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P. 309
Are there any dates or times that work best for you?
Kind regards
Jamie Newman | Serious Misconduct Investigation Unit (SMIU) | Directorate of Professional Standards |
MetPhone 786675 | Telephone 0207 161 6675 | Email
Address Empress State Building, 22nd Floor, Lillie Road, London, SW6 1TR
'Setting the bar and upholding standards without fear or favour’
From: Lorraine Cordell []
Sent: 11 June 2017 11:25
To: Newman Jamie M ‐ HQ Directorate of Professional Standards <>
Subject: RE: PC/6804/13
Dear Jamie Newman
Maybe it could be good to meet up and go over everything, before you deal with the report.
From: []
Sent: 09 June 2017 17:26
Subject: PC/6804/13
Hello Lorraine,
I have reviewed the original investigation and associated material and wonder if you or Mr Cordell would find
it useful to meet with me before I commence my report? Or are you happy that your appeal letter and
subsequent IPCC appeal outcome covers everything?
N.B. I hope to submit my report by the end of July.
I appreciate this matter has been ongoing for some time, for that I apologise.
Kind regards
Jamie Newman | Serious Misconduct Investigation Unit (SMIU) | Directorate of Professional Standards |
MetPhone 786675 | Telephone 0207 161 6675 | Email
Address Empress State Building, 22nd Floor, Lillie Road, London, SW6 1TR
'Setting the bar and upholding standards without fear or favour’
From: Newman Jamie M ‐ HQ Directorate of Professional Standards
Sent: 08 May 2017 15:23
To: '' <>
Subject: PC/6804/13
Hello Lorraine,
I hope this email finds you well.