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Claim No.

            Grounds for possession                            Anti-social behaviour
            The claim for possession is made on the following   The claimant is alleging:

            rent arrears (online issue available)
                                                                      [ /] actual or threatened anti-social behaviour
            other breach of tenancy
                                                                      [ /] actual or threatened use of the property for
            forfeiture of the lease                                       unlawful purposes

            mortgage arrears (online issue available)

            other breach of the mortgage

            other (please specify) -------------------------------------------------------------——

            Is the claimant claiming demotion of tenancy?

            is the claimant claiming an order suspending the right to buy?
            See full details in the attached particulars of claim

            Does, or will, the claim include any issues under the Human Rights Act 1998?

          Name of claimant's legal representative's firm Legal Services, London

          position or office held Solicitor:  …………………………………….
                                       (if signing on behalf of firm or company)

         Claimant's or claimant's                                      Ret no.        if applicable
         legal representative's   Legal Services London Borough of            LS/C/PB/159272
         address to which    Enfield
         documents or        PO Box 50
         payments should be   Civic Centre                              fax no.
         sent If different from   Silver Street Enfield                 DX no.  90615 Enfield

                                               Postcode 13XA           Tel no.
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