Speaker 1 (00:05):

Good afternoon, the centre of health and disability. Natalie speaking.

Speaker 2 (00:09):

Hello, how are you doing? Is it possible? I can give you a reference number and you can give me some help please.

New Speaker (00:14):

Yeah, certainly. I'll try my best.

Speaker 2 (00:16):

OK, Um, it's a reference Mr. S. Cordell - C O R D E LL.

New Speaker (00:19):


New Speaker (00:19):

Slash Jh

Speaker 1 (00:23):

it's okay. I can get it from, your surname. It's fine.

New Speaker (00:27):

You can get it yeah, OK perfect thank you.

New Speaker (00:27):

Yep, no worries. I remember the case. I've done it quite recently. How can I help?

New Speaker (00:31):

Um, I'm recording this conversation. I just wanted to go for a few things with yourself.

Speaker 1 (00:35):

Am I speaking to Simon Cordell

Speaker 2 (00:37):

Yes, IO am Mr Cordell himself. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (00:39):

Can you confirm your national insurance number, your date of birth and your address for me please?

Speaker 2 (00:42):

JH657811D 26/01/1981 and I'm at 109 Burncroft Avenue.

Speaker 1 (00:50):

That's great. How can I help?

New Speaker (00:53):

Who am I fully speaking to?

New Speaker (00:54):

Natalie Vickers.

New Speaker (00:54):

Natalie Vickers and what is your job title at the department here?

Speaker 1 (00:58):

Customer relations manager.

New Speaker (01:00):

Customer relations manager and you've dealt with my case on numerous occasions before.

New Speaker (01:04):

Yes, I have.

New Speaker (01:04):

I'm quite concerned because I'm receiving all these letters. I just received a letter today and it's explaining.

New Speaker (01:09):

Your Dead.

New Speaker (01:09):

a load of a lot about me being put on to medication and stuff like that and that hospital and stuff like that. Now you are getting all of this information of a Rio of the, Um Rio off the computers now what I'm quite upset about is what truly happened is I've got set up by one of my neighbours. Yeah. I was in my house.

New Speaker (01:26):

Your dead.

New Speaker (01:26):

I haven't been going out for a long time and one of my neighbours viciously assaulted me and what she'd done.

New Speaker (01:31):


New Speaker (01:31):

She made a load of lies and said that I had threatened her children. Yeah,

New Speaker (01:34):

Your dead.

New Speaker (01:34):

out of a window when I never really went out in my back garden. The reason she done this was I will show, I can send you the document cause I wrote a book about it and I've also got the proof.

Speaker 2 (01:44):

Now what my problems are is I got taken to hospital, forced to go to the hospital. Now the reason these doctors took me to hospital was because they come into my house and I recorded them. I've got the recording here and basically they come in fake what section? One, three five under the mental health Act, 1963.

New Speaker (02:04):


New Speaker (02:04):

and now they come in under section two and they tried to, they tried to assess me. I've been assessed like seven times before and I was, I was a full bill of health. I've never taken no medication, never done nothing yeah. Now what I know is in recording them a woman called Aimaine, Amman, she filled out a court order illegally to set to gain access to my house. Now she made a full confession that she had done that. Yeah. On tape recording. I have this all on tape recording and now they are basically had lost their jobs. Yeah.

New Speaker (02:33):


New Speaker (02:33):

Now I'm a good person. Yeah And I knew what they had done was illegal. They'd been trying to do it because I please court case where the police forged a load of paperwork and they, they made, they basically forged, missed all the signatures of the members of the public at the bottom of it all the time.

New Speaker (02:48):


New Speaker (02:48):

Stamps were wrong to the 999 call centre and so forth like that. Now a load of police officers. I'm following the procedures for it.

New Speaker (02:55):


New Speaker (02:55):

Yeah. But what it is that they started in tangles my personal life. Yeah. And started making false produced stories about me. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (03:03):

Mr. Cordell, can I just explain to you please. I'm sorry I'm not medically trained.

New Speaker (03:09):

Yeah, I accept that, yeah, I accept that.

New Speaker (03:09):

So, there is really is no need to explain you history to me.

New Speaker (03:12):

No, no, no, I do I feel that I do yeah, because what I want to explain to you.

New Speaker (03:15):


New Speaker (03:15):

what my valid point here is.

New Speaker (03:15):

No, I have asked how I can help, is there anything I can help you with.

New Speaker (03:19):

Yeah, what my point is I've wrote to the advocacy and I've sent.

New Speaker (03:21):

yes. -- your dead --- your death.

New Speaker (03:21):

all of these transcribes of what the doctor's done. They all lose their jobs.

New Speaker (03:25):

All dead

New Speaker (03:25):

The independent complaints department yeah, because.

New Speaker (03:28):

I'm blocking it.

New Speaker (03:28):

Because I got the, I got the case NFA against me, no further action. So I was proven innocent in the claims in the beginning that they held me in the hospital for, I never took one tablet throughout my whole period of being there. Yeah.

New Speaker (03:42):


New Speaker (03:41):

I got accepted by the tribunal that there was not a problem with me and I got released. Yes. So now I stayed at home and they forced a section three.

New Speaker (03:49):

There Dead

New Speaker (03:49):

Now, they forced doctors to come to my house under a section one, one eight yeah, of the Mental Health Act.

New Speaker (03:56):


New Speaker (03:56):

Now they're not allowed to do that When you're put on a section 2, they lied to me and forced their way back into my house. Yeah. Now this is all been admitted and they've all lost their jobs if I continue forward with the process. So what I've done is I gave a copy of this to the independence complaint advocacy. Now she's making me not to continue with the process Yeah.

Speaker 1 (04:16):

If your mom Lorraine man, yeah.

Speaker 2 (04:17):

No, she's not here right now with me. I live on my own and I look after myself.

Speaker 1 (04:21):

Then are elective every recently

Speaker 2 (04:23):

how and right now they're, right now, this is my problem I have right now with me. This is the problem. I have that letter. There has already been an, I can't change the things on Rio. I can't want that information that's on REO out. Yeah. All I can do is amend it. You know, I've made the amendments to it and yet because C has them now. Yeah. Now if I tell her to press return and it gets updated onto that computer, all the doctors have lost their jobs and that's not a joke. A lot of people's lives are going to be ruined. I'm a good writer. I'm educated, I'm educated and know the laws of the land that I live off of. Now I'm saving mine. I don't want you to write my name like these things that you're saying and not let a raw true ever again.

Speaker 2 (05:07):

Yeah. Because I'm going to tell the advocate to press return and I'm going to update your Rio's computers and you will never use that information again. Then doctors will never be talked to as again. Yeah. There's nothing wrong with me. I never took no medication and what I need was done with false allegations. They lied. Yeah. To get for their own self gain and for their own righteousness. They fabricate they've evidence and they got the police to come to my house and take me out my house when there was nothing wrong with me. The only reason I won't leave my house at present right now is because the timestamps are wrong. In my court case, the police come and served the us by one me and not as Bob accused me of being 10 people that I wasn't. Yeah, 10 people at five, six kids, I don't know for different parties and accompany, tried to force me to be a Supercross.

Speaker 2 (05:49):

I shut my mouth and kept my mouth quiet Robin and get other people's children's Inn in trouble. When I went to court under the grounds that the police officers all accepted in their own personal statements that sections were on them doors. I said that you aren’t prove trespasser. They're private homes. Yeah. It doesn't matter who. Any highs, any equipment at the end when their private homes, yeah, you've got no grounds and I'm not going to be a super grass and grass. These people up for you. I went and copied the people space books that I've got accused of being. Yeah. So, I've got all their Facebooks here right now and I can prove I never fruit ease incidence, but by giving them to the police, I'm doing their job, what their salary gets paid to do and I'm going to end up getting called to Queen's bench and being a Super grass. I refuse to do it. I'm sitting Sturm and fed in my house right now and they're using their powers to abuse me and an entanglement in my life. I've got my medical notes on computer now. Yeah, it didn't have no herpes. I'll never touch, no. Gail,

Speaker 1 (06:39):

Mr Cordell, I will make a note that you called

Speaker 2 (06:43):

right my name like this again or use them letters against me like that again. Right now. I refuse to leave my house to these cases. Deborah can't walk down the street.

Speaker 1 (06:50):

I have explained in my lecture that you don't need to be assessed anymore. Okay?

Speaker 2 (06:55):

Yes. Okay, thank you. Are using your post off? What are you're going to try and get them doctors into my house again,

Speaker 1 (07:01):

I'm not goanna try and do anything always in London. I know we've looked at EKS and we've decided we don't need to assess you in it. Not fault. We're not going to tell any doctors and we're not goanna send any doctors to your home. I will make a note that you've called. Okay? You're welcome. You too. Bye, bye.