Tape recording five z0000019


Out going call


Metropolitan introduction

Outgoing call:-

Police Officer; hello Metropolitan police what is your reason for calling

Simon; hello I am just  curious about a question, if I  have got an appeal date set and I am just trying to get the case to appeal and I have been trying to get the case to appeal for one hundred days no sorry like one thousand and three days now and I have been to court over ten times and every time that I go to court they keep evading the truth and the evidence that I am showing, is there not no way that I can get a police officer to over see the case 

Police Officer; so right so you are reporting something to us a officer dealing with your case and you are not happy with the outcome of it 

Simon; yes basically an officer, basically and the crown prosecution I have shown evidence continually showing the fact that I am being accused of an Asbo I have had an Asbo put against me I have proven that the Asbo was actually manufactured and fabricated in being made by all of the time stamps and that being incorrect, I ham being forced to trial I  have handed in two article six's in I  have loads of complaints I have been phoning up this number trying to speak to official people and civilians like I believe Jane Johnson was the superior of an Steve Elmore’s who was the developer of the application and no one wants to over see the case or take responsibility or take on the fact that I  am not white like on the 999 call the actual person the actual person that made the 999 call he states that the people females and males were actually white in colour and I  am mixed race an ic3 and it is not hard for any police officer to pick up this case bundle and go to the page that I am referring to and see that I a m correct and not hold me captive any longer I have got now another hundred and twenty days till I can even get to a trial again I have been told I have been waiting one thousand and one hundred all ready  

Police Officer; right ok 

Police Officer; and what is it that you agree wanting me to try and do for you what is it then

Simon; I want some body to oversee the Case I heard that there is a new Colin Andrews who has taken over Edmonton police station am I correct in believing that his the super intendent now and that he should be able to oversee the conduct of any other police officer below his rank is that correct 

Police Officer; I could not tell you who the super intendment was to be honest because I deal with the whole of London if you want to file a complaint about the officer’s conduct then we can do that if you want 

Simon; I have done that bout the complaint keeps being suspended` every time I go to trial the case is being postponed because I have all ready handed in article six's about showing that I can not have a fair trial 

Simon; I have done that bout the complaint keeps being suspended` every time I go to trial the case is being postponed because I have all ready handed in article six's about showing that I can not have a fair trial so I am being forced to another trial in one hundred and twenty days again and when I get to that trial I am going to refuse to have a trial because I have handed in an article six showing corruption in the time stamps and the Urn's numbers and that they were continuously logging in one after the other and the created dates being changed I have shown evidence boyned reasonable dought so I do not see why I should have to wait another one hundred and twenty days again for me to feel that I have to scream and shout article six to my human rights to be told that I can not have another trial that it is going to be suspended for another six months again and this is what keeps happening I have been to court over ten times now so  some one must be able to over see this because I am clearly stating what is going to happen in a hundred and twenty days I  am going to go to court and scream my article six to show that I am correct and write and there going to supposed it for another six months again and this is my life that is going to waste because no one wants to act correctly within the constraints of the law that they represent

Police Officer; I mean who ever is the officer dealing with it I offersley get in contact with there line manage if you want me to do that well at the end of the day we are subject to the crown prosecution services and what they decide but if you want me to cross this across the officer line manager then we can do that 

Simon; well who would the line manager be for a Pc Steve Elsmore and a Jane Johnson herself?

Simon; because Jane Jonson’s signature is on it and so is Steve Elermore’s as well as many other officers signatures are on it 

Police Officer; right, so Steve Elsmore, is one of them with a signature on there?

Simon; well yes he is the developer of the application Jane Johnson instructed him to make an application and I was not even arrested for that and it states illegal 

Police Officer; lets just start with this is Steve Elermore hum an Edmonton officer?

Simon; yes and he is the developer of the application

Simon; it is his logging on every page when he has been logging into the police nation computer and been manufacturing the evidence 

Simon; the time stamps are wrong and I have spoken to so many people and they have said that it is impossible for the time stamps to go backwards on cads, like you can not have one cad at cad number 500, every hour the call centre would most probably get over three hundred phone calls and that would work out to like one hundred and 50 calls for like every twenty minuets so you would no that if you have got a time stamp of 500 for instance if it is one hundred calls latter you should no that it should be at lest twenty minutes after and not go backwards in time and that is what continually happens thought all of the cads they go backward sin time to each one 

Police Officer; right, Steve Elermore’s line manager is a person called Alan Steff 

Simon; Alan Steff

Police Officer; yes

Simon; and who is Jane Johnsons line manager and can you tell me what department Jane Johnson has been transferred to please 

Police Officer; I can tell you what she has listed her self as in reality she can be lots of different things 


Police Officer; sorry what was that a Jane Johnson 

Simon; yes 

Police Officer; is she going to be the same borough 

Simon; yes she was in the same borough I understand that she was supper intendent for Edmonton police station but I have been told that she has been transferred to Royal diplomatic protection but is there even a department called that 

Police Officer; yes and that is what she has come up as

Simon; she has come up as Royal diplomatic protection 

Police Officer; yes 

Simon; all right ok 

Simon; and what is that department 

Police Officer; parliamentary 

Simon; parliamentary

Police Officer; yes 

Simon; and what about a silly Guil Christ is she, I think that she is the legal executive director for the whole of the country how many legal executive directors are there to the country is she in charge of Hu guiles solicitors is that correct and she is in change of this department and like bow and so forth 

Police Officer; she is just the legal director of legal serves 

Simon; yes is that correct 

Police Officer; that is what she has come up as 

Simon; and is there any other directors of legal services because her signature is all over the paper work and I have been recording every one when I have been calling them and I have got her on recording as well as well as me sending emails to Jane and that asking them to over see 

Police Officer; "police officer cut the phone off"
