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2.2.1 Anti-social behaviour, nuisance and noise disturbance.
                                                                                                                                               will  take  action  and  give  written  notice  asking  you  to  remove  it/them  from  your
                     We will  consider ail legal remedies  available  to us  to deal with  anti-social behaviour,                              home.
                     domestic  abuse,  harassment,  rate  crime,  nuisance,  gang  activity  and  other  criminal
                     activity where this is supported by sufficient evidence.                                                                  It is very important that we meet with you to discuss these very serious allegations
                                                                                                                                               and give you the opportunity to respond to them.  I have therefore arranged for you
                     If we take legal  action,  we will ask the  court to give us  an  order against you  for the
                     legal costs we have incurred.                                                                                             to meet with  me at  the Civic  Centre,  Silver  Street,  Enfield,  EN1  3XY at 2pm  on
                                                                                                                                               Tuesday, 6 December 2016 to discuss this matter.  Please ask to see Mr  Lemmy
                     Condition  10.  You  must  not  act  in  any  way  which  causes,  or  is  likely  to  cause,  a                          Nwabuisi from the ASB Team,  Community Safety  Unit at the reception when you
                     nuisance or annoyance or is anti-social.                                                                                  get to the Civic Centre.

                     Condition  11.  You  must  install  any  radio  and/or  video  equipment  or  carry  out  any                             Yours Sincerely
                     physical measures to respond to any nuisance or anti-social behaviour which you are
                     suffering from without first consulting us,
                                                                                                                                               Lemmy Nwabuisi
                     2.2.3 Harassment and hate crime.                                                                                          ASB Team
                     Condition  16. You  must  not  harass  or threaten  to  harass  anyone  because  of  their
                     age,  colour,  culture,  disability,  ethnic origin,  gender,  gender reassignment,  HIV status,
                     nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation or for any reason.

                     2.2.6 Other unacceptable behaviour

                     Condition  21.  You  must  not  abuse,  harass,  make  offensive  comments  and/or
                     malicious  allegations,  use  or  threaten  to  use  violence  against  any  of  our  officers  or
                     agents,  or  against  a  councillor.  This  applies  at  any  time  and  in  any  place.  We  may
                     report the matter to the police.

                     2.15 Pet(s) and animal(s)
                     Condition  76. You  have  the right to  keep one  pet,  or animal  such  as  a  cat,  a  dog,
                     small  bird,  fish,  non-poisonous  insect,  spider,  small  snake  or  lizard,  rabbit,  hamster,
                     guinea pig,  mouse,  gerbil or domestic rat as long as they do not cause damage to the
                     property, or nuisance or annoyance to anyone in your locality-

                     Condition  81.  If  your  pet(s)  or  animal(s)  is/are  causing  a  nuisance,  annoyance  or
                     disturbance to others,  or is/are being treated inappropriately or cruelly, we

                                                                                                                                   IMPORTANT - Enfield residents should register for an online Enfield Connected account Enfield Connected puts man
                                                                                                                                     Council services in ore place,  speeds up your payments and saves you lime - to set up your account today go to

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