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                                      Too Smooth Entertainment

                                                   109 Burncroft Av
                                                       EN3 7JQ
                                                    07534 601032

                                         EQUIPMENT RENTAL INVOICE

           TO: (production company)  Inravewetrust Hotpage - Positive Vibrations

           RE: (name of show) Private Birthday Party Big Vibes,Dj Jammed             PROD:

           TODAY’S DATE: 20/06/2014                        INV. FOR WEEK ENDING:21/06/2014

            INV#: (if applicable)TSE122557923              PO#: (if applicable)

          Bill To:  Vance Oley_______________________________________________________________


          PHONE:___________________________               Mobile: _____________________

          ID :

           Weekly   Daily   NEGOTIATED RATE

           Detail Attached      Detail Listed Below      Inventory On File

          RENTAL ITEMS (unnecessary to itemize if inventory is on file)                     AMOUNT DUE
          2x Phonic Max 1800.                                                               £00:00
           2x 1800 Wharfdale Amplifier
          1x 3 AMP Flight Case
          2x Celestion Flatline 18in Bass Bins + Cabs.
             2x Pioneer Decks

               Deposit Taken £700.00
                                                                               To Be Paid

          Employee Signature                                                   Date 20/06/2014

          Hire Signature                                                       Date 20/06/2014

                                           Too Smooth Entertainment

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