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                                                                                                                                            CICS Account and case numbers: 01623514 01623514

                                                                            Revenue Information                                             Please write in black ink.

                       Mr Cordell                                           CICDWP/6/TMW
                       109 Burncroft Avenue                                 01623514 01623514                                               1: Details of income from
                       EN37JQ                                                                                                             Are you working?                                           Yes            No
                                                                            020 8379 3798
                                                                            020 8379 5191                                                                                                            £
                                                                            020 8379 4998                                                 If Yes, how much are you paid each week?
                                                                            12 June 2007
                                                                                                                                          Is your partner working?                                   Yes            No
                                                                                                                                          If Yes, how much is your partner paid?                     £


                                                                                                                                          How many hours do you work? You
                       Dear Mr Cordell
                       Housing and Council Tax Benefit                                                                                    Your partner

                       The Department for Work and Pensions has told me that your Income                                                  You must enclose your last 5 weeks / two months consecutive
                       Support ended on 28th April 2007. As you have not told me of this change,                                          payslips. If you have just started work and cannot provide any or
                       I have suspended your benefit.                                                                                     not enough of them, please also provide your employment
                                                                                                                                          contract or a letter from your employer showing your pay details.
                       If you are on a low income, you may still be entitled to some benefit.
                       Please use the enclosed form to give details of all the income you and your                                        We may need to contact your employer if we require further
                       partner have received since 29th April 2007. Please ensure that all questions                                      information.
                       are answered. We cannot pay you any more benefit until this is                                                     Can we contact your employer?                                  Yes          No
                       received. .
                                                                                                                                          If YES, please give their name, address and so we can contact them direct. If
                       If your circumstances change, you must tell us in writing immediately. If the                                      you do not give this may delay your assessment. Tel-phone number re us
                       change means you get more benefit, you must tell us about it within one
                       month. If you do not, the increase will only start from the date you tell us of                                    permission
                       the change. If the change means you get less benefit, it will start from the
                       date of the change. If we pay you too much benefit because you did not tell
                       us about a change, or told us afterwards, you must pay the money back.

                       You do have up to a month to supply the information, but the longer you
                       leave it, the longer it will be before you receive any more benefit. If you do not
                       return the form and supply the information within one month of the date of
                       this letter, we will have to cancel your claim.

                       Yours sincerely

                       Nineday Team

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