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6/08/281S li: 56      02088059994                    NIGTINGALE SURGERY                     PAGE 84/05

         CORDELL, Simon (Mr.)                                                           Nightingale House Surgery
         Date of Birth. 26-Jan-1981                                                     NHS Number 434 096 1671

         26-Feb-20t6              Doc man DOCMAN, PCT1(Mr)
                      Additional  Attachment B Admin Letter from Patient
         04-Feb-2O1B              Telephone-call to relative/carer (Nightingale House Surgery). RODGIGUEZ Martha
                       Comment    Failed encounter - message left with household member - mother-I could not
                                  contact him on mobile - mother advised to book apt to come and check b/p
                          Social  Non-smoker of cigarettes -

        Values and Investigations (Latest Value)
        05-May-2016     QCancer Risk Calculator Added via Batch Data   0.09  %
                           Prostate Cancer Bisk                  0         %
                           Blood dancer Risk                     0.02      %
                           Testicular Cancer Risk                0.02      %
                           Colorectal Cancer Risk                0.01      %
                           Gastric -Oesophageal Cancer Risk      0         %
                           pancreatic cancer risk factors        0         %
                           Lung Cancer Risk                      0         %
                           Renal Tract Cancer Risk               0         %
         30-$e p-2013   Serum vitamin D - (drdapo) - Make a routine   27   nmol/L
                       Vitamin   D    guideline*:
                       Deficient:               <20 nmol/L
                        Insufficient:          21   - 50 nmol/L
                        Sub-optimal;           51   - 75 nmol/L
                        Optimal concentration: 76   - 2QC nmol/L
                        Possible Toxicity:     >25C nmol/L
         3O-Sep-2013    Tissu transglutaminase IgA lev           1        U/ml               <1o.oou/ml
         30-Sep*2013    Thyroid function test
                           Serum Tsh level                       0.9$     mU/l               0.35-5.50m U/l
                           Serum free T4 level                   12.7     pmol/l             10.00-22.70pmol/i
         30-Sep-2013    IgA                                      3.22     g/l                0.80 -3 90g/l
         SO-Sep-2013    Routine Blood Chemistry
                           Sawn ALT level                        22       u/L                10.00 - 37.00U/L
                           GFR calculated abbreviated MDRD       84       ML/min/1.?3sqm
                                         Tba derived ECFF should be multiplied by1.212 for  Afro
                                       Caribbean’s. If <30 consult theRenal Drug Handbook  for
                                       prescribing advice, available vithe link  on the WeBRJ?
                                          pegs on the is netapplicable  in ART.
                                     pregnancy/ amputees or extremesof body weight.
                           So, run C reactive protein level      2        mg/l               <6.00mg/l
                                      NI; CRP assay sensitivity is row- 0-2 mg/1
         30-Sep-2013    Liver function test
                           Serum alkaline phosphatase            68       u/L                40.00-129.00U/L
                           Serum total bilirubin level           15       mmol/1             <15.00umol/l
                           Serum total protein                   77       g/l                62.00 - 82.00g/l
                           Serum ft albumin                      48       &L                 35 00 - 50.00g/L
         30-Sep-2013    Urea and electrolytes
                           Serum sodium                          138      mmol/l             133.00-145.OOmmolA
                           Serum potassium                       4.6      mmol/l             3.50- 5,50mmol/L
                           Serum urea level                      4.6      mmol/l             1.70 - 8.30mrooUI
                           Serum creatinine                      90       mmol/l             42.00 - 102.00umoi/i
         30-Sep-2013    Erythrocyte sedimentation rate           2        mm/hr              2.00 - 15.00mm/hr
         30-Se p-2013   I Full bio XI count - FBC
                        Please note: The unit-9 for Hb and wCHC have changed from   g/dl  to g/L
                        in line with national guidelines.
                           Haemoglobin estimation                148      g/l-               135.00-185,00g/L
                           Total white blood count               9.1      X1O 9/l            4.00 - 11.00x10 9/l
                           Platelet count                        233      x10 9/l            135.00-420.00x10 9/I
        Printed 12:06pm 10-Aug- >016                                                                 Page 2 of 3
                                Confidential NHS information - Induces sensitive or personal patient data
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