Sammy Robinson

Hello Lemmy it is Mr. Simon Cordell from 109 Burncroft Avenue



 I've been trying to ring you since 9 o'clock this morning since you come to my house yesterday and served a notice of eviction process for possession of my flat   mum explain she want the phone I have the past recordings I did explain that yourself that I don't think you're in a position to be able to do this to me and I would like to have some time to get legal guidance I'm going to be contacting the solicitors or in regards to these issues and also done more than happy now to have this meeting with you because I would like to bring forth the evidence that I've got the doctors and the council offices that was all in my house when I've recorded them and I explained to them here in 2014 what the math years ago Mark and your family was doing to me and Stan Curtis yeah as well as Deborah Andrews and then also recorded George Qu confirm what he was doing to me what they all done was serving is a lot worse than system what you are talking to me for late tried to attempted murder me attempted manslaughter section 18 with intent yeah they breathe life private family ho yeah and I would he emailed you the other day and was asked you were waiting for a reply from yourself let me when you're ready for me to come to you let me I'm goanna come to you and I'm going to show you what time is what's real and what they're really done to me and had let me have a good day and I'll speak to you shortly at home and I'll be down to see you






Lemmey if you would like to hear the rest of it I will come down and play it for you that mean if you keep them know that you're stating has been proved yet you're not giving me the right to go to trial not giving me the right to be seen let me and I would like them right I've now contact the doctor's and when I was put into the hospital by the council when I go and buy the police and the doctors are also I've got the doctors have also are writing a letter to confirm that I was continuously going on about do you stop not protecting me and not doing the right things I also have the emails on Jackie Gabby as well when Jackie Gabby coming up Deborah Andrews in a hotel and she didn't want and I got the recording to wear with two police officers explaining why she moved into hotels the banging for that week then she went to the video evidence to wasn't there be as she can sing you done and said yes it must be staying with C with the two police officers first and doing what they was doing to me and heard the Mathieu Legrand family doing what they was doing to me she never continue to help me after that she walked out the same as one of the doctor's come in if you want to see some of the 7 at some waiting to pray for you to call me to come down then me and I'm upset isn't making my days disappear after 2 weeks before you trying to take my flat I'm trying to deal with it the next day and you're avoiding me in front of it the day after that and you're avoiding me let me it's my time that you gave me you told me you