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The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue:
               43 Lorraine Cordell_RE_ Advance information on Simon's case_ (2)
               / Page Numbers: 102,103,104
               From: Lorraine Cordell []
               Sent: 16 July 2013 18:05
               To: 'JOSEPHINE WARD'
               Subject: RE: Advance information on Simon's case
               Attachments: Woolwich Bail.jpg
               Hi Jose
               Look really sorry to bother you on holiday, I tried to get Michael to deal with this, but he seemed to
               get very upset. Today we went to Woolwich crown court; the judge did not leave the curfew as you
               said they may not have when we last talked. But the bail conditions were sorted as far as I was aware,
               curfew with doorstep as before. I even got the guy that was sent to get the bail printed out for me
               which I will add to this email. I later today called Serco to make sure the tag had been lifted but again
               they told me the court had again said he was on tag, so I called the court and I got a rude lady who
               said well that’s the order I have in front of me when I told her what I had she then replied that well
               you need to get your solicitors to re list it. I told her that was why it was listed for today, but she was
               still being rude and unhelpful. After I called the office and talked to someone and they called the guy
               that come to court for Simon, he also told your office it was doorstep. I was told that due to us having
               the letter from the court that Simon should not let the tag go on. Worried this was when I called
               Michael to be honest, he did not seem to care and said something I was not happy with. He said this
               was your case and he was fucking going to email you to find out what the fuck was going on. I told
               him not to that you were on holiday he said that does not matter you and your husband are not getting
               on and you would be happy for the email. I am not hiding the way in which Michael talked to me in
               fact he was just trying to say tell Simon to put the tag on as it did not matter. And really, I think he
               was thinking that it was a tag from the start as I sure he was not hearing me right. Should I tell Simon
               to put the Tag on or not as far as Simon said when I told him what Woolwich had done, he said he
               was not going to let them put the tag on this is causing me so much headache. And I know they will
               just arrest him like they tried to do the other day. So, I don’t know what to do for the best. But I am
               really not happy how Michael talked to me. I am sorry to have to email you on holiday this should be
               some time to enjoy yourself and you do need that with the hours you do.
               From: JOSEPHINE WARD [Mail]
               Sent: 15 July 2013 17:12
               To: Lorraine Cordell
               Subject: RE: Advance information on Simon's case
               Simons case listed tomorrow for bail clarification.
               On Jul 15, 2013 12:58 PM,
               Lorraine Cordell
     > wrote:
               As for the Q and A records from PC Almy there is a lot he has lied about. Simon did say to him that
               he brought a job lot of 5 chairs and 5 gazebos this is a fact. But he also said the Gazebo that was in his
               garden was brought from focus along with another thing he got for his kitchen. Also, none of the PC
               have said that me and Sheila was at the address we got there just after Simon let the police in this
               should have been noted and has not by any officer. I know they are meant to ask and note anyone that
               comes to the address when they are there. As for the Nokia phone I was the one that told the police I
               got it from Tesco for Simon. Also, no colleagues secured the dog Simons put the dog out before he let
               the police in. Also if you look at PC Almy statement where he said Simon was going to set the dog on
               them, then look at PC golden you see that both are saying something else if it was the case Simon had
               said he was going to set the dog on them it would have been in both statements. As should have been
               all the Q and A from PC Almy statements why is it the case all this is only listed on 1 statement when
               all officers should have heard what was said. We also have the receipt from the guy at the party, I
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