Page 28 - Neighbours Council History Ruff Stuff
P. 28
discussion Thomas said DC Campbell was 38, 39,40
of and- has now returned; however, he said --
he will contact Mr Curtis in relation to the In mothers’ FOI /names as
current position of the matter. I asked Tom if 1 Injunction order got
the CPS will be writing to Mr Curtis directly redacted.
- he said they should advise accordingly.
Tips given to report further incidents and --
keep records.
O1. Stage 4
16/11/2016: The Enfield Councils
I received a call from Thomas Jones History FOI Indexed
O2. Stage 4
16/11/2016: RE: Formal Complaint dated
Visited Christine (flat 97 Burncroft 24/11/2016:
Avenue) and Karen (flat 105). To the Enfield Council
Christine stated that she witnessed the Page Number: 2,3,4,5,
September when Mr Cordell threatened Mr On the 16/11/2016 I tried to
Curtis. speak to my son’s housing
She stated that she was with her neighbour officer Sarah Fletcher to see
Karen when they heard Mr Cordell shouting what could be done and
and as they came out to see what was update her to what was
happening, she saw Mr Cordell shouting at ongoing her phone was set
Mr Curtis. to do not disturb so I asked
She alleged that he was shouting abuse and for an email to be sent over
threats and that Karen told him to leave Mr for her to call me as a matter
Curtis alone, that he is an old man. of emergency, no one
Mr Cordell then started shouting abuse and returned a call back to me.
threats at Karen. Since the 16/11/2016 I have
Christine stated that she is not prepared to been calling every day to
give a statement and that she will not keep speak to Sarah Fletcher her
incident logs. phone is always set to do not
We then met with Karen outside the block. disturb and I have asked for
She stated that she and Christine witnessed emails to be sent every day
the incident that happened in September, she for her to call me back as a
stated that Mr Cordell was shouting abuse matter of emergency, I even
and threats at Mr Curtis and that she told him asked to speak to her
to leave Mr Curtis alone as he is an old man manager or any person in
and that Mr Cordell then turned against her their team but it seems all
and started threatening her. She stated that their phones are set to do not
she is not afraid of him when she is on her disturb so I asked for emails
own, that her only concern is that she is to be sent for a call back, no
looking after 2 very vulnerable children and one called me back.
she will not be able to defend herself and I was also told that the
them if Mr Cordell was to attack her when police had been in contact
she is with them. with the council and that
She is happy to make a statement and will Sarah Fletcher would talk to
log any further incidents. me about this when she
called this was on
the 21/11/2016 and I was
told that Sarah Fletcher
would 100% call me that
On the 22/11/2016 I went to
my son’s home and there
was a letter from Sarah
Fletcher dated
the 18/11/2016 which was to
do with 1 CCTV camera my
son has outside his front
door, this CCTV camera