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2.  I make this Witness Statement in support of the Claimant’s application for committal as the

           Defendant is in breach of the Injunction Order with Power of Arrest made against him In the

           County Court at Edmonton on 9  August 2017.

       3.  The Defendant’s abusive behaviour towards my family and I stopped for some time after the

           Claimant  obtained the injunction against  him although  he continued to make general
           comments towards us whenever he sees me or my wife entering or leaving the block.

       4.  On 11   November  2017 between 11:30am and 12pm, my wife was at home when the
           Defendant came up to our front door, opened the letterbox and peeped through it to see who

           was inside our flat. He started swearing and shouting abuse and banging on the door as soon

           as he saw my wife. He then ran down stairs when my wife went to get her mobile phone to
           record the incident. My wife telephoned the police and reported the incident, CAD No. 3230 of

           11/11/17. The police attended about two hours later, went and spoke to the Defendant and

           came informed my wife that he denied coming to our front door,

       5.  On 2  January 2018 at 6:30pm, my wife was inside our flat trying to assemble a cupboard that
           we bought from Ikea. Our three-year-old daughter and my cousin who was asleep at the time
           were also in the flat. Suddenly my wife heard someone banging on our front door and she

           went to the door with her phone and overheard the Defendant shouting that there was noise

           coming from our flat.  My wife told him that  she was trying to  assemble  a cupboard but  he

           called  her a liar and  accused her of deliberately banging  on the floor. The Defendant then
           stood outside our front door for more than twenty minutes swearing and shouting abuse at my


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