Page 267 - Pages from Main Additional Emails Updated
P. 267

              If your complaint is about the sale of payment protection insurance (PPI), you will also need to complete a separate questionnaire.
              ▪   You may have done this already – if you have already complained directly to the business you think is responsible.
              ▪   If not, you can download the consumer questionnaire off our website – or phone us for a copy on 0300 123 9 123.

              time limits may apply to your complaint so we need to know these dates   day   month   year

              ▪ When did the advice, service or transaction you’re complaining about take place?

              ▪ When did you first complain to the business you think is responsible?
                The business has eight weeks from this date to send you its final written answer – before we can investigate the complaint.

              just a few more questions
              ▪ Has the business you’re complaining about sent you its final written answer?    YES       NO
                Please enclose a copy of the last letter that the business sent you.

              ▪  Has there been any court action relating to your complaint (or is any planned)?   *YES       NO
                * If YES, please enclose copies of relevant paperwork.

              ▪  How do you want the business to put things right for you?

              accessibility and practical needs
              Do you have any practical needs where we could help – by making adjustments like   *YES        NO
              using large print, Braille or a different language?   * If YES, please tell us how we can help you.

              finally, please read and sign this declaration

                   ▪  I’d like the Financial Ombudsman Service to look into my complaint. To the best of my
              “       knowledge, all the information I’ve given you is accurate.
                   ▪  I understand that you usually resolve complaints by phone, letter and email.
                   ▪  I understand that you will need some personal details about me, that you might need to
                      share information I give you – including sensitive or personal information – with the
                      business involved and other relevant organisations, and that you might need to ask them
                      for information that’s relevant to my case.
                   ▪  I understand that you have a duty to publish your ombudsmen’s final decisions on your
                      website – with consumers’ details removed – but that most cases can be resolved before
                      they reach an ombudsman.
                   ▪  I understand that to help you provide the best possible service, you (or a trusted third party)
                      might ask me about my experience. And though you sometimes publish anonymous    ”
                      examples of the cases you look at, you’ll always keep my information confidential.

                    _________________________    __________  __________________________   __________
                    signature                    date         signature                    date

                   ▪   You need to sign, even if someone else is complaining on your behalf. This shows you have given
                      them your permission to complain for you.
                   ▪  For complaints involving accounts or policies held jointly, each person needs to sign.
                   ▪  If you’re signing on behalf of a business, please give your job title.

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