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P. 37
RE: RE: Simon Cordell ->Police complaint.doc
RE: RE: Simon Cordell ->Police complaint.doc
I am writing this complaint about the 14/10/2013 when I was going to a meeting with an owner of
a night club for a future job position the meeting was set for 14.00 hours at Brixton Hill SW2 1QZ.
When I got to Brixton Hill SW2 1QZ there were some police on the road side doing some stops of
cars etc, I drove pass them and parked up just in front of them.
My friend who was with me got out of my van and went to buy some drinks and food while I
waited in the van.
Then next thing a police officer come to my van and said to me he waited to do some checks on
my van I asked him the reason for this the police officer replied under the road traffic act he also
asked me the reason why I had stopped there as I was passing him my insurance documents.
I explained to him I had a meeting in the night club that we were outside, as it was due to open to
the public in 1 month time to secure my future position there. While I was there I was also
planning on asking if there were any painting jobs, I explained all this to the police officer I was
talking to.
The police officer made a call to my insurance company and he then replied to me they are
saying that I was not insured, at this I was very shocked and started to make a call to my Mother
to ask her to call my insurance company to speak about why they was saying I was not
insurance. She is fact talked to a person called Martin who took Simons Number and said he
would call him. Martin did call and I explained to him what was going on and he told me I was
insured and also talked to the police office and told him that I was insured. The police talked on
the phone more then once and was told I was in fact insured to drive my van.
The police officer was still not happy and now told me that I was using my Van for work which I
told him that was not the case and that I was here for a meeting, I told the police officer to look in
my van and see if there were any working tools inside it. The police officer saw this was not the
case as the van was empty.
By this time a next police officer had come to the other police officer and I started to talk to him I
explained what was going on and what the other officer was saying that I was using my Van to
work in, which was not the case and I told him also to look in the van and see if there were any
working tools in there. I even showed him a business card I had got made up to give out to
people in the hope of work. Which the police officer put in his own wallet to keep for himself.
At this the other officer over heard me and the other officer talking about the business card and
then used this to say that I had in fact been working and this is why he was going to seize my
van. I told him that where is the print bushes and print in my van as this is what was on the
business card it was a printers business card. The officer then said why have you got paint of
your jeans I told him that I did not have money to buy new jeans and that was why I was looking
for work to try and better myself. I also told the office to go into the property where I was due to
go for a meeting, and ask them if I was working there. He refused to do this. I still feel as if there
is a big issue here I am allowed to drive to a meeting and park there as long as I am not carrying
goods for a company which I was not and that could clearly be seen my van was empty so how
anyone can think I am doing anything wrong is beyond me.
The police officer did not want to hear anything I had to say and was looking for any reason from
the start to arrest me or seize my van this was his aim from the start.
It did not matter that the insurance company told him I was insured, the only thing I would not be
insured for were if I was to use my van as a tool for carriage of goods for any company which was
clearly not the case as my van was empty.