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Simon Cordell’s Skeleton Argument (2) Pdf
               Appendix E
               Step-by-step process for anti-social behaviour orders and orders on conviction
               Process for anti-social behaviour orders
               Simon Cordell’s Skeleton Argument (2) Pdf
               Step-by-step process fur anti-social behaviour orders and orders on conviction
               Process for an order made on conviction in criminal proceedings (in the magistrates’ court or
               the Crown Court)
               Simon Cordell’s Skeleton Argument (2) Pdf
               Step-by-step process for anti-social behaviour orders (nut orders on conviction
               Simon Cordell’s Skeleton Argument (2) Pdf
               Appendix F
               Public funding for defendants
               Criminal public funding is available for any proceedings under sections 1 and 4 of the Crime
               and Disorder Act (CDA) 1998 relating to ASBOs, including interim orders, where they are
               made in the magistrates’ court or where an appeal is made in the Crown Court,
               Advocacy assistance is available for an ASBO, an interim order under section ID of the
               CDA, variation or discharge of an ASBO, or an appeal against the making of an ASBO under
               section 4 of the CDA, in accordance with the Criminal Defence Service General Criminal
               Contract, Solicitors can self-grant advocacy assistance for these matters, There are no
               financial criteria for the grant of advocacy assistance. Advocacy assistance may not be
               provided where it appears unreasonable that approval should be granted in the particular
               circumstances of the case, or where the interests of justice test, set out in Schedule 3 of the
               Access to Justice Act 1999, is not met.
               In applying this test, there is an additional factor of whether there is a real risk of
               imprisonment if an ASBO is made and subsequently breached.
               A representation order may be sought on application to the Legal Services Commission in
               respect of these proceedings. Provision for representation is made under Regulation 3(2)
               (criminal proceedings for the purposes of section 12(2)(g) of the Access to Justice Act 1999)
               of the Criminal Defence Service (General)(No.2) Regulations 2001, and Regulation 6(3) of
               the same regulations.
               An application to the Commission must be made on form CDS3.An application will be
               determined in accordance with the interests of justice criteria. The availability of advocacy
               assistance will be a relevant factor which the Legal Services Commission will take into
               account when considering the grant of rep rese n ration.
               Where an application for a representation order is refused, the Legal Services Commission
               shall provide written reasons for the refusal and details of the appeal process. The applicant
               may make a renewed application in writing to the Funding Review Committee, which may
               grant or refuse the application.
               Advocacy assistance is available for proceedings in the Crown Court, where an appeal is
               made under section 4 of the CDA. The merits test is slightly different from that on
               application for an interim or a full ASBO.
               It is based only on the general reasonableness test. Advocacy assistance may not be granted if
               it appears unreasonable that approval should be granted in the particular circumstances of the
               case. The prospects and merits of an appeal should be taken into account as well as whether
               the individual has reasonable grounds for taking the proceedings. Representation is also

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