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Patient’s name   Simon Cordell                                    Date of assessment  25/10/2018
           5.  Consultation with Nearest Relative and process of identifying the Nearest Relative  ___________________________________________
               Lorraine Cordell his mother is one of the few people he still trusts to support him. He has become dependent on her to do his grocery
               shopping or care for his dog. He has no regular partner or child over 18 years. I deem his mother to be Nearest Relative, she
               believes there has been a difference in him since he suffered carbon monoxide poisoning in 2014. she sees no change in him but
               does feel he needs mental health assistance and treatment, she does feel he got detained under false pretence as we deemed him
               to be delusional in his thoughts about the police and his neighbours, she does feel he suffers from depression and does need
               treatment for this.

           6.  Consultation with Assessing Doctors _________________________________________________________________
               Both Doctors were of the opinion that he had pressure of speech and that his thought processes are delusional. they do not feel he
               can be treated in the community.

           7.  Views of others consulted

           8.  Mental Capacity Act 2005  ____________________________________________________________________________________________
               Mr Cordell seemed to want to demonstrate his innocence and evidence that he was being unreasonably harassed. He had no
               concept that his behaviour would be seen as unacceptable and was in fact putting his tenancy at risk. He does not accept that his
               presentation may be the result of a mental disorder and that he needs an assessment of his mental state and treatment for this, so
               he could not agree to an informal admission. I deemed him to lack capacity to make this decision today.

           9.  Reason for decision to make the application (including choice of Section)  ___________________________________________________
               Mr Cordell seems to have a history of deteriorating behaviour and feelings of persecution and since 2014 after the deaths in his
               family and the carbon monoxide poisoning. He has been taping everything and has Closed circuit TV outside his flat. It is reported
               that he believes the TV is talking about him. He has been depressed in the past and attempted to take his own life.
               He seems to have some very grandiose plans to run Raves but no evidence that he has any funds for it. this is a long running issue
               that has not changed since his admission in 2016.
               given his presentation today he would be a risk to other if not assessed under the mental health act and then treated.
               section 2 allows a period of assessment and or treatment for his mental disorder so this was the appropriate section to make today.

                                                             3                                        October 2009

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