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Barnet, Enfield and Haringey

                                                                           Mental Health NHS Trust
         Immediate risk to self is low as he denies any thoughts of self-harm or suicide. There are previous
         reports of suicide attempt as teenager. However, he is at high risk of being evicted from his property
         at present due to deterioration in his mental state and behaviour and his mental and physical health
         could be significantly affected if he becomes homeless.

         To others - high

         He denies thoughts or plans to hurt others. He has clearly documented history of aggressive
         behaviour and currently elated.

         From others - high, as he can be aggressive towards others, he is at risk of retaliation from

         Risk of physical and verbal aggression towards others noted. This in turn, increases risk of others
         retaliating, therefore harm towards Mr Cordell.

         Past psychiatric history:

         Mr Cordell reportedly had disrupted childhood spending some adolescence in care. He was under
         CAMHS due to anxiety as a teenager.

         Mr Cordell tried to hang himself at the age of 16 when in a young offenders institution; he says he lost
         consciousness and needed to be resuscitated. He was moved to a high security hospital and kept in
         seclusion on a number of occasions, but he says he would destroy the padded cell with his teeth. He
         says he was seen regularly by a psychiatrist called Dr Caplin from "the safe project".
         Mr Cordell says there was a second occasion where he tried to hang himself when in a cell after he
         was sentenced.
         Mr Cordell denies any contact with Mental Health Services between that point and 2014.

         In March 2014 - He was diagnosed with Adjustment reaction “anxiety and suicidal thoughts over
         the last nine months in the context of having a pending court case (accused of burglary). He was
         offered Sertraline 50mg OD .

         In November 2014 - Mr Cordell was under Home Treatment Team. He was diagnosed with Psychotic
         episode - not deemed sectionable under MHA. Following this episode he disengaged with mental
         health service.

         In November 2015 - He was referred via BEH HUB to mental health services. At that time Mr Cordell
         was not eating, not sleeping, he was paranoid saying people were talking about him or laughing at
         him, believed the government was advertising things about him, the TV was talking about him and
         talking directly to him. He was smoking cannabis at that time. He was again found non sectionable
         under MHA and disengaged with the service.

         In February 2016 it was applied for Warrant 135 (1) - but not sufficient evidence was presented to the
         judge for a warrant.

         In August 2016, he was admitted under Section 2 of the MHA following custody at Wood Green
         station for threats to kill - section 2 reversed on appeal. He was discharged on Olanzapine 5mg and
         followed up by EIS. It was reported poor compliance with medication on discharge. Consequently he
         was discharged from EIS due to disengagement.

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