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Mr Simon Cordell for the last 3 years does not even go out of his flat any longer due to what has been going on, he
          once in a while goes across to the shop but that is not often at all and only when the family cannot get what he
          needs as they are busy. If Mr Simon Cordell has to go out for a meeting, he always has someone with him it has
          become this way due to how he has been treated by the Met police.

          You have also stated:

           “Your neighbours have also alleged that you have installed a CCTV in the communal area with the camera
           pointing towards the main entrance to the block thereby making them to feel very uncomfortable when entering
           and leaving the block. Your neighbours have alleged that this is an invasion of their privacy”.

          I have already put an appeal in my formal complaint dated the 24/11/2016 in regards to the CCTV and I am
          awaiting a reply as to what information I need and how I address the appeal. I will say that the CCTV is for
          security, but so far has protected me due to malicious information that has been passed to people, but it was not
          installed for that reason but has helped in this the main reason it was installed was due to security.

          But since the 14/08/2016 when the police themselves damaged the CCTV camera due to what they were doing to
          Mr Simon Cordell, it has not worked. So, at this time there is no CCTV in operation in the communal area of the
          block the only CCTV that is operational at this time is the ones inside Mr Simon Cordell flat itself. When Mr Simon
          Cordell was on a phone call to Sarah Fletcher on the 22/11/2016 she did say if the CCTV camera was facing Mr
          Simon Cordell’s front door there would be no problem with that this is at this time being acted on.

          It also seems that this complaint has come in very late as if any neighbours felt that this was an invasion of their
          privacy why was this not acted on in 2013 when it was installed? Why has it taken them until 2016 to say they feel
          this is an invasion of their privacy?

          In fact I feel it has protected Mr Simon Cordell’s neighbours there has been crime in the area and many break ins
          within the housing estate where everyone lives, yet not one person has been effected in the block Mr Simon
          Cordell lives in by crime and I believe this is due to the CCTV being there, and if anything happened to any of the
          neighbours in the block the police could obtain a copy. The CCTV camera does not show any neighbours living in
          the block, front doors or windows. And only showed part of the ground floor communal area leading up to Mr
          Simon Cordell’s own front door.

          It also makes us feel the only reason that the neighbours have now said about the CCTV is due to what they are
          trying to say about Mr Simon Cordell in these complaints, I feel that at this time the CCTV is the thing that
          protected Mr Simon Cordell against what the neighbours have alleged, why else would it have taken them over 3
          years to say they now felt it was an invasion of their privacy?

          As said in my formal complaint the police don’t like Mr Simon Cordell and this has been for many years when the
          police go to Mr Simon Cordell flat he feels safer that the CCTV is there as it shows what the police are doing to
          Mr Simon Cordell so makes him feel safer, has the police put a report in about the CCTV camera also?

          As stated these allegations are very serious and I would like them addressed as soon as possible but until I have
          the information I have asked for so know what dates and times these complaints where put in I feel that Enfield
          council is only taking one side to this and that is the neighbours, as since 2014 all my calls and emails and letter
          about my complaints re the neighbours Enfield Council has done nothing to help me or Mr Simon Cordell address

          Mr Simon Cordell feels he has no option left to him but to move away from his home due to what has been
          ongoing for a long time with no one addressing it. He feels that is the only way he will feel safe again from what
          the neighbours are doing to him, yet Enfield Council have said they will do nothing about this to help him and
          while this is ongoing it is affecting his heath more and more.


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