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From: Lorraine Cordell []
             Sent: 20 November 2014 16:48
             To: 'rachelbarker@broadsuredirect. com'
             Cc: 'martinj enkin@broadsuredirect com'
             Subject: RE: REF: 00-COSX14MT07-ID<80> OpenAttach Documents
             Dear Rachel and Martin

             I am writing this email as I said on the phone the other day to you there is big problems with Simon Licence due to KGM
             I do not have counterpart issue 21 Simon lost it ages ago.
             Due to KGM and all the times Simon vehicles was sized due to then showing as not insured Simon cannot even drive as
             his licence has been revoked for no insurance. Which as you are aware, he was in fact insured.
             As I said, no summons came for 2 of the seizer so we did not know about them going to court and they found him guilty
             of no insurance when in fact he was insured the reason we found out was DVLA wrote to us asking for Simon Licence to
             be sent to them to add the points, these 2 cases I am asking the court to set them aside, and reopen the cases in the email
             to the court I have sent a copy of Simon insurance. But the 2 courts are taking their time about it to do anything or set a
             new date.

             We got one summons out of the 3 cases that I am trying to deal with and sent that off saying not guilty I done this by
             email also and sent a copy of insurance but this is the case where the police officer spoke to KGM and Martin to which
             both said he was in fact insured then the police officer said Simon had tools in his van which he did not and KGM was
             going to void his insurance due to this Martin is well aware of this one and so is Kelly Tiller at KGM I have asked both
             KGM doe data about this and also Martin to write an email about this but none has done this as I have had not repose to
             what I asked.
             There is also the fact no letter come from the court with a date this was going to be heard, this case is listed to be heard at
             court on the 26/11/2014.
             Therefore, as you can see due to KGM and Simon insurance not showing on the MID database this has had a huge impact
             on Simon if I could apply for a new Licence I would but due to it being revoked I cannot get this. Therefore, the
             counterpart you need cannot be dealt with until all of this goes to court and is sorted and this is no fault of Simon’s.
             Simon licence at this time due to the no insurance will have points on it due to the no insurance this is a mess due to what
             KGM done with Simon insurance, I have kept asking for things to send the court but have had nothing, so ATM Simon
             has insurance and cannot even drive. Which in itself is totally wrong.
             I am also at this time writing a letter to the insurance ombudsman as it has gone too far Simon losing his licence when in
             fact he did have insurance and it did not matter how many times we called Martin and KGM the MID database was not
             corrected, until the compound noticed what was wrong and then we forwarded this information over to Martin and KGM,
             at this point KGM did in fact sort his car out on the database but not his van this did not happen for some months after due
             to us keeping on about it to KGM. And it was all due to a space being placed in the database within the reg of the
             vehicles. Simon ATN is out of packet by a lot of money due to the sizers and also due to paying for insurance that he
             cannot even use now due to this mess which is not right.
             I do not know how this is going to be dealt with as I cannot send you the document you are asking for Broadsure knows
             my son has a licence as Simon has been using Broadsure for the past 3 or 4 years can you please get back to me about this
             matter as you said you would talk to Martin after our last call and I have heard nothing.


             From: Rewired Rewired []
             Sent: 20 November 2014 13:59
             Subject: Fw: REF: 00-COSX14MT07-ID<80> OpenAttach Documents

             On Tuesday, 18 November 2014, 15:43, Rachel <> wrote:

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