Mp3 1 Lemmy

Operator: I am going to put Lemmy on the phone and I am going to transfer the call, thank you.
Simon: All right that is perfect, thank you.
Lemming: Hello.
Simon: Hello is that Lemmy I am speaking to.
Lemming: Yes, Yes, speaking.
Simon: How are you doing?
Lemming: Who am I speaking with, yes I am good I am good, is that Simon.
Simon: Yes that is correct, it is Simon.
Lemming: How are you doing, hi?
Simon: Well I am OK I am just generally OK, I was just phoning in regard to the letters that I have been receiving of yourselves I have never really spook to yourself in person about it and this is the first opportunity that I have had.
Lemming: OK.
Simon: So I just wanted to take that opportunity and explain to you about how I feel about your request from me to come to a meeting at the civic centre on Wednesday the 22nd of February 2017 in regard to allegations of Anti-Social Behaviour, Harassment, Intimidation and threatening behaviour and my concerns are; is it OK to go through them with you.
Lemming: Yes, yes we need to meet with you.
Simon: No, No, you would like to meet with me, Lemmy not that you need to meet with me Lemmy, this is the problem that I have Lemmy, yes the allegations that you are putting against me are of Anti-Social Behaviour and that is of a criminal nature and is under the 1994 Act, Harassment is under the 1997 Act which is also a criminal investigation and intimidation and threatening Behaviour also come under the harassment Act laws subsection B of that Act Lemmy and basically for any of these allegations to be put forward that have to the police been given to you by a member of the public from a call for services any person calling for your services you should pass that information over to the police and let the police deal with it I do not fell comfortably coming to an interview with yourselves in regard to allegations when I know that you are not police officers and these are criminal allegations if anything I believe that you should speak to my solicitor or that you should pass this information on along to the police and let the police do their own personal investigations and then if the police find any truth in the installations put to me then you could continue as Enfield council and as my 'lees holder providers for my tenancy I am quite concerned of the way that this is being brought forward in any sense what would I be doing coming to a police station to do a no comment interview Hum coming to meet you to do a no comment interview and are you still with me, Lemmy?
Lemming: Yes, I am here. '
Simon: And, my other concern, other further than that is that I never committed the offence or any other offence of this nature any way and that the police have already arrested me for these offences back in August and all found no truth in them as well.
Simon: So, now it has been long since August since these allegations were put in about me it has been over six months and because of the time limitation Act 1980 I think it is I believe then no case can be brought forward to any person after six months after that date, so this leaves me even further concern and the even further concern is that you are a part of a team right now; apart from the Anti-Social Behaviour Team and that team I have got criminal corruption placed against me, they have signed to a lot of corruption that has held me hostage in my home Lemmy and it has held me because I have got eight years for something that the maximum sentence that any person should get is six months and the maximum sentence should be a twenty thousand pounds fine and it has got Enfield councils signatures and your team members signatures all over it.
Simon: I am quite concerned about that as well and while I have an ongoing complaint in regard to my Human Rights being breached I would rather not met you lot personal without a solicitor being present. I also feel the concern that if I am in my own home. I have the maxim um extent to my own freedom of speech in my own home and that I have not left my house and I have did not threaten anybody or done anything else to anybody else of any slimier nature
Lemming: ha, ha.
Simon: I am very concerned with what is actually happening and I feel that this is an attempt to protect your colleges rather than to do what is right for this housing estate and do what is right for Me Lemmy, year.
Lemming: [00:03:37] your, broke.
Simon: The only thing that I can do in my own house if I speak Lemmy and you should know that in your own house; is that no one can translate what is being said in my own house it would be a noise complaint in any sense in my own home I can swear I can do what I want, yes, as long as it is not going out to the public or it is directly done to someone it is a noise complaint and I have never had a noise complaint of yourselves in regard to anything.
Simon: Just these few issues that I have brought up here make me feel that it would not be right for me to attain a meeting with yourself and especially without not understanding what the actually allegations are I have asked for copy of the letters of complaints to be sent to me and I have still not been put in receipt of them, go on Lemmy
Lemming: Alright, hmm, after I sent the first letter to you I got an email from your mother asking for us to itemize the allegations made against you and I must stress that at the moment they are only allegations, nothing has been proven yet. Now last week I emailed to your mother, as you requested because, hmm, hmm, she will have.
Simon: My mother just waters it down for you lot because she knows that I understand the law, and she knows that I am not somebody that is going to sit there and feel intimidated, yes sorry go ahead and speak then please
Lemming: Can I talk please.
Simon: Yes sorry go on.
Lemming: So hmm, hmm, I sent, err, I emailed last week, and she has not responded and because I have sent everything that she has requested on your behalf we now need to sit down with you to get through these allegations.
Simon: You are not a police officer low Lemmy.
Lemming: No, No hold on.
Simon: They are criminal installations they are not civil.
Lemming: Hang on, hang on; Hang on.
Simon: They are not civil.
Lemming: Mr, Cordell.
Simon: You are not a police officer, are you a police officer?
Lemming: Mr. Cordell; I wanted for you to finish can you allow me to finish.
Simon: Yes.
Lemming: Then when I am finished then maybe it will; be clearer.
Lemming: Now as I have just said these are just allegations, and they are serious breach of your tenancy agreement we are dealing with these from December.
Simon: What points of my tenancy agreement are they a breach of because I have not been told what I have actually done.
Lemming: in the first letter I sent to you I did make it clear, and we are only carrying out civil investigations because these are a serious breach of your tenancy at agreement.
Simon: Lemmy, these allegations that you are bringing forward to me are from the 16th of February and any allegations that you are putting to me I got arrested in August for and I got arrested for two sets of allegations and both of them I got found not guilty for; OK, Lemmy, I got held in house hostage and I got even taken to a hospital for it I do not believe that you use the members of my estates signatures that are at the bottom of any paper work that they have used I do not think that it is in there the best interest or my interest I think it is for your own-self gain Lemmy and your colleges own self gain Lemmy, yes, right.
Lemming: We are investigating allegations that were put against.
Simon: And what was the latest allegation put forward Lemmy, what is the date of the latest letter of complaint that you have.
Lemming: The latest the last complaint; hold on let me just check in the paperwork, the incident was on the thirty-first of January.
Simon: On the thirty-first of January and what was that and can you explain to me what that allegation is to myself.
Lemming: Simon, 17th shouting abuse outside of your front door.
Simon: Shouting a bruise outside of my front door, Lemmy.
Lemming: Outside your neighbour’s front door.
Simon: Outside my neighbour’s front door Lemmy may I explain something to you yes; I live inside of a communal building if the police get called to my home it is under the 1961 police reforms act that the police were built on Lemmy yes, and let me explain to you Lemmy, yes.
The last thing that the police get call called to come to any place is unless a section or crime is committed and that would be a section four or five under the FA football riots what is what brought that law into place yes, swearing or being abusive place; in a public place Lemmy yes not a private place.
I have not left my communal building which I pay sub rent on and I have not left the front of my home, yes Lemmy.
Anything that happens in my building or this block is a community problem between ourselves and if the police get called it is because; or as a breach of the peace unless a crime is committed.
Lemmy you do not have the rights this is my home and you do not have the place to do what you are doing to me.
Lemming: But you have been banging on your neighbours front door.
Simon: No Lemmy, Lemmy, Lemmy you tell me that a manufacture never made the front door to be intended to be used Lemmy yes; all front doors are intended to be used Lemmy yes, and it is not my intention to look at a front door and not to use it Lemmy.
If I walk up to a front door and use it as the manufacture intended for it to be used then you tell me a crime that I have committed or an offence.
Lemming: Well I am not talking about crimes.
Simon: Well I am not committing any civil offence, the door is there to be knocked on; if there is a fire in my house I would go upstairs and knock on the front door and say hello.
I have not gone and knocked on any of my next doors, front doors houses in the last eleven years of living in this block more than six times, yes, and I have lived in this block long-time, you could not even divide six time between eleven years if you wanted to right now, Lemmy
Lemming: OK, Mr. Cordell, your neighbours have provided evidence.
Simon: Lemmy if my neighbours have supplied you with evidence of anything then you need to give that to the police and you are not a police officer and you have no right of line of investigation against me in these proceedings.
Lemming: I will be very honest.
Simon: It is entrapment what you are trying to do is; Lemmy I am recording this conversation.
Lemming: Go on.
Simon: I am recording this conversation and what you are trying to do is entrap me under criminal investigations and you are not a police officer and your salary does not account for you to act in such a manner, it is a disgrace against Enfield council that you represent them in such a way to intimidate my human rights and you are not threatening me and I am not scared of you, I understand the land that I live of Lemmy, yes, and I understand the laws that I represent living of this land and my birth rights.
Lemming: Mr Cordell I have not made the offence.
Simon: yes there is no offence or you I would be giving them to the police already and I am not coming to your office unless you come to mine; you are more than welcome to come to my home at any point of time that you want Lemmy and I will invite you in like a gentleman that I am then you can sit and talk tom me in regard to any issues that you may have otherwise than that I am not coming to your place to be entrapped.
Lemming: Hold on OK, can I just say something if you do not attended to the interview I will not give you no more opportunity, hello.
Simon: Hello Lemmy and you have to take it to the police and if you take it to court I will sue you for invasion of privacy and for the breach of my article thirteen, the right to my private and family life, Lemmy, Article two of my human rights, I will sue you for the right to; life and I will sue you for; Article three, the right not to be tortured by any state official or degraded or humiliated by any state official; that is Article three of my human rights Lemmy, do you understand, Lemmy I tell you that I stand stronger your laws are set out to protect us the members of the public Lemmy, you are using your powers in the wrong way.
Lemming: All right Mr. Cordell can I just sat something.
Simon: No Lemmy, if you want to call the police then call the police do not threaten me with criminal offences, you are not a police officer LEMMY.
Lemming: I am not threatening you.
Simon: So I do not need to come I do not have anything to answer to you, you are just my Lease holder I just give you money for my rent or the council or the government give you lot the money for my rent Lemmy, if there is any further problem than that you need to go to the police.
Lemming: You can allow me.
Simon: You need to go to the police.
Lemming: Can I explain where we go from here please; I know that to you Mr Cordell if you do not got to the meeting with us I will not give you any more opportunity to attended and if you fall to attend that one.
Simon: Lemmy I cannot read and write Lemmy I cannot read and write the council know this I will not come to Edmonton Green I have got gangs that want to kill me in Edmonton green that is why I got placed in this house in the beginning it is on my council records that I cannot go to Edmonton Green and that I cannot go to Enfield Town, yes, so now I am sitting down in this house right now Lemmy and if you would like to come and have a meeting with me then you come to my address you arrange a time and a date I have not done anything wrong I am other in to you the opportunity to come and met me, yes, and if you do not want to take that opportunity then I have it on recording right now I am recording of this conversation, yes, you cannot force me to have the meeting at the civic centre I am telling you if you want to have a meeting with me you need to come here and I will have my solicitor waiting here for you as well Lemmy.
Lemming: I will have the meeting at a natural place I will not come to your property and I will not come to the civic centre I got corrupt police I have got Steven Ellesmere his fraudulent paperwork all in my folder right now holding me in my house for eight years Lemmy they fraudulent the time stamps to the paper work they have called me a black boy on the block thought the whole of the folder, and they tried to I turn me into a super grass to grass all of my friends up for events that I never done.
Simon: I was working for this community I was working for lock to lock festival I had the keys to my community hall Lemmy I was doing everything constructive, and then they twisted my whole life around and I have got all the recordings for; I recorded everything that happens in my house Lemmy I have been putting complaints in asking you lot to protect me against these members of the public for months and you do not act on anything that I ask you lot to do but you are asking on fabricated claims against me.
Lemming: Mr Cordell I have not received any complaints of you.
Simon: You just need to read the computers Lemmy to see the complaints that have not been followed up Lemmy.
Lemming: When was the last time that you made a complaint?
Simon: I have made loads of complaints I have got letters all over my computer now from emails correspondents none stop.


Simon: This is why Jackie Gubbie was changed place because of their behaviour and then this is why Sarah Flexture has got put into Jackie Gubbie place because I; the recording tapes that I have of them all in my home.
Lemming: Mr Cordell when was the last time that you put a complaint in.
Simon: I have not put a complaint in for a few months because we are independent we live in a communal building that is independent if we want to deal with our issues, we deal with them ourselves.
Lemming: Thanks for clarifying that now there is a complaint which is a serious breach of tenancy and if you do not deal with this.
Simon: That you are not Lemmy I am dealing with this matter I have already spoke to you on the phone and told you that you are not a police officer; Lemmy you are threatening me for criminal offences I am not coming to I you to be set up Lemmy yes the evidence I have got you are endangering these people if you want to come and see the evidence of the recordings that I have of everything.
Lemming: How am I endangering.
Simon: Because I am holding the truth I am protecting them from the recordings of the evidence that I have of them Lemmy yes I am protecting them, if I go to the police station right now yes they all get arrested Lemmy, and they all look at big years I have been recording them for the last two years doing what they have done to me Lemmy and I have not done anything wrong to them.
If I go to meet any of my neighbours I would phone the police first and tell them that I am going up stairs and that I am recording it on my mobile phone and I have got the cad number for phoning the police up before I go upstairs Lemmy I protect myself in every single way and if you want to come and see this evidence plus see the evidence of what they do to me while I am in my home then you would agree with me and you would not want to follow these pep their claims because it is just going to get them into a whole heap of trouble and everybody else Lemmy you need to open your eyes and see the truth Lemmy yes.
Lemming: all I can say is we needed to clear this up if you do not.
Simon: Lemmy you are more than welcome to come to my here address if you want to clear this up there now and there is nothing to clear up in my eyes all there is fabricated stories that have got no truth in them and there is no true evidence supporting their claims or you would be at a police station and the police would be knocking at my front door. You just want me to come down there and blabber to you and then entrap myself Lemmy I am not going to do that and you are not a police officer and I am not entrapping myself with you if you want to come to my home then you are more than welcome too.
And if you have any other issues then contact the police Lemma and have a good day I have got respect for you but you do not seem to have any for me.
Lemming: Mutter.
Simon: And I am going to forward this to you I am going to get this recording transcribed up into transcribes and I will forward you a copy of the minutes of this meeting as well.
Lemming: OK, please do that.
Simon: I will do that.
Lemming: How soon will I be able to get them?
Simon: I will do it as quick as possible I will have to do them manually for you and I will try to have them done within the next two days and have them forwarded to yourself.
Lemming: All right then.
Simon: Thank you, Sir.
Lemming: I want you to attend a meeting next week and I will send you a letter.
Simon: Lemma, you are more than welcome to do that and I am going to forward you a letter to explain the reasons why, as well to a further why; that there is not any more to be said about these issues, if you want to phone the police you are more than welcome.
Lemming: I will not be going to the police.
Simon: They are criminal offences you cannot put criminal offences under civil law Lemmy.
Simon: A civil injunction even under the civil Act 1994 for civil offences has to be for civil practices, for a fact anything under a criminal nature will be placed under a CBO Asbo after court proceedings, Lemmy, yes.
Lemming: Mr Cordell.
Simon: Lemmy these offences are last, yes.
Lemming: Allow me to enlighten you at the meeting.
Simon: We are talking about civil matters hear not criminal.
Lemming: No they are not they are criminal; Harassment is 1997, Anti-social Behaviour is 1994, Intimidation and threatening behaviour you can get ten years for that Lemmy, Yes, Lemmy you can get ten years for that, I am telling you now that they are all criminal offences and that you should put them all to the police under the police reforms Acts you are not able to deal with this and your salary does not pay you to deal with this sort of issues.
Simon: I am not disputing that.
Lemming: So give them to the police and let them do their job and do what is right Lemmy and if the police find any truth in them statements or the evidence that you give to them then you can follow your lines of investigation but I tell, you know that there is no truth in them and the police will not follow any charges.
Lemming: Mr. Cordell, Mr. Cordell, if only you can listen to what I am say then perhaps we can start to get some were in regard to a breach of tenancy what is a civil matter.
Simon: A breach of my tenancy is a civil matter but the offences that you are saying are a criminal matter Lemmy, they are a criminal matter a civil matter is me kicking a football up the wall outside and somebody was upset a criminal matter is me going up to somebody and threatening them under a section 4, or 5, of that act and you commit this by going up to someone and listen and saying that I am going to do you something.
Criminal damage is criminal damage if I break something yes Lemmy, these things are criminal offences and civil are completely different.
You cannot simply missus your terms and conditions have to run in co-Hurst that represents us globally with treaties, you are wrong and you are making your own protocols and you do not have any right to do so.

Lemming: Mr. Cordell, Mr. Cordell.
Simon: Come on I have respect for you but I am not that idiot that you want on the floor or that person that you are expecting to be able to mangle up in the brain.
Lemming: I have not called you.
Simon: No I am not saying is that I am saying that you; that is the level that most people are deceived to be treated like by you and that is not what you are here for and these people are here or it is not their purpose in life to be treated wrongly and neither what they, or you should represent it is our human rights and what these laws are in place for, most people will just sit there and accept anything, because they do not study and pick up a book and reed and learn, yes, and they do not care about looking after other people any more yes or our history what built us all our building blocks of life Lemmy Yes people have no respect these days they forget themselves.
Lemming: OK.
Simon: I do Lemmy I study.
Lemming: Yes, Yes, Yes, whether the police would want to deal with it you need to come here.
Simon: There is no truth you cannot find any truth in them Lemmy you cannot make up things, you are not a judge, where is the tribunal and or where is my fair court hearing.
Lemming: I am not judging you.
Simon: OK, so where is the court, you should be calling me to a fair place where there is some fair judging going on, yes even you yourself if you get upset now with your company, you still have a union representation and this means that you are entitled to speak to a legal department and to have your day in court, so where is my day you are accusing me of these allegations and now you want me to come there and you are going to judge me, you do not have the right and you do not have the power to do that.
Lemming: Alright, OK, muttering.
Simon: And I am explaining to you know that there is no truth in anything we have done this meeting over the phone and I am recording it and I am saying that if you want to come to my home then you can, as I have even further evidence to prove my claims and I will play that evidence to you while you are in my house, yes I am not coining to the civic centre because I have got members of your team who signed all the Anti-Social Behaviour papers fraudulently to keep me in this house Lemmy, I am prang to come into your building at the moment, I am scared for my life
Lemming: Mutter.
Simon: I am scared to come to your building because of the corruption that is inside of it Lemmy or I would be there with all of my folders building a festival right now with you all.
Lemming: OK, OK, OK, if your response is that all the allegations are lies then I will take it that that is your repose.
Simon: Lemmy if I went to the newspapers and played this and showed what everybody all the corruption that is inside of your team and what is holding me in my house now or I just publicized that myself.
Simon: Here would be problems I have got a lot of emails here right now, if I decided to be irresponsible myself there would be a whole different game right now and I do think that anything that you are talking about would not matter after that other than what I show everybody; "The Truth."
Lemming: If you have got all of this evidence that you are saying, then I think you should do what you have to do.
Simon: Lemmy I have already done prepared statements if the police do come to me, but I think if I give them to you that it will just destroy more lives, I think.
Lemming: Yes, Yes, Yes, no problem, do what you have to do all I am doing is.
Simon: what are you attempting to do, what is your purpose, what do you want at the end of this yourself Lemmy.
Lemming: what I want is at the end of this for the alleged Harassment to stop the intimidation to stop.
Simon: The alleged harassment, intimidation to stop.
Lemming: To stop yes.
Simon: What is actually being accused of me what.
Lemming: Your neighbours have made allegations.
Simon: I have got my next door neighbour on tape right now Lemmy yes and I will play it to you right now, when Ii recorded them I have got them all Lemmy I record them all, and they are saying that we are doing this because we are trying to get a new council flat and all of this.
Lemming: How soon, can you get them videos to me?
Simon: All the videos of me, Lemmy you would have to go through my solicitor to get them Lemmy or you would have to come and see them personally in my home and you can bring another college; Two or three of you hear and you would all walk out and know the truth because of what you see, when you see all the work that I have done for this community and see everything that is here you will walk out of this door and say do you know what I have to hold my hand out to him; I tell you what come and see everything I challenge you to come and see what sort if a man I really am; I challenge you and your team to come here, and we will see if we can all do something that is constructive with everything else that is here that I have built, and we will see how far we can all go.
Lemming: No I am sorry we can meet at a neutral place.
Simon: Well I am telling you that you are allowed to bring your team to my house I pay you lot rent for this home Lemmy your team get paid their salary from this home the people I pay the rent to pay you your salary I mean Lemmy or even when I get benefits to help pay for it.
Lemming: You cannot make me come to your home.
Simon: I am not making you and that is just like you cannot make me come to your place I am inviting you, if you have a problem then I am saying that you are more than welcome to come to mine if anything there is not any members of the public here that is all criminals in here but in your work place I got evidence that there are criminals in there that are setting me up right now, so I am not coming to their.
I have got a stronger case than you have Lemmy.
Lemming: I am putting it in my report that you are saying that I am setting you up.
Simon: No I have got evidence that Steven Elsmore set me up with all of his signature on it and Enfield councils logo with all the rest of the police officers and I have got all the tape recordings them as well.
Lemming: why do you not go and give your evidence to the police.
Simon: Lemmy I have already been phoning them and the police will not pick up the phone any more.
The police know that they are that wrong I can phone them up right in front of you now, and they will not pick up the phone.
I have got so many recording of them of me reporting that they forged it and about the black boy on the block and all that being in my paperwork and all of this and then you can see on the other page about the white people that got reported to have done it in the 999 call, Lemmy it is disgracefulness, Lemmy I am an intelligent person I believe that you are two and I believe if you come here you would see sense and reason and you would believe in me as well and you would say do you know what something needs to be done about all of this here.
Lemming; Mr Cordell, Mr Cordell, we have been on the phone for over 45 minutes.
Simon: OK, well I accept that and I am going to forward you Lemmy in everything that has happened.
Lemming: OK, no problems then if you do not met me next Thursday then I will write to you again, OK.
Simon: Yes, OK, have a good day.
Lemming: Thank you very much.
Simon: And you too bye.
Lemming: Good bye.