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You, the tenant, are responsible for the behaviour of anyone, including your children, living in or
             visiting your home. This means That you must ensure that they must not act in breach of any of these
             conditions Also, you must not encourage them to act in such a way. This applies in the property, in
             communal and surrounding areas, any property belonging to the council and
             or/ anywhere within Enfield borough.”

             Condition 10
             “You must not act in any way which causes, or is likely k) cause, a nuisance or annoyance or is

             Condition 21
             “You must not abuse, harass, make offensive comments and/or malicious allegations, use or threaten
             to use violence against any of our officers or agents, or against a councillor. This applies at any time
             and in any place. We may report the matter to the Police.”

             As to Ground 1
             Condition 31
             “You must take care not to cause damage to your property or the property of your neighbours.”

             Condition 33
             “You must keep the inside of your property clean and in reasonable decorative order."

             Condition 34
             “You must not use the property in any way that may cause a health or safety
             hazard or encourage vermin and/or pests (for example, by hoarding items .

             Condition 44
             “You must obtain our prior written permission before carrying out any alterations, Improvements or
             structural work to the property. You may need to obtain other permissions such as planning permission
             or building regulations approval.”

             Condition 53
             “You must keep the inside of the property, the fixtures and fittings and all glass in the property in good
             repair during the tenancy.”


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