Page 54 - 1. 2012 New 26-05-21 No Table
P. 54
Chapter 74
Stopped by Police!
Issues with My Neighbours and Housing Disrepair!
Working on My Website!
• Disrepair!
• Debra!
• Stopped by Police.
Driving Ban (1)
• Time Spent Building.
My Company: --
Stopped by Police.
Driving Ban!
Life could make you cry, yet again, I am telling the truth the police kept pulling me over: --
In this point of my life, I managed to still stay happy and in my thoughts; I was as innocent as
a true; “Jubilant British Child.” From me describing my first arrival at Burncroft Avenue, I
would say Life to me was pretty average to myself and others, in this time period the
police had been pulling me over where-ever on a regular basis, but what was going on
seemed to still be manageable. When I got home, I reminisced on the bad incident, what did
take place while I went out. I can visualize and now document down what happened to me: I
got stopped by the police on the
I was yet again harassed. My vehicle showed up in error on the police Database stating I did
not have any insurance to drive, but I really did have the correct insurance policy in place at
the time. Police later created a case out of the on goings of the incident and took the case to
court, this got said to get done by government officials via a summons, what I did not receive.
In applying to have the case reopened, I did get justice and as a further, consequence to this
meant I won the case and this became apparent a few months after the problem aroused, but
even so, this was not until I noticed this case existed; In the final stages of this case I did
finally managed to sort the issues out in the police’s ongoing case, against me, by showing
my insurance policy to the judge at the courthouse, so in this instance, towards my person I
was adjacent to, a fine and points that did take place against my person, in turn causing me to
suffer and this incident caused me wrongful punishments of expense, out of my life, to partly
explain some of my expenses this incident got placed as an offence onto my driving licence,
in an effect; causing a driving ban to persist. I latter did have the conviction removed, and the
inducements redacted from my driving licence, but this case also caused me other additional
wrongful losses out of my life.
Debbie Came to my flat asking to borrow money in the sum of £20, when intoxicated with
drink and her vocabulary was that off slurred speech, she stayed reasonably polite: the money
got granted to her that she asked for.
At the Time: 03:00 pm