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P. 274
From: Lorraine Cordell []
Sent: 16 June 2017 15:46
To: 'Revenues And Benefits'
Subject: RE: S Cordell Benefit Claim 497630 55508596
Attachments: DWPLetterMandatorydated12052017.pdf; Simon_Cordell_authority_Letter16
Dated: 16/06/2017
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing this email in regards to the letter dated 18/05/2017 with notification of suspension of my benefit.
I am writing this email on behalf of my son Mr Simon Cordell due to his mental heath issues.
I believe from reading the letter that you have made the suspension of my benefit due to Mr Cordell's DWP
benefits stopping.
The DWP did stop his benefits due to an error, but they have been reinstated without a break, please see the
attached letter from the DWP.
I have also attached a letter confirming I Miss L Cordell is allowed to deal with any issues for my son Mr S
Cordell, which should already be on Enfield Councils systems.
Could you please get back to me as soon as possible with regard to this issue.
Miss Cordell