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AND UPON the court not being satisfied that it is appropriate at present to exclude the

           Defendant from Burncroft Avenue, Enfield

           AND UPON the court noting that this is a civil matter such that the Defendant and/or his

           mother ought to able to retain solicitors to represent them

           AND UPON the Defendant’s mother confirming that she has evidence and will produce

           all relevant documentation (including documents from the occasion on which the

           Defendant was sectioned) and  will file the same by 4pm 01 June 2018 by  email


           AND UPON the Defendant’s mother confirming that she will accept service of this

           order on behalf of the Defendant

           IT IS ORDERED

           (1) By 4pm on 13 June 2018 the Defendant shall undergo medical assessment by the

                community mental health team at an  appointment to be arranged of  which the

                Defendant shall be given at least 24 hours’ notice and a report shall be prepared in
                relation to the Defendant’s capacity to litigate and  capacity  to understand the

                meaning of the interim injunction dated 09 January 2018 and that report shall be

                filed at court and served on each party to the litigation.

           (2) If the report indicates that the Defendant lacks capacity then the Official Solicitor
                shall be invited to represent the Defendant.

           (3) In the event that the Defendant fails to engage with the community mental health

                team and that the Defendant’s mother takes no steps as the Defendant’s nearest

                relative to have the Defendant’s mental health assessed then the Defendant shall be
                deemed to have capacity.

           (4) The Claimant shall, if so advised, file and serve a witness statement appending any

                relevant documentation dealing with the question of the Defendant’s capacity to

                litigate and/or capacity to understand the meaning of the interim injunction dated 09
                January 2018 by 4pm on 13 June 2018.

           (5) The matter will be re-listed urgently on the first open date after 20 June 2018 with a

                time estimate of half a day to be listed in the morning and with no other cases listed

                that in the same list reserved to District Judge Dias.

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