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                                      Too Smooth Entertainment

                                                  109 Burncroft Av
                                                      EN3 7JQ
                                                   07534 601032

                                         EQUIPMENT RENTAL INVOICE

            TO: (production company)  Omar Lawrence

            RE: (name of show) Ponders End Festival 25/08/2013 to 26/08/2013      PROD:

            TODAY’S DATE: 30/08/2013                      INV. FOR WEEK ENDING:30/08/2013

            INV#: (if applicable)TSE316890                PO#: (if applicable)

            Bill To:  Omar Lawrence_______________________________________________________________

            ADDRESS: Enfield Enterprise Centre

            26-28 Queensway, Ponders end, Enfield, EN3 4SA

            PHONE:___________________________            Mobile:      07814 802836______________________

            ID : Enfield Enterprise Centre ID

             Weekly   Daily   NEGOTIATED RATE

             Detail Attached      Detail Listed Below      Inventory On File

            RENTAL ITEMS (unnecessary to itemize if inventory is on file)                AMOUNT DUE
            70KVA Generator with all leads.                                              Daily Rate
            Space Ball                                                                   Daily Rate
            2 Staff set-up/ management/ breakdown (aprox. 12hrs)
            Fuel for Generator Paid in Cash on the 26/08/2013 on site.                   £65.00

                                                                             To Be Paid

            Employee Signature                                              Date 25/08/2013

            Hire Signature                                                  Date 25/08/2013

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