Outgoing call

Metropolitan Police introduction


Tape recording five z0000055


Outgoing call

Metropolitan Police introduction


Simon; I am just phoning up, this is the Metropolitan police, yes 

Police Officer; yes, it is

Simon; I am just phoning up in regards to two cads that I have put in on the 15th 14th and the 11th in regards to police corruption and getting a sergeant the new sergeant for Edmonton police station to call me back I think his name is Ian rafieal and the commander has not called me back, no one has called me back still

Police Officer; so, you put in a complaint against the police and nobody has called you back

Simon; yes, that is correct 

Police Officer; right, OK


Police Officer; I will take that information and pass it on to the police station that is all that I can do 

Simon; can I get a cad number

Police Officer; can I take your name 

Simon; yes, my name is Mr Simon Cordell can I take your name please

Police Officer; no, I will give you my name but I will give you the cad reference number when I have created the message

Simon; ok I will take you doing the message then please

Police Officer; Simon Cordell did you say

Simon; yes, that is correct

Police Officer; that is Cordell

Simon; yes, that is Cordell, who is the commanding borough officer on right now?

Police Officer; I do not know who the commanding borough officer is at the moment I am in a call centre in Hen don 

Simon; yes, that is the reason that the call centre is designed in the beginning so that you no were every active police officer is while on duty 

Police Officer; no, we don't that is not what it is designed for can I take an address please

Simon; 109 Burncroft Avenue Enfield

Police Officer;

Simon; it is it is for any CFS caller making a call for services I am a call for services madam 

Police Officer; no, it is not sir where is Burncroft Avenue

Simon; it is in Enfield I am a call err

Police Officer; what is the postcode

Simon; En3 7JQ

Police Officer; "mutter"

Simon; I am correct I am a call for services that is correct it is for the general public to call when they have a concern and that is why I am calling 999 or 101 I can even call 112 or I can call 0207 230 1212 and every one of them directs me back to you or a member of your team and you lot are allocated to help members of the public when they call for services and if I give you got a call right now about a police officer outside my front door now and give you the badge number and I said I can look through my spy hole and I can see a police officer outside of my front door and I can see the badge number he is wearing but I do not think he is a real police officer if I call you now you should be able to tell me if that police officer is there or not if I ask you who is the sergeant for Edmonton police station you should be able to give that information or any other information that I require in regards to the company that you lot run, it is a company that you lot do run it is business yes and there are protocols for your business that you represent you have Sop regulations and laws 

Police Officer; silence 

Simon; Hello madam 

Police Officer; yes I am listening to you

Simon; am I correct that you follow Sop laws and that you lot are in practice towards the pace codes and conducts A, b, c, d, and E and the rest and so forth and that use lot were built from the 1961 police reforms Act, which is how the first police station was built and right now you are running in Co-Hurst to the regulatory 2000 Act, which Teressa May took a big part in writing due to you recording this phone call and that is how we are having this conversation right now and the reasons that this services are put there to provide for and I am concerned about corruption from the police officers and I have the evidence and if I was phoning about a chocolate bar being stolen from a shop you lot would act and you would send active police officers and you would create a cad and say that you are the caller creating that cad you would cheek the location to where I am were the caller is the Geological location 

Police Officer; ok, you wanted the cad reference number 

Simon; yes, yes can I have the cad number please

Police Officer; right it is cad 32 87 

Simon; 3287

Police Officer; and that is off to days date and that is to be passed through to the borough and that is of today's date 

Simon; and the days date is the 16th of the 2nd 2017 

Police Officer; it certainty is

Simon; and you have put a message for me on the computer for Ian referial who is took over Jane Johnson’s job back in regards to 

Police Officer; sir you are clearly looking to argue with some one

Simon; no I am not I am just trying to be straight with the facts madam

Police Officer; and I am telling you now that I have passed this on

Simon; I am not trying to argue with you I am just trying to be straight with the facts 

Police Officer; and I have to go because I have other people I need to help

Simon; I can appreciate that but the call centre is built to handle 15,000 calls a day and if there was a football match on right now my one call should be a problem 

Police Officer; and I have got to go right now

Simon; but my safety is a bigger concern as one person calling

Police Officer; phone put down