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FW: Application to Reopen - Simon P CORDELL (02TJJ63181495 LAH) 1401009802->Lorraine Cordell_RE_ [1] RE_ Simon Cordell.pdf
From: Lorraine Cordell []
Sent: 22 November 2013 16:50
To: 'Martin Jenkin'
Subject: RE: [1] RE: Simon Cordell
Hello Martin
Kelly from KGM has just called and said that they will keep the cover till Monday at 12.00 for us to have time
to get information from the police that there was in fact no tools in the van. Simon has already been on the
phone to the police and been told to contract the compound 6the van was taken to as they have to check
every vehicle that is taken there, he is at this time on the phone to the compound in order to try and get the
information that KGM needs.
The Compound it was taken to is
Charlton vehicle pound
8 Bramshot Avenue,
From: Martin Jenkin []
Sent: 22 November 2013 15:50
To: 'Lorraine Cordell'
Subject: RE: [1] RE: Simon Cordell
Hi Lorraine,
Please find responce from your insurers
I have listened to the call that took place between the police and my colleague Jessica advising that Mr
Simon Cordell was carrying tools in his vehicle so unfortunately we have no other opportunity but to
continue with the cancellation of the policy.
Unfortunately the policy will cease as of tomorrow as per the letter from KGM.
The only way to stop this is to either get the Police officer to contact kgm or to get a signed statement from
him before 1700hrs today.
From: Lorraine Cordell []
Sent: 22 November 2013 15:15
Subject: RE: RE: Simon Cordell
Hello Martin
I made a mistake on the date that KGM said they were going to close my insurance policy it’s the 23/11/2013
so I will need to know today if I will still be insured as from 23/11/2013 until this matter is sorted.
From: Lorraine Cordell []
Sent: 22 November 2013 14:24
To: ''
Subject: RE: RE: Simon Cordell
Hello Martin
file:///C:/Users/Alienware_PC/AppData/Local/Temp/e8f014d0038a430ebb045cc2ec9... 11/09/2014