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Barnet, Enfield and Haringey

                                                                            Mental Health NHS Trust

          baby being lost.
          He denies having a mental health illness and states he will get out of here once he has his laptop
          containing video graphic proof and was requesting a tribunal. During the course of the conversation
          he refused to acknowledge he has been sectioned and was adamant he would be able to leave but
          was not forceful or physically attempting to leave.

          When he was seen by ward doctor on the 26  of October Mr Cordell feels he is in hospital because
          the police have “falsified” a report that led to him being kept on a curfew for years.
          He proceeded to talk at length about circumstance that led him to be charged for handling of stolen
          goods and suspicion of burglary in 2013. He believes the case was handled poorly and is sure the
          police were conspiring against him. “The abuse of process by the civil service was unreasonable”.

          Following this he reports being placed on a 2-year injunction and a 5-year curfew. He feels this has
          led to a breakdown in a 13-year relationship he had. He also reports this affecting his company -a
          community interest company he started up. At one-point Mr Cordell also mentioned the police
          targeting him for holding large parties that he was adamant were not hosted by him.

          Mr Cordell reports owning a couple of local festivals and talks about engaging with multiple charities
          helping children. He says he had to stop this as police were harassing him in front of the children. He
          alleges to own his own company, his own paper and has just bought his own book maker for 70000
          pounds. He also reports having 180000 friends on Facebook due to all his free parties.

          When asked about his neighbours Mr Cordell said he believes his neighbours have been making up
          complaints about him. “My neighbours are calling up the police after forging the paperwork.” He feels
          that his neighbours have been attacking him and reports feeling anxious in his house. Simon says he
          “kept writing to the police saying please can you protect me”.

          He does not think he is unwell and does not think he has a mental health problem. He admits he might
          be elevated but he believes this is a constructive state.

          Mr Cordell reports not being compliant with any of his medication at any point. He is refusing to take
          any medication during this admission. “I’ve spent thousands of pounds showing you my brain, me
          being alert saves lives.”

          Mr Cordell would like to appeal his section and feels that by keeping him in hospital we are breaching
          his rights. “Physical or mental suffering amount to torture”

          He reports sleeping, eating and drinking well. Later he suggested this may not be the case stating “In
          the night time when my neighbours are asleep that’s the best time for working”.

          Impression was that he presented with paranoid and grandiose delusions with significant mood
          component. In view of long-term symptoms this is most likely consistent with a Schizoaffective
          disorder. He does not currently have capacity for treatment or admission.

          He settled in over the weekend, personal hygiene remained poor, smell of cannabis on him was

             On the 29  October 2018 when he was seen by a nurse he was irritable and quite hostile. He was

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