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There is always a start: -
               As a further true result towards the facts of events that have taken place in my life, I can state
               with honesty that I can remember the occurrences within the mentioned incidents within this
               report very well. While living next doors to Stan, I kept my life “quiet” as I prefer a private
               life and at around the same time of living in my new home I would always hear the sound of
               laughter drifting up and down and around my housing estate, this was in the first few years of
               moving in, the mentioned sound of laughter was always coming from outside in the street
               “the Sound of Safe Children Playing” making me welcome in this new home town.

                                                       Chapter 18

               In the events of my past occurrences while living on my estate: --
               I can remember making my first ever mistake, while living on my housing estate, what
               acutely happened on this occasion did take place on a hot sunny day, that then took place in
               the middle of summer, I was driving back home when I made an error and clipped another car
               wing mirror, this was unfortunate to happen, I think that I did put a note with my details on
               their window and that is how we latter chatted about it. The car that got involved, had got
               parked down my hometown street, I soon later found out the owner of this car was to be a
               Miss Christine, who is a close friend to Stan Curtis.

                                                       Chapter 19

               Once I moved into my home in the year of 2006: --
               I noticed the sound proofing issues with the premises, pretty fast as they are too impulsive
               and in turn cause an intrusion of my private and family life! this is as they are inadequate to
               fair living standards and are in fact so bad that each housing resident can hear each other's
               conversation, I know that  the council rented homes are not up to the correct ISO standards,
               this has now also got agreed by the council housing estate manager in writing Sarah Fletcher!
               That past summer now, somehow, back then, seemed to be one of the happier moments in my
               life. I and my first civil partner found our self’s sleeping every night when she stayed at my
               flat: -- in the front room. My next-door neighbour Ozzie had a good friend of ours both who
               used to live with him and this friend got gained thought the first years of meeting them both
               together, this friend stayed in the bedroom, what is next doors to my bedroom and was the
               reason for me and my partner sleeping in the front room. We sleep in the front room as it was
               a lot easier to sleep with just Ozzie beside us, as for the noise his made in the front room
               towards us was a lot less disturbing! Me and my partner decided to close the door to our own
               bedroom, until the noise issues could get resolved! No matter what room we went into we
               could not get no peace of mind due to the bad sound instillation within the flats! After many
               different conversations with my civil partner to how this was having an effect on our way of
               life, we approached Ozzie as he was then our close friend, we used to relax on occasions and
               have a general chat, so, knowing this made me believe that I could talk to him and he would
               understand mine and my partners concerns and treat them with resect! And as for a matter of
               fact and subsequently, at the first consultation with Ozzie, it did get agreed by him that his
               flat mate our friend, would move out and into his own place of residence, but this did not
               happen in all of our conversations over the years to come. In all honesty, it took the time of
               over five and a half years’ and notably, once I and my first civil partner broke up after
               making several numerous of additional requests, with no luck in Ozzie respecting our
               requests and this happened at mine and my partners down full, after we spoke many times I
               believe Ozzie started to really understand how this was having an effect on our life’s but he
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