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P. 342

Progress Notes                                                                          Page 40 of 53

            A6B: 37 year old male, mixed origin, slim build. He was wearing casual and dirty clothes. The conversation was one
            sided with Simon keen to talk.

            S: Pressured speech
            M: Subjectively “fine, a bit elated”. Objectively elated
            T: Thought disordered, tangential thinking, grandiose, persecutory delusions

            C: Oriented to TPP
            I: Limited insight - does not want any medications, never thinks he has had a mental health disorder

            To self - low

            Denies any thoughts of self-harm or suicide. Previous reports of suicide attempt as teenager.
            To others - moderate
            Denies thoughts or plans to hurt others. Has clearly documented history of aggressive behaviour and currently elated.
            From others - low/moderate
            At risk of reciprocal aggression

            Physical examination:
            Comfortable at rest

            Nil abdo/chest/msk pain reported
            HS I+11+0, pulse regular, CRT <3s

            Chest chear, L=R, nil wheeze or cough
            Abdomen SNT, bowel sound present
            Neurology intact, normal power, normal gait

            CN1-12 intact, PEARL
            Obs last night BP 130/74, Temp.36.6, Sat 97% Res. 17, Pulse 86, BM. 6.0 Weight 78.4 Kg, Height 179.0cm - BMI 24.5

            ECG: NSR 88bpm QTc 440ms

            Evidence of grandiose delusions and elated mood. In view of long term symptoms this is most likely consistent with a
            Schizoaffective disorder. Does not currently have capacity for treatment or admission.

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