Tape recording two Z0000011


Welcome to the Metropolitan police introduction


Police Officer; hello police what is your reason for calling

Simon; hello I would like to put a complaint in and I was just wondering if you could help me do this please

Police Officer; yes is it a complaint against police

Simon; yes that is correct

Police Officer; yes I can take the complaint

Simon; I would like to, can you forward an email to Jane Johnson please

Police Officer; Jane Johnson

Simon; yes superintendent for Edmonton police station the commissioner

Police Officer; let me just have a look, just one second

Police Officer; Jane Johnson yep supper chief intendent

Simon; yes that is correct

Police Officer; yes that is ok, is this complaint that has all ready been made or is it that you need to make a first one

Simon; this is just a fresh email to herself it is more of a request than a complaint at the present time but it may turn into a official complaint depending on how she decides to discipline her officers that she represents

Police Officer; ok

Police Officer; and that is too Jane Johnson ok go ahead with the contents and I will get the email sent for you

Simon; my name is a Mr Simon Paul Cordell

Police Officer; Paul Cordell

Police Officer; Cordell

Simon; yes that is correct madam

Simon; and

Police Officer; and your contact number 0208-245

Simon; yes that is correct

Police Officer; right go ahead

Simon; and the issue is of concern that I have her signature at the bottom of an Asbo Order a stand alone Asbo Order and there has been a lot of corruption represented in side of it, that she has instructed, a Steve Elsmore too complete an application for an Anti Social Behaviour Order for the organisation of illegal raves and in that application there is lots of police corruption and foul play where the evidence has been manufactured, now I am asking her to oversee her officers that she has instructed to make such an application and then to cheek the time stamps relating to the Cad’s and to check the Urn numbers that run consecutively over an annul year  period when they should not, I am asking her to oversee this and to inform me of my case being manufactured and for this it is going to be dropped or I am calling her, herself to the court as a witness and I will be investigating myself against her also for her actions and decisions.

Police Officer; ok

Simon; to what is aloud to happen, she is basically the boss of all the police and she is charge of Steve Elsmore, she has told Steve Elsmore to make an application and either she told Steve Elsmore to manufacture the application in such a way and or to falsify information contained within it or she does not know that Steve Elsmore has done that and I would like her to know that Stave has done that and I would like her to make her decision to whether she is going to suspended him right now and give the case to somebody else to handle or what she is going to do and I would like her to contact me back at Re_wired@ymail.com as soon as practically possible


Simon; I know I was going a bit fast but did you manage to get the full jest of what I am explaining to you madam

Police Officer; yes I got the jest I made the points for you

Simon; so she is going to contact me back at Re_wired@ymail.com as soon as practically possible in regards to how she is going to represent this case, because at the present time I am being held captive within my own home because she is not doing her job correctly.


Simon; I have handed in an Article six twice now sine this case started at the courts with a complete copy, if she would like to get a copy of the court case she can and contained within this is a copy of the Article six with all the drafted corruption inside it and also I have handed in three complaints, three official complaints that are now issued on the police Pnc computer this will also show this information as well

Police Officer; ok

Simon; and if she would like to hold a meeting with me I would be happy to come to the police station and show her the evidence I have

Simon; either she is apart of the corruption or she is separate from the corruption and for her to be separate she must do her job correctly and this must mean that I am not being held captive in my own home

Police Officer; ok

Simon; to laws that do not even exist

Police Officer; right ok

Police Officer; what I will do for you right now Simon is get this email sent over to her right now, please can you just confirm your email address again Re _wired@ymail.com

Simon; thank you

Police Officer; ok good buy

Simon; you have a good day