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                                              CASE  HISTORY
                                                          24/01/2017                                                                                                              intimidated, stalked her and made a life a complete misery. He
                                                                                                                                       continuously plays loud music, bangs on her ceiling and door alleging that she is monitoring his movements in his
                                                                                                                                       flat she feels petrified by his presence and as a result refused to leave her flat for fear bumping into him on her way
               Case16175 Deborah Andrews                                                                                               out. She has missed a few appointments with her social worker as a result, she has now been subjected to making
               GENERAL Active 180days,Phone call with Perpetrator                                                                      home appointments pending the time this matter is Notes about this person   resolved. She explained that they
               Involved Persons                                                                                                        use to be acquaintances
               CLIENT (VICTIM)Ms Deborah Andrews                                                                                                                                  before the relationship went sour. She believes the whole
                 Relationship to Cases                     Client (Victim) in ASB Case 16175                                                                                      problem started when he claimed the decoration in his flat was
                                                                                                                                                                                  damaged as a result of a leak coming from her flat. She
                 Incidents in which Person is involved     Witness:                                                                                                               confirmed that she had a leak from her overflow a few months
                                                                                                                                                                                  ago which has since been repaired but, the damage alleged
                 Current address                           113 Burncroft Avenue,Enfield,EN3 7 JQ                                                                                  had occurred.
                 Main phone                                02083500628

                 Gender                                    Female

                 DOB                                       29/07/1973
                Age band                                   35-44
                 Ethnic origin                             White UK
                Appearance                                 Female,42 yrs old.White UK,                                              iJ/09/2015:
                                                                                                                                        Sent: 23 September 2015 15:07 To:
                 Involved Persons                                                                                                       Carmel Naessens; Loretta Walsh Cc:
                 CLIENT (ACCUSED)Mr Simon Cordell                                                                                       Charles Elkington; Dawn Allen
                Relationship to Cases                      Client (Accused) in ASB Case 16175                                           Subject: | Bumcroft AGeftSe -rW                     PROTECT]
                                                                                                                                        Importance: High
                Incidents in which Person is involved      Witness:
                                                                                                                                        Classification: PROTECT New case
                Current address                           109 Burncroft Avenue.Enfield ,EN3 7 JQ

                Main phone                                020 8245 7454
                Gender                                     Male
                                                                                                                                        Ms       Bumcroft Avenue ENFIELD EN3 7JQ
                DOB                                        26/01/1981                                                                   297 07/ 1973 02083500628

                Age band                                   25-34

                Ethnic origin                             White/Black Caribbean
                                                                                                                                        Perpetrator Simone Cordell
                Notes about this person                    Home visit to Ms Deborah Andrews flat.  Attendees Dawn                       109 Burncroft Avenue ENFIELD EN3 7JQ
                                                          Allen TMO and CPN Bola Quadri Horne visit to Ms Andrews
                                                          advised that her neighbour at number 109 has for the past few
                                                           months harassed, intimidated, stalked her and made a life a
                                                          complete misery. He continuously plays loud music, bangs on
                                                          her ceiling and door alleging that she is monitoring his                     Home visit to                    flat. Attended? Dawn Allen TMO and CRN Sola Quadri
                                                           movements in his flat. She feels petrified by his presence and
                                                          as a result refused to leave her flat for fear bumping into him               Home visit to advised that her neighbour at number 109 has for the past few months harassed, intimidated, stalked
                                                          on her way out. She has missed a few appointments with her                    her and made a life a complete misery. He continuously plays loud music, bangs on her ceiling and door alleging
                                                          social worker as a result, she has now been subjected to
                                                          making home appointments pending the time this matter is                      that she is monitoring his movements in his flat. She feels petrified by his presence and as a result refused to leave
                                                          resolved.She explained that they use to be acquaintance's                     her flat for fear bumping into him on her way out. She has missed a few appointments with her social worker as a
                                                          before the relationship went sour. She believes the whole                     result, she has now been subjected to making home appointments pending the time this matter is resolved.
                                                          problem started when he claimed the  decoration in his flat
                                                          was damaged as a result of a leak coming from her flat. She                   She explained that they use to be acquaintances before the relationship went sour. She believes the whole problem
                                                          confirmed that she had a leak from her overflow a few months                  started when he claimed the decoration in his flat was damaged as a result of a leak coming from her flat. She
                                                          ago which has since been repaired but, the damage alleged
                                                          had occurred.                                                                 confirmed that she had a leak from her overflow a few months, ago which has since been repaired but, the damage
                                                                                                                                        alleged had occurred.

                                                                                                                                        Ms also recalled an incident when the perp spat in her face. It’s been one issue after the other she advised
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                                                                                                                                  Enfield Council Case History Against Me
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