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Progress Notes                                                                           Page 47 of 53

           Simon is a 37 years old gentleman well known to the services. Admitted on Dorset ward on Section 2 of the MHA. It was
           reported that he has not been engaging with the services in recent years. He was arrested today for spitting at a police
           officer after they were called about him harassing his neighbours. He also has a number of non-molestation orders
           against him, forbidding him contacting them. It was also reported that he appeared to be thoughts disorder, held a
           number of grandiose and delusional beliefs. Said the police were conspiring with medics and the council to silence him
           as he had uncovered police corruption. He also said his neighbours two floors above were controlling the neighbour
           below them and caused them to stamp on the floor and disturb him. It was reported that he appeared to lack insight
           into his presentation as he did not believe he was mentally unwell and was adamant to see a psychiatrist for
           He was bought to the ward by ambulance crew and police officers. On arrival he appeared fairly calm and was
           observed interacting very well with his peers on the ward. Later, he was observed talking on his mobile phone,
           suddenly he became very angry talking on loud tone of voice. Later, staff approach him to engage him into
           conversation, but he showed no interest and informed staff that he shouldn’t be admitted in the hospital. Reassurance
           given. Settled down and had hot chocolate and some toast
           He co-operate with the admission procedure.
           He was welcomed to the ward and allocated a bed.

           He was searched and no contraband found on him
           He handed in Barclays card and a lighter for safe keeping.

           Hospital toiletries were given to him.
           Disclaimer form signed
           He was informed of No smoking policy in the hospital to which he acknowledge. He said he smoke occasionally. He was
           informed of other alternative nicotine replacement therapy but said he was not interested.
           Hospital pyjamas and towels were provided
           Ward Doctor has been informed for clerking purpose.
           Vital signs monitored and recorded as BP 130/74, Temp.36.6, Sat 97% Res. 17, Pulse 86, BM. 6.0 Weight 78.4 Kg, Height
           Bleep holder accepted section papers
           132 right under Section 2 of the Mental Health Act read to Simon, appears to have understood. He signed the document
           to demonstrate his understanding. ______________________________________________________________________
           Originator Details: 25 Oct 2018 18:28 Kingsley Acquaye Nursing Originally Entered By Details:
           25 Oct 2018 18:30 Kingsley Acquaye Last Amended By Details: 25 Oct 2018 18:30 Kingsley Acquaye
           Validated By Details: 25 Oct 2018 18:30 Kingsley Acquaye Significant: No Added to Risk
           History: No
           Contains Third Party Info: No Conceal From Client: Not Concealed ECRHTT-AX

           Attended Wood Green Police Station for MHAA Simon was detained under section 2 MHA
           No role for Crisis Team and referral to ECRHTT closed.____________________________________________________
           Originator Details: 25 Oct 2018 17:42 Mr Anthony Manning Social Worker - Social Worker
           Originally Entered By Details: 25 Oct 2018 17:52 Mr Anthony Manning
           Last Amended By Details: 26 Oct 2018 08:46 Mr Anthony Manning
           Validated By Details: 26 Oct 2018 08:46 Mr Anthony Manning
           Significant: No Added to Risk History: No
           Contains Third Party Info: No Conceal From Client: Not Concealed

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