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well as your front door. As she went up the stairs to their second floor flat, your dog came
         out of your flat and started barking at her. The neighbour had to run up the stairs to her

         flat to escape from the dog. It was reported that your dog is always barking whenever
         they go out or return to the block and the neighbour and 4 years old  daughter are

         46) One of your neighbours reported that his cousin was leaving the block at about on
         2   October  2018  at  12.45pm,  and  as  you  exited  the  block,  you  followed  him  and
         suddenly grabbed his jacket from behind and tried to pull him to the ground. The cousin
         started shouting to attract neighbours and managed to push you off.

         47) There are other reports from one of your neighbours who reported that on 30
         September 2018, you attempted to break down his front door by kicking it several times
         only because he flashed his toilet.

         48) It is reported that you continue to harass and intimidate other residents on a regular

         The London Borough of Enfield takes all acts of anti-social behaviour very seriously and
         will not tolerate such behaviour.

         You have been served ample warning regarding the complaints made against you. You
         have breached your tenancy agreement and conditions:

         Condition 9

         “You, the tenant, are responsible for the behaviour of anyone, including your children,
         living in or visiting your home. This means that you must ensure that they do not act in
         breach of any of these conditions. Also, you must not encourage them to act in such a
         way. This applies in the property, in communal and surrounding areas, any property
         belonging to the council and or anywhere within Enfield borough.”

         Condition 10

         “You must not act in any way which causes,  or is likely to cause, a nuisance or
         annoyance or is anti-social.”

         Condition 21

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