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Part 4 About rent - continued

                80. Please tick to show if the
                property is let as:

                partly furnished

                mostly unfurnished

                completely unfurnished

                81. How much is the full
                rent for your home?
                                                                           (For example, every
                82. Does anyone else
                share the rent with you                                    week/fortnight/4 weeks/month.)
                and your partner?
                                                   Tell us their names and their relationship to you and your partner.

                                           How much of the rent do you pay?

                                                                           (For example, every
                                                                           week/fortnight/4 weeks/month.)
               83. Has your rent changed
               in the last 12 months?

                                                   Send us proof of the date it changed, and how much it changed.
               84. When is the next  rent
               increase due?

               85. Has your rent been
               registered as a fair rent by a
               rent officer?
               86. Do you have any weeks
               when you do not have to
               pay rent?

               87. Are you behind with     No
               your rent?

               88. Who receives the Council
               Tax bill for your home?

                                                Tell us who receives the Council Tax bill.

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