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The purpose of this form is:

To provide the prosecutor and Witness Service with witness information and contact details

To indicate to the prosecutor the number of statements and whether or not the statement has been attached to the case file

To inform the prosecutor as to which witnesses are victims or intimidated witnesses.


When an MG10 is submitted, it must accurately reflect all witnesses’ dates to avoid. It must also be updated expeditiously, in order to prevent officers from being called on an inconvenient date. See Notes 5 and 7.

The prosecutor should not disclose reasons for witness non-availability. See Note 6.

Problems may arise when a police officer has a changeover from nights to late shift. Recording an “O” on the MG10 on the day of the late shift indicates unavailability for attendance at court at 10am having finished duty a few hours earlier.

The witnesses’ names should be indexed by entering consecutive numbers within the brackets (as per MG9). As each witness’s non- availability is entered into one of the monthly columns, the witness number should appear at the head of that column.

An MG10 should be completed for all post - charge files.

The Crown Court reference box is for the indictment number where known.


The purpose of this form is

to provide a prosecutor with a composite picture of the non-availability of all prosecution witnesses

to inform the prosecutor of reasons for non-availability.

In order to avoid misunderstanding, where a witness has no dates to avoid this should be stated at the bottom of the form. The words “(name) – no dates to avoid” will suffice.


1. This form is generally required to be submitted with all post-charge case files.

2. This form is classified as “RESTRICTED”(when complete) – NOT DISCLOSABLE, and should not be passed to anyone other than the prosecution when complete.

3. Police officers are to indicate their non-availability on the form by the use of the appropriate codes.