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Injunction Order                                         In the County Court at

            Between Mr Simon Cordell, Defendant and The                              Edmonton
            London Borough Of Enfield, Claimant

                                                                     Claim Number     E00ED049

                                                                     Claimant         The London  Borough Of
                                                                     (including ref.)  Enfield
                Mr Simon Cordell 109
                BURNCROFT Avenue                                                      LS/C/Ll/l 55584
                Enfield EN3 7JQ                                      Defendant        Mr Simon Cordell
                                                                     (including ref.)

            If you. Mr Simon Cordell, do not obey this order you will be guilty of contempt of court and you may be sent to

            If you. Mr Simon Cordell, disobey the order you will be guilty of contempt of court and you may be sent to prison or
            fined or have your asset seized. You should read this order carefully and are advised to consult a solicitor as soon as
            possible. You have the right to ask the court to vary or discharge this order.

            On 9th January 2018 at The County Court at Edmonton, Employment Judge Taylor, upon hearing the solicitor for the
            claimant and without notice to the defendant, considered an application for an injunction.


            The defendant, Mr Simon Cordell, must;

            1. Permit the claimant's employees and contractors access into 109 Bumcroft Avenue, Enfield, EN3 7JQ to carry out routine
            maintenance inspections and necessary repairs within 48 hours of written notification.

            2. Keep his dog on a lead in communal areas outside his property.

            The court office at the County Court at Edmonton, 59 Fore Street, London, N18 2TN. When corresponding with the court, please address forms or letters to the Court Manager and
            quote the claim number. Tel: 020 8884 6500. Check if you can issue your claim online. It will save you time and money. Go to to find out more.
                                                                                               Produced by:Darren Civil
            N16 General Form of injunction for interlocutory application or originating application      CJR105

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