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P. 322

Progress Notes                                                                        Page 20 of 53

              I had a long discussion with his mother on Friday, I was not able to write up on RIO then as it was not working
              I explained that I felt Simon was unwell and that he had paranoid psychotic symptoms and I felt at times was thought
              disordered, and heard things.

              I didn't accept that the persecution he described from his neighbour one floor up was happening as I didn't believe this
              was possible and I felt what was being described was paranoid psychosis. His mother does not agree and feels that this
              is to do with poor sound proofing St deliberate targeting by a neighbour and subsequent persecution by the authorities.
              she asked me for a letter to be given to the legal dept, of Enfield council, advocating for simon to have a two bed
              property so that someone can stay to provide support for him.

              I told her we do not write letters of this nature but that if the dept got in touch with us we would answer any questions
              they had.
              she gave the details as Ludmilla Lyavoo tel 02083798323

              I explained to his mother that I intended on applying for a section 3 as I felt he needed some treatment

              I interviewed simon.
              we went over some of the things, he maintained that the neighbour one floor above was persecuting him and was able
              to locate him in his flat and then bang, flush the toilet and make noise, the purpose of which was persecution.
              he confirmed that this happens at all times of day and even if he changes his routine etc.
              I asked him about the neighbour directly above
              he said he was OK. but went on to describe one time when he 'went mad in his flat, following me round and banging on
              the floor like crazy' He admitted that he confronted him after this, but denied any assault etc (I have been informed
              that he attacked this neighbour and that he was subsequently very frightened to flush his toilet)
              I explained to Simon that I felt he was unwell with a paranoid psychosis and that I felt he needed to take some
              treatment, he disagreed and then accused me of 'being leaned on by people above you' On closer questioning he was
              referring to the police.
              I asked him if he smoked much cannabis, he said he used to, then said every now & then. I asked him about the smell
              of cannabis in his room, he said that he'd had a few visitors.
              he agreed to provide a urine sample

              at l/v
              he is relatively well presented
              his speech is rapid but not pressured, he makes frequent legal references some of which I know to be inaccurate (ie
              around the mental health act) and remains very preoccupied with his perceived persecution, of which this admission is
              he is not elated or depressed in his mood

              his thinking is unclear and his answers are often very circumstantial, in my view he is at times thought disordered he
              remains paranoid with a complex system involving his neighbour, the council, police and the NHS I suspect he suffers

              with auditory hallucinations he is insightless and will not accept any treatment

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