Page 9 - Neighbours Council History Ruff Stuff
P. 9

Name       Debra Andrews
                  Address     113 Burncroft Avenue Enfield London EN3
                  Dates of
                  living in
                    Page      Page Numbers: 53,54,55,56,57,58
                  and Title
                    Date                  Incident Logs              Facts      Si Note:

                 A6.          A6.
                 23/09/2015   23/09/2015:
                              INTERVIEW NOTES FOR* VICTIM
                              Bumcroft Avenue ENFIELD EN3 7JQ
                              Perpetrator Simone Cordell
                              109 Burncroft Avenue ENFIELD EN3
                              Home visit to Ms' A flat. Attendees Dawn
                              Allen TMO and CPN Bola Quadri Home
                              visit to advised that her neighbour at
                              number 109 has for the past few months
                              harassed, intimidated, stalked her and
                              made a life a complete misery. He
                              continuously plays loud music, bangs on
                              her ceiling and door alleging that she is
                              monitoring his movements in his flat. She
                              feels petrified by his presence and as a
                              result refused to leave her flat for fear
                              bumping into him on her way out. She
                              has missed a few appointments with her
                              social worker as a result has now been
                              subjected to making home appointments
                              pending the time this matter is resolved.
                              She explained that they use to be
                              acquaintances before the relationship
                              went sour. She believes the whole
                              problem started when he claimed the
                              decoration in his flat was damaged as a
                              result of a leak coming from her flat. She
                              confirmed that she had a leak from her
                              overflow a few months ago which has
                              since been repaired but, the damage
                              alleged had occurred.
                              Tenancy Management Enfield Council
                              Classification: PROTECT
                              Good morning Mark,
                              Thank you for the information, yes, she
                              suffers from mental health and his
                              behaviour continues to exacerbate her
                              condition. I will appreciate if you visit
                              him sooner than later and also pop round
                              to reassure her.
                              Thank you for all your assistance
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