Page 107 - 2. 2013 New 26-05-21 No Table
P. 107

Possibly identical to Suspect

                 CAJT Subject No:

                 Names Case Class:
                 Surname Used:                  CORDELL
                 Forenames Used:                Simon Paul
                 PNC Surname:                   CORDELL
                 PNC Forename:                  Simon Paul

                 Maiden Name:
                 Alias Surname Alias Forenames Nickname Info Markers

                 Do you want to create an       Y
                 Accused record?
                 Accused Created:               07/04/2013 17:03
                 Accused No:                    1
                 PNC Status:                    K
                 CRO Result:
                 PNC Result:                    97/99378V
                 Suspect considers they have a   N
                 Disability Category:           Warning Signal
                 Type:                          On PNC
                 Created by:                    PC 466HT/224810 C SCOTT
                 Date/Time:                     07/04/2013 17:02

                 Last Updated by:

                 Personal Details Age:          32
                 Date of Birth:                 26/01/1981
                 App // Age or from:            32
                 Sex:                           M
                 Ethnic Appearance:             3

                 Birth Place:                   Enfield
                 Nationality:                   UNITED KINGDOM
                 Classified Ethnicity:          B9 Black - Any other Black

                 Height Metric:                 6’0"
                 Imperial:                      183
                 Estimated To:                  F
               Date: 13/08/2014 11:45
               Page 13 of 32
               CRIS Live
               Data Protection Act –
               Dispose of As Confidential Waste
               PC SJ ELSMORE 752YE 206372
                 CR:               4208625/13
                 Cr Type:          B Notifiable/MPS/
                 Other:            N-l
                 Status:           D
                 Press:            N
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