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Application for Injunction                         Name of court               Claim No.                                                     7. A power of arrest is attached to paragraphs 3 to 6 above.

            (General Form)                                     EDMONTON         COUNTY
                                                                                                                                                         8. Costs in the case
                                                              Claimant's Name and Ref.                                            (6)Enter the names of all       5
                                                              THE  LONDON  BOROUGH  OF  ENFIELD  {LS/                               persons who have sworn  And that < >
                                                               157255)                                                              affidavits or signed
                                                                                                                                    statements in support of  The grounds of this application are set out in the written evidence
                                                              Defendant's Name and Ref.                                             this application    of LEMMY NW ABUISI, NEVILLE GRAY, JOHN IRVING, MARKANDU
                                                              MR SIMON CORDELL                                                    (7)Enter  the names and  MATHIY ALAGAN and GEORGE QUINTON.
                                                                                                                                    addresses of all persons
                                                              Fee Account no. 0079006                                               upon whom it is intended  sworn (signed) on 01, 02, 07 AND 08 AUGUST 2017
                                                                                                                                    to serve this application
               Notes on comoletion
                                 D By application in pending proceedings                                                                                This written evidence is served with this application.
            Tick which boxes apply and
            specify  the legislation where                                                                                                              This application is to be served upon en l\1R SIMON CORDELL
            appropriate          00 Under Statutoryprovision_Part 1 ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR C
                                 0 2014 ____________ _                                                                            (8)Enter  the full name and  This application is filed by cs>  ENFIELD COUNCIL LEGAL SERVICES
            (1 )Enter the full name of   This application is made under Part 8 of the Civil Procedure Rules                        address for service and
              the person making the                                                                                                delete as required   (the Solicitors for) the Claimant (Applicant/Petitioner)
              application                                                                                                                               whose address for service is
                                 This application raises issues under
            2)Enter the full name of  the                              D                                                                                PO BOX 50, CIVIC CENTRE, SIL VER STREET, ENFIELD, MIDDLESEX EN
              person the Injunction is to  the Human Rights Act 1998          Yes                 No
              be directed to
            (3)Set out any proposed   The Claimant < > THE LONDON BOROUGH OF ENFIELD                                                                    Sign�  �                                           Dated08AUGUST2017
              orders requiring acts to
              be done.  Delete if no  applies to the.court for an injunction order in the following terms:
             mandatory order is sought.                                                                                                       To*
            {4)Set out here the proposed   The Defendant < >  MR SIMON CORDELL                                                                of                              This section to be completed by the court
              terms of the injunction
             order (if the defendant is a  must < >                                                                              Name and     This. application will be heard by the (District) Judge
                                                                                                                                 address of the
             limited company delete                                                                                              person       at
              the wording in brackets                                                                                            application is
             and insert 'whether by its   1. Permit the Claimant's employees and contractors access into 109 Burncrof            directed to   on             the         day of                  20            at         o'clock
             servants, agents, officers   Avenue, Enfield, EN3 7JQ to carry out routine maintenance inspections and
             or otherwise').
                                 necessary repairs within 48 hours of written notification.                                                   If you do not attend at the time shown the court may make an injunction ord�r in your absence
            (S)Set out here any further
             terms asked for including                                                                                                        If you do not fully understand this application you should go to a Solicitor, Legal Advice Centre or a Citizens' Advice Bureau
             provision for costs  2. Keep his dog on a lead in communal areas outside his property.
                                 The Defendant  MR SIMON CORDELL
                                 be forbidden (whether by himself or by instructing or encouraging or permitt
                                 any other person) < >

                                 3. From engaging or threatening to engage in conduct that is likely to cause pJ
                                 violence and verbal abuse to the Claimant's employees, tenants and visitors to
                                 block of flats at Burncroft A venue, Enfield.

                                 4. From engaging or threatening to engage in conduct that is likely to cause
                                 intimidation, harassment, alarm and distress to the Claimant's employees, tell
                                 and visitors to the block of flats at Burncroft A venue, Enfield.

                                 5. From engaging or threatening to engage in conduct that is likely to cause
                                 nuisance and annoyance to the Claimant's employees, tenants and visitors to t
                                 block of flats at Burncroft A venue� Enfield.

                                 6. From using his pet dog to frighten, intimidate or threaten violence to the
                                 Claimant's employees; tenants and visitors of the block of flats at Burncroft
                                 Avenue, Enfield.

            The court office at
            is open between 1 Oam and 4pm Mon - Fri.  When corresponding with the court. please address all fonns and letters to the Court Manager and quote the claim n
            NI 6A General fonn of application for injunction (05 .14)
            This fonn is reproduced. from is subject to Crown copyright protection.  Contai public sec1
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