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unfortunately, I do not have any control over this. The options therefore available to you are as
               (1) Attend the festival during the curfew hours and then go home
               (2) Apply to the court to vary the electronic curfew and request that the court do not disclose details of
               your criminal history or current court case. However, Mr Lawrence may well wonder why an enquiry
               has been made
               (3) Do not make any application and take your chances - this is not advised as you will be arrested for
               breaching your bail and there is a high risk of remand to prison until the conclusion of your case.
               (4) Discuss the matter with Omar Lawrence beforehand so that he is aware, and he can confirm this in
               the email to the court. The risk with this is that he may use you for this festival but may seek an
               alternative resource next year.
               (5) The final option of course is not to make the application and attend in person during your curfew
               hours and get an alternative person who you trust to look after your equipment overnight on
               25th August 2013
               This option allows you to retain the potential for further contracts via your company, ensures that
               future clients are not aware of your previous criminal history and will also safeguard any future
               contracts with Enfield Council. Clearly this is a matter that you need to consider very carefully and
               weigh up the pros and cons of each option. I am aware how important this festival is to you and your
               business. If you decide to make the application to vary bail, then I will need the following from you
               15th August 2013:
               1. Letter from Omar Lawrence that you are hired for the festival. I will need this information by
               15th August
               as the court and CPS will require 5 days to agree the matter administratively, failing which I will ask
               for a fixed hearing on
               23rd August 2013
               I await your instructions with regards to the above matter. I have confirmed to your mother that I will
               require your instructions in writing. Should you have any questions then please do not hesitate to
               contact me.
               PS I will endeavor to send all other emails from trash box. Your mother has copies on her system.

               The Enfield Gov / Email’s Issue:
               151. JOSEPHINE WARD _Bail variation
               / Page Numbers: 350,
               From: JOSEPHINE WARD []
               Sent: 11 August 2013 14:05
               To: Lorraine Cordell;
               Subject: Bail variation
               Lorraine / Simon
               Further to me earlier email I have now emailed the court, cps and instructed advocate with the request
               to remove the reporting condition. Once I am in receipt of the information requested earlier then I will
               also endeavour to get the curfew either suspended or extended for
               26th August 2013
               but I will require the email confirming the booking for
               26th August 2013
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