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8/6/2017                                             Print

            Subject: Thank you for your email.
            From:    Licensing (

            Date:    Monday, 15 February 2016, 11:50

           Thank you for contacting the Licensing Team. If your query relates to any of the following, please select the
           hyperlink which will direct you to the information you may require:

                  Ø  Licensed premises/person informaƟon: InformaƟon on acƟviƟes, Ɵmes, current licence and licence holder
                  informaƟon and pending applicaƟons, click here

                  Ø  Licensing Act 2003 applicaƟon forms:  New, VariaƟon, Personal licence, Transfer, Vary DPS, Temporary Event
                  NoƟce and Minor VariaƟon applicaƟon forms, Click here

                  Ø  All other licence applicaƟon forms: e.g. Gambling, LoƩery, Explosives, Special Treatment, Tables & Chairs etc.
                  Click here

                  Ø  Licence fees: Click here

                  Ø  Licensing Sub-CommiƩee meeƟngs:  Browse agendas and minutes. Click here

           How to pay:

           (1) Payment by card – Telephone (LICENSING ACT ANNUAL FEES ONLY)

           To pay by debit or credit card, please telephone 020 8379 1000, state which licence you wish to pay for and
           quote your reference (if applicable) - WK/xxxxxxxxx.

           Please email to advise of payment made.

           (2) Payment by card - Website
           To pay by debit or credit card, please access the Council’s website via this link, PAY BY CARD, confirm which
           licence you wish to pay for and quote your reference (if applicable) - WK/xxxxxxxxx.

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