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I even went up to Debbie’s door to try and speak with her, she asked who was at the door and
             I said I was Simon mum and would like to speak to her to try and sort the issue out what was
             going on, that if we spoke maybe we could sort this out, she just started shouting so many
             things at me and sounded drunk, I left and went down to my son flat and said she would not
             speak to me, I was there around 3 hours after that and Debbie did not bang once or doing
             anything, yet the 2 hours I was there before going up to her flat to speak to her the banging
             was ongoing and was making my son so upset we could not do the work I was there for that
             is why I went up to speak to her.

             I believe my son has been to her door 2 times and ask her to stop well he begged her to stop
             She just started shouting and then called the police, one of these times my son friend Katie
             was there, and heard what Debbie was doing and spoke to the police when they came to my
             son door.

             Katie goes to my son’s flat a lot along with a friend called Nash and a few other people each
             of these people have heard what Debbie is doing.

             Debbie has been to my son’s door more then once when Katie has been at my son’s flat
             offering my son cans of alcohol which my son refused as he does not drink, and asking my
             son for money and other things.

             So please don’t make this out as if it is my son that is causing the problem here as that is how
             you made him feel yesterday.

             We are the ones who put the reports in from around a year ago yet you have done nothing to
             support my son the 1  time you even went to see him was the 15/10/15 yet you been out to
             see Debbie, and seem to have given her support. Yet each time I told the council how ill this
             is making my son, where is his support?

             Am I of the understand you said to my son that you believe Debbie has feelings for my son
             and this is the reason you believe Debbie is acting the way in which she is. My son has never
             acted in a way to make Debbie think my son had any interest in her, he has only every helped
             his neighbours, which is the type of person my son is. Has Debbie said she has feeling for my
             son? And as Debbie has already attacked my son unprovoked is he in any harm from a next

             This is making my son ill, but you don’t care about how ill this is making my son do you or you
             would have addressed the issue when contact was made with the council about this issue.

             You have said you are moving Debbie back in, but what has been done to the so called
             feelings you think Debbie has got for my son have they just gone away?

             We know Debbie has mental heath issues and she is an alcoholic, and that she needs help,
             but I am sorry this is making my son ill and something does need to be done as it has been
             going on to long now and you have done nothing.

             My son has lived in his flat even before Debbie moved there and he has never caused a
             problem. In fact he has only ever tried to help his neighbours.

             I would like to know what has been done to address this and what is being done to help my
             son. I do not think you have addressed this in the correct manner, and I feel that you feel
             Debbie needs more support due to her being vulnerable, but have you asked if my son is
             vulnerable what heath conditions he has nope you have not and I feel it is due to him being a
             male and Debbie a female, I feel as if you think males cant be vulnerable.


             Lorraine Cordell
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