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P. 396
From: Lorraine Cordell []
Sent: 31 August 2017 17:42
To: ''
Subject: RE: urgent D02ED073
Attachments: D02ED073CountryCourtLetterDated24082017.pdf
To Whom It May Concern:
After a call made to the court today regarding the attached letter from the court dated 24/08/2018 Claim number
D02ED073 before Deputy District Judge Perry I have been asked to write this email.
On the 21/08/2017 when we were last in court Deputy District Judge Perry asked for the case not to be reheard
until 28 days thereafter and that maybe this can be worked out between the parties.
As I explained to the Judge we were in the process of getting a date to see a solicitor in this matter we have not
been able to get to see one until today 31/08/2017 Shepherd and Harris & Co. at 15:00 hours, who are now
putting an application in for legal aid, as my son is not well enough to deal with this case on his own and does
need a solicitors to act on his behalf as there are many issues within Enfield Council case. There is going to be
a large amount of paper work which will prove this.
I have also emailed Enfield Council with the view of trying to set up a meeting, as throughout this Enfield Council
has not had one meeting with my son to address the issues he was having going way back before any
complaints was put in about my son.
I am asking if the new date of 14/09/2017 could be extended so we can have the meetings with the solicitors and
get all the paperwork and video and audio information we have and statements as to what the issues are within
this case together.
We did believe that we would have had just over 28 days to be able to do this, as this is what the judge ordered,
but it seems the date is before the 28 days we were thinking we had to get everything in order, and due to the
time it has taken to have a 1st meeting with the solicitors the date of the 14/09/2017 gives us very little time to
see if legal aid is granted and get this put in place. And have time to address the issues of concern in this case
with the solicitors.
I hope this issues can be dealt with and the date can be extended, If a reply can be made via this email I would
be most grateful
Miss Lorraine Cordell
Mr Simon Cordell