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P. 360


           Dear Lemmy Nwabuisi,
           I am sorry for the short notice but we will not be able to attend the council meeting tomorrow 26/07/2017 at 14:00 hours
           the reason is we are indexing all the dates in your possession order, this is taking time due to there being mostly no times
           and some there is no dates just a month listed and there is so much to go over there is hours and hours of information we
           need to go over. There is also a great deal of emails that have to be printed off and other information.
           I wonder if it will be possible for you to get some information as to the days that are missing and times. I believe a person
           putting in complaints would at least know what sort of time of day this happened and what day.
           I would like to have everything in order and indexed and easy to go over so, as much detail as possible would be great.
           This will save a great deal of time for us and you.
           I would like to have everything in order and easy to go over so, as much detail as possible would be great.
           Please see the list of dates below and the information needed.

           Dates of Breaches:

           6th July 2016:
           Would it please be possible to get a time frame for this, also on what date and time it was reported to Enfield council and
           log of it being entered into the database?

           July 2016:

           Would it please be possible to get a date and time frame for this, also on what date and time it was reported to Enfield
           council and log of it being entered into the database?

           I believe if this really did happen and the person was left with no electric to their flat, they would have had to call an
           electrical contractor to fix this so should have the information regarding this. I do not think they would leave themselves
           with no electricity to their flat so would have tried to sort this right away. So should have the date and time frame for this
           and electrical contractor details.

           I do not believe it is right to blame someone when there is no proof that person has done anything wrong which he has
           not. The code for the main door has been the same for over 15 years and due to the time the code being used by the
           tenants at the block to go in the numbers have faded so anyone can see the numbers to get the code for the main door, this
           has been done many times there have been people smoking in the block and taking drugs who does not live there in the
           main section of the communal area of the block. There have even been items taken from the block even 111 had their
           charismas tree taken.

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