange this meeting, then we will have no option but to serve a notice of seeking possession against your tenancy without further warning. The council may also take further tenancy enforcement and/or legal action against you if further substantiated allegations are made against you.

Kind Regards

Yours Sincerely

Lemmy Nwabuisi ASB Team



Lemmy Nwabuisi RE Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell


Point 1:






The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 862,863,864,865,866,867,868,869,870,871,872


From: Lemmy Nwabuisi []

Sent: 21/03/2017 - 16:26

To: Mother

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

Thanks for your email.

I sorry to hear learn that you have been unwell, I wish you speedy recovery.

The first letter I wrote to Mr Cordell was dated 29/11/2016 and not 29/12/0000 so apologies for the

mistake and the first meeting were 06/12/2016 and not 06/01/2017 as you stated in your email below.

I am not aware that Mr Cordell is unable to leave his flat due to health reasons as he has not provided us with a letter from his Doctor to support this claim. Also, when Mr Cordell telephoned me on 17/02/2017 following my letter to him dated 16/02/2017 he informed me that he will not come to the Civic Centre or the council offices in Edmonton Green because there are gang members looking for him in these areas. I cannot recall him saying anything about him not being able to leave his flat due to health reasons. Also, Mr Cordell chased my car down the road when I went to deliver my last letter to his flat on 17/03/2017 this is not the attitude of someone who cannot leave his flat for health reasons.

I am inviting Mr Cordell to a formal meeting to discuss the allegations made against him and due to the serious nature of the allegations, the meeting will have been held in the council offices with a minute taker present. However, if Mr Cordell presents a letter from his doctor stating that he is unable to leave his flat for health reason, then we can discuss an alternative venue. I am happy for Mr Cordell to bring someone with him to the meeting.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

Mob: 07583115576

From: Mother []

Sent: 20/03/2017 - 14:08

To: Lemmy Nwabuisi <>

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]


Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi

I'd like to apologise for the late reply to this email, I've just come out of hospital after undergoing two operations and only got released from hospital late on the 17/03/2017

You stated in your letter to Mr Cordell, that the first letter you wrote was dated 29/12/2016 and that you set a meeting for 06/12/2016 this is incorrect, as the date for the meeting was set for 06/01/2017 yes this meeting was cancelled, you've then stated you wrote a letter on 31/01/2017 to arrange a meeting for 09/02/2017 this meeting was also cancelled, the reason these two meetings were cancelled was due to the ongoing complaint that was being addressed by Enfield council that still needs addressing but due to the data that came back from the subject access request and it not being completed properly this letter still needs to be reply to, there was also a subject access request that was put in to Enfield Council that we was waiting to be addressed and to receive the data back which as you are aware did take a considerable amount of time, and also the complaint also was delayed in a reply. As stated to you via email we felt it was unjustified to hold a meeting when there was an ongoing complaint, and a subject access request that we were waiting for, as you are aware there are still issues regarding the subject access request, which does need to be addressed.

You then stated that she wrote again on 16/02/2017 and arranged a meeting for 22/02/2017 which was also cancelled, but you were also notified there was still issues with the subject access request, and that I had a meeting regarding the issues which was set for the 09/03/2017 I stated to you that I would get back to you with a convenient date for the meeting to take place, but due to illness things have got delayed.

You have also stated that it is very unfortunate that there have been repeated refusals to meet in regards to the issues with the neighbours, I feel that this is very misleading we have not refused once to have a meeting with you, but due to ongoing issues meetings have had to be cancelled with a justified reason, so how you can take this as a refusal is beyond me, we have kept you informed at every stage of every letter that you send out giving you reasons as to why the meetings could not take place. Therefore, I do not understand how you can interpret this as a refusal.

You will also be aware that my son does have health problems and that he does not leave his flat, not once have you thought in all the letters that you sent out how someone that does not leave his flat is going to be able to attend a meeting at the Civic Centre, therefore I am asking for the meeting to take place at Mr Cordell's home address, due to Mr Cordell's health, arrangements will need to be made that someone is at the meeting with Mr Cordell, and under no circumstances will Mr Cordell be addressing the issues while he is on his own.

You have also stated that if Mr Cordell does not attend or set a new date that you will be putting an application seeking possession of his home, it seems that Enfield Council have already made their mind up that Mr Cordell is guilty of what has been alleged in the complaints, you also state that if any further allegations are made against Mr Cordell that you can take legal action, since your last update with the dates has there been any more allegations against Mr Cordell?

Next week I have a number of hospital appointments so it will really be hard to do the 22/03/2017 if you could get back to me with some dates that the meeting can take place at Mr Cordell's home address, I would be most grateful. or if there is any problem with this, please let me know.


Miss L Cordell


From: Lemmy Nwabuisi []

Sent: 16/03/2017 - 14: 12

To: Mother

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

Please find attached letter to Mr Simon Cordell inviting him to a meeting with me and my line manager to discuss the allegations made against him by his neighbours. The original copy will be sent to Mr Cordell.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

Mob: 07583115576

From: Mother []

Sent: 22/02/2017 - 11:51

To: Lemmy Nwabuisi <>

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi

I will get back to you with a date.

But I am very upset at what is on file within the subject access request it seems as if you put everything onto Mr Cordell and large amounts of data is missing.

Like the information about Deborah Andrews this is incorrect, and the only reason we have found out about this is due to the subject access request.

But there are lots of emails that are missing that I sent about Deborah Andrews and what the neighbours were doing, that are dated before any complaints went in from Deborah Andrews and the neighbours. yet nothing was done for Mr Cordell about this.

Also, there is missing dates and times of complaints, as to when things were meant to have happened and what time they were meant to have happened why?

I do have many issues, with the report and why no emails are in the subject access request that was put in by me that are dated well before the neighbours put complaints in yet Enfield Council done nothing about this, there is also no phone calls I made or my son made, but as soon as the neighbours put complaints in these were taken up right away by Enfield Council.

I will get back to you with a date I am due to see someone on the 09/03/2017 when I will be showing them all the information. So, it will need to be after this date. Dionne Grant has also got until the 02/03/2017 to deal with the subject access request and if I have not heard anything by this date, I will pass this on to the ICO.




From: Lemmy Nwabuisi []

Sent: 22/02/2017 - 11:18

To: Mother

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

Thanks for your email.

Could you please confirm when you and Mr Cordell are able to meet with me within the next 14 days? As stated in my previous letters, the allegations are serious breach of tenancy conditions, and we need to give Mr Cordell the opportunity to respond to them before a decision is made on how to proceed.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

From: Mother []

Sent: 22/02/2017 - 10:06

To: Lemmy Nwabuisi <>

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi

I am sorry for the late information, but we will not be able to attend today at 2.30pm on Wednesday 22/02/2017 due to private family reasons.

I am also very upset to see how the subject access request has been handled, as I said to you last week, I have not had use of my main computer due to work being carried out on my home. I have sent Dionne Grant giving 14 days or I will take it to the ICO and have not had a reply yet to the email I sent.




From: Lemmy Nwabuisi []

Sent: 16/02/2017 - 14:13

To: Mother

Subject: FW: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

Please find attached a copy of a letter inviting Mr Simon Cordell to meet with me at 2.30pm on Wednesday

22/02/2017 to discuss the allegations made against him by some of his neighbours.

The original copy of the letter will be hand delivered to his home address today.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

From: Lemmy Nwabuisi

Sent: 10/02/2017 - 16:01

To: 'Mother' <>

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

Please see below as requested the details of recent allegations made against Mr Simon Cordell. I have listed the complainants as Complainant A, B and C.

On 06/08/2016 Complainant A reported that Simon Cordell, his neighbour at flat 109 is threatening him and his wife and aggressively demanding money from him. He alleged that Mr Cordell called his wife 'a bitch' and tried to stop him from going up the stairs to his flat. He also alleged that in July 2016, someone used a knife to puncture his tyres, all 4 of them, that he believes that the tyres were slashed by Simon, that although he did not see Simon do it but he was quite certain that it was him. He also alleged that Mr Cordell damaged the lock to his electric cupboard and removed his fuse box resulting in no electricity.

On 05/10/2016 Complainant B reported that Mr Cordell has been harassing him for a while in relation to alleged noise disturbances from his flat. He alleged that the previous day on 04/10/2016 Simon was banging on his ceiling and later came upstairs and started kicking his door and shouting aggressively. He alleged that Simon then went downstairs dragged his motorbike from where he parked it and started smashing it up. He then called the police. He also stated that Mr Cordell had previously slashed his motorbike tyres with a knife, that he did not report it as he did not see him do it.

On 31/10/2016 telephone call received from another resident on behalf of Complainant C. He alleged that Complainant C's neighbour, Simon was using threatening, abusive and insulting words towards Complainant C. He stated that he witnessed an incident that happened in September 2016 outside the block when Simon shouted abuse at Complainant C and made threats towards him.

On 04/09/2016 met with Complainant C to discuss his concerns following the report from another resident. He stated the first incident happened sometime in July 2016, that he cannot remember the exact date. He alleged that he was approached by Mr Cordell as he came out of his front door, and he started shouting abuse at him and threatened to burn down his flat. He alleged that the second incident happened in September 2016. He stated that he was on his way to meet a friend when Mr Cordell came at him 'ranting and raving' and said to him 'I can get you over at the park, I know you go for a walk'. He stated that two other neighbours witnessed the incident and that one of them told Mr Cordell to leave him alone. Complainant C also complained that Mr Cordell have installed a CCTV on the internal communal door and that he believes that he is monitoring his every move. He asked that the camera be removed as it is making him to feel very nervous, vulnerable and uncomfortable and is an invasion of his privacy.

On 11/11/2016 the Neighbourhood Officer met with Complainant A to discuss his allegations against Mr Cordell. He stated that some of the recent incidents happened on 06/08/2016 at 6pm, 27/09/2016 at 11.45pm and 28/09/2016 at 5.30pm. He stated that the incidents include, threatening behaviour, intimidation and aggressively demanding money. He alleged that Mr Cordell has physically threatened him in the past with a piece of wood. He also alleged that Mr Cordell has a big dog that always barks when someone comes into the block. He complained that Mr Cordell has a camera in the internal communal door facing the main entrance door to the block. He stated that he believes that Mr Cordell is using the camera to monitor when people come in or out of the block and that it makes him very uncomfortable and requested for the camera to be removed at 11.45pm and 28/09/2016 at 5.30pm. He stated that the incidents include, threatening behaviour, intimidation and aggressively demanding money. He alleged that Mr Cordell has physically threatened him in the past with a piece of wood. He also alleged that Mr Cordell has a big dog that always barks when someone comes into the block. He complained that Mr Cordell has a camera in the internal communal door facing the main entrance door to the block. He stated that he believes that Mr Cordell is using the camera to monitor when people come in or out of the block and that it makes him very uncomfortable and requested for the camera to be removed.


On 08/12/2016 Complainant A reported that Mr Cordell came and banged on his front door, shouted abuse and threats at him and accused him of making noise.

On 12/01/2016 Complainant B reported that on 11/12/2016 Mr Cordell came and banged on his front door on three different occasions and accused him of banging on the pipes. He alleged that he also shouted abuse and threats at him.

On 14/12/2016 Complainant C reported that one of his neighbours visited him and as she rang his doorbell Mr Cordell came out of his flat and started shouting abuse at her. He also alleged that Mr Cordell shouted that he would take some action when his ASBO expires.

On 23/12/2016 Complainant A reported that his wife was at home alone with their child between 3.45pm when Mr Cordell came and knocked on his front door, started to shout abuse and asked his wife to go in the bathroom and turn off the tap. He also alleged that Mr Cordell later removed his electricity fuse thereby cutting their power supply.

On 10/01/2017 Complainant A telephoned to report that on 26/12/16 at about 12 to l pm he was going out with his family when Mr Cordell ran up the stairs with a towel round his waist and started shouting abuse and threats at him and his wife. He alleged that Mr Cordell accused him of tampering with his water supply and tried to stop them from leaving the block. He also stated that on 03/01/2017 at 10.47pm, he was coming back from a family outing and as soon as they entered the block, Mr Cordell came out of his flat and started shouting abuse and threats at him.

On 23/01/2017 Complainant A reported an incident that occurred at 6.24pm on 21/01/2017 He alleged that his wife was at home with their child when Mr Cordell come and started banging on his front door, shouted abuse and threats and accused them of making noise.

On 01/02/2017Complainant A reported an incident that occurred at 5:10pm on 31/01/2017 He alleged that his wife was alone with his child at home when Mr Cordell came and banged on his door and started shouting abuse and threats and accused them of banging on the floor.

I will write to Mr Cordell next week to arrange for him to meet with me and another colleague at the Civic Centre to discuss the allegations made against him.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

From: Mother []

Sent: 06/02/2017 - 13:33

To: Lemmy Nwabuisi <>; Chief Executive

<>; Daniel Ellis <Daniel.>;;; Sally Mcternan <>

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi

I am writing this email to say you have stated in your last letter the subject access request has been dealt with, but we are still waiting for the data.

I have asked for the dates these complaints were put in and yet have had nothing about the dates and times.

Could you please forward me a list of dates and times these complaints were put in, and list them in an order like this so we know if more complaints have been put in by one person.

Complaint from A on date and Time: Body of complaint from A. Complaint from Bon date and Time: Body of complaint from B. Complaint from Con date and time: Body of complaint from C

And it can carry on like this until all complaints are listed. As at this time you have just listed complaints and failed to supply any other information.

If I can get this back today, I would be most grateful, as it has been asked for before.

Also we have said this before more than once on calls and emails, the person's living at 113 and 117 I believe which is the 2 people living on top of my son, 113 has since he moved in no carpet put down and also his floor broads needs fixing, 117 which is the top floor has laid wooden flooring, due to the way these flats have no sound proofing in between floors and only wooden flooring due to how they were built, we were thinking this would have already been addressed and has not and the neighbours have been allowed to keep the flooring the way it is, my son can hear everything and only feels nothing has been done as Enfield Council wants my son health to get worse and also to make him suffer.

As for the date of the 09/02/2017 as stated before until we have had all dates and times and body of complaints and the subject access request, I still do not feel it is justified my son has a meeting as he will be walking into a meeting only with very limited information, and due to his health, which is being caused by his neighbours and Enfield Council doing nothing I feel my son is only being setup due to issues and the colour of my son's skin. And this is why no one from Enfield council has ever taken a report from him about what has been ongoing form a long time ago.

We want to clear this up as much as you do, but it seems Enfield Council is not fulfilling what we have asked for in order to be able to do this.




From: Lemmy Nwabuisi [mailto:]

Sent: 02/02/2017 - 10:45


Subject: Re: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Miss Cordell,

Please find attached letter to Mr Cordell regarding ongoing reports of anti-social behaviour, verbal abuse and threatening behaviour made against him by his neighbours. It is very important that we meet with Mr Cordell to discuss these allegations and agree on the best way to resolve them.

I have also attached a copy of my letter to Mr Cordell dated 29/12/2016 regarding allegations of anti­

social behaviour made against him by his neighbours. Copies of both letters will be sent to Mr Cordell's address.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre





RE Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 873,874,875,876,877,878,879,880,



From: Mother []

Sent: 21/03/2017 - 18:56

To: 'Lemmy Nwabuisi'

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Attachments: Doctors-Letter-25/02/2016 .pdf; Doctors-Letter-For-DWP-26/02/2016.doc.pdf

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi

I have enclosed 2 letters that could help to show my son won’t leave his flat he had a DWP assessment, and a letter had to be written to his GP to ask if the GP could write a letter to get a home assessment, please see both letters.

It will also be noted on his file under the mental health team he won't leave his flat.

And I cannot understand how you said on the phone today that you knew nothing on my son's health, as clearly it is in the limited subject access request, I got from Enfield Council under the ASB teams’ information as you requested if he was known to the mental health team.

Information you have asked for please see below:

Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust

The doctors name he was under when he was sectioned in August 2016, Dr Julia Cranitch, Haringey Assessment Ward, St Ann's Hospital.

When he left hospital, he was under the home treatment team support and referral to community team.

Early Intervention:

Goodie Adama: Locum CMHN

Locum Community Mental Health Nurse

Early Intervention for Psychosis

Lucas House 305-309 Fore Street London. N9

As stated on the phone I have many emails to backup that complaints was put in on behalf of my son regarding what the neighbours was doing, well before any complaints was put in by the neighbours, yet nothing was done by Enfield Council, each email even states the neighbours was not letting him sleep and this was having a large impact on his health, this is what has upset me so much, as phone calls was being made emails sent, even my son was making calls, but you seem to have nothing of anything that was submitted so where has it all gone, please can you look into this and get back to me as I really do not understand how so much can be missing from Enfield Councils systems?

I am grateful that you called me back today and we were able to speak, sorry if I sounded loader on the phone but since the operation as I said my voice and throat are very sore, I believe due to the tube they put down their when they were doing the 2nd operation.

I am grateful that you will deal with this, and you cancelled tomorrow’s meeting when we spoke, and you seemed to have some idea of what was going on which you seem to have not known before, I will await a reply from you as to how we can deal with this.





From: Lemmy Nwabuisi []

Sent: 21/03/2017 - 16:26

To: Mother

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

Thanks for your email.

I sorry to hear learn that you have been unwell, I wish you speedy recovery.

The first letter I wrote to Mr Cordell was dated 29/11/2016 and not 29/12/2016 so apologies for the mistake and the first meeting were 06/12/2016 and not 06/01/2017 as you stated in your email below.

I am not aware that Mr Cordell is unable to leave his flat due to health reasons as he has not provided us with a letter from his Doctor to support this claim. Also, when Mr Cordell telephoned me on 17/02/2017 following my letter to him dated 16/02/2017 he informed me that he will not come to the Civic Centre or the council offices in Edmonton Green because there are gang members looking for him in these areas. I cannot recall him saying anything about him not being able to leave his flat due to health reasons. Also, Mr Cordell chased my car down the road when I went to deliver my last letter to his flat on 17/03/2017 this is not the attitude of someone who cannot leave his flat for health reasons.

I am inviting Mr Cordell to a formal meeting to discuss the allegations made against him and due to the serious nature of the allegations, the meeting will have been held in the council offices with a minute taker present. However, if Mr Cordell presents a letter from his doctor stating that he is unable to leave his flat for health reason, then we can discuss an alternative venue. I am happy for Mr Cordell to bring someone with him to the meeting.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

Mob: 07583115576

From: Mother []

Sent: 20/03/2017 - 14:08

To: Lemmy Nwabuisi <>

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]


Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi

I'd like to apologise for the late reply to this email, I've just come out of hospital after undergoing two operations and only got released from hospital late on the 17/03/2017

You stated in your letter to Mr Cordell, that the first letter you wrote was dated 29/12/2016 and that you set a meeting for 06/12/2016 this is incorrect, as the date for the meeting was set for 06/01/2017 yes this meeting was cancelled, you've then stated you wrote a letter on 31/01/2017 to arrange a meeting for 09/02/2017 this meeting was also cancelled, the reason these two meetings were cancelled was due to the ongoing complaint that was being addressed by Enfield council that still needs addressing but due to the data that came back from the subject access request and it not being completed properly this letter still needs to be reply to, there was also a subject access request that was put in to Enfield Council that we was waiting to be addressed and to receive the data back which as you are aware did take a considerable amount of time, and also the complaint also was delayed in a reply. As stated to you via email we felt it was unjustified to hold a meeting when there was an ongoing complaint, and a subject access request that we were waiting for, as you are aware there are still issues regarding the subject access request, which does need to be addressed.

You then stated that she wrote again on 16/02/2017 and arranged a meeting for 22/02/2017 which was also cancelled, but you were also notified there was still issues with the subject access request, and that I had a meeting regarding the issues which was set for the 09/03/2017 I stated to you that I would get back to you with a convenient date for the meeting to take place, but due to illness things have got delayed.

You have also stated that it is very unfortunate that there have been repeated refusals to meet in regards to the issues with the neighbours, I feel that this is very misleading we have not refused once to have a meeting with you, but due to ongoing issues meetings have had to be cancelled with a justified reason, so how you can take this as a refusal is beyond me, we have kept you informed at every stage of every letter that you send out giving you reasons as to why the meetings could not take place. Therefore, I do not understand how you can interpret this as a refusal.

You will also be aware that my son does have health problems and that he does not leave his flat, not once have you thought in all the letters that you sent out how someone that does not leave his flat is going to be able to attend a meeting at the Civic Centre, therefore I am asking for the meeting to take place at Mr Cordell's home address, due to Mr Cordell's health, arrangements will need to be made that someone is at the meeting with Mr Cordell, and under no circumstances will Mr Cordell be addressing the issues while he is on his own.

You have also stated that if Mr Cordell does not attend or set a new date that you will be putting an application seeking possession of his home, it seems that Enfield Council have already made their mind up that Mr Cordell is guilty of what has been alleged in the complaints, you also state that if any further allegations are made against Mr Cordell that you can take legal action, since your last update with the dates has there been any more allegations against Mr Cordell?

Next week I have a number of hospital appointments so it will really be hard to do the 22/03/2017 if you could get back to me with some dates that the meeting can take place at Mr Cordell's home address, I would be most grateful. or if there is any problem with this, please let me know.


Miss L Cordell


From: Lemmy Nwabuisi []

Sent: 16/03/2017 - 14:12

To: Mother

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

Please find attached letter to Mr Simon Cordell inviting him to a meeting with me and my line manager to discuss the allegations made against him by his neighbours. The original copy will be sent to Mr Cordell.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

Mob: 07583115576

From: Mother []

Sent: 22/02/2017 - 11:51

To: Lemmy Nwabuisi <>

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi

I will get back to you with a date.

But I am very upset at what is on file within the subject access request it seems as if you put everything onto Mr Cordell and large amounts of data is missing.

Like the information about Deborah Andrews this is incorrect, and the only reason we have found out about this is due to the subject access request.

But there are lots of emails that are missing that I sent about Deborah Andrews and what the neighbours were doing, that are dated before any complaints went in from Deborah Andrews and the neighbours. yet nothing was done for Mr Cordell about this.

Also, there is missing dates and times of complaints, as to when things were meant to have happened and what time they were meant to have happened why?

I do have many issues, with the report and why no emails are in the subject access request that was put in by me that are dated well before the neighbours put complaints in, yet Enfield Council done nothing about this, there is also no phone calls I made, or my son made, but as soon as the neighbours put complaints in these were taken up right away by Enfield Council.

I will get back to you with a date I am due to see someone on the 09/03/2017 when I will be showing them all the information. So, it will need to be after this date. Dionne Grant has also got until the 02/03/2017 to deal with the subject access request and if I have not heard anything by this date, I will pass this on to the ICO.




From: Lemmy Nwabuisi []

Sent: 22/02/2017 - 11:18

To: Mother

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

Thanks for your email.

Could you please confirm when you and Mr Cordell are able to meet with me within the next 14 days?  As stated in my previous letters, the allegations are serious breach of tenancy conditions, and we need to give Mr Cordell the opportunity to respond to them before a decision is made on how to proceed.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

From: Mother []

Sent: 22/02/2017 - 10:06

To: Lemmy Nwabuisi <>

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi

I am sorry for the late information, but we will not be able to attend today at 2.30pm on Wednesday 22/02/2017 due to private family reasons.

I am also very upset to see how the subject access request has been handled, as I said to you last week I have not had use of my main computer due to work being carried out on my home. I have sent Dionne Grant giving 14 days or I will take it to the ICO and have not had a reply yet to the email I sent.




From: Lemmy Nwabuisi []

Sent: 16/02/2017 - 14:13

To: Mother

Subject: FW: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

Please find attached a copy of a letter inviting Mr Simon Cordell to meet with me at 2.30pm on Wednesday

22/02/2017 to discuss the allegations made against him by some of his neighbours.

The original copy of the letter will be hand delivered to his home address today.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

From: Lemmy Nwabuisi

Sent: 10/02/2017 - 16:01

To: 'Mother' <>

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

Please see below as requested the details of recent allegations made against Mr Simon Cordell. I have listed the complainants as Complainant A, B and C.

On 06/08/2016 Complainant A reported that Simon Cordell, his neighbour at flat 109 is threatening him and his wife and aggressively demanding money from him. He alleged that Mr Cordell called his wife 'a bitch' and tried to stop him from going up the stairs to his flat. He also alleged that in July 2016, someone used a knife to puncture his tyres, all 4 of them, that he believes that the tyres were slashed by Simon, that although he did not see Simon do it but he was quite certain that it was him. He also alleged that Mr Cordell damaged the lock to his electric cupboard and removed his fuse box resulting in no electricity.

On 05/10/2016 Complainant B reported that Mr Cordell has been harassing him for a while in relation to alleged noise disturbances from his flat. He alleged that the previous day on 04/10/2016 Simon was banging on his ceiling and later came upstairs and started kicking his door and shouting aggressively. He alleged that Simon then went downstairs dragged his motorbike from where he parked it and started smashing it up. He then called the police. He also stated that Mr Cordell had previously slashed his motorbike tyres with a knife, that he did not report it as he did not see him do it.

On 31/10/2016 telephone call received from another resident on behalf of Complainant C. He alleged that Complainant C's neighbour, Simon was using threatening, abusive and insulting words towards Complainant C. He stated that he witnessed an incident that happened in September 2016 outside the block when Simon shouted abuse at Complainant C and made threats towards him.

On 04/11/2016 met with Complainant C to discuss his concerns following the report from another resident. He stated the first incident happened sometime in July 2016, that he cannot remember the exact date. He alleged that he was approached by Mr Cordell as he came out of his front door, and he started shouting abuse at him and threatened to burn down his flat. He alleged that the second incident happened in September 2016. He stated that he was on his way to meet a friend when Mr Cordell came at him 'ranting and raving' and said to him 'I can get you over at the park, I know you go for a walk'. He stated that two other neighbours witnessed the incident and that one of them told Mr Cordell to leave him alone. Complainant C also complained that Mr Cordell have installed a CCTV on the internal communal door and that he believes that he is monitoring his every move. He asked that the camera be removed as it is making him to feel very nervous, vulnerable and uncomfortable and is an invasion of his privacy.

On 11/11/2016 the Neighbourhood Officer met with Complainant A to discuss his allegations against Mr Cordell. He stated that some of the recent incidents happened on 6/8/16 at 6pm, 27 /9/16 at 11.45pm and 28/9/16 at 5.30pm. He stated that the incidents include, threatening behaviour, intimidation and aggressively demanding money. He alleged that Mr Cordell has physically threatened him in the past with a piece of wood. He also alleged that Mr Cordell has a big dog that always barks when someone comes into the block. He complained that Mr Cordell has a camera in the internal communal door facing the main entrance door to the block. He stated that he believes that Mr Cordell is using the camera to monitor when people come in or out of the block and that it makes him very uncomfortable and requested for the camera to be removed.



On 08/12/2016 Complainant A reported that Mr Cordell came and banged on his front door, shouted abuse and threats at him and accused him of making noise.

On 12/01/2016 Complainant B reported that on 11/12/16, Mr Cordell came and banged on his front door on three different occasions and accused him of banging on the pipes. He alleged that he also shouted abuse and threats at him.

On 14/12/2016 Complainant C reported that one of his neighbours visited him and as she rang his doorbell Mr Cordell came out of his flat and started shouting abuse at her. He also alleged that Mr Cordell shouted that he will take some action when his ASBO expires.

On 23/12/2016 Complainant A reported that his wife was at home alone with their child between 3.45pm when Mr Cordell came and knocked on his front door, started to shout abuse and asked his wife to go in the bathroom and turn off the tap. He also alleged that Mr Cordell later removed his electricity fuse thereby cutting their power supply.

On 10/01/2017 Complainant A telephoned to report that on 26/12/2016 at about 12 to l pm he was going out with his family when Mr Cordell ran up the stairs with a towel round his waist and started shouting abuse and threats at him and his wife. He alleged that Mr Cordell accused him of tampering with his water supply and tried to stop them from leaving the block. He also stated that on 03/01/2017 at 10.47pm, he was coming back from a family outing and as soon as they entered the block, Mr Cordell came out of his flat and started shouting abuse and threats at him.

On 23/01/2017 Complainant A reported an incident that occurred at 6.24pm on 21/1/17. He alleged that his wife was at home with their child when Mr Cordell come and started banging on his front door, shouted abuse and threats and accused them of making noise.

On 15/02/2017 Complainant A reported an incident that occurred at 5:10pm on 31/1/17.

He alleged that his wife was alone with his child at home when Mr Cordell came and banged on his door and started shouting abuse and threats and accused them of banging on the floor.

I will write to Mr Cordell next week to arrange for him to meet with me and another colleague at the Civic Centre to discuss the allegations made against him.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

From: Mother []

Sent: 06/02/2017 - 13:33

To: Lemmy Nwabuisi <>; Chief Executive

<>; Daniel Ellis <Daniel.>;;; Sally Mcternan

Subject: RE: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi

I am writing this email to say you have stated in your last letter the subject access request has been dealt with, but we are still waiting for the data.

I have asked for the dates these complaints were put in and yet have had nothing about the dates and times.

Could you please forward me a list of dates and times these complaints were put in, and list them in an order like this so we know if more complaints have been put in by one person.

Complaint from A on date and Time: Body of complaint from A. Complaint from Bon date and Time: Body of complaint from B. Complaint from Con date and time: Body of complaint from C

And it can carry on like this until all complaints are listed. As at this time you have just listed complaints and failed to supply any other information.

If I can get this back today, I would be most grateful, as it has been asked for before.

Also we have said this before more than once on calls and emails, the person's living at 113 and 117 I believe which is the 2 people living on top of my son, 113 has since he moved in no carpet put down and also his floor broads needs fixing, 117 which is the top floor has laid wooden flooring, due to the way these flats have no sound proofing in between floors and only wooden flooring due to how they were built, we were thinking this would have already been addressed and has not and the neighbours have been allowed to keep the flooring the way it is, my son can hear everything and only feels nothing has been done as Enfield Council wants my son health to get worse and also to make him suffer.

As for the date of the 09/02/2017 as stated before until we have had all dates and times and body of complaints and the subject access request, I still do not feel it is justified my son has a meeting as he will be walking into a meeting only with very limited information, and due to his health, which is being caused by his neighbours and Enfield Council doing nothing I feel my son is only being setup due to issues and the colour of my son's skin. And this is why no one from Enfield council has ever taken a report from him about what has been ongoing form a long time ago.

We want to clear this up as much as you do, but it seems Enfield Council is not fulfilling what we have asked for in order to be able to do this.




From: Lemmy Nwabuisi []

Sent: 02/02/2017 - 10:45


Subject: Re: Anti-Social Behaviour Allegations against Mr Simon Cordell [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Miss Cordell,

Please find attached letter to Mr Cordell regarding ongoing reports of anti-social behaviour, verbal abuse and threatening behaviour made against him by his neighbours. It is very important that we meet with Mr Cordell to discuss these allegations and agree on the best way to resolve them.

I have also attached a copy of my letter to Mr Cordell dated 29/12/2016 regarding allegations of anti­

social behaviour made against him by his neighbours. Copies of both letters will be sent to Mr Cordell's address.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

Classification: OFFICIAL



NOSP - Simon Cordell


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 929,930,931,932,933,934,935,



Please reply to: Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team Community Safety Unit

B Block North

Civic Centre



Date: 19/07/2017

Dear Mr Cordell,

Notice of Seeking Possession - without prejudice

It has come to our attention that you have breached several terms and conditions of your tenancy by causing nuisance, harassment and anti-social behaviour to your neighbours and Enfield Council employees.

Enfield Council takes all acts of anti-social behaviour very seriously. Consequently, we have no alternative but to serve you with the enclosed Notice of Seeking Possession.

You have breached your tenancy agreement by committing an act of anti-social behaviour.

The Notice is the first step towards repossessing your home. It is valid for twelve months and Enfield Council will commence legal action to repossess your home any time within this period if further substantiated allegation of breach of your tenancy conditions is made against you.

You may wish to seek legal advice from a solicitor or your local Citizens Advice Bureau for free and confidential advice from an organisation that is completely independent (1t from Enfield Council.

Please contact me on that above telephone number· if you wish to discuss _this further.

Yours Sincerely

Lemmy Nwabuisi ASB Team



Please reply to: Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team
Community Safety Unit
B Block North
Civic Centre

My Ref:

Your Ref:

Date: 19/07/2017

Dear Mr Cordell,

Notice of Seeking Possession - without prejudice

It has come to our attention that you have breached several terms and conditions of your tenancy by causing nuisance, harassment and anti-social behaviour to your neighbours and Enfield Council employees.

Enfield Council takes all acts of anti-social behaviour very seriously. Consequently, we have no alternative but to serve you with the enclosed Notice of Seeking Possession.

You have breached your tenancy agreement by committing an act of anti-social behaviour.

The Notice is the first step towards repossessing your home. It is valid for twelve months and Enfield Council will commence legal action to repossess your home any time within this period if further substantiated allegation of breach of your tenancy conditions is made against you.

You may wish to seek legal advice from a solicitor or your local Citizens Advice Bureau for free and confidential advice from an organisation that is completely independent from Enfield Council.

Please contact me on that above telephone number if you wish to discuss this further.

Yours Sincerely

Lemmy Nwabuisi ASB Team

Housing Department PO. Box No. 60, Civic Centre, Enfield





To: Mr Simon Cordell


If you need advice about this Notice, and what you should do about it, take it as quickly as possible to a Citizens’ Advice Bureau, a Housing Aid Centre, or a Law Centre, or to a Solicitor. You may be able to receive Legal Aid, but this will depend on your personal circumstances.

The Landlord, the Mayor and Burgesses of the London Borough of Enfield intends to apply to the Court for an order requiring you to give up possession of:

109 Burncroft Avenue, Enfield, Middlesex, EN3 7JQ


If you are a secure tenant under the Housing Act 1985, you can only be required to leave your dwelling if your landlord obtains an order for possession from the Court. The order must be based on one of the Grounds, which are set out in the 1985 Act (see paragraphs 3 and 4 below).

If you are willing to give up possession without a Court order, you should notify the person who signed this Notice as soon as possible and say when you would leave.

Possession will be sought on Grounds 1 & 2 of Schedule 2 to the Housing Act 1985, which read:

Ground 1

Rent lawfully due from the tenant has not been paid or an obligation of the tenancy has been broken or not performed.

Ground 2

The tenant or a person residing in or visiting the dwelling-house -

has been guilty of conduct causing or likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to a person residing, visiting or otherwise engaging in unlawful activity in the locality, or

(aa) has been guilty of conduct causing or likely to cause a nuisance or annoyance to the landlord of the dwelling-house, or a person employed (whether or not by the landlord) in connection with the landlord’s housing management functions, and that is directly or indirectly related to or affects those functions, or

has been convicted of—

using the dwelling-house or allowing it to be used for immoral or illegal purposes, or

an indictable offence committed in, or in the locality of, the dwelling-house.


Whatever Grounds for possession are set out in paragraph 3 of this Notice, the Court may allow any of the other Grounds to be added at a later stage. If this is done, you will be told about it so you can argue at the hearing in Court about the new Ground, as well as the Grounds set out in paragraph 3, if you want to.

The reasons for taking this action are: -

You have failed to comply with the following obligations of your tenancy agreement which commenced on 14th August 2006.

The relevant conditions of the tenancy agreement are as follows:

As to Ground 2


Condition 9

You, the tenant, are responsible for the behaviour anyone, including your children, living in or visiting your home. This means at you must ensure that they do not act in breach of any of these conditions Also, you must not encourage them to act in such a way. This applies in the property, in communal and surrounding areas, any property belonging to the council and or* anywhere within Enfield borough.”

Condition 10

“You must not act in any way which causes, or is likely cause, a nuisance or annoyance or is anti-social.”

Condition 21

“You must not abuse, harass, make offensive comments and/or malicious allegations, use or threaten to use violence against any of our officers or agents, or against a councillor. This applies at any time and in any place. We may report the matter to the Police.”

As to Ground 1       

Condition 31

“You must take care not to cause damage to your property or the property of your neighbours.”

Condition 33

“You must keep the inside of your property clean and in reasonable decorative order.”

Condition 34

“You must not use the property in any way that may cause a health or safety hazard or encourage vermin and/or pests (for example, by hoarding items inappropriately).”

Condition 44

“You must obtain our prior written permission before carrying out any alterations, improvements or structural work to the property. You may need to obtain other permissions such as planning permission or building regulations approval.”

Condition 53

“You must keep the inside of the property, the fixtures and fittings and all glass in the property in good repair during the tenancy.”

Condition 57

“You must allow our employees, representatives and contractors to come into your property to service any electrical and gas supplies and appliance that we are responsible for maintaining.”

Condition 69

“You must not interfere with the electric or gas supply.”

Condition 76          

“You have the right to keep one pet, or animal such as a cat, a dog, small bird, fish, non-poisonous insect, spider, small snake or lizard, rabbit hamster, guinea pig, mouse, gerbil or domestic rat as long as they do not cause damage to the property, or nuisance or annoyance to anyone in your locality.”

Condition 79

“You must always keep your dog(s) on a lead in communal areas and on our land.”


Particulars of Breaches


We received a report that on 6th July 2016 you approached an elderly neighbour as he came out of his flat and started to shout abuse and swear at him and threatened to burn down his flat.

We received a report that sometime in July 2016 you damaged the lock of a neighbour’s electric cupboard and removed his fuse box resulting in no electricity to his flat.

We received a report that on 06/08/2016 you threatened one of your neighbours and his wife and aggressively demanded money from him. It is also alleged that you repeatedly swore and shouted abuse at him and his wife and called his wife a ‘bitch’ and tried to stop him from going up the stairs to his flat by standing in front of him.

Sometime in September 2016 it is alleged that you confronted an elderly neighbour outside your block of flats, 109-119 Burncroft Avenue as he was going to the local park with another resident and started to shout abuse and threats at him and said to him ‘I can get you over at the park, I know you go for a walk’.

We received a report that on 27/09/2016 you confronted one of your neighbours as   was returned to his flat with his family and threatened and swore at him and demanded money from him. It is also alleged that you later banged on his door, shouted further abuse and swear words at him and accused him of making noise inside his flat.

We received a report that on 28/09/2016 you aggressively banged on a neighbour’s door and threatened and shouted verbal abuse and swear words at him. It is also alleged that you aggressively you demanded money from him.

We received a report that on 04/10/2016 you aggressively banged on your ceiling and accused one of your neighbours of making noise, it is alleged that you then went to your neighbour’s flat and started kicking and banging on his front door aggressively, accused him of banging on the floor and was swearing and shouting abuse at him. It is also alleged that you later went downstairs, dragged your neighbour’s motorbike from where it was parked and started to hit it with a piece of wood thereby causing some damage to the motorbike.

On 22/11/2016 during a telephone conversation between you, Mrs Cordell your mother and Ms Sarah Fletcher, neighbourhood officer,

Ms Fletcher reported that she overheard you threaten her by saying I'm gonna do her over’ and then ‘I’m gonna take her job just for fun’.

We received a report that on 08/12/2016 you aggressively banged on one of your neighbour’s front door, shouted abuse and threats and accused him of making noise.

We received a report that on 11/12/2016 you aggressively banged on your neighbour’s door several times and accused them of banging on pipes. It is also alleged that you shouted abuse and threats at them.

We received a report that on 14/12/2016 you were verbally abusive towards a woman who was visiting one of your neighbours as she knocked on your neighbour’s door.

We received a report that on 23/12/2016 you banged on a neighbour’s front door, shouted abuse at them and asked them to turn

their tap off. It is also alleged that you then removed their electricity fuse thereby cutting off their power supply.

We received a report that on 206/12/2016 you ran up the communal stairs to the first floor and confronted one of your neighbours as he was going out with his family started to shout abuse and threats at him and his wife and accused him of tampering with your water supply, you also attempted to stop him from leaving the block.

We received a report that on 03/01/2017 you confronted one of your neighbours as he returned to the block with his wife and two-year-old daughter and started shouting abuse and threats at them.

We received a report that on 21/01/2017 you aggressively banged on your neighbour’s door, swore and shouted abuse and threats at them and accused them of making noise.

We received a report that on 31/01/2017 you aggressively banged on one of your neighbour’s door, shouted abuse and threats at them and accused them of banging on the floor.

We received a report that on 07/02/2017 you approached the leaseholder of 117 Burncroft Avenue and his plumber outside the block as they were attempting to resolve the problem causing low water pressure in the flat. You said to the leaseholder that there were problems between you and his tenants but did not give any specific details. The leaseholder explained to you that his tenants were experiencing low water pressure in the flat and you said to him ‘you will not solve the problem as I am restricting their water supply’. The leaseholder later knocked on your door and asked whether you would increase the water pressure and you stated, ‘I cannot do anything at the moment, I will sort it out later’.

On 24/02/2017 Sarah Fletcher (Neighbourhood Officer) and Steve     Stirk (Maintenance Surveyor) attended your property at flat 109 Burncroft

Avenue to inspect the property following reports of low water pressure from flats 113 and 117 Burncroft Avenue. While inside your flat, they observed that you have installed an iron security gate inside your front door. It also appeared to them that the wall between your kitchen and living room seemed to have been removed thereby creating an open plan effect. Much of the property was taken up industrial type printers, boxes and folders and there were dog faeces in your back garden.

On 17/03/2017 Lemmy Nwabuisi, ASB Coordinator visited 109

Burncroft Avenue to post a letter through your door and as he got into his car to drive off after posting the letter, you ran after him shouting and screaming abuse. The letter requested that you attend our offices to discuss the nuisance reports being received from your neighbours. By the time he returned to the office, you had telephone him several times. He telephoned you back and you asked whether he was the person that posted a letter through your letterbox, and he said yes. You asked why he did not stop when you ran after him, and he state J that he had another visit and did not have the time to stop and talk to you. You stated that you will not attend the meeting at the Civic Centre or any of the council offices as you are unable to leave your flat and that the meeting should take place in your flat. Mr Nwabuisi offered to have the meeting at a neutral venue and suggested the local library or at your mother's house, but you refused saying that you have done nothing wrong and accused him of taking sides with your neighbours.

We received a report that on 05/05/2017 you threatened one of your neighbours by saying that you will ruin his life and that you were going to the police to present evidence about his illegal activities.

We received a report that on 14/05/2017 you aggressively banged on one of your neighbour’s door, shouted abuse and threats at her and falsely accused her of making noise and coming into your flat to attack you. You later followed her to her car shouting abuse and wanting to know where she was going.

We received a report that on 14/05/2017 you allowed your dog to run freely in the communal area of your block without a lead. A resident reported that.

On 28/05/2017 the police issued you with a first instance Harassment letter following reports of harassment and threatening behaviour made to the police by one of your neighbours.

On 09/06/2017 it is reported that you attacked one of your neighbours in the communal hallway of your block as he returned from work late at night by grabbing him on the arm and neck thereby causing bruising to his arm and neck. You also snatched his phone from him as he tried to video record the incident.

On 16/06/2017 at 11:55hrs it is reported that you confronted one of your neighbours as she was exiting the main entrance to your building and said to that you had her bank details and personal details is such as date of birth and said to her that you wanted her and her husband to pay you some money.   

On 18/06/2017 at 11:55hrs it is reported that you confronted one of your neighbours as she was exiting the main entrance to your building and said to her that you knew what time she went out and by the time she returned and to tell her husband that you would like to speak to him.

On 23/06/2017 at 23:35hrs it is reported that you came out of your flat with your dog without a lead and attacked one of your neighbours as he returned from work by punching him twice on the chest. You tried to push him out of the block and snatched his phone as he brought took it out of his pocket to record the incident.

On 28/06/2017 at 11:45hrs it is reported that you confronted your neighbour as she was leaving the block. You swore and shouted abuse at her and accused her of making noise inside her flat. You told her that you know all her personal details and that of her husband including their full names, phone numbers, date of birth and banking details. You demanded that they pay you some money and asked her to tell her husband to come and see you.

On 30/06/2017 at 11:45hrs it is reported that you confronted your neighbour as she was leaving the block and accused her of slamming the door. She denied slamming the door and called her a liar and proceeded to swear and shout abuse at her.

On 02/07/2017 at 17:18hrs it is reported that you confronted your neighbour as he was going out with his family with your dog barking and without a lead and asked him when he was going to hand over the money. It is also alleged that as they left the block, you ran after them swearing and shouting abuse at your neighbour and demanding that he must pay you some money if he wants you to leave him alone. You also said to him that you have all their personal details including their dates of birth and bank details.

On 12/07/2017 an Enfield Council Surveyor attended your flat to investigate reports of low water pressure to flats above yours but you

refused him access the Surveyor attended your flat again in the evening of the same day following further reports that the water supply to the affected flats had completely ceased and you refused him access. You then followed him to his car swearing and shouting abuse at him and prevented him from entering his car. He then called the police.


Before the Court will grant an order on any of the Grounds 1 to 8 or 12 to 16, it must be satisfied that it is reasonable to require you to leave. This means that, if one of these Grounds is set out in paragraph 3 to this Notice, you will be able to argue at the hearing in Court that it is not reasonable that you should have to leave, even if you accept that the Ground applies.

Before the court grants an order on any of the Grounds 9 to 16, it must be satisfied that there will be suitable alternative accommodation for you when you have to leave. This means that the Court will have to decide that, in its opinion, there will be other accommodation which is reasonably suitable for the needs of you and your family, taking into particular account various factors such as the nearness of your place of work, and the sort of housing that other people with similar needs are offered. Your new home will have to be let to you on another secure tenancy or a private tenancy under the Rent Act of a kind that will give you similar security.

There is no requirement for suitable alternative accommodation where Grounds 1 to 8 apply.

If your landlord is not a local authority, and the local authority gives a certificate that it will provide you with suitable accommodation, the Court has to accept the certificate.

One of the requirements of Ground 10A is that the landlord must have approval for the redevelopment scheme from the Secretary of State (or, in the case of a housing association landlord, the Housing Corporation). The landlord must have consulted all secure tenants affected by the proposed redevelopment scheme.

Court proceedings for possession of the dwelling-house can be begun immediately. The date by which the tenant is to give up possession of the dwelling-house is Monday the 24th of August 2017.


Court proceedings cannot be begun until after this date, which cannot he earlier than the date when your tenancy or license could have been brought to an end.     

This means that if you have a weekly or fortnightly tenancy, there should at least 4 weeks between the date this Notice is given and the date in this paragraph.

After this date, court proceedings may be begun at once or at any time during the following twelve months. Once the twelve months are up this Notice will lapse and a new Notice must be served before possession can be sought.

Anti-Social Behaviour Manager

On behalf of: Enfield Council Housing Address: The Edmonton Centre,

36-44 South Mall London N9



Lemmy Nwabuisi Re Notice of Seeking Possession


Point 1:







The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 941,942


From: Lemmy Nwabuisi []

Sent: 19/07/2017 - 16:46

To: Mother

Subject: Re: Notice of Seeking Possession [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Attachments: NOSP - Simon Cordell.pdf

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

Please find attached copy of a Notice of Seeking Possession that was posted through Mr Cordell's letterbox this afternoon at 4.05pm. The notice is served as a result of reports of anti-social behaviour made against Mr Cordell by some of his neighbours and Enfield Council members of staff.

We will advise Mr Cordell to seek independent legal advice from a solicitor or the Citizens Advice Bureau in respect of this notice.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

Mob: 07583115576

Classification: OFFICIAL



Mother RE Mr Cordell Notice of Seeking Possession


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 945,946,947


From: Mother []

Sent: 26/07/2017 - 00:49

To: 'Lemmy Nwabuisi'

Subject: RE: Mr Cordell Notice of Seeking Possession [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Attachments: Lemmy Nwabuisi 25/07/2017 .pdf

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi,

Could you please see attached letter?





From: Lemmy Nwabuisi []

Sent: 24/07/2017 - 11:18

To: Mother

Subject: RE: Notice of Seeking Possession [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

The meeting is at 2pm and not 12:00. It was Mr Cordell himself that requested for the meeting, and he offered to come to the Civic Centre. The meeting will be held in council offices, however if there are any health reasons why Mr Cordell is unable to attend council offices then you will need to provide us with a doctor's letter stating what the health issues are.

Alternatively, Mr Cordell can respond to the allegations made against him in writing if he does not wish to meet with us in council offices to discuss them.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

Mob: 07583115576

From: Mother []

Sent: 24/07/2017 - 10:33

To: Lemmy Nwabuisi <>

Subject: RE: Notice of Seeking Possession [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi

I am writing this email as I have just spoken to my son Simon Cordell, and I believe a meeting has been set for the 26/07/2017 at 12:00 at your office. We would still like to have the meeting, but could the location be changed to my home 23 Byron Terrace N9 7DG. I think it would be too much for my son to come to the office.

If you could get back to me, I would be grateful.





From: Lemmy Nwabuisi [mailto:]

Sent: 19/07/2017 - 16:46

To: Mother

Subject: Re: Notice of Seeking Possession [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

Please find attached copy of a Notice of Seeking Possession that was posted through Mr Cordell's letterbox this afternoon at 4.05pm. The notice is served as a result of reports of anti-social behaviour made against Mr Cordell by some of his neighbours and Enfield Council members of staff.

We will advise Mr Cordell to seek independent legal advice from a solicitor or the Citizens Advice Bureau in respect of this notice.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

Mob: 07583115576

Classification: OFFICIAL




Lemmy Nwabuisi RE Simon Cordell Notice of Seeking Possession


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 966,967


From: Lemmy Nwabuisi []

Sent: 28/07/2017 - 13:53

To: Mother

Subject: RE: Simon Cordell Notice of Seeking Possession [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

I am unable to respond to your letter or make any further comments with regards to the Notice of Seeking Possession as the council is due to issue possession proceedings against Mr Cordell. If Mr Cordell wants to challenge the notice, then he can do so in court once we issue proceedings.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

Mob: 07583115576

From: Mother []

Sent: 28/07/2017 - 12:52

To: Lemmy Nwabuisi <>

Subject: RE: Simon Cordell Notice of Seeking Possession [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi

I sent you an email on the 26/07/2017 and I was wondering if there was any update it had an attached document which asked for some information.



Classification: OFFICIAL



Lemmy Nwabuisi RE Simon Cordell Notice of Seeking Possession


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 968,969,970


From: Lemmy Nwabuisi []

Sent: 28/07/2017 - 15:42

To: Mother

Subject: RE: Simon Cordell Notice of Seeking Possession [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

All the evidence relating to the allegations made against Mr Cordell will be disclosed to him once we issue possession proceedings.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

Mob: 07583115576

From: Mother []

Sent: 28/07/2017 - 14:12

To: Lemmy Nwabuisi <>

Subject: RE: Simon Cordell Notice of Seeking Possession [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi

Mr Cordell wanted to get all his information together to be able to show you, which would then show you that Mr Cordell has been the victim of complaints which at not the truth.

We were asking for information that is already being used against Mr Cordell in your application. We were asking for the times that these complaints were meant to have happened. As there is only a limited number of times within the complaint, and we have a lot of information already which you have already been told we have to over.

As stated, a person putting in a complaint should at least know the time frame of when something was meant to have happened.






From: Lemmy Nwabuisi []

Sent: 28/07/2017 - 13:53

To: Mother

Subject: RE: Simon Cordell Notice of Seeking Possession [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL

Dear Ms Cordell,

I am unable to respond to your letter or make any further comments with regards to the Notice of Seeking Possession as the council is due to issue possession proceedings against Mr Cordell. If Mr Cordell wants to challenge the notice then he can do so in court once we issue proceedings.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354

Mob: 07583115576

From: Mother []

Sent: 28/07/2017 - 12:52

To: Lemmy Nwabuisi <>

Subject: RE: Simon Cordell Notice of Seeking Possession [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi

I sent you an email on the 26/07/2017 and I was wondering if there was any update it had an attached document which asked for some information.



Classification: OFFICIAL



Mother to Me about Lemmy Case Work


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 971


From: Mother (


Dated: Friday, 28/07/2017, 21:14


lellliny-sim.doc (73.00 KB)





Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

  Page Numbers: 972,973


Dear Sir / Madam,

Claim Number: D02ED073

Hearing on 21/08/2017 at Edmonton County Court 59 Fore Street, Edmonton,

London, N18 2TN at 10:00am

In relation to the above matter, please find a copy of the injunction application and court order
dated 09/08/2017

In relation to the above matter, please find a copy of the injunction application and court order
dated 09/08/2017

Zena Ndereyimana, Paralegal

For Assistant Director, Legal Services



From: Lemmy Nwabuisi []

Sent: 28/07/2017 - 13:53

To: Mother

Subject: RE: Simon Cordell Notice of Seeking Possession [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Classification: OFFICIAL Dear Ms Cordell,

I am unable to respond to your letter or make any further comments with regards to the Notice of Seeking Possession as the council is due to issue possession proceedings against Mr Cordell. If Mr Cordell wants to challenge the notice then he can do so in court once we issue proceedings.

Kind Regards

Lemmy Nwabuisi

Anti-Social Behaviour Team

Community Safety Unit

Environmental & Community Safety

B Block North

Civic Centre



Tel: 020 8379 5354 Mob: 07583115576


From: Mother []

Sent: 28/07/2017 - 12:52

To: Lemmy Nwabuisi <>

Subject: RE: Simon Cordell Notice of Seeking Possession [SEC=OFFICIAL]

Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi

I sent you an email on the 26/07/2017 and I was wondering if there was any update it had an attached document which asked for some information.






Lemmy first Injunction Order 09_08_2017 page 1


Point 1:





The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue: 04

 Page Numbers: 974

Dead Page!



