Page 225 - Pages from Main Additional Emails Updated
P. 225

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                    After the call you made today and talked to myself Miss Lorraine Cordell I am sending over the information
                    you asked for. I do feel also that KMG asking to speak to the police office is in breach of my data protection
                    but I will be willing to write and allow them to do this.  As I said to KMG yesterday on a phone that was made
                    to them when I talked to Kelly Tilley I have not been found guilty at a court of law for not having no insurance
                    and it is for a court of law to find me guilty not a police officer who thinks I done something when I have not.
                    Even if KGM does speak to the police office he will still say what he feels and that is not a fact that I am guilty
                    of anything. To be found guilty it would have to be done in front of a judge.

                    Also Martin as you said on the phone today when you in fact talked to the police on that day not once did they
                    say I had anything in my van that would void my insurance, and in fact I believe at this stage if the police did
                    in fact have proof they would have said to you that my van was full of things which is not the case.
                    I would like to also know if my insurance is going to carry on while this matter is addressed or if it will be
                    closed down on the 27/11/2013 as the letter says that KGM have sent me. And if KMG is going to close down
                    my policy I would like full written conditions of what part of my policy I have broken.
                    As for the letter of complain that will be going to the police Simon still has not fully read over it to make sure
                    there is no errors or anything else that needs adding but it does go into details as to what went on, it is only
                    for use by yourself and  KGM to read only.

                    Also as I said on the phone to you today the police are also telling me that the 3 times that my vehicles were
                    seized and I had to pay for them to be taken out of the compound, I will need to claim this back from my
                    insurance company as they had not done there job and put them on the database so they are at fault not the
                    You said to me today that KGM are looking into this as they are on the database and it should show up to the
                    police that I am in fact insured. This has not been the case for me and I have suffered badly due to this and
                    this is the reason I have to carry my insurance policy at all times so when I get pulled over by the police I can
                    show them my documents, as the police say it does not show up as I am insured, this is also the reason the
                    insurance company have had so many calls from the police to asked if I am insured or not since my policy

                    Could you please send me proof that the vehicles where on the database so I can put the claim in to the
                    police to get my money back for the times my vehicles were seized.  As at this stage I do not want to have to
                    put a freedom of information act into yourselves or the police to the amount of times that the police have in
                    fact had to call my insurance company to see if I was insured due to the police saying I was not insured..

                    I have always been very happy with Broadsure Direct that is why I have still use them and would like my
                    insurance to carry on under them.

                    From: Lorraine Cordell []
                    Sent: 15 November 2013 13:57
                    To: ''
                    Subject: FW: RE: Simon Cordell
                    Hi Martin
                    Can you let me know by email if I am going to still have insurance as from the 27/11/2013 please, I got a letter
                    saying my insurance will be closed from the 27/11/2013, and I cannot see the reason for this as I have done
                    nothing wrong.
                    Many Thanks
                    Simon Cordell

                    From: Lorraine Cordell []
                    Sent: 15 November 2013 13:57
                    To: ''
                    Subject: FW: RE: Simon Cordell

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