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Rear fence broken
          No safer foods controls for regulated provision of food or sale of alcohol
          No fridge controls
          Combustible papers in fridge’s no temperature controls
          Electrical fuse board needs testing and cables 3 double plug sockets are burnt
          out Stage dangers and needs maintenance.
          Dance stage in main hall need reconstructing No internet No telephone
          No CCTV 8 cameras not working Kitchen facilities out of date
          New 1 new PC missing a grant was issued by local authority for 8 new laptops
          No sound Equipment
          No TV facility
          Pool table Broken
          Tennis table broken

          The list went on, I agreed to come back and help out where I could, and did do so at my own
          expense, I fixed most of the listed above over time and a lot more to which I still have all the
          notes of and information relating to the contract work. I have and provide evidence of Diana hall
          manager thanking me for my help and that she had not meet any one in 15 years that she could
          trust with the keys and management of the hall and because of this she had neglected time with
          her own family in the aid of keeping the hall running for the local children and community. This
          was because she trusted me with full management of the hall under her supervision. I can
          provide the information.

          II also do not understand why PC Steven Elsmore would want to obtain more information as to
          my role at Kempe Hall and why he would speak to someone he does not know about me and
          any role I have at Kempe Hall. If the person who currently run Kempe hall was not there he
          should have asked for a number to contract her on, not gone about speaking about me to
          someone else he did not know what role they had in Kempe hall.

          PC Steve Elsmore States;
          On Sunday 23/11/2014 police stopped the following two males who were seen walking around
          an industrial estate Stockings Water Lane Enfield at 01:10 hours.
          Both males seem to be under the influence of drugs.
          On page 28 the CRIMINT reference states the other male, this has been blacked out, it also
          states that this person was living with myself Simon Cordell.

          5 Simon Cordell State;
          On the 22/11/2014 I had been at my home address with a friend named Josh who was
          homeless when my mobile phone rang a person claiming to be a police officer spoke to myself
          he called me unexpectedly it was around 23:45 hours to 00:20 hours I got the call.
          This person said they had been at my flat earlier but could not get the entrance code to my front
          door, they had returned to the police station to call me and get the door code, to which I thought
          and knew to be out of place I asked for the police officers badge number to which the person
          speaking would not give it to me, making me not believe this was a police officer I was in fact
          speaking to I would not give the door code out, on putting the phone

          Signed HHHIl Witnessed By cumuli
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